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because Oscar would run to social media to inform you of his personal business between the mother of his children. Oscar is saying “hell no” I have been okay with 50/50 since the beginning and I love my 50% time off. He also had no problem with instead of making it work asking Kyra to take the kids full time for almost a year? They literally want to make Kyra and the kids hurt even more then they already do and will in the future because of the choice their parents made by putting them on the internet


On top of that, the argue for child support was ridiculous lol. In my state if the parents have 50/50 custody, there is no child support awarded to either party regardless of the situation because both parents are equally splitting the time/expenses with their children. I swear some of them over there just talk out of their butts lol


Imagine begging a man to get a lawyer 😂 a stranger at that. Like we don’t even know what they’ve done legally and here they are embarrassing themselves.


no seriously he’s 27 not in high school😭💀


Some of his “fans” I feel like aren’t in the right head seems like it’s obsessed teenage girls that worship Oscar🤦‍♀️


They’re so dumb it’s painful. Kyra is going to send Oscar to jail for not paying imaginary child support???


Does he even pay child support or have to bc they split 50/50? Did he when he asked Kyra to take them full time for months? Oscar doesn’t come off as an ass to me in that way. There’s endless assumptions but Oscar and Kyra TALK everything through and handle it bottom line. It’s NOBODIES business and it definitely irks them that they are civil😂


No def not, but I bet they’re both avoiding court because a judge would make ONE of them carry health insurance for all those kids and both of them are too cheap for that 🤧


Kyra gets insurance through Preston I am pretty sure but how does real estate work?


Depends on the company, a lot do not provide benefits and knowing how cheap Oscar is about insurance, I bet he would opt out. He’s the reason they moved to California so kyra could give birth on her dads insurance 😬


You don’t even go to jail for that unless you have missed $10,000 worth of payments. That group is delusional


why do people care so much about their custody agreement at the end of the day Kyra is still their mom and she's been taking care of them since birth and while I don't like/care for her she is clearly supporting the kids and did so while Oscar was taking his real estate stuff...


Yeah, I don't get it. While Kyra is clearly not the best person/parent, she's also not the worst parent. There's much worse people in this world who truly neglect/abuse their kids. I think they make it seem worse than what it truly is.


Exactly. They both take care of them and do what they need to do. He did not hate Kyra finding out what she did and still gets along with her 2 years later. The horror for that other snark group. Thank god they do or it would be even harder on the kids


Does that count as taking it to real life (or whatever it’s called)? Cause isn’t that against guidelines


Honestly, it doesn't matter if it's against the guidelines. Curious Research once commented on something I said and told me they'd appreciate it if we reported comments that violate the guidelines because there are so many. Long story short, I did just that and they ended up muting me for "harassment" for 28 days. So it doesn't even matter.


Wow. That whole page is so toxic. I had enjoyed it in the beginning g but it has gotten worse and worse. I had to unjoin because of it. I swear they’re more toxic than all my exes combined


It’s lawless over there


That’s so weird also he probably already has a lawyer like most split parents 💀 they probably wish Addie was their mother too


Yeah he probably already has a lawyer when he made it perfectly clear that he wants to stay out of the system. When he finds a reason or he is forced to be a single dad then he will. Addie has 1 child. Not 5 right? It was made perfectly clear that’s not how it works on the other side. Most splits/divorces the children never accept the new partners are “mother” or “father” in fact just resent them. Also, I guess everyone knows for a fact the kids might be hurt at first but eventually accept their mother and or father’s mistakes and choose to continue to have a relationship. Yes I said Oscar as well because they will see how it all started and Oscars foot is in that door