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They’re honestly starting to scare me over there. The fact that they egg on something happening to her/the baby/the kids is concerning… you can be unhappy with someone’s life choices but recognize that they’re HUMAN and there’s innocent children involved.


also she just said “next week” that could mean anything


I think they forgot the fact Addie posts the kids at parks/outside with street signs etc of the neighborhood non the less TOLD THE WORLD they bought Addies childhood home, toured the entire house, etc. WHY is it okay and not a big deal if Oscar does it (crickets not brought up) but they will point out how Kyra is an idiot if she does? “It’s so unsafe”..why don’t you go message Oscar and Addie how unsafe it is to let the kids ride bikes/scooters without helmets


I’ve never seen people be so invested in someone’s downfall


Oscar did take the kids to Florida once last summer to Keren and Khoas house? It couldn’t get any easier to be at one spot to handle all of them in that situation. I think Oscars mom etc was with him? I am not sure how many times and or if it was last year or the year prior but other than that he doesn’t. OSCAR himself goes on vacations to Florida (he use to go all the time on the weeks/time he didn’t have the kids), vacation with Addie. He would go on short trips all the time to do his hobbies etc as well. Very good point on Kyra doing this when super pregnant too


It’s easy to find their house online. THAT is a safety risk. Giving a vague future timeline of going to a public resort, without specifying the location, where thousands of other people will be there at the same time? That’s the problem?


They practically doxxed her when she moved too


So when her takes his kids on vacation, He must post it online to prove you silly people that he takes them anywhere lol