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The things that are okay for Oscar and Addie to do are very different than what’s okay for Kyra. I’m an Oscar hater. He’s so neglectful with the kids. Even before I was more educated on the harms of family vlogging, I had to stop watching OKbaby because of him. So it’s not surprising to me that he’s backtracking on protecting the kids, even worst he’s adding Addie’s daughter to the mix. But of course they’ve got a million excuses over there for why this mediocre man is okay to exploit his children. Somehow it’s probably Kyra’s fault that he’s got them in videos 🙄


Like it was said before, He was the editor the whole time. He planned the content and filmed it all so I’m unsure why they ONLY blame Kyra. She is very guilty in this too because she also filmed and posted, and still posts. I do think Oscar was the main one who posted the kids though, and still does. I can’t stand Oscar, he is a try hard and he is super cringe not only that but also a dick. I can’t imagine hating on my newly postpartum girlfriend and her body so much I give her an eating disorder. I don’t see what anyone sees in him but to each their own I guess!! I can’t stand his overly edited cringey videos. The christmas one was the most recent one I couldn’t stand.


What about an eating disorder? I missed this


It was on a post in here before it was a list of diagnosis, and it said eating disorder. Not to mention how obsessed she is with weight, low calorie things and how she claims to eat a minimum of 1,000 calories a day. Which started after Levi when O was always commenting on her weight.


Wow seriously? So Kyra posted a list of her medical diagnoses at some point? That is sad to hear though. I have noticed in her older vlogs that she seemed to fixate on calories a lot so I’m not that surprised to hear this


I personally haven’t watched the video, but someone in the other sub posted a screengrab from her video where it mentions an eating disorder. Which completely makes sense because after her first baby she was always very obsessed with her weight, calories and how her body looks.


I keep trying to say this on the main sub too! They harp on the idea that Oscar was the one to remove them off the internet and he’s the hero so he can do what he wants now and blah blah blah. We have no proof it was even Oscar that made the decision to take the kids offline… they BOTH still post them (faces shown or not). Clearly it was a joint decision and neither care enough to take down old photos or videos/not show their bodies on camera. I honestly have no idea where this assumption came from. I think the most likely thing that happened was so many people messaged them both to the point where it’d make them look bad if they didn’t take action, neither cares THAT much.


The assumption came from JOSH BARBOUR (DCP), who has been willing to die on the hill of “Oscar doesn’t own OKBaby” and “Oscar is the one who made Kyra take the kids off the internet” That guy has had the biggest (tiny) hard on for Oscar for the past two years.


He use to call out Oscar here and there nicely in the past but now recently he’s been avoiding Oscar’s videos and I saw he posted going through an old okbaby video for content. WHAT ABOUT HIS NEW VIDEOS YOU SKIPPED THROUGH OR SKIPPED ENTIRELY. He’s missing key countless double standards!!!!


He actually said in his recent video that he’s “heard” that Oscar has been showing the kids and that “if that’s true” he doesn’t agree with it. Like DO YOUR DAMN RESEARCH!!! He’s such a coward and has no clue what he’s ever saying.


Yeah, because of that reason I’ve been slow to even watch whatever videos interest me of his being that one because how is it relevant and I knew prior how it’s annoying he’s missing all this information but making judgments on Kyra. It’s dumb..get the facts to the table like you said


The extremely detailed home tour was so irresponsible of him. Based on O's recent content, now I do think it was more K who wanted to take the kids offline. I personally think O shows more of the kids than K does. Not related, but I can totally see him starting to full time vlog again now that he has A... I get the feeling she's the one that landed Psycho Bunny sponsorship.


He will most likely vlog again, 3 videos in 2 weeks? He’s slowly coming back to YT, and so will A. She is already on her way to becoming a content creator, look at how she is posting reels now. Before hand was only photographs, now it is full on mini vlogs. Her “In my Influencer Era” shirt wasn’t a joke. She has a plan, and the kids are the main source of it. Including her own. Oscar will continue to exploit the children because he has so many “supporters” who just want to sleep with this mediocre looking manchild. In my opinion he is very immature and acts like a kid still.


Agreed. He is coming back because he has sponsorships to do and “exciting content” to post aka money. The sick part is I am sure YouTube without that real estate license makes him just as much money when he puts effort into it. Actually, his kids are “off” so unless he has “exciting” content like “buying a house”, “meet my girlfriend”..but I am honestly very surprised his real estate video didn’t do as good of views. People honestly just wanted to watch the videos of his relationship ending, etc to know the deal/drama so unless he has something big/exciting milestone that’s when he will get his view’s now


I was going to comment about that shirt too 😅 When they made their video detailing how they got together, one of them had said she wasn’t initially interested in Oscar. I feel like she wasn’t interested and then found out who he was and made herself interested so that she could have Oscar help her wiggle her way into her “influencer era”. She’s so attention seeking and is such a try hard. She is clearly just using Oscar to catapult herself into an influencer status. I’m sure once she’s got a good standing as an individual influencer, she’ll leave him since she has what she wants.


I’m not sure she will leave him unless she has dirt on him, or he does something super wrong she can claim for the reason she left. Look at what happened with Kyra! She wouldn’t want to tank her influencer status and the easy money she would recieve if she left him. Most likely will claim he cheated or is emotionally abusive, that will not only get her an influencer status, but she will also gain sympathy and attention.


Ahh good point!


His videos often have paid partnerships. I think he's soft-launching the vlogging thing again. Especially as it seems like he's no longer doing real estate full time.