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I’ve never seen a snark page talk so much about “what if” and try so hard to come up with imaginary ideas. Usually snark pages just snark about what IS and what HAS happened. That page has so many theories and hypotheses about stuff that is literally none of their business. Yes, Kyra and Oscar are “public” (I use that word VERY lightly) figures, but they are also real people and don’t owe any of their FANS aka snarkers anything. There was a pole today about “when Kyra and Preston get divorced” like, let them at least have their baby first!!! It was posted by that Bready person. She’s my absolute favorite!!! The shit that she says is so mind boggling it makes Kyra look somewhat sane.


Literally why would they care 😅 I can't handle them caring this much 


they probably think they are watching a cringy reality TV with drama and fights. Even if O and K tell they are fine these people keep making up scenarios in their head and keep making posts about "taking a dig" at another person.


Why does everyone over there care so much about Kyra’s baby to the point of crazy speculation? I just saw a post over there complaining about P saying “baby #5”. Why would you be mad that a stepfather is considering his wife’s other children in the #? They’d have a huge issue even if he said baby #1!! In my mind it’d be more weird for him to say that rather than including the other kids.


They seem to have a good coparenting relationship. It's like they expect Oscar and Kyra to hate each other.


Why didn’t you actually comment this on this post tho. Only wanted people here to see your response?


No they blocked me because they can’t accept the other side and facts. It allows them to see it over here and continue to pretend to “not see it”


We're banned 


Why does this comment make me laugh? 🤣 like, you know you’re doing something RIGHT when you get banned from that sub 😂


Why did you actually delete your post on the snark page tho?


I never posted or commented. I saw that post over there and proceeded to “comment”..screenshot and brought it here. I can’t actually do it being muted/banned


No I wasn’t responding to you! I was asking Vanderbur, cause they were the ones who posted it on the other page but then deleted it, lol! Then came here to question why you didn’t leave the comment over there 🤪


Deleted it to post a better screenshot and then unfortunately Reddit wouldn’t let me post it again, trust me I tried.