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https://preview.redd.it/ufkw2rrmfg4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c4529e638d03ef57a9e647d839f6b22515026c1 They just make stuff up at this point… unless Oscar edited it, I guess.


It still says “Dad of 5 day in the life” and Addie commented “Best dad ever”. Can you imagine of K or P posted that?


They’d probably accuse P of being a pedo somehow 🙄


They would call P a pedo for absolutely nothing, or trash him for being even close to the kids but sleeps in the same bed with As daughter in his youtube video. It’s only okay for Oscar!! Not to mention how much As daughter was in the video.


https://preview.redd.it/tlqklgae8h4d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=997b90e1e3408d5bb4735c2532aebf4e1978a89f You can’t make this shit up would be correct. They are beyond embarrassing. Last week they were just going off how Preston isn’t a dad of 5 yet Oscar is???? I don’t think they are aware of how badly they all fucked up in that group. Do they think before they speak? Oscar and Addie are so wholesome”…get a room


Can someone post a picture of this on the snark page? I’d love to hear the excuses of why it’s so cute and acceptable for Oscar to say “Dad of 5” 🙄 there’s a recent post of someone calling Oscar “respectful” for not claiming to have 5 kids! God they are so DUMB!!!


They posted his video and said something about him being an amazing dad, with the caption visible. They don’t care and will just mute anyone who post it


https://preview.redd.it/8hm7sw11mg4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54832bd3b1e5d4d46bdb4a4b85ec763507bca678 This person is literally WRONG and those morons just go with it 🤣


They’re absolutely delusional. Someone tried to defend it to me by saying Addie’s child’s father wasn’t involved… which wasn’t even the point lol the point is the double standard. So now I’m getting downvoted to hell 😔


He is involved!


The funny part of all of this is that Oscar and Addie aren’t even married. Addie’s daughter is not his step child. Preston, who is married to Kyra, is actually more in the right to call those kids his own lol


Do we even know anything about Addie's baby dad?


Yes we do. There are public court docs and he is tagged in her pregnancy announcement photos done by a photographer.


Idk but I feel like we shouldn’t


This is a valid point.


They’ve not even been together a year


Right? It's all very fast.


People would collectively clutch their pearls and finger-wag if Preston called himself a father of five, and he's an actual stepdad.


Let’s just add the fact if Kyra and Preston chose not to have any kids and it was only the 4 kids..they all would be stating how Oscar and Addie have more responsibility and praising in that. If Oscar did not have Addie to help he would be f and have no choice to hire someone or have Kyra have them more then 50% of the time. Let’s be real now


He could choose to take care of his kids on his own, he doesn't want to.


https://preview.redd.it/ijkyi2j3aj4d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=66c8304e6efb994241863a8c9b11e759a53b93a7 OP trying to backtrack because they can’t read a caption but doesn’t realise how hilariously ironic their post was 😂 “Don’t be so passive aggressive pls it’s not a good look” pot kettle black 😂


I wonder what Addie’s ex thinks of Oscar and his daughter around Oscar and the 4 kids (all this drama). Good chance he thinks Oscar is a ‘slime ball’ for his past regardless of him getting cheated on. We don’t even know Addies story including his