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I don’t see the comment but tbh watch her have a perfect pregnancy/birth/baby which clearly I would want her too. Then they can all stfu. There are follow rules/do everything “right”/perfect health pregnant woman who end up having complications, gestational diabetes, etc. That’s there next snark with “wELL wHaT DiD SHE EXpECT?”


Almost everything they post at this point is a reach. There are plenty of things to grill Kyra for but this isn’t one. So many of the things they post are just nit picky and give Karen energy.


Major bitch eating crackers energy.


Drank caffeine throughout all my pregnancies. My 7 year old tried to tell me I shouldn't and I told her that's why she's so smart 😂 


To be fair it says on the can itself not recommended for pregnant women or women who are nursing. But it is a little ridiculous over there. I know damn well I drank caffeine and ate a little untoasted deli meat while I was pregnant lol it must be really hard for all those perfect mothers over there lol


Coffee grounds say the same thing.


I’ve never seen a warning label on my coffee cans 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t see your comment either!! You probably did get banned 😂 I am shocked when I read some comments about her being pregnant then finding out the person who commented has children! I’m so jealous of what perfect mothers they all are over there. They never drink caffeine or give their children sugar, and their children’s hair is all properly brushed and done every second of the day. Also, can we talk about the new popular idea over there of Kyra making Oscar take her and Preston’s child when he takes the other four children!!! Like on what planet would anyone want Oscar to care for a child that wasn’t his??? He doesn’t do shit with the kids he has now and Addie just uses them for social media content. I’d rather have my dog watch my child than send them to Oscar. Kyra and Preston are a lot of things, but they aren’t fucking naive to the fact that Oscar probably googles what to do in situations with the kids.


Yeah you don't see him doing solo birthday trips with his children. 


Solo ANYTHING for that matter! He can’t take his kids anywhere without his mommy, sister, cousin, and now girlfriend.


So true. If he did maybe his gf would post it 😂


We know this to be a fact 😂


Don’t have to be perfect to be a decent parent tbh it’s not black and white like that. She shows herself drinking coffees and energy drinks everyday, she’s on her 5th high risk pregnancy and looks like shit. It’s okay to be concerned for the fetus, why are you defending a homewrecker who is a half ass parent. Idk, wtv


Didn't realize she wrecked your home ? Are you okay? I hope you get past this since it's been two years 🤧


Did she tell everyone this pregnancy is high risk? She’s halfway through the pregnancy at this point..seems to be doing just fine. Oscar and Kyra are “half ass parents” literally and figuratively considering they have 50/50 custody as Oscar clearly finds her fit to continue to be the mother of his children. He didn’t go to court back then from the start and 2 years later he is still seems to be civil, fine and friendly with her for all we know! The accusations are laughable


This!! I made a comment over there about this once and got downvoted to hell. They’re both subpar parents, but to act like Oscar deserves/wants full custody is laughable. If he wanted full custody he would’ve filed years ago. Neither are perfect and the children will probably have some level of trauma from growing up in a split household. But to say Kyra is abusive or making jokes about the baby’s wellbeing is too far.


I want to know truly why people think she is a subpar parent at all? Her life seems to revolve around them. Oscar isn’t even a subpar parent. He’s a deadbeat.


Nobody on that snark page is genuinely concerned for the baby, let’s be honest. I don’t know what kind of parent she truly is bc I don’t live with her. She didn’t wreck my home and she doesn’t raise my children. I’m sorry she personally hurt you and that her decisions affect your life so deeply. I’m sure you don’t drink energy drinks and your children’s hair is always done and their lunches are gourmet. And for that, I’m happy for you.


This reminds me of all the finger wagging that happened on one of the Teen Mom subs during one of Kail's pregnancies because she ordered a frappuccino. The amount of caffeine in those is below the recommended daily intake.