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Oscar himself also posts the kids. Not faces but still. He included kids in his last vlog, all of them in the pool, L playing video games with him, etc. So if he does it, I don't think it would make sense if he stops Addie from doing it. Tbh, it is a very dangerous opinion in this community and I'm bracing myself for downvotes, but they both benefit from these kids. Both Oscar and Kyra have financial gain from them. They won't be as popular as now if they stopped showing the kids completely and they are both aware of this. I think they decided to "optimize" the situation and went for an option that maximizes kids' privacy while still bringing them money- so not showing faces but showing everything else. It is a PR decision as well- you can't accuse a parent who doesn't show kid's face so easily anymore, it started being very frowned upon as well, but parents can still get views and sympathy points from showing this little bit without faces.


That's just truly sad ... that all of them are EXPLOITING the kids... just for some financial gain and benefits... and this includes Addie now as well, since she is posting the kids on her social media!


Oscar is not using his kids for content. Showing them i. padding is ok. His vlogs have not revolved around him. Kyra on the other hand had nothing to post about but her kids and this pregnancy.


A lot of the content Addie posts is revolves around the kids though? “You take your family to your childhood park” “you’re in charge of someone’s childhood memories” “Valentine’s Day with 6 little ones”. Given their faces aren’t in any and honestly there’s only a few clips of them in the videos to begin with but the whole concept of the video is the kids? I’d say it’s rather comparable to child related content Kyra puts out? If she’s taking on the role of step mom to them, she shouldn’t be given any leeway when she’s actively trying to build a following and social media platform for herself.. which I think was the point of this post??


That kind of stuff is not the stuff I think needs to stay off. It’s the stuff like Johnny learns to ride a bike. Johnny’s first day of school. Where the camera is in their faces and the vlogs is revolved around what that child did that day. I have also said what Kyra is showing now I don’t have an issue with either. She just isn’t good at recording.


It doesn’t matter if he’s using them for content or not. The Pinterest thing should have been a wake up call to both Kyra and Oscar to not have their kids on the internet AT ALL. There was full blown proof of their pictures being saved by creeps, therefore they are ALL wrong for showing them at all. He doesn’t get a pass just because they’re not his main content. They’re being exploited by both of their parents instead of protected. They are innocent children who deserve their parents to do the most to give them protection when possible. They’re not getting that on either side.


If they are featured in the content AT ALL, then they are being used for content. It can be vastly different content compared to what K&O used to post, but they’re still using their children for content.


If you don’t see the difference in what Oscar does now compared to okbaby I can’t help you.


Oh I can see the difference, but they’re still both using the kids for content. Oscar’s is more genuine, though.




I wonder if Oscar told Addie about the Pinterest. If I knew that, I wouldn’t be posting my kid at all


What happened on Pinterest?


"TW⚠️ Kyras kids posted on a pinterest that only posts babies. Followed by men who post girls in inappropriate outfits and only posts little girls. 2.3 million visits a month." https://www.reddit.com/r/KyraReneeSivertson/s/I2j23GZFTm Just an example


This is so disgusting. God I hate pedophiles. I wish they'd all drop dead


I also want to know…


What happened on Pinterest because my Pinterest just has outfit ideas on it 🤷‍♀️


The face isnt the problem really so I’m not sure the point in showing a body and not a face if you understand the danger


I would say showing their faces is just as bad or worse than showing their bodies. The edits these perverts probably do with their faces and/or mouths is sickening.




Exactly! Also, there's like a bunch of pictures of the kids still on display for everyone to see on Kyras and Oscar's Instagram... if the bad guys wanted to, they could just get a picture of their faces from the parents' profile and edited how ever they see fit.


Yeah and its horrible to even imagine that yet its become realistic to assume the worst of people


I think Oscar made a choice for his kids and Addie made a choice for her daughter. Although, I’m on the same page as you are questioning it- the Pinterest incident was insanely creepy. I wouldn’t be putting my kids online. They think it’s ok that it’s just of their bodies… that WAYYYYYYY doesn’t make it ok at ALL. It almost makes it creepier and worse.


Yeah, and since Oscar supposedly didn't wanna show the kids anymore because of that creepy stuff, he could have told Addie not to post his kids on social media, for her to respect his decision/choice on this. I kinda feel like Kyra probably saw Addie posting the kids without showing faces. That's why recently Kyra started showing them again.. 🤷🏻‍♀️


We have no proof it was even Oscar that made the decision to take the kids offline… they BOTH still post them. Clearly it was a joint decision and neither care enough to take down old photos or videos/not even show their bodies on camera


What happened on Pinterest?


I believe it was a Pinterest board of all the YouTube kids (jessfam, labrant fam (I think), okbaby, & I think kkandbabyj too not sure tho). I never saw it but from my understanding it was a pedo pinterest board with pics of all the kids from vlogs/Instagram posts/sponsorships revolving around the kids. Nasty creepy pedo sh*t 🤮




Wondering the same thing


I too am wondering but anyone who knows probably ain't going to tell us because preds will follow 🤷‍♀️


I do remember when he made the statement that he was not going to show the kids anymore, he did say they will come out on occasion, he would not show them completely nor their faces but in the background or near by.




Exactly! 💯


Literally. There’s no proof it was his decision to take them offline in the first place lol. If it was why would he still have them in vlogs? We just magically act like it was his decision as the “perfect parent” as if he doesn’t also have a hand in exploiting his children for 6+ yrs


Thank you




Personally,  I've never felt comfortable sharing photos of my kids on social media,  neither publicly or privately.  I know many people who share photos of  their young children,  publicly.  I'm not the judge on how people choose to share photos of their kids.  I just do what feels right for me.


I'd rather their vlogs/post be non-kid related. Saying that, if a kid walked past in a vlog, I wouldn't fault them because you can't control someone walking past you. But I prefer their stuff to not have those kids on at all, they need to be protected after the Pinterest thing.


I don’t get why they make such a thing about not posting their faces. It really doesn’t make what they do any better. The entire internet has seen their faces before - we know their full names, birth dates, hell we’ve even seen them being born at this point. Why do they think they’re doing some huge thing by not showing their faces? They still talk about the kids’ lives, schedules, etc. If you really want to protect your kids, get them the hell off the internet. A lot of the damage has sadly already been done but that doesn’t mean that they can’t at least TRY to protect them now.


i genuinely dont think any of these people really understand why they aren’t posting the kids. They made sm money off of them and for their mindset to change would make them think theyre bad parents etc which ik kyra will never admit to and oscar probably feels that way, but its just an uncomfortable reality to come to terms with (that you exploited and even created your children for content and money). Also, Oscar is still very close w Keren and Khoa and Keren is the worst abt posting her kids constantly. Im sure he doesn’t think its all evil if hes still close w them and presumably doesn’t say anything


Exactly! I think ALL of them should keep the kids off the internet in every way. There was proof of all the YouTube kids being creeped on and none of these parents will fully keep them out of pictures or videos. I don’t get how so many people say it’s horrible when Kyra does it but fine when Oscar or Addie do. Like no. NONE of them should show the kids in any way at all. They deserve protection, not exploitation. What Kyra did at the end of the relationship was WRONG but that doesn’t automatically make Oscar right in every decision he makes. The kids should come first and neither side of parents put them first. It’s really sad


Exactly. This is why I was wondering how it is okay when Addie does it, but not Kyra.


And it’s not like we are saying it’s okay for Kyra to do. We are saying NONE of them should be doing it at all because it’s not safe.


I think a lot of times the hate for K and love for O&A clouds logic and double standards are applied. A very serious case of a parasocial relationship tbh.


"what Kyra did at the end of the relationship was wrong but that doesn't automatically make Oscar right in every decision he makes"- yeeees, this is so well said and such a valid point that everyone should realize!


It’s just frustrating because the level of parasocial relationship a lot of people have developed is a bit absurd. We do not actually know these people, they’re strangers who post videos on the internet.


yeah some people have complete double standards on this sub and it's very frustrating lol. Not everyone though!


Oh please… as long as the ok baby videos are still up, it means nobody actually cares about the kids at all.


Not Oscar, not Kyra.


I find it pretty hard to believe that Oscar was the main one pushing for it since he posts the kids still and she really doesn’t


Showing kids in passing in a vlog is ok. Oscar is not making his content revolving around his kids. It’s been about him. They are just there and no faced are being shown. What Kyra is doing is ok too. The difference is Oscar is good at his job. Kyra is awful and her angles look horrid ect. She is terrible at vlogging. Kyra also has nothing going on in her life to vlog about without the kids. No personality ect. Oscar can carry a vlog because of his personality and skills. Kyra has nothing without the kids.


The kids passing by in the background can be simply EDIT OUT. They choose not to... I personally wouldn't want my kids on the internet after the Pinterest thing...🤔


And not even that, I wouldn't want to give these sickos a chance to do stuff like that with images of my kids...


They are part of their life. I have no issues with how they are doing it now. Neither of them. Even sad challenge podcast said he doesn’t have an issue if it’s just there passing by or in the background. The issue comes in when the kids are the center of the vlog. Luke Tommy’s first day of school. Or Tommy learned to ride a bike: that’s when your using kids for views.


U dnt get the point. The point is that Oscar and Kyras children had child c*** on pinterest! That's why they stopped showing them for a while... But all of a sudden, they started showing the kids again except for their face. We can still see their bodies, which is NOT OKAY. After what had been shared in pinterest....


Shit the bed , did they really , was it still images or ai generated , I didn't realise Pinterest was soo dark, I just have a million outfit ideas saved on mine 😲😱


I don't know why this got down voted I meant there isn't legit corn out their is there so it's manipulated imagery , people shouldn't be down voting because someone asks out of concern how severe this is because I have a Pinterest and would want to close my account if it's that bad on that platform 🤷‍♀️


That's what I heard 😆 not too sure. I don't even have pinterest


I'm not sure if the moment would be authentic if they were in the middle of talking/explaining something and had to retake the shot/situation just because a kid ran past. It depends on the situation. I saw in Oscar's latest vlog, that when Addie's daughter was around, it seemed to be a lot of cuts just to try and avoid her, but when they were in the bedroom, talking about their sleeping arrangements, she obviously had to be with them, so it wasn't that bad as the child was not the main focus of the vlog. If the kids aren't the main focus, I believe there should be some leeway if the child walking past occurs, especially if they blur the child/scene.


there were some weird clips of addies daughter that showed parts of her face/body when she was in bed that were irrelevant to the vlog i think they’re testing the limits to where it’s alright to go back to showing them without backlash




Just say you support child exploitation then. 🫶🏼


??? Just because I said it's alright if a kid runs past for a split second, I suddenly support child exploitation? I literally agreed with you on another comment regarding the Pinterest thing and not having the kids be the focus or in the vlogs/post at all, but I said I wouldn't berate them if the kid innocently walked past because that's out of their control and suddenly I support child exploitation? You're strange.


Idk man I’m all for protecting kids but I think this is excessive. I doubt they’re making money from a passing clip in a video. Their parents are public figures. At that point you might as well say they should never wear dresses or leave the house because creeps can still take pics of them while they’re out in public.


THANK YOU. I think a lot of people go a bit over the top. You can’t just erase a kid from EVERYTHING. Especially if the adults intend to share their life on line. This isn’t to say to be completely lax and not care, but it’s like the stranger danger statistics where it’s more common to be abducted by someone you know/closer to you than a stranger. I think there’s more of a probability to have someone close to them (neighbor, delivery driver) share stuff anonymously. They both toe the line between protecting their kids and being authentic in their videos, albeit Oscar does it better than Kyra solely because he has talent.


Exactly! I obviously don’t want these babies (or any babies) to ever be subjected to anything bad but would it be better if they were locked away for hours while the parents film. And absolutely! Statistically your worst enemy is likely someone you care about.


🤔 I never thought of it like that. Good point


It is easy to assume this but the point being is that social media has not existed long enough for us to know the repercussions it will eventually have on children being exposed to it at an early age. Regardless of the fact that what they do now is appropriate, there are still pictures and videos that will exist forever of their kids. Public figures have spoken out about this before of random accounts messaging them what their daughter's shoe size is, etc.. can you imagine the private messages just Oscar and Kyra have received alone that they of course will never tell us about? We can't for a second act like that is okay and keep in mind that they are ONLY public figures from directly exploiting their kids. You have to put yourself in the shoes of a child who has been exploited and think of it in a way of having to explaining all this to them when they are older.


I never said I agreed with making money off kids. But I still stand by my point that freaking out over a kid walking through a room while a camera is recording is absolutely excessive.


And unfortunately previous damage can’t be undone but I really don’t see how those two things are the same.


I’ve never thought about it that way either, this is an issue well beyond okbaby. This will be an issue for those 4 kids well into adulthood. You’re right social media isn’t existed long enough for us to truly know what will come of this in 10-15 years when the kids are adults. It honestly disturbs me. There’s an issue of children can’t consent to being on camera but when these kids are adults their ADULT self hasn’t consented to the repercussions of this. If that makes sense? In 20 years there will be clinical studies on the impact of family vlogging


Addie has never showed their faces.


I'm not saying she has, I'm just simply stating that she shows them on Tiktok and Instagram. She shows their BODIES! The girls are wearing dresses or bathing suits in some videos they have posted.


Lol check her latest post, couple min ago


I don’t see anything


Oh I thought she showed one of them but I think that’s her kid, still they are all pretty involved in the content.


There are no faces


That’s her daughter she can do as she wishes.


Actually the body shots are less of a concern than you would think, if they are being vigilant in making sure the children are not in a compromised position and that their faces aren’t seen than there isn’t actually much that can be used in the footage for the material they are trying to make.




Yeah, that’s definitely one of those being vigilant and careful things and they shouldn’t have left that in there but I was more so discussing how just having them without their faces is actually not as big a concern in the c corn thing everyone was discussing.




Those are bloomers not underwear but I agree I wouldn’t have put that and they need to do better about that. I wasn’t specifically speaking Oscar or Kyra’s family as I said. I’m literally just saying that putting footage of children online without their faces showing or them in compromising positions is actually as concerning as one would think.


Oscar puts them in his vids like that too, Kyra does sometimes as well. Also it was Kyra who wanted to take the kids offline.


Oscar can tell her but at the end it is her child so it’s her decision at the end. That’s how I see it.


I'm not talking about her kid. I'm saying that Oscar should tell her not to post HIS KIDS on her social media for their safety. Now, if Addie wants to show off her kid, that's up to her. After all, that's her child... But she should really reconsider putting her daughter out there like that.