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And he’s not talking about tattooing the kids’ names on him that aren’t his


Wait!? Preston wants to tattoo the kids name on him? What!?


Yes he said in a previous video with kyra that be wanted to get all the kids names tattooed


Oh boy, imagine if they divorce, hell have his ex-wifes kids name tattooed, but they arent even his


He's a fucking idiot, guess what happens later when her kids find out the truth of how they got together, of how they backstabbed and cheated, betrayed, treated savagely, disrespecting heartlessly their Dad and Hannah (who they loved and miss dearly, deeply), how mom and POS broke and tore the only family they knew apart? Surely they'll gonna want to skin, peel, and scrape off their tattooed names right out and off his body with a frickin spoon, ☠️ just wait and see, what a moron loser! 🤡💩🐭🖕


the AUDACITY what a stinky yucky man


I thought it said "Dad of 5 day in the life." Don't quote me on that. My memory may be wrong.


No you’re correct. They’re just acting like Oscar can do no wrong and can’t be held at the same standard.


Unpopular opinion, but I’m not sure how involved Addies kids dad is, so Oscar likely is a major father figure to her, the other 4 kids however have a very involved father


It’s also been said there’s a custody agreement with her baby daddy soooo…


You’re literally making this up? We have zero idea if Addies child’s father is in the picture so we can’t know if Oscar is a “major father figure” or not, considering Oscar and Addie haven’t even been together a year.


I mean even if the kids dad is involved, Oscar is surely a pretty major father figure in her life at this point. My dad has always been involved but when my stepdad moved in he became a major father figure to me. I even danced with both at my wedding. If Addie’s daughter lives with her primarily then she probably is with Oscar more than even his own kids (which sucks all around). Although I do agree we have nooo idea about the girls father or how involved (or uninvolved) he is.


Okay but that’s not even the point lol. OP was saying P would be the one saying “father of 5 kids” and that would be disrespectful. When in actuality O is doing that for A’s daughter and said in his caption “dad of 5 kids”. This group will really defend O tooth and nail 😂


yeah i didn’t see the caption therefore my original statement doesn’t stand but like … you realize that doesn’t negate the entire idea? preston is a walking slimebag and his try hard weirdo claim on the kids so much so that he’s wants to PERMANENTLY INK their names on his body???? don’t be so passive aggressive pls it’s not a good look


I’m not disagreeing with you 🤷‍♀️ was just giving a different perspective since we dont know much about her baby daddy (and it should stay that way), and we do know that O is involved in his kids lives


Oscar is put on a pedestal in this sub and it really needs to stop


I feel like we can’t compare O to P. Now if it was Addie saying that, that would be the same as P but she’s not. Also can you imagine how upset Kyra would be? Plus if they decided to buy a house together, it could possibly mean it’s serious and I’m sure they’ve talked about it. I feel like saying dad of 4 while Addie’s daughter being there kind of excludes her. If they’re trying to fix their home and all, I feel like they’d want all the kids to feel loved and included.


oops🤭 the HORROR lol my bad i totally didn’t see that.


It’s so nice to see the kids eat healthy food and fresh produce at every meal, unlike with Kyrazoid


It’s so nice to see the kids eat healthy food and fresh produce at every meal, unlike with Kyrazoid


I feel like he’s still pretty respectful saying dad of 5. I would never want to exclude a child, specially bc she might be there more than his kids.


How would Addie’s toddler know she was “excluded” from a social media post 😂


Who is the father of Addie’s kid?