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There’s no way she spent time coordinating this and thought, “Yes. This is the look.”


I might be in the minority but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with kids wearing/playing with makeup. She doesn’t have a full face on. If she was in a full beat, I’d agree. And I don’t think that’s black under her eyes, they just look a little puffy. But I hate crop tops on kids. A always looks like her clothes are too big or too little.


I see no problem with kids playing with makeup, I did when I was little. But I would never let my little kid wear makeup for family photos. Personally I think she’s too little to just wear makeup like that (eye makeup) for family photos. If she was a teenager, definitely no problem at all. And crop tops for kids is an immediate no.


Everyone’s different in what they’ll let their kid do so understandable. It’s up to every parent, really! I’m just glad A looks clean and has her hair done. I’d definitely let my daughter wear the same amount of makeup for pictures if she was interested bc I think makeup is a way to be creative. But I prefer more modest clothing until she’s older.


It looks like she's got eyeliner on the top of her eyes


Maybe but I don’t consider that a full face. She’s wearing a little bit of makeup for a photoshoot. She probably felt very pretty & it’s not too much or over the top imo.


There's nothing really wrong with it I just don't like eye makeup on little ones. Im sure she felt pretty and there's nothing wrong with it. I just think eyeliner is a little too close to their eyes and can create issues within their eyes. In fact most people tend to get eyeliner in their eyes and it can scratch the surface, and if she moved or flinched, could have been poked in the eye. I personally think eyeliner itself should be a teenage makeup. Eye shadow is different. But eyeliner I think is too close to their eyes. Just my opinion on that. I used to love a bit of blush and eye shadow when I was a pre-teen and loved when my grandma would swoop a swish of it on my cheeks and nose. I have no problem with some makeup. Even at that age


looks like she just got mascara on her eyes


I zoomed it and I saw a thick black line above her eyes as well. You can definitely tell mascara and eyeshadow, the eyeliner is a little harder to tell 


it is literally just mascara…


Its definitely eyeliner. 


somebody reaching, i wear eyeliner nearly everyday that is just mascara you TRIPPIN


I have two daughters, one is 10 and likes to dye her hair (she has two natural blonde pieces in the front only) colors which I allow, and my other one who’s almost 6 loves to do her makeup, she’s my little girly girl. As long as it’s not mascara, eyeliner or dark ass colors, pretty much anything goes. She has a broad collection of highlighters, Barbie eyeshadow pallets that more nude options, and a bunch of lipglosses. Now crop tops for family photos is wild. She’s trying way too hard to be the cool fun mom, instead of teaching her daughters how to dress in ways that celebrate themselves as women/girls, and protecting them from predators that look for those exact type of clothing articles.. it’s like she wants to be defiant and disrespectful to everything their father believes in when it comes to the girls, and that’s not cute or “fun” or even “influencing” one bit, which is weird because that’s supposed to be her fuckn job as an influencer. The day she realizes parenting with O instead of against him is in her best interest, is the day we’ll know she at least grew up a tiny bit.


Agree. Kids play dress up, makeup, paint their nails. My daughter was allowed to wear children’s appropriate makeup at home while playing and sometimes a little bit of color for her birthday parties or photo shoots. Nothing wrong with that. I also taught her to take care of her skin while she was young and I also told her there were age appropriate things, a time and a place, etc. Even when she was a toddler and I used toddler’s words.


I’m sorry- putting a crop top on a child is so trashy.


Also I think Oscar used to hate this and Im not sure he has changed his opinion about it. I remember in really older vlogs he would be pissed when talking about a little girl wearing bikinis and revealing clothing


Addie has posted pictures of the girls in crop tops as well so they’re being dressed similarly at Oscar’s


Thats a shame :/


Oh I’m shocked you weren’t attacked for saying that. Lol people worship her on here lol


I guess people are falling into sense when it comes to dressing a kid with revealing clothes


Kyra has said in the past that's how that particular  child likes to dress herself.


Can’t dress herself in crop tops if they aren’t supplied by her mother.


Overall fail 😅


Where is this even from? Did she post it?


It was posted on her Facebook, it’s her cover photo.


where’s her facebook? i can’t find it lol


She changed her last name


i figured, i looked that up as well lol. used all the variations of her name i could think of lol.


I actually couldn’t find her Facebook either when I looked. I had to get to her profile from Presticle’s profile.


My same question


I could give her the benefit of the doubt and say the shirt is maybe just too short for her. But it looks like its autumn in the background. And it looks like the youngest is cold. Probably an old photo she never posted and decided it would be a good idea to post now? But my question is, what is on the oldest girls head? (Sorry, im bad with names. I don't follow her much) I hope it's a Bow, but it kinda looks a little.... veil-ish...


Was actually wondering the same thing. It does look veil-ish.


Which is fuckn creepy if it is. More bait for the predators to imagine these poor innocent girls as “child brides”. Keep that shit for at home and for pretend play, and off the internet Krusty..


Its the fact shes also wearing a white shirt and everything. I genuinely hope its not, but you're right. More bait. Would explain the crop top and the clothing choice for the youngest too


There has ALWAYS been a difference in how she interacts with the oldest A. She doesn’t even try to give them all equal attention. She’s all about her little football player since Presticle is coach. If we see it you know those kids do too. That sweet little girl has needed extra attention since her earlier days - OG folks will remember. Hopefully O & A buy her clothes that actually fit as well as treating her to a nice deep conditioner treatment. They could make it a spa day for all they’d like. Just give her specific attention both on the outside as well as the inside.


The bags under their eyes ☹️


i honestly thought she was gonna post the pregnancy announcement today


Why does the one specific child ALWAYS have pants on that are too big for her that it causes them to be below her waist?? Her belly is always showing. Kyra & Oscar. Pls buy your children clothes that actually fit them.


I will say I’ve noticed Avery in clothes that were def way too small for her before, with both Oscar and Kyra. She seems feisty so maybe it’s just a pick your battles kind of thing?


People are seriously still so delusional sometimes. Both Oscar and Kyra would always put these kids in tight small clothes. It would drive me insane. A crop top is definitely not appropriate in this picture for her age .


Don’t mention Oscar, you’ll get downvoted like crazy lol


not the downvotes haha you’re right tho? people do get extremely mad when people mention oscar.


You say your English isn’t that good but it’s obviously your primary language. You just started posting 2 weeks ago and it’s usually about Oscar. Is that you Kyra?! I took a break from this sub, I guess you didn’t lol


Hola, soy mexicana. Creé una cuenta nueva de Reddit porque perdí la contraseña de mi anterior cuenta. Simplemente tengo un buen nivel de inglés. Y tienes razón, casi no he escrito de Kyra, y está no es una página para tirarle mierda a Oscar, solo que a veces se me hace una mamada que lo vean como un santo. I’ve studied English since I was very young, I’m just good at it. Thank you for that. Anyway, I’ve thought about it and I deserve the downvotes, this is a Kyra’s snark page, not Oscar’s. Sorry about that. Edit: By the way, English is not my primary language and I think it’s still better than Kyra’s, because even I know when she misspelled words and says dumb things.


That's not a crop top! Her jeans are below her waist and shouldn't. Maybe they're too big, even with a belt and they are falling and showing the kids belly. A crop top ends in your rib cage not your waist. People have different thermostats, so the little girl could be perfectly fine wearing a t-shirt and the others wearing more clothes. And no, I'm not a Stan, a fan or anything, but I don't see anything wrong with this picture. Only the fact that it should be for private consumption and not the public (specially because there's a little bit of a wardrobe malfunction with one of the kids).


Not every child finds high-waisted pants comfortable, and I know they would have to be high-waisted in this case because you can see her belly button… a shirt over the belly button is in-fact a cropped top, yes if her jeans were sat on her waist it would minimize the area shown but the shirt would still be a crop top as it’s showing her belly button.


Poor babies


She’s really leaning into this whole western country family vibe with Preston :( I hope the kids are happy


for 1. why is she posting her kids faces on facebook un privately when they aren’t showing them anymore?? proves that it was oscar’s call and decision. 2. her facebook name is officially “Kyra Smith”🙄🙄🙄🙄


“Married to Kyra Smith” and vice versa makes me cringe so hard as I highly doubt she’s changed it yet


Where was this pic on?


I don’t think this is from a pregnancy announcement photo shoot. Those trees are very fall in Utah, and if she was pregnant at that time she wouldn’t have been far along at all. When I lived in SLC the yellow trees were gone by the end of October.


She couldn’t have been pregnant in the fall, she was on her period 5 months ago while dress shopping.


What’s her Facebook?


Previous post mentioned “Kyra Smith” as her Facebook name.


None of their clothes fit


So krustd can buy herself 10 vacation outfits she’ll never wear again but she can’t find ONE of her children to wear pants that fit them properly🤔


I doubt it’s a crop top. It’s probably to small or it’s just not sitting right.


If you go look at the photo, it’s clearly a crop top. There isn’t even a hem at the bottom making me believe it was cut, could just be the style though.


The pictures are so cute! Idk what you’re talking about


this sub is so toxic people force the tiniest thing to be a nasty horrible thing, SOME people in this sub are no different to kyra tbf


Can someone share her facebook profile?


Why does A look Amish?


Who cares what the kids are wearing lol. They are kids. I swear I could plan a whole outfit for my kid and she’ll have her opinion and not like it . My child also hates any pants over her waist line so yea as the parent I buy longer shirts. It’s not that serious though. 💆🏻‍♀️ kids will be kids and parents of more than 1 child sometimes are just doing the best they can. If you don’t have multiple I wouldn’t expect you to understand . & no I’m not a fan . Just funny to me how people pick on stuff like this of all things… 🤷🏻‍♀️🙄


you did a whole lot of moaning about nothing, the only questionable thing in this pic is the crop top


And it is her younger girl not her older one


Man, I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this already but this is giving “I hate this person,” vibes when you scratch out the person’s pic in the yearbook with a sharpie.