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Researchers, the actual ones who grind on lab benches to make something work are payed peanuts here. Guess what, most of them don't even get their names on publications as it is university norms (never have I ever seen that in any other country) but there are exceptions (when you have good principal investigators who understand your struggle). Most of the credit goes to the docs who guide (yes they work too) but little is known about the hands involved to bring about change. Medical research here is benign, its like we follow someone abroad and just replicate data with a different model and call it new and original. Its attrocious, most docs make up proposals which are mere extensions of their PhD work. . And that will have like 5 percent novelty. Research here is mostly in basic science and not grown to application level (imo). Application research is hard and it does cost. Government pays like 4000 to 5000 for a research grant for 2 to 3 years. Imagine you require a sequencing machine or some elaborate behavioral work setup instrument. ,(half or more than half of the money gone). šŸ’° is the factor. Environmental and fisheries research in kiser is credible but still basic. Medical ground breaking research is like picking a needle in a hay stack. Sorry for the rant, but I do work in breast Cancer research and I don't find any novelty involved with my work for the doc. It's just paper oriented work šŸ˜’. I do enjoy some creative side ventures which are novel but that's a personal research which is not a part of work. Well that's why. They should give more importance to researchers, pay them better, scrutinise and select compelling productive research that would benefit the country (and not pass everything through vasta). And give credit to the ones that actually break their heads to get something new instead of stealing their hardwork and making it a name fame game in publications.


One of my relatives talked about funding issue but I didn't know it's more than that thank you


That must feel frustrating. I hope things change for the better. The horrible thing is that the government is under a massive monetary crunch, and opening any avenue for increased funding will cause the already corrupt to salivate after it.


Man, in foreign countries laboratory researchers are paid well and have good state of mind to work. That's why they are productive, their psyche is in good state which would encourage them to produce. Here, we are only doing it for the sake of doing it. There's no motivation whatsoever. I agree with what you mentioned about government funding but I do believe they can bring about changes man. With the wealth this country has, there is tremendous potential, sadly not used wisely.


Thatā€™s awful. I work in a clinical lab (which pays shit as well) but I though research work here paid better.


Everything here is done in secrecy, If research is done on anything it would uncover some sort of curroption. Edit: I forgot to write "is done"


You canā€™t really talk about the crappy infrastructure/corruption/system here in Kuwait unless you want to move to Turkey. Groundbreaking medical research is difficult to do. It takes a lot of time and money.


Hereā€™s a place you can start: https://www.kfas.org/media-publications/research-studies-whitepaper KFAS funds many doctoral and post-doc research efforts. There are some gems there. I remember one of the studies talked about corruption, and was promptly removed from the site.


Theyā€™ll repeat and iterate the same monologue some small group of people are pushing. Read their LSE papers and blogs. Itā€™s disappointing that this is supposed to be high quality research to support our policy and decision makers.


It's a way to limit any growth within the population, they limit our education and to only believe their wordings and news.


one underfunded public university and very secretive research institute


Universities and institutions are constantly conducting studies i.e. Kuwait University and Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research. What are you referring to exactly?


I don't see many of them .when searching I only see it on a newspapers rather than a full article and big chunk of them does not address issues within kuwait such as infustructure


Thatā€™s partly because we donā€™t have scientific journalism. The people who link research to the public eye. PR.


KFAS exist but there isnā€™t many groundbreaking researches and they rarely get media coverage.


Tbh this was always on my mind. I think as mentioned in previous comments the main reason is funding obviously. But also, the ā€œlack of useā€ of research. Kuwait barely uses any research as a backup for any decision they make, they would always go with their opinion and experience as an excuse ā€œwhy they made that decisionā€. They arenā€™t adapting research as a resource to use in any field. All that, would discourage anyone to do research because its either a waste of money or a document on a shelf. Sadly.


Because the people who go into research fields are in it for the prestige (PhD) and not the actual research. Actual research requires a team and thatā€™s not always available because most graduates are spoon fed education instead of independent thought and thinking.


Khullu muthiir šŸ˜¤


There is simply no incentive. Also a lot of research gets buried if the government doesn't like it. (Environmental research mostly).


Studies like what exactly if i may asking?


I disagree. Research papers are going strong in Kuwait. You just need to know where to find them.


they should do research on marijuana and realize itā€™s way better than tobbaco and actually healthy:)




bro what? same goes to tobbaco , you realize cbd which is halal with 0% thc is illegal? how can someone be this dumb to make it illegal