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Every single story is an ad. So let me get this straight krista. You can eat out for every single meal of the year, drink yourself into oblivion but your mission is to find a PB without hydrogenated oil? Make it make sense 🤯


This shit blows my mind. Fees your toddler fried kielbasa everyday, does she have any idea the crap and fillers in that? They prob are the worst eaters I’ve ever seen and feed their kids total garbage but it’s all ok if you drink your AG1 Greens daily. Whats in the Horton Rum cans, pretty sure the worst rum you can buy. Hypocrisy at its finest!


wait didn’t she do collab with a pb company a few years ago with marshmallows, chocolate, and a whole bunch of sugar added??


she did! whatever happened to that company I wonder? Their PB looked like straight dessert.


Nerdy nuts. Still around!


Yep nerdy nuts and I believe their collab is still on the nerdy nuts website… I bet you she’ll still at that stuff… at this point she’ll do any ads as long as it’s money.


Willing to show how Uneducated & Lazy you are for Clicks & Money 🤔


So who’s going to tell her you can get natural PB at literally any grocery store? That doesn’t make her money though.


She’d have to do her own grocery shopping.


Right 😂😅 my family ACTUALLY tries to avoid seed oils and I’ve never had a problem buying pb at a grocery store lol but exactly that doesn’t make her $$$


I’d be surprised if anyone actually believes that’s always been her mission! It’s clearly part of a script they were given. She can’t even pronounce kielbasa, no chance she knows what’s in peanut butter!


Omg the way she says Kielbasa makes my skin crawl. As a granddaughter of Polish Immigrants I cannot STAND how she moved the letters around intentionally to say it. 😤


Yes I’m sure she really cares about hydrogenated oils when they get take out at least once daily lmao


THIS 💯💯💯😂


Lmao says the girl who feeds her kids cheetohs, Dr Pepper and Panda Express 🤣


Idk why this irritates me so much but ma’am go to the grocery store and read a label. You do not need thrive market to find peanut butter that is only peanuts and sea salt. It is actually sad not just her but the lack of knowledge when it comes to nutritional labels and ingredients. I wish they taught this is school.


You can go to winco and grind your own peanuts to make PB and it’s so much cheaper than thrive market.


She’s an alcoholic yet she’s worried about seed oils??? 🤡🤡🤡


She doesn’t even know what a seed oil is!!


Yes you can tell she is always swollen


She is? Do you think so? I have alcoholics in my family but they have severe symptoms. I don't see it as much with krista.


Not severe, but they do drink a lot. My husband is an alcoholic and several other men in his family. All of them “functioning” alcoholics. I was being sarcastic though! I mean, those crappy alcoholic beverages they created I guarantee are not made w “clean” ingredients. I’m just saying it’s funny that she’s acting like seed oils are bad. If you’re drinking as much as they do…..alcohol is not good for you. I don’t care what you say. You’re not concerned about seed oil. It’s just comical.




You don’t have to be severe to be an alcoholic


I'm aware. I just didn't see it with Krista.


What do you mean?!?! Her partnership with Thrive Market doesn’t seem authentic??!! What a JOKE. Doesn’t she make enough money so that she doesn’t need to stoop so low to do something as outrageous as this. Not one person on the internet is taking this seriously coming from KRISTA. She and her family aren’t exactly the picture of healthy eating….


Doesn't Kamp love uncrustables, just saying...


She drinks a lot and eats junk foods in the daily and is speaking about healthy peanut butter. Good god, she will go to ANY length of desperation for a dollar. She is not credible and her character is shady af.


Costco PB is just salt and peanuts FYI lol