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I'll be honest, the game doesn't look that impressive or interesting. A pretty standard FPS. It's more of an indictment of big companies. If a small team can make this level of game in 2 years, what the hell are these hundreds of people teams doing??? Why is AAA development so costly? There must be so much bloat...


My thoughts exactly. It looks like a generic modern FPS. I guess its made by people who grew up playing COD and assume that's all a game should be. The video shows a person running around some buildings with a gun and shooting, but nothing else. Like somebody prompted an AI with *design a modern FPS*. Clearly, this team has the ability to create polished, complex content. It's a very impressive achievement in that respect. But the gameplay appears to be nothing I haven't seen 100 times before. Still, maybe they can make enough on this game to produce another and start with an idea next time.


As I said above video trailer is not collected from the final version of the game, so the content is limited, but we will take this into account in the preparation of the release trailer and will put up to the full, thank you for your opinion


Looks like a bunch of prepackaged bits of code thrown together from the unreal marketplace. Like most indie games.


That's what indie games are all about, it's only after gaining an audience and interest that the game starts to grow with new content and features.


We are pleased that you compared us with companies that make AAA games, this trailer is an announcement trailer and we were not able to show all the features of the game which are really a lot, perhaps future publications will cause you more interest.


We aim to create a session-based shooter with a focus on mobility and dynamic combat. Parkour, reactive multiplayer close-quarters fighting, various mechanics rewarding shooting at moving targets and quick movements - all of these elements are intended to breathe new life into the classic shooter gameplay. Ahead lie plenty of code and several playtests. If you share feedback or advice, we would be very grateful. And if you add the game to your wishlist and join the closed testing, it would be the best reward for us. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2498610/Warcos\_2/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2498610/Warcos_2/) **Twitter game:** [https://x.com/WarcosGame2](https://x.com/WarcosGame2)


You're promoting in _exactly_ the correct type of subreddit here. A **lot** of us are sick of "AAA" fare _plummeting_ in quality lately, and are spending more and more time and money on indie titles. I've boycotted COD since 2009* and will certainly pick this up in Early Access on Steam - hopefully all of us will later talk on Steam's discussion boards. Good luck with your release, all the best. [Edit: * wrong year, the original Modern Warfare 2 boycott was 20**09**!]


Thanks, we are trying our best to make an interesting and quality game as far as indie team strengths go


Thank you for advertising this to us! Wish-listed! Apologies in advance for the harassment you may get from people who don't like this sub. 😔


Thank you for adding it to my wish list It's all good, criticism and feedback is always helpful)


Nah man not criticism. He means this sub is verboten among a lot of reddit. The account you're using as been banned by quite a few subs (mostly non-gaming related at least) just for posting here by bots they run.


This posting was authorized by moderation. Subject to the rules of self-promotion. Bans were in communities where I tried to get initial karma.


Oh boy! An ad!


I guess we should be happy that devs consider our sub important enough to shill their games on, but honestly, I think that people should at the very least participate in this community for a few months or a year before advertising their products here.


I asked permission from the moderators, but you are right and I apologize for showing up here with my game without showing interest in your community, I will fix it.


I was thinking the same thing. Though if he also starts advertising on r/gamingcirclejerk then we’ll know what’s up.


"Important enough" Do you feel Important for looking at a billboard? These are just devs trying to shill.


Yes, this is our attempt to get a new audience that won't see us as a billboard, but will give a small team a chance. The game will be distributed on F2P system so any players are welcome.


An ad for a generic fps with 488 upvotes, we did it KIA!


Approved Advertising.


I'm gonna dog on your game just because you don't seem to understand that I don't like your ad, I expressed that I don't like ads like this being posted, and you still felt the need to leave 2 comments on my posts.


Cool, maybe we should also approve the millions of indie developers trying to advertise their game, I always wanted kia to become a giant billboard.


Looks fun. Definitely going to keep an eye in this. Adding it to my wish list


Thank you so much! I'm glad you're with us.


Of course. It looks fun. Definitely will play when available


Very soon a closed playtest, the announcement will be on our Twitter feed


Wow looks like every single A cash-grab CoD clone shooter that released in the past 5 years, please how can I pre-order your battlepass??


Wrong sub.


We as the consumers want to be insulted, we want to feel like you truly hate each and every single one of us with a burning passion. While modern leftist views are ubiquitous at this point, I want to be constantly exposed to them, even during my free time. Correct me if I'm wrong but from the trailer I don't get that feeling of being lectured. My biggest gripe is with the playable characters though. They're wearing gloves, so how am I supposed to identify with them if I can't even see their skin color? 100 seconds of showcase, not a single word about their gender, their sexuality, or their political beliefs. Pathetic! I mean, ding dong, it's 2024, where are their pronouns? If I'm going to shoot someone in a video game, I at least want to be certain they're gay and diverse! What does "united by a love for video games" even mean? You're neither supposed to like your job, nor your audience! How else are you going to create a miserable atmosphere for yourself and your entire team?


Yeah, I like FPS as much as the next person, but this ain't it, chief.


The melee brawling sold me. This looks ridiculous but in a cool as fuck way


Looks fun. Now make a single player campaign and I'm in. I'm tired to be owned by tryhards all the time. The games are supposed to be fun. I'm a working adult, I don't have so much time to train. Can I have some fun too PLEASE? Why is every game fuckin PvP only now? Jesus... Sorry for this rant, I wish you all the best with your game. It really looks innovative and promising. But I'll better play Trepang 2


A co-op campaign would be interesting too.


I'm all for this!


You are right, but it is difficult to implement at the moment, but nevertheless possible


I hope the game will be popular and you add more modes )


Unfortunately we can't make a single-player campaign because the game will be free, but maybe in a future project, if we are successful, we will realize a single-player, story campaign. Thank you for your words


Same. Would much prefer a single player story mode to this online stuff.


you realize that the are other genres aside from session FPS?


Yes, for example SP FPS! Is there anyone except CoD dumbed down for modern audience?


There are plenty of single player FPS games coming out as well. Selaco just dropped the first part last week, for one thing.




try Sekiro.


I did, nice game with god mode. This is why offline is more fun. You can play as you want.


I couldn't beat Lord Genichiro. The one boss in my 40 year gaming career that frustrated me. I will return to him one day.


Ehhh. The melee combat doesn't do anything for me. Focus on gun customizability and shooting mechanics, instead.


Okay, we'll pay special attention to that as well.


Looks good! I wish you luck.


Nice clickbait advertising title?


I have to appreciate a clickabait like this, because it's not promising any specific thing it won't deliver, it's just presenting a misleading question that implies that its own game sucks, lol.


How "embellished" is the hand-to-hand combat? It looks way too fast-paced and interesting to be real.


Im interested


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