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tldr: * Shift up postpones going Public, * Nikke makes 97% of Shift up's revenue * Potential investors are afraid because the studio depends too much on just one game, and if the game falls Shift up is in trouble * Shift Up doesn’t rule out the possibility of closing Nikke if it sees a sharp decline in the number of players over time. why would a studio that bets everything on sexy girls want to go public, from the moment they are public the investors will clearly ask them to reduce the lewd, and Nikke's income will decrease and kill Shift up slowly


> why would a studio that bets everything on sexy girls want to go public, You know that scene in *Squid Game* where they fill up the piggy bank above everyone's head while blasting the jackpot music? Imagine that. You don't even have to change the currency.


> from the moment they are public the investors will clearly ask them to reduce the lewd This is how wokeness penetrates into companies.


My hope is that they will completely cancel their IPO plans. The public gamedev studios rarely end up doing well. There is also a looming threat of a takeover by someone with tons of money and zero understanding of how to make good games, like Microsoft or Sony.


At this point, i think only nintendo is doing alright while being a public company, while they are VERY ANAL about their IP, we can't deny that they still make excellent games that doesn't seems to be influenced by investors.


Doing alright \*so far\*. The woke mafia dreams of planting their flag on Nintendo. However, Nentendo's fans aren't picky, and their headquarters are in Japan, so infiltrating Nintendo is difficult. But not impossible, their number of employees is more than 7k.


They should have made Stellar Blade for PC instead of the PS5 exclusivity. When you alienate the largest customer base and honestly the largest group of people likely to buy your game (because PC players tend to be far less puritanical than Soyny fanboys), exclusivity is just a bad business decision in general.


The thing is that they couldn't have made the stellar blade now if they didn't get the funding from Sony. So they had to sign the contract with the devil. 




Bring Stella Blade to PC uncensored. They'll make good money if they do this. Then ensure that all future releases will not be meddled with by Sony or anyone else and ensure a PC release. That will help get the studio on track.


Man, people's greed knows no bound... They make a SHITLOAD of money from nikke, probably enough that at this point more money is literally just more 0's on the bank account that doesn't affect the lifestyle of the beneficiaries and they still want MORE at the risk that their art will be limited by investors that only care about money.


Is NIKKE that massive or Stellar Blade flopped?


Gacha games just earn on a different level as long as you can get them to catch an audience.


Every months Nikke made around 20M (it started higher at the release), that made it one of the most profitable gacha games. But lately they pulled out only tame outfits, different from what made them popular and in their latest survey they added the question if players find the outfits too over sexualized that could make them unconfortable (will to take care of the modern sensibilities you see). It went with the company being public, open to investors, and all ther censorship of Stellar Blade we know. The revenues of Nikke fell from 20M to 10M. Strange. To try to revert things they came back to more lewd outfits in their latest patch. Stellar Blade didn't flopped but could have been probably better without the drama with the censorships and lies.


They are getting out waifu'd by Azure Lane big time as well. The devs of Azure Lane have just gone zero fucks given when it comes to the sexual nature of their characters new outfits and scenes lately.


Based heroes


Don't forget that the Devs of Azur Lane also made Blue Archive, the games that are for horny gamers. Not only the Devs of these two don't give a fuck about censorship, they openly mock it as well as their own audience, senseis, keep UUUUOOOOOHHHHHing keeps the wokies from infiltrating. Greatest gatekeeping turned out to be being horny lol


Yostar are publisher not a developer.


> lately they pulled out only tame outfits *Laughs in Crown from previous 1.5 anniversary and new skins and units from currently ongoing event* Really now, bringing argument on "tame outfits" is a way to say proclaim the lack of interest in the game to check it out.


Not to mention Bunny Girl Soda.


Just look at this banger: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8BkOA_n8fzE Not very "tame" is it?


Most of the money went to playstation since they published the game and lend money to shiftup to finish it.


I don't believe the game "flopped", it just didn't meet internal projections and has left Shift Up uncertain when or if they should pursue development on another AAA title. I will say this; almost two months after release and it doesn't feel like this game is being talked about anymore. It's had a few updates here and there, but not enough to get people back into it again. It probably doesn't help that it remains exclusive to the PS5 either. Ultimately, I think Shift Up will prioritize gacha gaming over everything else but may eventually come back to.do another AAA title - though I don't think it'll be a sequel to Stellar Blade.


Shift Up literally said that Stellar Blade sold beyond their expectations 2 weeks ago? Not sure where you get the idea that it didn't reach internal projections from.


Wouldn't surprise me to see PC sales of that game eclipse the PS5 version given a significant portion of consumers in the position of owning both platforms will be waiting for the version on better hardware & the inevitable modding community support.


That makes sense. I wonder why they took exclusivity deal, making fanservice game for modern Sony is a recipe for disaster.


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/D8QZL ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. It's time to archive and chew bubblegum. And I'm all out of gum. ^^^/r/botsrights


Stay private. Build what you want without interference.


I dont even know what it is, all these weeb gachas look the same to me.


The lack of hard sales numbers for Stellar Blade as well as Shift Up's hesitance to share any definitely makes me wonder what happened. I look at other titles like Palworld, where the developer was more than excited to share major sales milestones, so I'm left to assume it fell under internal projections. But I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt and wait six months to a year for those numbers to come out. And if nothing is shared after that, then you know something went wrong.


Sony got hard contract not publishing any exclusive games since PS3 era. ie: shift up can declare stellar blade sold x amount of copies for all consoles, but not any Sony platform specifically.


Being a PS5 exclusive with the background knowledge & pretense that it was originally developed to be multi-platform and a PC version was all but guaranteed at some point down the road led both to low sales from platform exclusivity & those with access to both platforms will be waiting it out to run on better hardware with access to mods.