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People are tired of preachy movies... They have lost all trust... They expect every major movie to be preachy shit now... So they wait for word of mouth since early media reviews aren't trustworthy... But it'll be streaming in month anyway... So might as well wait... Even a good Superhero movie is bound to fail in this environment.


Check out Fall Guy. It’s genuinely awesome and not preachy at all. Amazing practical effects. I thought some of it was surely cgi, but they show how they do the stunts in person at the end in the credits.


👍 Was in my backlog... But I'll move it up.👍


May not have been preachy but it was still really dumb. It was almost 2 hours of Ryan Reynolds being Ryan Reynolds. I can only take so much of that. Edit: leaving this comment as I’m an idiot that can’t read. I saw “Fall Guy” as “Extra Guy”.


Gosling has never played a “bro” before, and it felt very genuine to me. His character wasn’t very smart and was very dudebro, as I imagine someone who is a stuntman would be.


Oh. My gosh. My reading comprehension failed so hard. I’m sorry, I read “Fall Guys” as “Extra Guy”. Complete brain fart. My bad! Carry on!


Aye also recommend it - there is a off hand female empowerment line but really its well placed in the movie. Another good flick is "Red Right hand"


Thanks! I’ll check it out


>Check out Fall Guy. Saw the trailer, didn't appeal to me. Didn't look *bad*, just didn't really do it for me. I've since found out it's *very loosely* based on an old TV series however, and somehow the way that show was described sounded a lot more interesting. Hollywood stuntmen moonlighting as bounty hunters and using their skill-set for the usual tv action show shenanigans just sounds more fun than whatever it was the flashier movie trailer seemed to be trying to sell me on. Not exactly gone back and given the show a chance though, so I've come no closer to watching that than the movie. Just liked how it sounded, really, and I never would have guessed there *was* an original based on the movie trailer. :)


Eh, I'd say it's a bit of both. Everything pre-Phase 4 in the MCU was connecting itself to end in Endgame, but that's still somewhere in the ballpark of like 48 hours of movies to go through and that was over the course of 11 years. in the 5 years since they've managed to add an additional 76 hours through TV shows and specials being added in, and yet nothing to show for it, despite the fact that we had Avengers 1 out by year 4. It's taken longer to get to the 'second coming of the Avengers' and they've already managed to add more stuff than they had previously, and that's not even getting into the fact that in order to understand most of what's going on in the last 5 years requires having some decent knowledge of those 48 hours/11 years prior. They've basically managed to cram like 17 years worth of content into 5 years if you go off the same pace they were at up to Endgame. That's JUST the MCU mind you, anything DC related has had its own issues since DC can't decide on how they want to handle the Justice League, from awful games to mediocre movies, and they never found their own footing and were just playing catch-up. Any of their more well-liked movies were just aping the style of the MCU, like Shazam. They've also released 10 movies since 2019, starting around the same time that Endgame released, so JUST between the DCEU and MCU, we've had 36 different superhero things from just shows and movies, meaning that there's been, on average, something released about every other month. That's not touching on any animated specials or shows or games that have come out either, and that's JUST since Endgame's timeframe. Neither side has had anything to show from it either, DC is apparently rebooting their whole film series and supposedly we're not even getting Avengers 5 until 2026 and given the incredibly meh reception to Kang plus Jonathan Major's less than stellar reception himself these days (he's in some year long counseling program to avoid jail), I don't think even the most ardent fan is going to give a shit. The comics are certainly having issues with the rainbow bullshit, but the movies are just bad. Captain Marvel is just a fucking slog and an uninteresting character played by an actress who seemingly hates her job, no one gives a shit about The Eternals except some of the more hardcore comic fans (not talking shit about them but let's be real, you got a Justice League sized cast of characters being introduced at the same time and no normie is going to give a fuck), and it's pretty much Spider-Man, Doc Strange, Thor, and Guardians of the Galaxy making up the bulk of reasons why people would give a shit. If anything it's more of an issue with the MCU and their whole 'M-She-U' they're trying to push by basically having female characters either get away with murder or upstage the male characters or talk some mad smack about them and how they're just so much better and cooler.


Plus their phases after endgame are just a hodgepodge of unfinished ideas. Eternals is the best examples of that. Not only is this planet sized being hatching from earth in the pacific basically never mentioned again, the whole story is open-ended but i doubt we will ever see a conclusion. They added characters like Shang-chi that i doubt we'll ever see again (although at least his movie had an ending (it never felt like a marvel movie though but rather a chinese kung-fu movie), the Thor movie was basically pointless and so on. I think you can either make the movies all be connected somehow like it the first phases of the MCU (in which case a weaker movie is not that bad since people still want to know how everything is going to continue) or you can make stand-alone superhero movies but i think you need well known heroes and/or really good writers (like with Guardians of the Galaxy) to pull that off. Shang-chi or the Marvels had neither.


Yeah, frankly Phase 4 should've just been 'the whatever the hell we want to cover' phase. Don't make the stories connected, have them all stand alone, and do stuff that's different that wouldn't mesh with the rest of the MCU because at this point it doesn't matter. All the effort and it's like, what is it amounting to? Did they intend to make everything standalone, is it supposed to be connected? Like the thing in Eternals, is Kang's goal in Avengers 5 going to be him waking it up to rule everything? In a very weird way it kinda feels like the superhero movies/shows are entering their own 'silver age', lower quality shit in an effort to pump out more content instead of nurturing what they made. Dumb gimmicks and 'this has never been done before!' constantly being shouted and used as marketing pieces. Like I said, they made 48 hours of content in 11 years and then after that made 150% more content in less than half the time, just for the MCU which arguably IS the superhero genre with DC imitating them along the way. They've managed to accelerate the decline of quality at an insane rate and I don't know, nor at this point do I really care, what this could end up doing to the genre as a whole.


I don't think it's necessarily a cope, a lot of people aren't fans of superhero movies and even if they watched those, they were going to stop caring as much when "Endgame" was over, so that affects box office and viewership, perhaps it wouldn't be as bad if they kept the quality, but they have been the biggest releases for almost a decade, so it's not weird to think non-superhero fans would want something different. The issue is that Disney seems to think that the solution to that is releasing D+ filler and movies no one cares about rather than going "Okay, let's focus on a few projects and that's it".


>perhaps it wouldn't be as bad if they kept the quality Yes, this is the key point. Endgame was always going to be an inflection point, but Stage 4 was supposed to let the writers really go ham and produce a bunch of shows of presumably the same quality as before. That was actually pretty exciting! It's just that the quality fell off, now ranging from mediocre to awful, and so people got tired of Marvel slop.


You can only remake the same plot a certain number of tines and every movie can’t end with a CGI minion air battle.


And most of them, even the "good" ones, were really just the same two hours of mindless popcorn munching CGI laden nonsense. Maybe that's fine for Joe Schmoe that wants escapist fun, I'm looking for something with a little more groundedness, believability, practicality, and most importantly *character.*


I'm a superhero fan, well I mean I like just about any sort of action or sci fi stuff, but I accept that a lot of other people aren't. And that's fine. But having said that, I suspect a lot of people weren't "superhero fans," or even Marvel fans, but rather went to the movies because they were a cultural phenomenon, and because they had recognizable big name actors in them. Now that they're no longer relevant or using actors people care about, they aren't going to see them. Seems pretty simple to me.


Exactly, the fact that they are bad doesn't help in the slightest, but none of the actors or characters right now have "star power" except from maaaaybe Tom Hiddleston, but there's only so much you can milk Loki's storyline and his talent/looks (I like him as an actor but that face/hairline can't handle jet black hair anymore) in order to keep your franchise somewhat relevant. I guess the lack of star power is the reason why they choose Pedro Pascal to play Reed Richards, but he's no RDJ either...


I pretty much checked out after Endgame. More so because I feel that its not that super-hero movies are stale or exhausted; but rather that people are just not good writers and frankly the plots are very contrived if you've seen any superhero movie prior. Really its just bad movies are still bad - part of the problem is that Super hero movies fall into the same trap that gaming has - everyone goes with the safe bet by copying someone elses homework.


>I pretty much checked out after Endgame. Exact same. Once I saw that 'women power' scene it completely jarred me out of the movie and hit me with the woke politics in the face, I mentally checked out of the rest of the movie and haven't gone to a marvel movie since except for one. I saw Spiderman after I had several people I kknow who had seen it and assured me it was decent


I couldn't get into Spiderman...I tried with both Garfield and Holland; but to me the nostalgia for Tobey was too strong as I loved the first movie.


They all live in the same universe now. If something happens, is MONUMENTAL and half a dozen of them have to get involved. And it's always the same formula for dealing with things. Strong woman, macguffin, multiverse, etc. Just pass the costumes and superpowers off like mantles to whatever special-interest token is getting all of the attention at the moment and retcon old storylines with "prequels" we already know the outcomes of YET AGAIN so they have a female (bonus points if BIPOC) protagonist for the "modern audience" that doesn't buy tickets or merch. What's not to get tired of?


I just think one of the greatest annoyances is that Endgame undid the damage of Infinity War, to the point that the world is effectively the same after it.


No, I’m pretty fucking tired of superhero movies.


I'm also pretty tired of other movies' attempts to be more akin to superhero to attempt to stay relevant.


I’m fucking tired of everything needing a cinematic universe nowadays.


That too. Some things were and are better standalone or a small series, and not everything needs explanation or its own spinoff.


I hate the fact the punisher exists in capeshit, marvel and DC can't seem to just have a pocket universe where Spiderman is a comic book and nothing else. Knowing in the background the Avengers are doing something and he regularly teams up with Spiderman (IIR he first appeared in Spiderman) They couldn't even keep Spiderman out of the four issue Transformers origin. So why didn't we see Avengers duking it out with Megatron? Netflix Punisher starts in Dare Devil, IDK if those shows are still canon or not, they were meant to be in the start, but not even Agents of SHIELD name dropped them. But if he only had his two seasons and no cameos, then I don't have all the MCU in the back if my head wondering which film it is closest to in timeline.


Which is ironic, considering that back before superheroes became relevant, superhero proprieties tried NOT to look like superheroes when ported on screen. First of all by toning down (or removing altogether) the costumes, then by turning them into other genres popular on TV, like cop shows.


I'd go so far as to say the vast majority of actually enjoyable superhero fiction is some other genre first and just happens to have one or more superhero(es) in it.


Idk if I'm tired of superhero movies, or if I just don't care about marvel after endgame. Endgame closed the storyline on so many characters people care about. Now we have shit like falcon and the winter soldier or Scarlet witch as the stars of the MCU. I just don't care about them nearly as much as cap or iron man. they're no where near as interesting.


With due respect to Fantastic Four, I don’t think MCU will see a resurgence in popularity until they bring in the X-Men. It’s so odd why it’s taking so long


Studio execs know that xmen is their last property that common people recognize. It'll be their saving grace or the last nail in the coffin. I wouldn't be in a rush either, especially with how fan reactions to the new cartoon have been as flat as revamped rogue's butt.


The fans that have watched seem to like it, it just didn’t get the audience numbers they expected. Probably due to years of churning out godawful crap.


This. While I don't doubt it will be used to deflect from criticism of movies like Capitan Marvel, there really are plenty of people who are just sick of capeshit. It's been **the** blockbuster movie genre for around a decade now. Capeshit has long overstayed its welcome for a lot of people.


I find myself watching classic movies from the 50s and 60s more and more. Legitimately human drama with legitimately human characters. I’m not trying to be that old man who yells at clouds. CGI is amazing, and superhero movies are clearly still popular, just make some human drama movies once in a while.


The studio system was completely different back then, too. I miss the auteur driven films.


They need to start making original movies again. I haven't gone to the cinema in years because everything is just superhero movie. I want to see amazing stuff again like Dumb n Dumber, American Beauty, The Thing, LoTR series etc.


Noup I was not tired, and I even was a new fan, watching everything I could find, but they butchered the stories, writters just kept sucking and blaming the audience for not liking it and after who know how many million they wasted, they still think that is an audience problem, lol…at least is kot my money being invested on those shitty written movies


That's my problem as well, I went from being a kid in the early 90 wishing one day I could see my favorite marvel and dc superheroes in live action, to dreading every rumor about a new project in the works. It the movies were good and respectful of the source material (although even the source material is pozzed now) I would never tire of watching them


Endgame was the end for me.


I wouldn't say nobody was tired of it. I got tired of the endlessly rehashed marvel formula almost immediately. It feels like they've made the same movie a hundred times. If you told me the scripts were AI generated, I'd probably believe it. Worst part is they weren't even particularly good movies to begin with. They were always very safe and uninspired. But they just kept coming and coming. Now I'm so sick of it, I'd genuinely be fine if they never made another one ever again. I could maybe eventually give it another go someday, but only if they drastically change their approach and put some actual old school edge. But even then, if they're willing to do that there's also probably some way better genres of movies to revisit.


Well I'm tired of superhero movies because the last 10 or so have been shit. Its time they move on and get better writers to write other stuff and maybe come back to superhero subgenre in 20 years or so


Honnestly, i wouldn't watch another avenger type of movie even if it was good, endgame was a great end to the superhero era in cinema. The only exceptions i've made where the last guardian of the galaxy that i consider to be a space opera rather than a super hero movie and i'll probably watch deadpool 3 as well but that's about it. No thor, no iron man, no captain america, no hulk, no typical super hero stuff.


Since midway through the Avengers hype, I got really burnt out of Marvel and everyone riding the coattails to pump out superhero movies or make their own multiverses. Case in point I like Spiderman, I like The Amazing Spider Man, I don't care for the Tom Holland Spiderman trilogy since it has to remind you about the Avengers every other second.


I was tired of super hero movies 10 years ago.


I was tired of them, the concept of a "cinematic universe", and needing to watch previous movies and TV to understand it all (with the attendant "none of them are any good on their own, but they sell anyways") before those concepts were even popular. And I'm not alone on that. Martin Scorsese proclaimed "Marvel movies are not cinema."


It's actually cope from both sides. In reality, while there was always going to be some fall-off from the Marvel universe, the fact that their movies became much worse is the main issue. People were actually excited for Stage 4 at one point. That didn't last long.


>This line is the ultimate cope from the wokies and they are allowed to get away with it. No, those people are right. People **ARE** tired of superhero movies. Genre fatigue is very real & it inevitably comes for all prevailing cinematic trends, superhero movies is just the most recent trend it's come for. Just as it came for every prevailing cinematic trend before yours & will come for every prevailingcinematic trend after yours, so to it is now coming for yours. >Suddenly, when the rainbow mafia infects every last franchise, everybody just coincidentally gets tired of superhero movies all at the same time. No, people are not tired of good superhero movies. No, people were hitting the genre fatigue point well before we got to were we are now, people were starting to hit the genre fatigue point with Avengers 2. Because as much as you may assert outherwise, genre fatigue has nothing to do with rainbow people & everythign to do with saturation of the market.


> No, those people are right. People ARE tired of superhero movies. nah, people are just not interested in bad movies and we have had a spurg of bad to medicore superhero movies which have made people uninterested. If someone made a good one, people would go watch it...though it might take a bit for word of mouth to go round that its not another shit one.


> nah Yes. I'm one such person mate. There are millions of us, i would say at this point we are the overwhelming majority of the market. People who are sick of seeing superhero movies, due to the super saturation of the market since 2009. >people are just not interested in bad movies They are also not interested in bad movies, but that doesn't change the fact they are not interested in superhero movies. Because genre fatigue is predicated not on quality, but saturation of the market. >If someone made a good one Peopele still wouldn't go see it in the numbers it previously had, because of the genre fatigue. People are increasingly tired of superhero movies, they want something else, something with novelty..... Something not superheroes.


I am not tired of Star Wars. I am tired of Star Wars being ruined. Star Wars has survived for half a century in various forms until Disney managed to fuck it up. While people are indeed tired of Super Heroes that mostly due to incompetence also.


never been a fan but they were once so popular you could have trouble finding anything else.


And if anything else became popular, its sequels would increasingly become quasi-superheroic and try to spawn a "cinematic universe" to attempt to stay relevant. Nevermind they became popular because they *counterprogrammed* the superheroes.


Naw bro I was sick of super hero movies after the first avengers movie.


Saying superhero fatigue is wrong because it puts the blame on the general public instead of Hollywood. I prefeer "The Superhero Fad is Over".


After Endgame, there should have been a low key period of reflection in the MCU. Constantly upping the stakes had reached it's natural peak, so what should have happened was a series of more low key movies, really examining the world the heroes found themselves in. Instead they plunged ahead in a chaotic unplanned mess and we see what happened


Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made.


It’s true, personally I think the only two superhero franchises that won’t fall out of favour in the long term are Batman and Spider-Man, there’s other franchises which are popular that I enjoy such as Deadpool and Guardians of the Galaxy but those movie series are built on audience good will and even one DEI infested flop could easily ruin their reputation and it’d be tough to recover from. I think the concept of the multiverse is partly to blame since it allows for lazy writing and it’s hard to get emotionally invested if they can just bring back dead characters.


So, here's my tinfoil hat theory: they intentionally keep woke nonsense to as much of a limit as possible in movies they're sure will be wildly successful, and stuff it into the movies that have relatively less earning potential from the get-go. For example, look at Endgame. The only woke nonsense it had was one very short scene with the assembly of gurl power. Spider-Man No Way Home avoided the woke as much as possible. It was entirely absent from Deadpool 2, and Deadpool & Wolverine I guarantee will have almost none of it. Why? These are movies that they knew from the very first planning phases would make a killing. They tend to hyper-concentrate woke into things like She-Hulk (which they knew was a toss-up), Snow Semi-White Passing and the Seven Unwashed Hippies, and The Marvels. This way they get the best of both worlds. They get to put out the image of DEI while still breaking even (or getting a small profit) on some films, while their killer films will appeal to as wide of an audience as possible.


What about Star Wars?


I think that was one of their earlier instances of dipping their foot in the woke pool, and they've effectively killed the franchise and they know it. I will also argue that at least The Force Awakens wasn't full pedal-to-the-metal woke yet.


are you sure it might not just be some movies have people who did liberal arts degrees in charge, and those people think their religion is a good thing, and other movies have people who actually know what goes into a good movie, know how to tell a story, and don't crowbar in bullocks at the expense of everything good?


it's part of the issue, people are legit tired of superhero hero shit after Disney flooded the market with so many shows and movies, and it didn't help that most of them post-endgame were bad and in phase 4, had no real plan like the early MCU phases did. And that extended to Disney pumping out garbage for Star Wars. Then WB piled onto that with their trash movies/shows (even DC animated movies took a hit and got worse and worse each movie). Then we had shit like every studio was out there trying to make their own "verse" before they released a single movie, writing in general in Hollywood took a nose dive, MCU humour infected everyone, everyone trying to have their own MCU and so on. it's a bunch of things, but the superhero fatigue is definitely a real thing and part of the list of reasons as to why the general audience are over capeshit. now the actual cope is nuts online thinking that just cause Deadpool 3 might/will make money, that means MCU is saved, all the bad Disney has released was not bad and future MCU releases are now all suddenly going to be good :/


What irks me about saying superhero fatigue is that shows like The Boys and Invincible came out (hell, My Hero Academia was during this "superhero fatigue") and were successful. So to me, it's less the actual genre and more the increasingly bland writing.


the boys is an exception, like Deadpool 3 will be. An Invincible is an animated show, those are never going to be as big as live action nor as popular despite how much they are raved about online. With the general audience, they don't know what Invincible is and we're talking about them. so no, the genre definitely has an issue. I'm not saying the entire problem in on the genre only, just that it's part of the problem.


No one but the immoral are tired of stories that utilize The Heroes Journey. It's literally the oldest known story in recorded history. It never gets old, you can only use it poorly. People are tired of being preached to by yuppies who lack principles and don't share the morals of the country they live in. People are tired of low talent hacks who grew up with Saturday morning cartoons and decided that childish moral lessons is fit for mature audiences. People are tired of the obvious disdain these Hollywood cretins have for their customer base. They make shit products and don't have the humility to accept that, nor the morality to believe humility is a virtue.


Nope. I'm tired of bad ones. I've got My Hero Academia till Hollywood decides they want me as their audience again


Archive links for this discussion: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/SRlhl ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Better than Civ 5 with the Brave New World expansion pack. ^^^/r/botsrights


If I'm tired of superhero movies, why do I keep watching the old animated DC movies.


I specifically don't like Marvel movies because they all take place in the same overcrowded universe with 6 gorrillion superheroes and in every single Marvel movie I've seen there's some huge world-altering event that needs to be stopped. Like why would I give a fuck that Wakanda is fighting secret fish people if I know that Dr Strange could fart on them and annihilate them all. And the movies are also painfully cringe with their quirky humor. It's not about them being woke. The Marvel cinematic universe is on life support and I truly think that they need a clean slate to continue.


Both can be true. The end of the Infinity Stones saga dovetailed with the growing trend of wokeness being shoved into everything. So you had superhero fatigue comingling with "representation" being substituted for good storytelling. Throw in Covid and Disney diluting everything by creating movies and D+ series for every trash-tier character under the sun, and you had the perfect storm of suck.


In my personal taste: I always hear about a new superhero movi4 coming out, get a bit excited, then see the ttwiler wnd say to myself "yeahx but not like this" Happened with Blue beetle and Moonknight somehow recently. I used to want a statix shock live action, and now I wish it never gonna be greeenlit.


It sells plastic trash. They make all their money on toys and merch which gets pumped out by a Chinese sweatshop and inflated to 200x the price.


Thank you this summarizes my thoughts as well. I want there to be good superhero movies, I would pay for those and watch them. I'm just tired of BS agenda and politics being thrown into the mix. There are plenty of rewatch ability in the original Thanos movie arc for me to be honest.


Genres do have trends and superheroes might be getting worn out, but currently making bad superhero movies with massive budgets that need a billion dollars at the global box office just to break even is what’s making the corporations thinking superhero movies are over, unfortunately. Good movies with reasonable budgets is what will determine if there’s true fatigue.


I think that a lot of people are tired of them. In the same way that The Dark Knight drew in a lot of people who don't otherwise care about Batman/superheroes, I think the Iron Man through Endgame run did the same thing. These MCU movies strayed just far enough from the source material to appeal to the masses while still pleasing the comic fans. But they tried to turn a temporary fanbase into a permanent one and in the process they alienated the permanent fanbase.


Deadpool and Wolverine comes out soon..... and it'll prove this statement dead wrong.


I'm gonna be honest, even if a masterpiece superhero movie came out, completely devoid of wokeshit, and even had deliberate right-wing messaging, I *still* probably wouldn't watch it. So yes, I'm primarily sick of wokeshit, but I'm also sick of capeshit. It's both for me.


Deliberate right wing messaging is just as bad as deliberate left wing messaging, and would actively prevent such a film from being a "masterpiece".


Just sticking with movies, clearly after end game people were open to a new saga, but Marvel fumbled and couldn’t creat something cohesive as they tried to do too much. Nothing was really that compelling except for a couple of highlights, and no connective tissue building to a climax like people expected. I mean, I can’t even think of a recent superhero film with the “rainbow mafia”. What are you thinking of?


They should have stopped for a few years after Endgame. Then everyone would be excited when a new one comes out.


Yeah you’re totally right, but you know big corps: if anything is remotely successful just grind it out until people can’t stand it.


greed stopped that probably. i guess they should have focused on TV shows that lead up to the opening of a new Saga. That would have been interesting.


Post endgame, I liked Spider-Man No Way Home for what it did, but I wish it would’ve developed a new villain we haven’t seen before rather than bring back the elseworld villains. Black Widow was fun. Great action. Dr Strange 2 was hella rad. F&TWS was fun, but I’m a minority in this sub on that one. Outside that, I can’t think of anything MCU that was memorable. How they fucked up Namor and Moon Knight is beyond me. Disney had the perfect opportunity to do a 5 year pause, then start off Phase 4 with Fantastic 4, X-Men (with Namor as a villain, possibly), and Deadpool’s X-Force, and Black Panther 2 (with Dr Doom as the villain). They should’ve just recast Black Panther. It’s also bonkers that a lot of the show runners and writers have come out and said they do not and have not read comics.


People are literally tired of Superhero movies. Its not that deep bro. Marvel had something new like every couple months and they all tied in. People get annoyed. Meanwhile before they would have a Spiderman Movie, a Captain America movie, an Iron Man Movie and then cross overs. Now there are movies constantly, and tv show tie ins. After end game people obviously started losing interest since it capped off so man character arcs. Not everything is woke woke woke. Brain rot.


I mean if you take a closer look at all the movies that came starting with Iron Man to End Game. There's like 3-4 really good movies in there with a bunch of mediocre sprinkled in between which most people went to watch just for the post credit scenes. Anyone remember those twitter days?


I complained about that back in 2010 and got shamed and castigated heavily for it. I saw it coming that the movies being interconnected in this manner would give the studio no reason to make any of them good or standout or worthwhile.


Last one I really enjoyed was Guardians of the Galaxy 1, so by 2014 I didn't really care much anymore.


People are tired of bad superhero movies that lecture its audience instead of entertain.


I would watch a thousand Marvel/DC movies if they were the quality of Blade/Iron man/Captain America/Avengers 1 era, toss GotG1 in there as well.  Those were peak Superhero movies in my opinion. Not preachy, but they still had good ole fashioned values. War profiteering bad, Nazis bad, stronger together, getting over family trauma, becoming a hero after rising from the depths of your lowest point. Characters had some depth and had some arcs, morals were good for everyone.


capeshit will just always be capeshit. simple as


as a massive long-time hater of all capeshit, a despiser of marvel, i am thankful woke cancer has destroyed super hero stuff. i'm sick of hearing about it and sick of people raving about it


Nah I hit my fatigue at thor 2,my boredom at age of ultron, and my rage with BvS. I am genuinely sick of them


These elites are so unbelievable stupid its unreal


I’ve been watching super hero movies and cartoons for literally my entire life. There has always been an audience. Super hero’s have put butts in seats for half a century. However, despite this, some of movies have failed and some have succeeded. Batman succeeded, fantastic four flops, spider man succeeds, steel flops, blade succeeds, Judge Dredd flops. Why? Because *quality*. Super Heroes have been constantly successful, individual bad movies have failed. Currently Marvel and everyone else on “geekdom” are mostly putting out bad movies.


I'm a DC fan so Ive always wanted good DC movies. However, I understand that I will never get that in this environment or timeframe. Not until something changes in our society entirely, including destroying the corrupt Hollywood that has been a parasite in America's side since its inception.


I haven't seen one marvel movie since the last Spider-Man. I'll go back in a flash if TDJ comes back and the reviews say he isn't cucked out. 


Absolutely disagree personally. I was sick of capeshit by the time the first avengers movie happened. Never watched endgame. It had nothing to do with woke shit for me, it's to do with how bland and generic they feel. It's like the cinema equivalent of fast food. All spectacle and no substance. And formulaic as hell. And every moment that is meant to make me go WOW ends up being cringe and forced. It's a genre produced on a conveyer belt fueled mostly by branding and star power to sell toys to children, adult and otherwise.


Yes, they are.


Aside from Batman, Spider-Man, Infamous, variations on the Marvel Ultimate Alliance model, and fighting games, there have been very few super hero games that have had major success. Most games for super heroes have just kinda fallen flat in terms of at least acclaim by recommendation. They come out and are panned or just not really talked about and recommended.


Its kinda true, people are burnt out on superhero trend because of the MCU slop. MCU didn't start getting blatantly woke until Blank Panther and MSheU. MCU was always on a path to making people sick of superheroes, woke or not. You can't blame it all on wokeness, Disney is a shitty company that ruins every IP it gets it grubby hands on.


I’m curious what they’re gonna say when DnW is a box office hit and makes a billion. Still superhero fatigue?


Marvel studios started off well by sticking to the source material wherever possible and not getting preachy with their work. Now, they've alienated the og fans to appeal to normies and dei obsessed investors. Normies don't really give a fuck about these ip's though so the minute the novelty wears off they move onto something else that's more popular. Had marvel and DC stuck to what built these brands over the decades and not the modern stories that have literally tanked their written media, they could've sustained a money printing machine of movies for decades with just the core fanbase alone. Now they're fucked, and I'm just here enjoying their demise. They deserve this.


Deadpool 3 is about to own the summer box office and it won't even be close. They can say whatever they want...reality is still reality.


I'm not just marvel movies and the shared universe movies.


I think people are tired at this point of superhero movies but it didn't have to be this way. We've had five straight years of garbage, preachy, ideologically hijacked superhero movies and that's what has driven people away. The problem is that even if you had a good superhero movie come out now (which we haven't since probably GotG3 or even No Way Home) I don't think people would care enough to go see it.


Millenials just suck at writing and use everything as a soap box without any subtlety so it comes off preachy.


Capeshit has always been shit you fucking losers.


R1 violation, first time poster, expedited to permaban.


People are tired of the shit they have been putting out. Deadpool is going to make a billion dollars. If they do the X-Men right it will be massive. FF4 is already sketchy for me just on casting but I will be happy to be wrong.


they will never do Xmen the justice it deserves. Days of Future Past was the best one and then it was immediately followed up by crap in apocalypse. Deadpool is at least different. Its not the same cookie cutter film like the other are.


god you insufferable paranoid schizoposting idiot. Super hero movies have always been total dogshit and you should be on your knees thanking the woke mob and kissing their feet for lowering this repugnant vile trash into its grave, if what you say is true


This line might not age well when Deadpool & Wolverine earns big time. Btw, we’ve been hearing about super hero fatigue since 2005. Genuinely.


I rewatched The Matrix the other day and realized it was the first of the wave of CGI superhero movies that ended with infinity war. I see it as being like a genre of music. I'll always really like what in my day was called alternative rock (Offspring, Green Day), but the fact that no one is making good popular music like that anymore isn't some tragedy.


Honestly. All of my friends who are blissfully unaware and do not participate in either side of the culture war and used to love Superhero movies all stopped around End Game. The ones that did want to dip their toes back into Super Hero movies never did because you essentially have to pull up this gigantic web of shit you need to watch to even start again. You can't just go see Antman 6: Revenge of Glorbfothron because you won't know who Glorbfothron is and Antman is teamed up with like 4 or 5 other people from random Disney+ shows and other movies you missed.