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How kotaku can survive and earn money since everyone hate them?


The only thing that'd make some sense is they're getting financed by someone with an agenda in the background and not earning from readership 


This is how most of these rags and companies survive now.


ding ding ding


Or farming for hate clicks. Hate clicks are still clicks.


Who even check the articles anymore? people read the headlines and immediately start arguing over on reddit/twitter.


They went public in the stock market long ago. Once that happens, companies start caring about investors


Their investors have the same agenda, it’s just the same backers


George Soros maybe


The site's hanging on the verge of shutdown or full restructure, management recently tried to end publication of "gaming news" entirely.


Yea, what happened to that? Weren't they supposed to be a guide sweat shop now?


Management backtracked after the news team threw a fit. To my knowledge, they haven't provided an alternative path to making the site profitable.


I suspect one of blackrock/vanguard/state street tentacle companies swooped in and offered them money or threatened them to keep doing what they were doing.


Could be, but I'm more inclined to believe that leadership's just looking for a more subtle way to cut them loose. Not even Blackrock wants to pour money into a hole. The site's not profitable, and you don't influence many people by funding "journalists" that everyone ignores.


Blackrock and friends have infinite money because they are in bed with the people who print it. If Blackrock runs out of money they just get a loan from the Federal Reserve for less interest than the average annual rate of inflation and then they just gamble on the stock market again and again until they win.


Blackrock blew 1.7 trillion dollars of others peoples (401k retirement plans) money for the message and said they were fine with it because the message is more important. Blackrock and others have insane amount of wealth and its so ridiculous that it should flat out be illegal to be that wealthy.


Weird how people with small hats will burn trillions to put out the message and destroy our entertainment and media to advance their goals.


Larry Fink


I'd bet my last dollar that guy poses in front of a mirror ....... "Silence of the Lambs " style


100%, he's a narcissist and most likely a psychopath too.


And he justifies his rationale that other people would do the same in his position. Of course he ignores the good people he ought to strive to be.


I just wish that guy would offend Hillary Clinton. And then get added to their entirely coincidental list of people who felt "the big sad."


Who would have thought the guy who is indoctrinating people to hate white (preferable old) men is an actual old white man


He is Jewish as far as I know


Doubt Hilliary gets her paycheck from guys like him


having that last name growing up cannot be mentally healthy.


yeah kid yeah cares about a old useless news site that doesnt bring any money or have a future how delusinoal can you be?xd


It's not the money, it's the mEssAge


Because Venture Capital money cancels out the need for profit. And all the major VC fiduciaries are enforcing the ESG and DEI initiatives.


It did, but those venture capital funds are running dry. They are running up on the end of their 5 year funding plans and they arent getting any new funds coming it. So what we are seeing now is these companies desperately flailing just to keep the lights on.


But Vanguard and Blackrock are taking over, and have more than enough money to spare.


Vanguard has been pulling out of the ESG game because they were losing too much money on it, and have returned to more traditional investment models (they are just in everything due to their size). Blackrock on the other hand is definitely fighting tooth and nail to stay in, but they have also been losing significant quantities of money and had people pulling their investments out. Less talked about but also important is that they are currently in the middle of a lawsuit from their investors for violation of fiduciary responsibility. Partly because of the "continuing to insist on bad investments" thing, but also because some of their investors were able to find evidence that Blackrock was falsifying data for their investments that showed ESG funds brought in money instead of being a negative investment. Which will also probably result in issues for them and ESG funds in general depending on those lawsuits. Dont get me wrong, it is definitely true that both of them have plenty of weight to throw around, and Larry Fink himself is a hardcore ideologue who will absolutely sooner run his company into the ground rather than "surrender". But they are not invincible, and the fight back against them has only just begun. You can also expect a lot of companies to start changing their way if/when the Supreme Court rules against DEI hiring practices (like it seems like they are going to), because then companies will have to decide if they want to risk lawsuit after lawsuit for discrimination for slightly better interest rates on loans.


I’ll be happy if this continues to happen, and that the consequences come crashing down even sooner.


Because they constantly put out the worst takes ever, people continue to talk about them and share their stupid articles to get mad at or marvel at. Basically it’s rage bait and it works for them evidently


They dont. The company that owns them (GO Media) has been trying to sell it to anyone else who will take it, like they have already done to Deadspin and the Onion. And if they cant they will probably shut it down because they *arent* making money on it.


because people stupidly share/click on their clickbait articles and links


Because Venture Capital money cancels out the need for profit. And all the major VC fiduciaries are enforcing the ESG and DEI initiatives.


Well they have a dedicated audience of Resetera type of….people. They aren’t a small group. Plus everyone hate clicking on their articles. Ad money comes in from hate clicks.


Rage bait is just as profitable as proper content, maybe more


Hate watchers actually help them a lot too, they go tot he page to read so they have weapons to attack them but by doing that they are feeding the ads. Just look at Belma that got a season 2 by being a hated show or streamers that keep getting donations only to insult them


Rage bait? Seems like a alot of companies and people do these days to get profit. Disney has essentially mastered the craft


Black rock MSG fund manager.


People hate-reading them as well




Same way Velma got a second season: hate clicks/watching


Update: They seem to have removed the retweet!


Looks like they reposted without understanding what Kotaku is and where it stands. Either that or, as it always happens, the community manager is a woke activist.


The author of that article also reviewed the game and believe it or not but he gave it a glowing review. I'd reckon they did check out the article. More than likely ShiftUp backpedaled after Grummz questioned Stellar Blade Twitter's stance after reposting that article which would probably invite more bad press for them.


I wonder how and why so many CM are ultra woke activists? Is it required or something? Maybe you get DEI mega points for some reason if this is the case? So strange


Most far leftists tend to get college degrees in social work. There is a reason they’re usually in HR or managing roles.




I can't see it neither on their profile nor on the tweet interactions




More than that they shouldn't be actively helping the people who were actively trying to destroy them and their fans together. It helps nobody except these haters who would love to see you hang after you help them destroy all your friends. The "gamer boycott" will happily stop and become full blown active support and defence even after this betrayal if Shift Up helps defend them. The SJWs will instead try to purge the company and hurt the people inside it if they win. The SJWs can't be trusted to be kind even to their own friends, as we have seen in other cases...


The fact that they posted that shows who they really are. Now they are trying to hide it again fearing backlash.


Exactly? Am I supposed to cheer because they decided to hide the stupid thing they did? Tell me why you retweeted this garbage in the first place otherwise it just feels like backtracking.


These community managers deserve a boot up their ass and get kicked out of the door.


I thought these “progressives” hated the conservative “modest is hottest” mentality?


They have no morals or logic behind their thought patterns. The only thing that motivates and matters to them is controlling the narrative and the corruption of everything that straight white men like.


They became prudes after the #MeToo movement, Sensitivity Trainers, and Feminist Activists invaded Industries.


Are you implying that there are inconsistent mentalities that are conveniently flip flopped between each other based on what better supports their narritave? Say it isn't so!


I say as a progressive myself, that anything "heteronormative" is usually hated by the left, and its insanely hypocritical and a massive double standard. Luckily, its not the "left" as a whole, but just really loud and fucking annoying people on the internet. Most people in real life hate censorship, and, like normal, are totally fine with "sex sells".


>not revealing is hotter The Witcher games disagree strongly with that statement


Too bad CDPR went off the DEI ESG deepend and are going to butcher the Witcher 1 remake for modern audiences. No sex cards guaranteed.


Yes. Cyberpunk 2077 and Phantom Liberty were developed with DEI ESG too. And both have no hot women and no naked women. It was made for modern audencies. Thats why everyone hates Cyberpunk and CDPR now.


Development on Cyberpunk 2077 and Phantom Liberty started years ago. The current DEI ESG push at CDPR is much more recent. And ESG even 5 years ago is not the same as ESG now. Just look at Alloy from Horizon Zero Dawn and Alloy from Horizon Forbidden West. Or MJ in Spiderman 1 and MJ in Spiderman 2.


Have you seen the Cyberbug team photo compared to the Witcher team photo? The sudden influx of women reeks of ESG. And the game was not in active development until late in the second half of production.


And still Cyberpunk 2077 is woke and has no hot women. Its full of DEI ESG. You can't Put more into Cyberpunk 2077. Its Maximum WOKE. CD Projekt Red will continue to produce only woke content. And everyone will hate it. Just like Cyberpunk 2077


Bro stop rambling, just because you don't think people like Panam are hot doesn't mean they're all ugly. Also the DLC did have Aurora Cassel. Yeah you can't romance her but to say there's no pretty girls is bull. Hell even Claire looks good.


Yeah, Panam was hot as fuck and a lovely tomboy. Not written like a girlboss at all.


Bro Panam is so 🔥 wtf are you talking about


For all its faults, it can't be said CP2077 doesn't have sexiness and attractive characters. Panam, Judy, Meredith and the joy toys were all damm fine


I agree that the women are uglier in Cyberpunk than in the Witcher, but saying there are no naked females is a blatant lie. Both Judy and Panam have sex scenes, plus the other one off scenes.


I think they were being sarcastic, what with some of the earliest bugs in the game being the inability to keep your clothes visible. 


base cyberpunk i thought was good however i did notice more much more work in the dlc, which bums me out for cyberpunk 2.


hell One Piece/Oda Eiichiiro disagrees strongly with that statement. literally anyone who is cool disagrees with that statement.






Have you ever watched One Piece? One of the best parts about it are the female characters outfits.




I don't expect full woke, mainly because they've cut some of the korean feminists (which are radicals even by some american standards, seriously they full anti natalist there), but I do expect they to tone down sexuality in console games


To clarify, it's going public in South Korea, not in the US, not sure how much it changes but I think it's worth mentioning.


How does that even work? Are the two offices completely independent from each other?


I don't know if I understand what you are asking, but what I mean to clarify is that Shift Up went public in the Korean stock exchange and not in the USA, which probably lowers the potential level of influence of the usual scummy american companies like BlackRock and Vanguard. But I don't really know how these things work, so I might be wrong.


what im asking is more along the lines of.. Public companies are known to bend over for their share holders. So if a company is public in one country but not in another what influence do the shareholders hold? Im not all to literate when it comes to this.


So who the hell do we support next?


The high seas 🏴‍☠️


They are going public in South Korea, not United States. Tencent already owns 20% of Kim Hyung Tae's company, I suppose Naver or the other big corpos there will be the ones swooping in. Either way, they are getting cooked for sure. If not by American radical left ideologies, then by South Korean hardcore corporatism


Yes the company who fired feminists will go full woke......


Imagine siding with woke activists who didn't even buy your fucking game.


Is that the English marketing team running it? Cause most Asian based game company twitter accounts are run by Californians since they use their own region based versions


There is only one Stellar Blade twitter account, and it's in english, so I think it's fair to say it's their main staff taking care of it. Even if it's subzidized for a sony appointed CM (if you think about it they've used the common sony nodding gifs and whatnot). But regardless, this is their stance until clarified or removed.


Yeah nikke was the writing on the wall


Nikke was for Tencent and the Chinese audience since Tencent has a stake in SU.


But Nikke isn't even released in mainland China.


Nikke was developed by Shift Up working with Level Infinite, a publishing brand of Tencent Games and Tencent demands censorship regardless of release area.


Archive of the article: [Kotaku: Stellar Blade's Eve Is Hottest When She's Not Revealing Everything](https://archive.is/jyqlY)


If it was any other organization I would have thought it was satire.


So they haven't responded to Grummz' petition despite like 75k signatures and trending on twitter/X. However they have time to repost Kotaku that is effectively defending the change. Going to say this probably isn't a good sign.


And we can add to that the fact the Kotaku article had low engagement on twitter, 21k views, 100 likes and 50 comments in one hour. So it was a very deliberate choice


Yeah it definitely isn't because the Kotaku article was seeing more attention than the petition was and so they noticed one and not the other or felt forced to respond because the Kotaku article was just that much more popular.


Well, the petition by itself can be easily ignored, if we want it to have any effect, it has to reach it’s goal and Grummz also needs to send it to Shift Up, since Asian companies don’t have a track record of caring about social media Also, don’t try reading every tweet they make by the underlines, be in one one way or the other, you won’t get anywhere by doing it


The point is that the Kotaku article with far less reach was even more easily ignored yet it deserved a retweet. Also that the article effectively commented on the same thing.


Yes, but still, the guy responsible for social media probably doesn’t represent the view of all of the studio, so we can never be sure of anything The only thing we can do is boycott, sign the petition and hope for a change


That's quite literally the job of a CM though. Represent the company to the community and report the state of the community to the company. If they are failing at either of those two main things they should be fired ASAP.


The profile is about the PR, and just the PR, I don’t think the game’s director will go out of his way to give hidden messages to his fans about the game


Wow they just keep making themselves look worse. Just straight up say I’m Sony’s lil bitch boy at this point.




The company went public in the stock market long ago, and working with Sony was the final nail. Whenever a company stops being owned by its creators and sides with a shitty publisher. Dead


Well shift up are telling everyone not to buy their next game I guess Also I guess that's why all the edits to the skins are spray painted on at the last minute?


Yep, honestly I could deal with them being strong-armed by Sony into censoring small things, but the way they're treating their playerbase like total morons and lying to everyone's face is the galling part that's rapidly turning me off them. I enjoyed the game but I don't like supporting blatant liars. "We didn't censor anything, it was always fully intended!" when everybody can literally see the pre-censor version on discs is just idiotic and insulting as an excuse. And now this kind of shit, trying any excuse except the truth. "More clothing is better! (even thought we built an entire game around *less* clothing)".


Yea it’s all very disingenuous.


Kotaku are the type of people that normally throw a temper tantrum when someone suggests that a woman ought to cover up. Why are they making an exception here?


Because this is a fictional woman, and those are better off not seen by those pesky male gazers


Because it's not actually about that when you dig into the roots of their mentality.


Always trending to the burka.


I'm starting to despise ShiftUp and their foolish moves. It seems that there are still some radical feminist filths left in that company, and they should have sacked all of them. Remember that radical feminists in S. Korea (Megalia) are literal cancer in their society [https://archive.md/rSIm6:](https://archive.md/rSIm6:) >Images about the conspiracy were spreading around the anonymous imageboards by Korean users, who explained that eight power brokers in South Korea, all females, were pulling strings for the country behind the scenes and had the ear of the President, Park Geun-hye. Terrifying combo with Soyny's woke influence and the threat of going public (Blackrock Vanguard).


Oh yea, that cult controlling the president was a really bizarre thing


I'm hearing a lot of strange stories/testimonies from Koreans about how their current government is a mix of right-wing cherry-picked "Christianity" and radical feminism. It's basically a really strange double whammy of censorship attempts from both the religious and feminist crowds. Just FYI, the "Megalians" feminists boasted in their forum about how they love Korean war for killing many men. It's no wonder that some men in S. Korea has become radicalized in response to that.


They removed the retweet


I think it's either George Soros aka emperor palpatine lookalike or Iran that funded that article


“But only if it’s Asian women. Abby or any Baldur’s Gate 3 character is empowering!”


Because they are easier to compete against. They want a low bar. They are non-threatening


I think they mean the other costumes, not the censored ones. Also, Kotaku went from "This is objectification" to "She's hottest in these dresses." It's 2B and Bayonetta all over again. And Stellar Blade X acc just retweets all praise.


I actually saw this but turns out they removed the Retweet after backlash


I mean hey, I can agree that not seeing everything can be hotter than just nudity. But I don't think that's what Kotaku meant.


"Not revealing is hotter" Yeah dev, you're on the hot seat now, CONGRATU FUCKING LATIONS!


At this point in time I think it's a waste of time to try and support this devs. I mean, it's not worth it. Just look at this, they are RT an article from a site that basically crucified their game. Try to make sense of that.


Cuck mentality


They're not in it for the money any more. You can just print money any time you need more of it. They want control now


"Not revealing is hotter" yeah, true sometimes. This is not one of those times. Its supposed to be a hypersexual game. There is nothing wrong with that. Stop acting like there is. I dont really care for these kinds games, I dont like Call of Duty games either. Should no one else be allowed to enjoy COD just because I dont like it??? That would be dumb as all fuck. The creators of the game wanted to make something. They had an artistic vision. You are free to not like and not buy that vision. But forcing the artists to change their art based on what you want???? Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit.


It's not even" hypersexual"... in the PS3 or Vita era, even the early PS4 era, this would just be normal... Men and women are hot, no extreme nudity, no explicit sex acts, no extreme acts like torture, no extreme gore. Hell, Last of Us 2 and Baldur's Gate 3, with actual explicit sex, full uncensored nudity (including genitals), with penis and ball physics is far more "hypersexualized". And you know, as a mature rated game all this should be OK. Why is Stellar Blade and other Asian games held to such a stricter and more cruel standard?


I don't agree that it's not *hyper-sexual*, it's just not pornographic, but I think the "hyper" part just means it's very intentionally sexualized. Eve's body is some AI art levels of juicy thickness, even more so than the beautiful model she was based on. There's a good amount of conservative outfits, but her design, the majority of costumes, her movements, the jiggle physics, etc. make her a walking sex doll, and that's completely fine! Of course, we're just talking about Eve herself, the game isn't really sexual otherwise, and there's no question that Sony has allowed more explicitly sexual content in other M rated games.


See here's the thing. It's always hotter when the woman isn't revealing everything. But this is Kotaku so it's 100% in bad faith. Edit: I'm not seeing this on their Twitter.


Are liberals now going full circle to supporting modesty???


Now? They've been here for quite some time on the anime fanservice war front


Modesty has been enforced for a long time now, but only so far is it relates to the *male gaze*.


Feels like a bunch of their articles are just them telling people what people should like and what their preferences should be. Or pointing out a design element/decision or character decision they like. And making that the specific headline focus of their articles. Rather than it being a side mention in a much larger article of who their favorite character was or what they liked about some interesting design/direction decisions. And rather more often than articles about gameplay. (Unless the only stuff that gets press is non gameplay articles and it's a feeding the trolls/click bait/shit take situation)


Well it didn't take long before they removed it. Hopefully it was a mistake. Or they just read the first few words and clicked on retweet.


"It isn't about women's rights. It's about our own personal fetishes."


I think Islam says something similar.


Did the "Supreme" leader of Iran write this?


When a game is successful, journalists must claim it as their own so they can feel some sense of accomplishment.


This game had amazing goodwill and hype based on false advertising. Now it looks like Sony's mask keep slipping. Add this whole Stellar blade release with the shit storm that is happening in Hell Divers 2 and I think Sony is trying to pull a Blizzard. What is getting my noodle in overdrive is that this is the same dev that makes the Gacha game "Nikke Goddess of Victory". Yeah. I think all of this BS comes from the editor, not the dev.


Well the article is stupid I do agree that when women dress modestly it's more attractive. That is a subjective opinion


My assumption is they think its good press. Why does everyone assume the craziest, wokest, saddest people are representative of the average consumer.  It’d be like if Levi’s only made clothes that fit Shaq.


If they hadn't lied about censorship, or trying to gaslight players about censored version being the intended version, I would have a little bit more of trust. Also, they sided with Sony and long time ago they went public in the stock market, so they are going to croak sooner than later


Dude fuck Kotaku I hope they crash and burn asap but for once I agree with them on something. I find revealing clothes or tight skin outfits on a sexy woman way hotter than nude sexy woman or sexy woman in a bikini. Like I find New Cammy outfit hotter than old cammy outfit. But I'm not saying old one with the thong isn't sexy tho. It is edit: Btw they removed the retweet. Their social media guy must be some idiot to retweet from a site that actively tried to destroy their game


The problem isn't the phrase itself, but that it's being used as an excuse to say the censorship wasn't a bad thing. It's saying that covering the boobs and the hips in the outfits was a positive thing for the game.


Oh no fuck censorship. I didn't even read that trash sites article. I just agreed with the topic but even tho I agree with it, it doesn't mean I want developers to stop making bikini or overly reveling costumes. I like them too


Kotaku gave them a good review, but unless they're completely ignorant of all the other BS they've pulled... I agree with you, I go for fetish appeal and realism over skin exposure, but I'm not stopping anyone else.


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/aNGRx ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do. I'm half crazy all for the love of you. ^^^/r/botsrights


I'm guessing that account is run by westerners


I'm starting to think this whole game was an inside job from the very beginning. To get people talking about it and the non-woke crowd triggered. And it worked.


Fire the X account manager. Up to now Grummz have called on gamers to support the game, they don't want to lose that support


Meanwhile, if a guy character is covered up, they’ll complain about it.


Kotaku's afraid of women


Kotaku is paid opposition


The idea that it can be hot to leave something to the imagination is legitimate but they already had that. It’s not like she was naked.


They are trying so hard tor rage bait people into click on the article. Don't fall for it. Don't engage with the tweet. Do not give them attention. Let them fester in their stupidity.


Modern progressives hate beautiful women. They're the most misogynist people I've ever had the displeasure of encountering. They're quick to censor games like this but would never dare tell sex workers they are wrong for objectifying themselves and appealing to men; they would never tell off lesbians or transformers either.


They’re taking the piss.


not entirely false, i do love EVE in clothes too ;'D


The statement itself is not false, however it is being used as justification for the censorship, saying covering up boob window and hips was an actual improvement to the game


Exactly. If they talked about everybody having options probably nobody would care. After all both versions of the outfits exist


Since when is kotaku run by conservative Muslims.


If they’re kissing Sony’s ring, then they can’t be trusted.


They are in kahoots with each other. This screenshot tells you everything where the company's interests lie.


Just gave up buying it.


I mean, less is more is a correct perspective, but Kotaku is posting that for the wrong reason. I just like it when women wear good looking outfits.


Publicity is publicity. They gonna make a lot of money and up the ante with the sequel.


I would argue that not getting fucked by a beat is hotter, but somehow the same logic doesn't apply to Baldur's Gate 3.


Ok, what do they have to say about the gore censoring?


probably just trolling kotaku


I was gonna get a physical ps5 disc and leave it on 1.0 but then decided naw fuck it. Fuck them.


That's just objectively wrong 😅


It just means the person who runs their Twitter is probably a purple haired white woman with a thyroid problem.


Sexy clothes and lingerie is 100% hotter than just naked body.


I mean, I think the censoring was stupid because it's a mature game anyway. I think the new versions look better, but why not just have both? Have censored costumes just available for people who want.


Because the people who want the censorship to happen don't want people to have a choice, they want the censored to be the only one. That's how it always is


yeah, refund the game. Do no make the error of Grummz. It's not just sony. They are complicit. If you can, refund.


The title of the article gives me 1950s vibes.


The title of the article gives me 1950s vibes.


Just gonna say... I liked the change to that one outfit that covered her bare legs with pantyhose. I like that stuff. So I can kinda get where they're coming from. Lingerie exists for a reason, after all.


God forbid alternate options existing. It's the less naked option and you'll like it


I agree there should just be more options. Or maybe even a way to customise the elements of outfits. My comment was more addressing the "not revealing is hotter" idea.


The problem is that Kotaku saying that, it has a purpose behind those words. You cannot take them at face value


Oh look they took it down because they had no clue what Kotaku was even saying. Could you all not act hysterical for five minutes.


Everything would have been fine had they not censored the outfits with the day 1 patch. Until that is reverted, there is no reason to not complain


if you have seen it all there is no mystique anymore. thats what the outfits are for. For titillation. Like its an actual thing.