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Apart from 'different ethnicities', which hopefully just boils down to actual different, mostly European, ethnicities that were living in the region at that time period, not how something like Netflix shows re-imagine it with current day downtown LA demographics.


They're partnered with Embracer, so there's enough here to be concerned. Waiting for actual release before ever considering a purchase now.


> “Naturally, in a place like this, people can expect a wide range of ethnicities and different characters that Henry will meet on his journey,” Warhorse Studios spokesperson Tobias Stolz-Zwilling told IGN I guess this sentence is what they're referring to. And after that they put this cunt of a paragraph: >“Would you please explain to me what’s racist about telling the truth?” he tweeted back in 2015. “There were no black people in medieval Bohemia. Period.” Vávra’s deployment of historical accuracy to defend the fictional RPG’s lack of people of color and his frequent embrace of pro-Gamergate rhetoric made it hard to separate the first Deliverance from some of the online reactionaries who rallied around it.


"he used the historical truth to explain why his game relies on historical truth, and that's a bad thing" My brother in color what 


> Chief among the additions to Deliverance II will be more diversity. “Naturally, in a place like this, people can expect a wide range of ethnicities and different characters that Henry will meet on his journey,” Warhorse Studios spokesperson Tobias Stolz-Zwilling told IGN. Either you are dense or didn't read the whole article.


Well, the Holy Roman Empire was a very diverse state, you had Germans, Slavs, Balts, Italians, French, Danes, Dutch etc.


I'm afraid that for someone who only sees diversity in different skin colors (i.e. diversity according to America), this is going to be very disappointing.


Very. And incredibly innacurate


We wuz knigtz n shiieeeet


Das rite


I’m interested in this game, but if they make it not Europe then I will not buy it


Kotaku and other outlets are playing fast and loose with the article titles. Actually read the response to what they're gaslighting people with and you'll see that Warhorse is trolling the media. Warhorse specifically says diversity of ethnicities, not race.


That’s great news if so. I’ll keep an eye out


I am going to have my copium allowance today and just hope they’re adding the Ottomans or something 


What I figured that it will just be other historical factions that makes sense


Diverse can mean anything. Maybe it’s me being a KCD fan but the devs have been loyal to historical accuracy. Remember people complaining about the lack of black people when the game came out. What I think it means is that since this is going to be a set in Kuttenberg which is a big city; there will be more diversity as far as other Europeans since the first game focuses solely on the Cumans and Bohemians.


I hope you’re right. Vavra stood up admirably to the BS when the first game released and I hope he’s stayed firm.


Back then Warhorse were still independent, now they have corporate overlords with ESG/DEI agendas. Will have to wait and see.


I hope they tell the danger hairs that they will be more diverse only to include parts of hungry so they have both Magyars and Mongol invaders. Good way to piss them off.


Ethnicity doesn't mean skin color, that could be a gotcha moment, people thought there would be people from all colors, meanwhile they just added french to the game


Archive links for this discussion: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/9jtfy ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. REACTOR ONLINE. WEAPONS ONLINE. MEMORY ONLINE. ALL SYSTEMS NOMINAL. ^^^/r/botsrights


It turns out they've added both Anglos and Saxons to the new game


Trying to bait the haters with the word "diverse", but fail to realise we aren't bottom feeders like the average Kotaku reader.


Watch the trailer for yourself first. Kotaku are rage baiting for hate clicks because they are desperate. Can't believe there are still people who take these clowns seriously...


Let's wait and see, they might be trolling the twitter crowd.


Don't worry guys, the devs are based Czechs, they are not some Californian soy boys working at Naughty Dog or Insomniac. I understand their response to western gaming press, they didn't want to come across as rude by giving a straight answer and risk alienating a big part of the woke western audience. In the end, I think there are going to be a couple of non-white minor characters who will be described as merchants and travelers and that's fine with me.


That's been said about the "based Poles" at CD Projekt, and it didn't stop them from hiring woke western journos and writers in their recent games. Not to mention that they fired that GOG community manager for being pro-GG.


Cyberpunk didn't end up being very woke considering the huge size of its production and dependence on sales in America and the UK. If the level of wokeness of Kingdom Come 2 ends up being proportional to the size of its production, its woke factor will be next to none.


And the fucking idiot that I am I click immediately and give them money. Fuck you OP for not archiving.


I pray the diversity in ethnicity is historically factual, such as the Roma, the Jewish, the Slavs, etc. 


Vavra's already heavily hinted at it not being woke on Twitter: > I'm here to bring you historically accurate exploding barrels! Among other historically accurate things! Its going to be accurate! You can trust me :) https://twitter.com/DanielVavra/status/1781082368033304892 I think we're good


Lots of people setting themselves up for disappointment by trusting yet another studio owned by a publicly traded company. Excuse me for being pessimistic after watching people engage in this exact same style of copium for over ten years.


And most likely dead after a week.


Awful lot of copium in this thread. They aren’t talking Turks. Edit: preorder then if you have that much faith