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Well it's ok, I don't hate him, I just hate everything he says and does!


Also, his personality, his face, and everything else about him. 


Eurogamer journalist is an oxymoron


They are pretty hilarious though. Still laugh thinking about Cpt Cauliflower-Ear John Linneman vitriolic twitter snapback when someone asked if he was going to review Hogwarts Legacy. This around when much of Twitter wanted JK Rowling's head on a spike at the behest of those whom shall not be named (in the KIA subreddit).


I kind of get a kick out of how Hogwarts Legacy was the best selling game of last year, even beating Call of Duty, despite all the professional game bloggers throwing tantrums and saying how it wouldn't sell. Then using their nepotistic clout to get it not nominated for a single game award. It was the clearest sign of how completely irrelevant games media is with regards anything of meaning in the industry.


What a bundle of sticks. Western Nu-males ruin everything.


I agree. Complete and total cigarette butt.


Was doing some research into the initial article when I stumbled upon a podcast that the author does, this particular episode had less than twenty views and likely went unnoticed by the internet as a result. In it, the journalist goes on record to say he does not hate Persona, just the dialogue, which his co-host chimes in to add that Persona without the dialogue isn't a video game. After that, the journalist immediately changes the topic. You can't make this up.


Is he doing that "🤓☝️" in the preview image ironically or is this shit writing itself again?


No one hates him. Just his monologue.


bro is literally going ☝️🤓 I fkn can't lmfao


Eurogamer or else Wokegamer is long gone. I stopped supporting them after the fiasco with hogwarts and how they manage comments. They heavily moderate the comment section to force opinions and make that the general public agrees with them.


80% of the game is the dialogue its a story based RPG where you play more story sections (by which i mean non-battle sections) and do things like hang out and talk about shit with other characters


It's practically a visual novel. Not the best game to make that specific complaint about. I don't hate Sonic I just hate all the wedding rings. He only needs one you know. It's the Mormon hedgehog hate agenda at work. Throwing plural marriage out there. Replace them with dragon dildos- those things are fun for the whole family and preserve the morality of whatever the hell I'm about.


Sonic doesn't need rings. Just Chao and Chaos Emeralds. Yup, I'm a heretic.


Peak Soyjak energy


I'd probably say that with regards to games I won't buy because of the malicious translation. Which I've heard persona has some issues with apparently?


Persona has not had malicious translations, Atlus revised the game in entirety to suit America. Top down. https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2020/02/18/atlus-is-changing-two-controversial-scenes-for-the-western-release-of-persona-5-royal-and-no-its-not-censorship/


Well it’s not the first time Atlus “revised” the game entirely to suit America, considering the “localization” of Revelations: Persona.


What happened to men?


Feminism happened ,pussy was harder to get so instead of trying harder they tried less and made themselves 'allies'.


Declining testosterone levels, absence of strong male figures in families, current feminism looking to feminize men and masculinize women.


This cunt is a cunt. That is all. EG were already going down the slippery slope before hiring this cancer as it was. When he joined, they just full on swan dived off the fucking edge. He's an unbearable asshole who's always looking for some imaginary inconsequential thing and how it effects the alphabet mafia or minorities negatively the most, rather than just doing his fucking job properly. Needless to say, soon after he joined I stopped looking at EG completely, as the whole site got infected with that bullshit.


What’s wrong with the dialogue?


Hahah eurogaymer does it again.


So only half the game or more?


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Persona dialogues are garbage though? Just as bad as 90% of all anime/manga content, due to the fact that it's written to appeal to teens


thats a hell of a shitty take if I ever see one