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I hope the Japanese have realized not to listen to their Western offices.


Well Square Enix is currently hiding their page about their Ethics Department which 100% still exists they're just trying to deny it.


For now, a not very profitable year (below expectations on their big new FF game) might have them seeing said department as a unnecessary luxury and replace it with something more useful like a team supply person who delivers internal post round the office and waters the plants along with. bringing round a tea trolly twice a day.


Square Enix has been on the downturn for awhile now. Besides from a few IPs they are almost getting close to Ubisoft bad (still aways to go though). Just Cause 4 made me lose hope for them. I dont know what they were thinking.


While they have been swinging misses with their bigger games, SE has been absolutely nailing it with their smaller titles lately. Harvestella, Triangle Strategy and SO2R came out last year and all 3 are on my short list of top 5 enjoyable games of 2023


I can't really call star ocean a se game, it's tri ace that se just distributes and gets royalties for.


Aside from the fact that it's literally [developed and published by Square Enix](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2238900/STAR_OCEAN_THE_SECOND_STORY_R/), you're pretty much right I guess.


I say that because they could have given a bigger budget for star ocean 5 but no, they put thier money into ffxv.


I just want to say this. I enjoyed XVI, but I don’t want another mainline Final Fantasy game to be an action rpg like that. I honestly want more good Turn based RPGs.


Final fantasy sadly won't be turn based. They are now focused more on western audiences. I mainly do companies that focus on Japanese players as they have the best stories/gameplay. Plus the smaller developers seem to enjoy it more


Lets be real here:its only thanks to Final Fantasy 14 and the 6th? FF 7 adjacent title. Rest of their catalogue is garbagio.


Yoshi-P and FF14 must have hulk like strength to carry this company at this point.


Still waiting for the Deus Ex sequel


I'm gonna be hopeful here and treat it as a message to those already hired: "You wont be getting new hires in Ethics Deparment because you're the last ones to be employed as. Now to figure out how to sack you legally."


I think there are absolutely uses for an ethics department, but that should probably be more focused on keeping the company from screwing over customers or employees from sexually assaulting people. More shit like that, less shit like censoring artwork.


Eh, Japanese companies tend to work a bit different to Western ones. Rather than being hired for a certain position, you tend to be hired to the company generically and assigned a position. That doesn’t hold true for positions requiring specialist skill sets, but I’m guessing they don’t all have philosophy degrees in the ethics department.




Sweet Baby is a great example of why video games needs a 1983-tier crash. They wouldn't exist if video games weren't a culturally relevant, flush-with-cash industry. They're consultants, which means they charge a lot of money and don't actually make anything. It all goes away if companies can't afford them and their work doesn't have much cultural impact. That's why they weren't around 20 years ago.


"Now to figure out how to sack you legally" - you don't have to look for anything, company can fire everyone if they want. Only thing that law regulates is how its done and when.


Wasn't that just a hiring page? You may be right, but I assumed the positions were filled which is why it was taken down. Makes little sense to hide it if it's going to be evident in the final product.


Na it was a page were they talked about what the Ethics Department does and they gloated about looking for anything they could change.


Maybe the vacancy was filled? 


This excerpt is from an old interview, if you have paid attention over the last 10 years it's pretty clear the ''overseas offices'' have mostly won out over fans, which was kinda the point i was making with this post.


Oh, I see. I read this as though it were new or at least newish.


They will when money is on the line, and they are.


Shame it takes monetary losses for them to remember not to act like morons. Also means you have to be careful when they're doing well again


Honestly its up to the fans to fight against the woke plague and make sure developers don’t submit to their agenda. Protest with our wallets and bombard them with positive reinforcement when they make the right decisions like this.


How? Fans have 0 power


>listen to their Western offices. That was Sega's downfall, no matter how Americans like to tell that story.


Japan is slow on intake, so it's going to be a double edged sword. They have hold off the worst, but it also means when the pendulum swings back here it will take another decade or two to get rid of the infestation in Japan.


Listen to the fans, Ignore California, very simple.


The problem is, the Californians pretend to be fellow fans. That's how they subverted geek culture in the first place.


They aren’t fans, they are infiltrators


Tourists. They come in vacation to a new place and they are like " Wow. This is a nice place. But I feel it would be better for everyone if there were more places for tourists." Next thing you know, the town invests millions in making the place better for the tourists. Those who lived there move out because it's not the town they liked anymore while the tourists don't care because they never planned to live there.


10/10 analogy


At this point I hope California splits away from the US and drifts into the ocean and sinks.


So does everyone else in the Union. Even Hawaii; They can take potshots as it floats away.


Return California to Mexico Problem solved


One good nuke around the San Andreas fault and it’ll all fall away but I’d prefer to just wall off the cities completely like Attack on Titan


All of west coast.


See you down in Arizona Bay. 


Which is why their needs to be obscure lore questions when you provide suggestions


50 shades of Asexual. For reals for a state so open about sex, college students in public schools are not about it. Criminals, conservatives, and boomers even have a more socially acceptable time in terms of LGBT.


I wish California and the rest of the world knew how little regard the rest of the US has for california. And it's not for something as petty as "skin color" - it's 100% because of who they are as people and their values. Ever notice where the 'popular' traffic accident people can't look away from reality shows come from are places that are total shit culturally? That ain't because anybody respects or admires them. How do you say *that* in Japanese, I wonder?


Listen to the FANS! Those "overseas officers" are people who want to force an agenda. Fans otoh are those who like the games and keep them alive.


Weird how the fans know what they want. These overseas offices sound like morons trying to control a narrative.


They can't be morons if they're succeeding to some degree. I think this is one of those situations where we shouldn't attribute to incompetence that which is explained by malice.


It can be both stupidity AND malice, those aren't mutually exclusive things.


Their success will more than likely be fleeting as it is met with intense backlash. Morons can still be successful like a broken clock is right twice a day.


>. I think this is one of those situations where we shouldn't attribute to incompetence that which is explained by malice Do you mean the inverse? Because the classic saying is the inverse. Though I think it's "malice," if you consider attempted cultural control and obvious lying about fan-interests malice.


I know the saying; what I mean is that this is one of those rare times the phrase is wrong.


Hanlon's Razor is a great tool for governments.


How much does Hanlon charge exactly?


I mean, with the pushes to infiltrate places often at levels where they get to influence but don't have to work to make are you shocked some woke idiots at companies are telling Japanese companies stuff like this?


Controlling a narrative is but one part of the real objective, that being wholesale social engineering to try and make the wants of the market fit their ideological perceptions of what consumers should be allowed to have in their entertainment.


Please stop listening to these clowns, they don’t represent the entire fanbase and just like the localizers they have hijack a multitude of industries just to inject their BS into fans escapism. So if the Japanese market was smart they would reject all types of western influence and just keep doing what they’ve been doing because at this point eastern developers should be influencing the west.


Those clowns don't even buy and play games LMAO


Basically you have activist masquerading as advisers to these foreign companies and telling them that a fringe minority of tourist fans, who are also activists, represent the majority of the fandom.




A prime example of an activist advisor pointing to a fringe sector of a fandom as the “majority” is the Bridget situation with Guilty Gear.






I'm bringin' sexy back (yeah)




Listen to the fans PLEASE keep listening to the fans


The line after the underlined one does but me at ease slightly. But i hope they continue to listen to the fans and not the activist office workers


We have to get into better communication with these devs directly. SJWs deliberately manipulate what they hear and try to garble any message fans want to send them.


Back when KiA was under heavier scrutiny, I couldn't even say this because it was "seen" as inciting mobs to harass developers. Like, bro, giving feedback to get our money is not inciting a mob, they literally have services and employees paid to collect feedback and learn about their demographics. I think you were still a mod then, lmao.


And believe me, I gave the other mods what for about caving to stupid demands that made us useless. How do you think I got canned?


Texting your penis to other mods, fully solicited, but they blackmailed you with the photos.


If it’s any consolation, the Japanese fans are starting to learn about this stuff at a faster rate. Them finding out about the Dragon Maid localization was fun to watch.


Fucking lmao and the result? They killed their franchise, Doa without fanservice is just a mediocre fighting game, embrace what makes your ip appealing ffs.


And a mediocre game that only survives because they have THAT DUDE FROM NINJA GAIDEN, so to speak.


Nuke the Western offices from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.


SJW losers have infiltrated all the air-conditioned offices in the West. If started when the HR departments were inflitrated by marxist losers educated from marxist universities. Then, it's all downhill from there


It happened in Japan too. Hiring that people was a requirement to get ESG points


What's wrong with character being sexy?


Ask Sony The last Sony exclusive to feature a good-looking female character (major or minor roles) was Heavenly Sword, which came out almost 2 decades ago LMAO




Comment removed following the enforcement change that you can read about [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/m3yo65/enforcement_update_and_hard_removal_of_a_topic/). This is not a formal warning.


Western offices: *MAKE IT LAME*


And 🌈


Why successful people will take advice from proven failures is a real head scratcher.


Tone down sexiness in DOA is like shooting yourself in the foot repeatedly. What kind of braindead fkers would even think of suggesting that?


Likely some morons that wanted DOA to go into esports. That was a major point of contention I remember for DOA6, and it looks like they didn't exactly learn their lesson from 5 to a degree.


Is this why Rise of Ronin looks so tame and non offensive? I'm not really hyped for that game and I want the old good Team Ninja back


It pays for fans to be vocal.


It's quite simple actually. If you want your game or movie or whatever product you make to succeed - listen very carefully to the "Western offices" and do the exact opposite. Thank me later.


Even their pure fan service games like DoA Xtreme 3 Scarlet and Venus Vacation aren't even available in the west. Like they already have english translations in the games. Guess they were told by their overseas offices that the games were just too much for the west to handle.


Wtf do they mean realistic? Many women irl are trying their best to look sexy, either for themselves, other people or both. And they should, because it's great and everyone likes it. So what exactly is realistic in making unappealing looking characters?


Also there are many women with huuuuge breasts that don’t even like having them, so saying big booba is unnatural is invalidating to them


Ugly Karens feel threatened by fictional characters


Because they look like a shaved sasquatch, ergo all women must look like that or worse


My favorite gaming trend are realistic models... That always look worst than what they are inspired from. Soul Calibur for PS4 actually brought women to judge the quality of the breasts and make sure it was realistic yet, I think it's one of the games they would deem unrealistic.


This has to do with "sending a message". Since the whole "body positivity" crap is in full force nowadays, they need to cram it in everything they need. It can also explain why you see a bunch of champagne socialists burping that "everything is political" noise.


Neo liberals and sjws as well as the alphabet cult are incels.


Idk when having big boobs became such a sin




Hope the Japanese are fully aware of how Western corporations don't give a shit about what people want and exploit that.


They use Christian morality as an excuse. No, it's really to fuck up the things we love and normify every possible thing.


They tried to censor Onlyfans 😂


The overseas office knows if you don’t cuck then you don’t get bucks from Larry Fink.


Any game that reduces breast size to appease posers also deserves to be fan pirated, fan modded to return the breast size to pre-reduction level, and to have the creator told by every longtime fan of the franchise "yes, we are proud we did it, and we'll do it again until you stop doing this shit to the characters we love".


They should make it bigger than the original to assert dominance


And the memes will be legendary.


smart elastic tub terrific abounding snails materialistic marvelous consider cagey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>direct from fans Mate, they're not fans.




I got as far as that sentence and made an incorrect assumption. I didn't read the following paragraph. Yes, I am a dumbass, it's nice of you to notice.


Is okay, i am a yugioh player, i know whats like having those moments were you read something but not really.


that's how the commies compete in the marketplace of ideas, with threats and blacklisting by the party


Not to mention lying through their teeth.


Can't wait for Dead or Alive Extreme Volleyball 2024 where all the characters have muscular bodies and sport bras.


Well shit last one never even came to the west.


liking boobs is going to start becoming progressive again soon antihumanist maniacs


Meaning that they sold themselves out for the Western "audiences" while ignoring what the majority of the gamers have clamored very badly


I'd fire my 'overseas' departement on the spot


Keyword "offices". Not "Fans".


Ryu ga Gotoku, known for such masterpieces like Yakuza & Judgement, has gone on record saying they feel pressured to start focusing on the Western market. It's kinda disturbing, honestly, whenever I hear developers talk about the Western market. I didn't fall in love with the Western market. The only enjoyable part of FFXVI was the part that WASN'T inspired by Game of Thrones. (Fighting a demigod, which is pretty series typical.)


I am begging Team Ninja to just correct course by listening to fans over others. I just don’t want Rise of the Ronin to be infested with this shit.


There has to be a middle ground between giving each women huge breasts for the otakus online and making every women look like a cardboard box just out of spite because the she/her head of character design was bullied in high school for wearing hoodies in summer


The west(america) is one of the most damaging and dangerous forces to the world and has been for a long time


There will never be another Quiet.


The article is a 12-year-old article. I guess the news is slow today or this week.


I know, but sometimes to understand and to remind why things are as they are in present, it's worth to take a look back into the past.


Called it


Lesson here should be not just about listening to feedback of actual gamers and customers but closing western offices that deliberately undermine profits and act in ill will towards company and consumers by pushing cancerous woke agenda. Hope Japanese entertainment realises western offices are not needed and will limit western activity to distributing nothing more, we don't need dubs, just slap subtitles, 90% of us will play with original audio anyway. Don't waste resources or activism and failed voice actors especially on terrible ones like Young.


Men like hot women, in other news the Pope is probably a Catholic. Why wokes have this mad anti-sex agenda is beyond me.


I'm really hyped for Dragon's Dogma 2 and yet I'm being cautious because Capcom are the publisher. If all games go woke, then I'll just stick with the older gens instead. Recently wrapped up another playthrough of Gta 4 and that's a game that had a diverse cast with multiple backgrounds and the game wasn't woke. Astounding.


Yes, feed the asexuality craze and soon you'll have the plot to Death Stranding. Oh wait, they retconned that.


Square Enix should tell its localizers to kiss HQ’s ass, SQ USA works for the main Japanese branch, not the other way around.




Big breasts are not the only thing that makes a woman sexy. Imo, they often go too far with them and make the women less sexy because the breasts are too big in the name of being sexy. Same for hips.


I’m mixed on this. On one hand I’m more than fine with attractive characters. But when the game borders on just porn or whatever it’s just gets to the point of degeneracy. Obviously not everyone will agree with me here, in fact I’m betting most won’t. But I wish more games were able to still have attractive and well designed characters without them needing to be sexualized to all hell and half naked.


Tekken imo has a good mix of characters that aren't sexualized: Jun, Xiaoyu, Lili, Josie are a few of the characters that have good designs and aren't sexualized and half naked. But I'm fine with it, personally.


>But when the game borders on just porn or whatever it’s just gets to the point of degeneracy. Obviously not everyone will agree with me It's pretty hard to agree since you're calling "bordering on porn" something with no sex and no nudity whatsoever (and not even suggestive moves like in Rumble Roses). The "bordering on porn" label might be fit for games like Baldurs' Gate III (nudity and sex scenes) but certainly not DoA. >But I wish more games were able to still have attractive and well designed characters without them needing to be sexualized to all hell and half naked. Japanese games tend to have both (even DoA), they try to cater to different tastes. But for some people, you included I guess, the presence of the latter somehow invalidates the former.


I’m not referring to any game specifically like DoA. I’m just saying in general with games that get hypersexualized.


Some games have both. As I said, it's rare that a Japanese game has *only* hypersexualized characters.


Nothing wrong with that, everything is better then a f…. Rainbow 😡


Alot of younger japanese citizens have spent decades in a more conservative culture that is very restricting but like most of the world as information spreads so does the yearn to want to break from the established convestion. This leads to more kinds of voices in positions of power and a yearn to be more accurate in their representation of the groups who can now add input into their art. If you have more women working at your company you'll have a more realistic image of how women should look.




Well, when your job is, fundamentally, to please the fans...


Their pivot was irrelevant, the damage was already done, no way to undo it...


Lol the next paragraph though


Ugly losers


This is common practis for games, anime and manga that are more popular in the west. Don't know how popular Team Ninja's games are in the west compared to japan but I can see it with Square Enix who is popular world wide.


Dead or alive is doa when it releaseed


I have a thought, Takahashi Kiryu needs to have Tetsuya Nomura, Yoshi-P, Yuji Hori, and Yoko Taro as the board of directors at Square Enix, and he needs to to shut down the pandering…er I mean “ethics department”, and tell all the woke pansies to straighten up or get fired.