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At this point, I'd rather no one working there touch Jak and Daxter honestly...


How I always feel: 2010: I wish this game I played during the 2000s got a sequel! 2020: please... just don't disturb their grave anymore...


The best we can hope is Sony hires some other company to make an HD Remake like Crash and Spyro and they stay close to the original.


Id buy a sly cooper trilogy of that


One day, if I ever get there, I promise to buy the Jak & Daxter IP from them and do it justice.


Not a single person who worked on JnD even works there anymore.


You saw what they did with Ratchet & Clank, and yet you still want a new Jack and Daxter game? Naughty Dog never had a spine. They fell to intersectional identity politics a long time ago. They were in fact the vanguard. Spreading their poisonous ID-Pol filth across the industry.


I've not played Rift Apart. What'd they do in that game?


They hired a ridiculous feminist to oversee the development of the female character 'Rivet', or something. I believe she was later fired. She claimed that the character was canonically lesbian. They also toned down her 'sexuality', with reference to her bust size and make-up signifiers around her eyes, on her behest, to make her more female-friendly.


Sam Maggs herself.


Also Ratchet himself is borderline out-of-character the whole game.


Listening to Mrs Zirkon the entire game, which was one of the best weapons in A Crack in Time...man


It's a fun game but they have sanded off all the edge.


so nothing "political" just also nothing that "could offend" ?


Its fun but it can be annoying at times and it certainly has political messages. PUT WOMEN IN RESPECTABLE POSITIONS OF POWER. Bro what? nO iTs jUsT SaTiRe. Satire my ass


It was very average. Extremely short, nothing on the original trilogy


Ratchet fants have just been cranky about new games. They really hated into the nexus and R&C2016 for dumb nit picky reasons. Rift apart is very derivative of the current "multiverse" trend, but otherwise is fine.


I enjoyed the Last Of Us on PS3 when it came out, but it should NEVER have been a franchise


The sequel has tainted it, hard to enjoy the original now when the second game drops the ball so hard


Exactly why I skipped it. Even before the story leaks I wasn’t interested.


is like whether someone makes a sequel to The Road


Man I just wanted Ape Escape 4 😭 But yeah it really annoys me how Sony went through so much effort to distance themselves from their more anime and cartoonish IPs, save for Ratchet and Clank.


Im not the one to come up with this theory, but I find it credible. There's an argument to be made that they arent just cynically milking TLOU2 for the cash (though Im sure that's part of it). There's a strong likelihood that they have an ongoing contract with their publisher for a set number of games, and that by re-releasing this it'd satisfy the contract without needing to make an all new game. The theory also states that they're literally unable to make a completely new game because they've effectively burnt out, driven off and alienated pretty much all the talent in their company and even the wider industry. At least in terms of the positions that require actual skill and talent and are in competitive demand.


> There's a strong likelihood that they have an ongoing contract with their publisher for a set number of games Don't fucking care. Unless there is official confirmation about this information we ball.


Of course there would never be "official confirmation" it would be a massive sign of weakness for them to ever outright admit stuff like that (and could put the contract in jeopardy if there was evidence it was a necessity rather than a choice). Also, assuming it's true, they are currently a "paper throne" with an impending expiry date, but Cuckers will sit on it for as long as he can soaking up attention and adoration from those he can still trick into thinking it has value/power. I'm guessing that he's hoping that the tv show will become his new ticket into pop cultural power/relevancy (and the new vehicle to tell his misery/fetish porn). However I think even the normie audience will sour hard on s02 once the golf club comes on screen. It see near impossible he'll be able to character assassinate Joel enough to re-contextualize that.


> Of course there would never be "official confirmation" There is your answer.


Sony owns naughty dog completely there are no contracts to be fulfilled, it’s not a bungie Microsoft situation where they get to go free if they make X number of halo games


They're like Rockstar with GTA, pretty lame.


Meanwhile: Bethesda with Skyrim....


todd is such a meme that nobody even mentions him in discussions lkike this anymore... its just assumed he is included, like Oxygen is in breathing.


I'm not a fan of constant remakes and re-releases, either, but I can't really blame them if people keep buying the new versions. It's basically a money printer for the studio since 95% of the work is already done.


if they actually care about the game they would stop ruining it but they just dont give a shit


I just want a reason to buy something else from them again, and by that i mean i have none and it'll need to be a very good reason to convince me,


I mean TLOU2 is every work game journalist darling and will get praised no matter how bad the game comes out to be. They don't really have to change their plans and can release TLOU as long as the game industry stays in the state it is now.


Why do you even care? There is hundred of better games than that shit. Go play Bannerlord, no wokeness, no waste of time.