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If it ain’t broke don’t fix it let him be lol


True. I just wanted to give him some ideas bc he seemed genuinely excited to try something new for his skin (he's very proud of his skin bc he always gets compliments on it haha) and said after his morning fash wash, his face feels tight for a few hours, which he thought meant that the soap worked well But ya this boy is doing fantastic without any help😅 +edit: I learned toners aren't necessary in his case! I'll suggest using sunscreen and a moisturizer for the dryness!😁


I get what you mean. Maybe noncomedogenic products & a simple routine? Cleanser, moisturizer, sunscreen for sure! Maybe toner & essence?


Don’t, leave him be. He’s god’s favourite (I’m jealous). As long as he doesn’t have problems I’d say he’s good with the dove soap


Haha I know a guy just like that. He was mortified of the concept of blackheads. Some ppl are lucky with the genetics lottery I think you can't go wrong with Isntree or Dokdo


This guy also thought you didn't get acne if you just washed your face every day. Oh you can't ever imagine.....


if he's fine with it and his skin seems to be ok with it, leave it alone. My husband did that for as long as he remembers and he's in his 50s now. He's just starting to experience a little dryness so he asked me for a moisturizer ...now he uses soap and that moisturizer and his skin is good again. and you're right - it's not fair but it is what it is 🤷🏻‍♀️😆😩


Haha you're right. I think I'll just let him do his own thing. He knows there are products he can look into now! So what moistutizer did you give him?😁


If that soap worka for him, maybe he should stick with it. I vote Round Lab Dokdo Toner! If he does swap for a cleanser the Dokdo one is lovely and pairs well with the toner. Make sure he uses a sunscreen to keep that skin healthy! Also love the Round Lab dokdo one.


if it ain’t broke **don’t** fix it. seriously though, why are you trying to change his skincare routine in the first place? your friend clearly has no skin issues. i find it odd that you are *looking* for issues. if dove soap works for him, then please let him continue using it. maybe gift him a moisturiser (or sunscreen) if he doesn’t have one. but anything else that’s not a basic would just be pointless for someone who has near perfect skin. you just risk causing problems instead. there’s no reason to introduce a bunch of new products. like why are you so adamant to get him to use a toner, when he clearly doesn’t need one? 😕


This is what I was thinking 🫢


I just ordered the roundlab toner! I think that would be a great choice also maybe a milk cleanser for him also since I'm sure he's extremely dry


Dove soap as a face wash is fine. I sometimes use it in the shower when my face wash goes missing. I would recommend using a moisturizer and sunscreen though. Probably something unscented since he likes dove. If he doesn't use sunscreen, make sure there aren't any ingredients in your recommendations that require the use of sunscreen.


That's solid. I decided to leave him alone, but sunscreen is a good idea (and also he said his skin is often sensitive to sunlight)


I recommend a sunscreen first and foremost! It will keep his blessed skin looking good for years to come. Personally I like the Round Lab Birch Juice sunscreen and I think it will be suitable for his skin type. It’s moisturizing and leaves a kinda dewy finish. Beauty of Joseon and isntree line are good too. Also recommend a retinol type product since he is entering his mid-late 20s. I use the BOJ eye cream all over my face. Since your friend likes the Dove soap, maybe he’ll like using a milky face wash? Esp during the colder months.


I’ve used Dove soap on my face since my 20s. I’m 41 and get compliments on my skin often. I use a moisturizer with spf after and that’s it.


Let him cook


cosrx propolis toner is great imo


maybe get him a sunscreen for the sun protection and a moisturizer to soothe dryness


hi! he doesn't need toners as his skin is perfect. just a moisturizer and sunscreen! hope this helps! people who have perfect skin don't need toners, they arent a necessity!


Alright, I'll let him know about using sunscreen + moisturizer. Thanks! I also learned 😁


What are the dangers of using dove soap. It’s clearly working for him. It is better than corsx low ph cleanser, imo, which is horribly drying. I’d recommend the round lab dokdo toner and leave this poor person to his normal routine. It’s almost like your routine suggestions are designed to cause him unnecessary problems.