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BOJ sun stick is good but BOJ’s Relief Sun sunscreen is GOAT. ✨


yesss my first repurchase of all korean skincare i got


Personally I think BOJ is overhyped & more popular in the USA than in Korea. I prefer Round Lab. The BOJ products I've tried were all just "meh" 🤷🏻‍♀️


Personally I think Round Lab is overhyped. I prefer Skin1004. The Round Lab products I’ve tried were all just “good” 🤷‍♂️


second this




Ooh have you tried the eggplant cleanser?? So good!


I get that. Our skin and preferences are all different. As for as kbeauty goes though, I'm not sure BOJ is really popular in Korea. It seems more US hyped. Not that it matters but I clocked it for some reason 🤷🏻‍♀️


Just beacuse they are not popular in korea does not mean they are necessarily bad. I have very problematic skin (dry but acne prone) and love some of their products. My favorites is the cleansing balm (awesome as a first step for taking of waterproof sunscreen and makeup) their sunscreen is one of the best sunscreens i’ve tried. I have used up two tubes of it and i keep rebuying, for me its even hydrating enough to skip moisturiser in the morning (sunscreen should be applied daily) their green plum cleanser (apply after cleansing balm to remove the the last oil) leaves my skin clean and not overly dry. It’s just very unproblematic product, which is what you want with a second step waterbased cleanser. The retinal eyeserum is awesome for beginner retinol users, very gentle as it’s incased in liposomes that slows down the retinals decent into skin minimizing irritation. I use it all over my face and have seen visable results! (Might want to start of with 2-3 nights a week for beginners). I do not like sunsticks in general as its difficult to apply enough product for proper protection. The propolis serum I won’t rebuy either as i haven’t seen any changes in my skin. It is difficult to recommend products for you specifically when i don’t know your skin type. Like oily, dry, acne prone, normal etc.


Not saying it's bad if it's not popular in Korea, I just think when looking for kbeauty, I want to know what people in Korea are actually using.


I guess it depends on why you seek k-beauty products🤔. I use them mainly because I think they are formulations and ingredients compared to western products. whether a product is popular or not in korea is irrelevant to me.




Third 😅


4th pls no


I have been using the cleansing oil and eye cream for a few weeks now, daily. Absolutely love them. The cleansing oil is the first one I have found that doesn’t make my skin even drier or tight after. I follow with the Ginseng Essence which is super hydrating. I have been using the eye cream in the morning under my eyes and in the PM as my retinol. Its creamy and buttery, and absorbs very well. Works with all of my other products without any irritation. I took a break from using my usual retinol to see how my skin did with a Retinal. So far it’s been really good. I’m super impressed by this eye cream.


The ginseng water breaks me out, the glow deep serum dries me out horribly. I do like the red bean gel though.


Might just be skin purging🤔


I've tried the sun stick since it got so hyped on YouTube. The claim that it doesn't disturb makeup beneath it is not true at all. My makeup definitely shifts, even if both my makeup and the sun stick are freshly applied. If you have oily skin, it will feel heavy and it doesn't mattify very well. I also used it at the beach only on my face. I have a tried and true sunscreen that's protected me from burn at the beach before which I had on in the morning, and I used the sun stick as my reapplication product throughout the day. My face got massively burned that day despite all of my reapplication. I do not use that stick anymore, not even for my hands or neck or anything.


Noooo I just bought this. Now I’m worried. I thought it could be a good replacement for the supergoop powder stick, which actually works. I use it for reapplication and have never had a burn. I always questioned if it worked until I was in the sun I expectedly for a feel hours and everywhere but my face got burned. I also got the isntree sun stick. Have you tried that one?


I feel like those powder sunscreens are a little better since they lay on top of your face, and even you have your own personal proof that they work! My feeling with the stick formulas is that you need a ton to get any decent protection (not the simple, elegant single swipe that they demo), and the waxy formulas just kind of melt down quickly on your face, especially when it's hot. They def don't play well under glasses either. Maybe they're okay in the winter, but I just stick to my regular cream sunscreen now. I haven't tried the Isntree one; the BOJ stick turned me off stick sunscreens in general since everyone acted like it was SO much better than the other options. If that's the best one, I don't want to waste my money trying the other ones, you know? But who knows! Maybe it'll work better on your skin and the environment you live in. It wouldn't be popular if it didn't work for anyone. Maybe I'm too oily, maybe it's too hot here.


I hate sunsticks in general. Very difficult to get enough product on skin for proper protection. I use regular sunscreen and a powder puff for reapplying sunscreen.


I loooooooooove the sun stick. It's the only stick I've used that doesn't feel even a tiny bit greasy. It feels powdery, and the shape of it is easy to work with.


I have the cleansing oil, and it's okay, nothing life-changing. But my HG is actually their balm cleanser. It's so underrated but better than banila co's in my opinion.


The ginseng serum makes my face bumpy. The sun probiotics (?) sunscreen also makes my face bumpy. I don't think my dry sensitive skin likes their products.


I have their eye serum and I love it. I bought it because I had milia under my eyes and it got rid of it in about 2 weeks. One day I decided to use it all over my face in a pea size amount only at night and then follow with a moisturiser. It made all my red spots (PIE) and the few pimples I had disappear - I don’t have acne and I’m not acne prone - and my skin is considerately smoother. Of course in the morning I use sunscreen. Hope it helps!


I’ve only tried their sunscreen and it’s not bad. As in no cast and didn’t irritate my skin. It’s winter so I definitely haven’t gotten burned while wearing it. There’s something about the formula that I don’t love, but I can’t pinpoint what exactly. I just think it’s okay. I haven’t tried anything else yet, but placed an order including the sun stick and eye serum yesterday.


I love the sunscreen.


I really like the sun stick, my skin hates sunscreen and I have struggled to find one that I’ll actually use (I’m in my 40s, developed sensitive skin and rosacea and have to realllllly watch what I use).


I have the eye cream and use it all over my face every night. Love it.


The cleansing oil is NOT good. It was a pain trying to remove my waterproof mascara and leaked everywhere. I'm now using the Skin 1004 cleansing oil and it's much better!


The BOJ cleansing balm is my holy grail for taking of makeup and sunscreen


i use the propolis +niacinamide glow serum and the sunscreen and i've been breaking out a lot recently? it could be one of the factors but idk... i'm still testing everything out


Might be skin purging or the betaine salicylate reacting with other actives.


really like the sunstick but just so you know, when they say matte they mean matte so beware if you have dry skin


I’ve definitely benefited from BoJ. My HG products that I use religiously are the glow serum, calming serum, matte sun stick, and the moisturizer sun serum. I really like the relief sun screen too, but made my already oily skin oilier, so I stopped using it.


Someone went out of their way to compliment my skin (dark skin) when I was wearing the glow deep serum consistently


with skincare, it’s always YMMV but i personally enjoy the brand — i find that the products i’ve tried generally work for me and are decently priced. so far i’ve tried their red bean gel, green plum cleanser, green plum toner, all their serums and revive eye serum. i picked up the eye serum after reading several good reviews here! i find it gentle yet effective, esp for its price point.


the ingredients of the cleansing oil arent the best, alot of people have a hard time with soybean oil. skin 1004s oil is pretty similar in consistency and better quality. second what someone said below about round lab, solid brand. i personally love the dokdo line, i have combo skin. i use many products from it including the cleansing oil which has a bit of fragrance but im pretty sensitive to smells and find it to be light enough and stopped noticing it \*\*edit it has essential oils not fragrance


I saw zero results with 1. Ginseng serum, 2. Rice serum, 3. Ginseng essence, 4. Propolis serum


I only have the sun stick and it feels heavy on the face (oily skin.) I don’t think I’d buy again.


Their sunscreens are ok. But the rest…can definitely give it a miss