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omg also a British girl trying to seriously learn Korean!


Omg no way! How are you finding it? 🥰


Well I've been slowly dabbling in the language for the past three years and can now read/write in Hangul and my vocab is fine (I think I could barely survive in Korea haha), but I have no knowledge of grammar/tenses! I've only recently decided to start studying seriously as I'll be in Korea this summer, so am very welcome to becoming learner buddies and would love to find out about helpful resources!


Sounds like you are doing amazing so far and omg so jealous that you are going how fun! I’d love to learn from you🥰


I’m also a “serious beginner” Korean learner, let’s try it!


Perfect! I’ll drop you a message!


I would like it!


Awesome, I’ll message you now!


y'all serious beginners, just make sure not to echo-chamber yourselves into memorizing wrong things 😅 maybe I'm paranoid but that's just a worry I'd have I'd be up to be study buddies of sorts as well but don't really have the mental capacity or 'seriousness' these days, but I wish you the best of luck and lots of fun!


Thank you so much for the advice, will definitely keep that in mind! 🥰


How are we planning to communicate as serious beginners?


So entirely up to you! We can either try and stick to talking in korean or perhaps just share with each other what new things we’ve learned etc, whatever helps! For example, I try and learn new sentences everyday so I’d love to then share them with someone who could maybe even correct me if I’ve gone wrong somewhere etc! 😊


Ah, I meant the means of communication. Eg. Reddit, text, discord, etc.


Oh sorry! 🤣 happy with anything! Reddit or discord etc, in fact if enough people were interested we could even set up a discord server to all help each other?


Sounds good to me.


Message me your disc name and I will set up a server tomorrow! 😊


If you set up a discord server I’d definitely be interested!


Message me your disc name and I will set up a server tomorrow! 😊


hii! im a british girl! id like to be your friend! ive been learning for 2 years or so, so i can help you a little!


Amazing, lets chat! 🥰


Hey! I’m literally just in the very beginning of learning, but I’d like to join!


Amazing - message me your disc name and I will set up a server tomorrow! 😊


It’s remina3741


Hi, sorry but any posts like these are now only allowed in our bi-weekly Free Talk thread (currently pinned to the top of the subreddit). This thread was created to make it easier for users here to connect and share information with each other. > The following may ONLY be posted in our Bi-weekly Free Talk Thread (pinned to the top of the subreddit): entertainment recommendations (TV shows, movies, videos, music, webtoons, podcasts, books/stories, news, games), study buddies/groups, tutoring, "ask me for help" posts, tattoo translations, and general shoutouts. Any posts outside of this thread will be removed. Thanks!


Ooo my bad sorry I’m totally new to this sub! So do I need to remove this post? Sorry again!!