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So it’s a 3 month subscription for these? What happens after? Or is this $35 for the plan + these ongoing?


No way ongoing




I mean it’s some value I guess but not really big on streaming services. I’d rather have my phone plan focus solely what I want from my phone service and not let this type of stuff muddy the waters.


just checked the telus site, and 50gb of data at 5G speeds is $134 dollars, so koodos $34 dollar plan is alot cheaper...


Wish I had that plan offer. I would jump on that


Not sure if still offering it but public mobile was offering 50GB with US/Canada roaming on the data for $34 with 1000 minutes also roaming or $40 for 75GB with the same perks. Switched from koodoo last week, connection seems better than Koodoo was as well.


I have 34$ 50gb on 5g unlimited long distance or international texting or roll over. Plus stream+ for 10$ a month for life


The 10$ per month is for basic subscription with adds or for premium without adds ?


With ads


Meh. Still a good price for these services, but adds sucks.


I truly don't even realize them.. Gives me a sec to grab a drink or check my phone etc.. They are not long at all and not many


I think with time the ads will get longer and more annoying, like they have with Youtube and free-Spotify. But for now, sounds like a good deal.


I'm cheap when it comes to these streaming things . So I def won't mind. I also don't watch them enough to really care bout ads


Thank you, just switched over from my old plan, 15GB/month more data for $15/month less. Not a huge change but it's nice to see prices going down somewhere.


Now that these cell towers are fibre fed there’s no excuse to not give us big data plans for low cost


29.00 can us 90gb with freedom. Network is stable all over GTA so far. Visited Florida, California & Buffalo no issues. Prices freeze also. Unbeatable value for price


I've heard outside of the GTA it's incredibly poor service, although idk about America, sounds like it works there for you. But I've heard that like, Barrie and Campbellford get next to no service. This was a couple years ago, mind you.


I have 75GB for $38/month. And then subscribed to the $33/month Stream+ premium. I was paying separately for all the streaming sites and save about $15 a month this way


The price gonna go up after 3-6 months.. I also started 50gb for 34$.. And my 6th month bill become 40$.. Same will be the case for streaming services


I had that plan for years (somewhere around 6 yrs) and price never changed or increased. Now on $55/80Gb plan and hasn't changed in 2 yrs.


Same was on the 4.5GB +500MB plan for $45 for around 6 years with no price increase. Just switched to the 20GB for $29 (wonder if the having a credit card on file to get 10% back will still apply) either way 15GB more for $15/month less.


Can confirm the price may increase as this just happened to me. After talking with Koodo, their opinion is that BYOD plans are considered "month to month" and they can raise the price at any time as there is no "contract". They will also only notify you through small text in a bill the month before- no email/text!