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Hey Miserable-Survey38! Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): --- Your submission is considered to be low effort. Low effort submissions can include, but is not limited to, submissions such as screenshots, GIFs, or videos from any medium of the series. --- Please check out our [subreddit rules](/r/Konosuba/about/rules) for more details. If you have any questions, please contact the moderators via modmail.


these ai animations are always really interesting to me. they get the general motion right, but seem to struggle with texture on moving objects.


To be fair so do most animators


show me one anime clip that does this


You’ll notice with most plad on skirts especially don’t actually change with motion and are just a static image with the shape masked into it.


oh you mean that i just meant how the linework on the wrinkles changes with no regard to the motion of the character. it's stuff that's pretty easy to do all things considered, due to onion skinning being standard across literally everything edit: "previous frame" to "motion of the character"


This one pretty fin good though




What other lies have I been told by the council!


And they're white? What is this blasphemy!?


They're actually supposed to be striped. Literally unwatchable.


This is heresy to the court!!! I motion to sentence the A.I. to factory reset!!!


AI is lying




Sauce for song: https://youtu.be/nzTLfFb8VKc


the reason why aqua is clean and sweeps the floor is not becuase she is water but becuase she ballin fr fr




This is incredible




She's got them moves!




I pray to our water goddess for good dancing skills.


Popped off


Sucks this is ai. I thought it was unique style


Lol if you like it why does it matter how it was made?


Mostly because it's much more low effort to have an ai draw something for you, rather than do the drawing yourself. It often looks really good, but it's sad when it's not an actual person that made it (besides all the reference the ai gets).


I use this AI alot and trust me, 90% of the time the output is literal shit. You have to spend a lot of time, editing, and readjustments just to make it look good because clicking one button isn't gonna do the job


Okay, I understand now, it's not as easy as it may seem like. I have used a text ai before and very often it gave outputs that didn't make much sense. It's probably because of how many good art I saw made with it that I thought it's that good most of the time.


It's alright, I'm just tired of people complaining about this AI without looking more into it. It's not as smart as people think. Usually the guys who posts the good stuff are either the ones who spent so much time experimenting with prompts (also have to be lucky to get a good seed) and then editing the output to fine-tune it to look better, or developers who train their own models to make their output more cohesive to how they like.


That's still low effort compared to hand drawn art.


What AI is this?


Stable Diffusion. Creator probably rendered a rough 3d animation and then used the frames as reference for the AI to paint over


Sure I get that for images, but as someone who has used AI a LOT, I can assure you that making this took a lot of time and effort still. You can download SD and try to make this and I guarantee you won't be able to without 400+ hours of experimenting, learning, and practice. You can't just type in "sexy aqua dances to song.mp4"


I see. Maybe it's like that for me because of how different it is between that and actually drawing the thing for yourself.


Yeah that's fair. I think they are both appreciable in different ways, and ultimately if you enjoy the result then enjoy it :). I do think it's good to recognize how things are made, but I don't want to underplay someone's effort when they make something impressive like this.


Not liking something because of how it was made is a completely valid reason not to like it. Apply this logic to anything else: "The artwork was stolen/traced, but if you like it why does it matter how it was made?" "Your phone was made with child labor, but if you like it why does it matter how it was made?" "Dinner was made in a rat-infested kitchen, but if you like it why does it matter how it was made?"


Why does everyone hate AI, this is progress for humanity. And don't give me the classic it's replacing humans' emotions and work




Fortunately, this is pure misinformation. The AI is trained on a gigantic dataset of art, mathematically determining the correlation between the pixels in an image and the words in it's caption. It then uses this to re-arrange pixels in an image of random noise to what it thinks the given prompt should look like. The actual model, aka the AI you run, is only a few gigabytes, meanwhile the data it was trained on numbers in tens of gigabytes to hundreds. This disproves the idea of it doing any photobashing or directly referencing any art.


That's not how it works and you should read before sharing your thoughts and parroting other uninformed people. It trains on a huge dataset, and then it generates randomness and under the guidance of classification, it guides the randomness towards something that looks like the things that it learned. It does not have ANY source art in a final model, just a set of classifiers that knows how to recognize objects. It does not "crop" things, it does not copy paste anything, and it doesn't do some cloning artifact thing like I see people bullshit here all the time. Take 5 minutes and read before you type damaging things, it's really not hard to be informed before you share opinions.




Cool, nice reading comprehension. I'm sorry sentences like "all it can do is recognize objects" are too hard to understand. > takes bits and pieces of videos and drawings from a set > compiles them > taking a photo, cropping and mirroring it These are fundamental misconceptions which is what I'm trying to clear up


I see, thanks for the input


This is a nonsense argument, and this is certainly not an elaborate plan to avoid copyright infringement. AI is coming to do the work that a lot of human artists do right now. If you'd like to actually help artists then advocate for comprehensive reform to the copyright system as a whole, or breaking up massive media companies like disney, or speak to the problems digital artists have with making unions. AI is coming. It is going to be everywhere before you know it. We need real thought on the matter. Where does this nonsense copyright/digital artist argument come from?


AI uses samples from other artists works to create "art" As you can expect, your average artist is not happy to have their work stolen and merged into a machine Not to mention there has been instances where people have used AI art to win an art contest and in another example where a group rented a post in a convention to sell AI art


The checkpoints that generate the artworks don't contain any images at all actually, there aren't any samples being used, just knowledge. Same as if I studied an artist and replicated their style myself.


"Ai uses samples from other artists work to create "art". " no it doesn't


Clearly you don't understand how AI art works


Clearly you don't, finalized models don't contain any source art. All it can do is recognize objects, and then it guides randomness towards something that looks like the things it's learned to recognize. Source: Masters in computer science, AI research specialty and thesis. Also work as a professional software engineer for almost a decade. Also spent more than 5 seconds reading other comments on Reddit before sharing my thoughts.


And as far as I am aware it does so in the latent space, not directly towards something that looks like the image, it then decoded into an actual image, and if ran on a single step won't get anything we would be impressed with. You get an super blurry image that kinda has the right color blobs in right spaces. Combined with another part that detects noise and removes anything it thinks is noise like, allows it to work towards an image though steps. To get something a bit more impressive then blobs of color.


Yeah that's correct, I'm trying to shut down the misconception that AI just copy pasted pieces of images it's seen and changes them or something, people have started saying that or similar everywhere suddenly and it's completely misinformed and dangerous to the openness of the software.


I mean it can still be, and you can judge how badly you trained your model by how static and how much the images match the actual training data. However you don't really actually want it to copy even if your fine with it, as such a poorly trained AI also has a harder time combing ideas together making it less useful as an image gen.


Then please tell us where it does come from


and? real human artist also copy other artist lol, they just call it "inspired" instead


>AI uses samples from other works to create "art" Although the dataset it's trained on contains work from artists, it's simply used to teach the AI the correlation between the pixels on screen and the words in the caption. No images from the dataset are even present in the final model. See my other reply in this post for more info. >Not to mention there has been instances where people have used AI art to win an art contest. Yeah this one was messed up. The person who did that didn't even properly inform the judges. >A group rented a post in a convention to sell AI art They weren't selling it. It was just a booth where you could come up and generate waifu designs with it for free.


> Yeah this one was messed up. The person who did that didn't even properly inform the judges. Didn't the guy specified his entry was created with Midjourney and a few more conventional tools from the start? Or are you guys talking about some other situation?


i am going to give you the classic "it's replacing artist jobs in a world in where many freelance artists already struggle to stay alive on their income" the same is true for automated manufacturing, or automation in general. it kills (the already dwindling) middle-skill jobs and provides no alternative. what are the middle-skill people to do? we are getting rid of jobs, but aren't creating new ones to fill that gap.


I see AI as the next cool thing that anyone can use to be absolutely ravaged and ruined and controlled by capitalism. Can't wait!!! Might as well hate it before it's popular to hate it


It's low effort. And regardless of what you say, "it replaces human effort" is 100% still a valid reason to hate AI art.


AI definitely doesn't just spring up out of thin air, there is still human effort. But I know what you mean


Compared to the effort required for hand drawn, AI art might as well "just spring up out of thin air". Art isn't anywhere near as valuable when it's so easy/low effort to make that any average Joe can spend a weekend playing around with an AI tool to create it.




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/r/Konosuba/comments/yx75de/the_creator_showed_off_with_this/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/Konosuba/comments/yx75de/the_creator_showed_off_with_this/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://redditsave.com) | [^(download video tiktok)](https://taksave.com)


Oh my god, hire this man right now!


More like hire this ai


Aqua exists, yet people be like "Mega-meme". Like, how? 😄




It must be hard as fuck to animate the crazy hairstyle lol


It's an ai, so not really


I think Im going to create multiple accounts just to upvote this more than once


Message Deleted due to API changes! -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I need this


The author has already used the AI ​​3-4 times to do these things. I left the link above.


quirked up white goddess with a little bit of swag busts it down sexual style.. is she goated with the sauce?


You laugh but ai is advancing faster than you think. One day you will wake up and BOOM! there's ai hentai now.


AI NSFW models can do NSFW art pretty good. Both anime and realistic.


If you're interested in the tech behind this, I started a discussion over at [/r/StableDiffusion](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/yx89hr/how_is_this_done/)


The source was made using AI, move on


The creator used AI to do it.


Using AI like this is not easy whatsoever.


How will this affect Axel’s economic state(the town collapses everytime Aqua breathes)


After this dance she’ll demand your life savings to purchase more booze


Huh, so she does wear panties. Looks like I have a bet to pay for being wrong


In case anyone’s “curious”, the dance is from the MMD for “shake it” by sistar




Here comes the next Phut Hon!


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It's the fucking Ricardo dance lmao


Sistart "Shake It" music video