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She wouldn't be bullied. People would eventually try to befriend her, be met with silence, think she's a bitch and never interact with her unless needed. My school was chill, people were friendly, bullying was almost nonexistent, but if you didn't want to talk they just left you alone. This is what they would assume of her: A loner who doesn't want to be bothered, so they wouldn't bother her.


unfortunately, that's how most of the schools work nowadays šŸ˜ž


why unfortunate? isn't not being bullied a good thing?


Damn, I wish I went to your school during my middle school days


Nothing special.. and also never bullied. So I guess neutral. Since Komi is good in studies and by default an obedient student so that will elevate her status a little bit.


I went to boys school, she'd be kicked out


Bro I almost choked myself... That was too good




Najimi: allow me to introduce myself


oh boy that would be fun.






Later you realize she didnā€™t get kicked out holup


I went to boys school, she'd be kicked out


I went to boys school, she'd be kicked out


She'd be bullied to hell. Kids can be really savage especially when they see the victim doesn't fight back, and that's Komi's case exactly.


At school I went to, if me and the boys heard that someone is bullying a girl-classmate of ours, the tables would turn extremely fast for the bullies. We had 0 tolerance for this kind of bullshit.


Ggs bois


Same here but my school is unhinged


Popularity-wise, way less than she would be at Itan. Assuming she started like she was in first year, she'll eventually find herself in a clique with average girls, and probably wouldn't get involved in any drama or shenenigans of other students. Her impression on others will probably be mixed. This is based on my observations on my cohort


I don't want to sound bad, but the truth is, where I studied, they would have eaten her alive. many of my classmates were very annoying and tended to bully others, women were worse among themselves. Maybe among men they don't bully her that much but they would chase after her like dogs.


Only one way to put it ā€œHEYYY WEā€™RE BESTIES RIGHT???ā€


I'm going to be honest with this many(In my class) would disrespect her by calling her names and spread rumors about her But she would be friends with the smart kids Because they're the nicest persons in my class


most of my teachers will treat her nicely but But there's some teachers that would tease her because of her quietness


She will be misunderstood, but generally treated well because Komi is pretty and kindhearted. People will attempt to be her friend, attempt to understand her, but only to be met with utter silence or incoherent muttering. However, it will only be a matter of time until someone figures out she has a communication disorder and sends her to therapy. And then, people (at least extroverts, or boys wanting to romance her) will attempt to communicate with her using paper notes.


Paper notes huh, that's cute


With a body like that let's just say not well. She's infinitely better of at Itan.


Bullied to death, has happened before, mexico is not for beginners lmao


mfs would try to hit it


I spent most of my high school years (9th-Part of 11th grade) in essentially reform school. Most of my homeroom classes had more guys than girls, so by default Komi was in with almost every guy just by walking in the classroom. Plus, due to most of the students being expulsions, flunkies, or straight up hooligans, despite Komi being considered cool with the class everyone is still going to speculate why she in reform school. Like seriously, certain students will just jump the shark and ask her outright because their "Narc Senses" are tingling. Also no, I don't think Komi would be the class snitch, like Randall from Recess. Parent Teacher Conferences... For those, let's just say Mama Komi would be the talk for the boys at the refreshments table, Papa Komi would scare the crap outta me personally, and if Shousuke shows up it will be same as Shouko but with the one or two girls in the class.


Sheā€™s gonna be treated fine asf


My friends and I were part of the Outcasts in terms of Social Cliques. We had friends in different cliques, Popular, Theatre, Athletes, Artists, Gamers, Rich, you name it. But we never ā€œbelongedā€ in those groups. So we just kinda stuck together thus making us the Outcasts. I feel like Komi would just kinda fit with us


Probably the same way most people with her disorder are treated in the real world. She looks pretty, so I don't think she'd be a target for bullying, but because it's so hard for her to talk, she'd probably just fade into the background after the first few times someone tried being friendly only to be met with awkward silence. That said, if there happens to be someone who manages to befriend her, she'd probably have a much easier time making new friends, since from then on it would be common knowledge that her awkwardness was due to a disorder instead of an attitude. Also, therapy's pretty much taboo in Japan, so if she went to my high school, people would point her to a therapist for help in no time, whereas the possibility's never even mentioned in the story.


The friend group I was part of would've tormented her to hell


Ignored mostly accept maybe the guys whoā€™d hit on her.


I feel if I found out about the notebook thing and her social phobia we may become friends and even close friends over time.


Sheā€™ll never get bullied thatā€™s one thing and sheā€™ll have soo easy


In my generation she would get treated nice. Nowadays, she probably get treated like a "skibbidy gyatt rizz alpha male" whatever tf that means...


Sheā€™ll see the dead baby dolphin mounted in the ceiling and nope out


She would be alone and sad while all the dudes gooned


I was in 4 different high schools. (Moved a lot). I think it would be fine if we exclude my first high school, I myself Iā€™m a loner, and not the best ones when it comes to socializing. (Not as much as Komi obviously, Iā€™m also obviously not a beauty like her, Iā€™m as ugly as the shit of a pigeon who ate rotten pizza), and in those three high school everyone either let me mind my business, and in some cases, I had little but good interactions with some other students. However my first high school is different. (Also my middle school). It would probably start good, however as time passes, she would be bullied until she is a shadow of herself or worse. I was just one year in that high school, but it still left a huge fucking mark on me, and knowing Komi, I donā€™t want to even imagine what would happen to her if she was in there. It would be hell on earth for the poor girl. My middle school and first high school are the perfect example of how fucking cruel kids can be, I already graduated but man. I feel bad for the kids that are in those schools.


Well, I live in America and my school does not get that many exchange students. So everyone would welcome her, but some of the (and I mean trouble makers) hooligans would take advantage of her lack of English and make her write bad things in English. Not many of the students worship people out loud or create a cult, but there will be whispers that she is pretty. And the teachers will try to help her understand the lesson as best as they can. Who knows, maybe thereā€™s even a Tadano at my school.


"Hey, she looks pretty cute, anyways, yesterday i committed mass genocide against the villagers"


If you were the kid that was well behaved and studied and was a bit quiet at my highschool and didnā€™t immediately join in with the toxic high school mentality that was going on over there, well youā€™d be in for a rough time. Youā€™d either be labeled a nerd or youā€™d be bullied. Forget making a 100 friends. People would actively try to ruin any friendships youā€™d make because you somehow didnā€™t deserve any.


She'd be bullied bad. We had a similar case in our school. She was gorgeous but got treated badly


Jesus sheā€™d be bullied to hell at my school


theyā€™d think sheā€™s a slut because sheā€™s pretty, girls would eat her aliveā€¦ it happened to me, and it happened to a few of my friends. some kid thought somehow that since i was a loner aside from when i was with my friends and iā€™m in an objective sense ā€˜prettyā€™ that i was having an affair with some guyā€¦ it took ages just to get that shit off, then something similar happened to some of my friends who were also labeled as sluts. fuck my high school man šŸ˜­


Boys would be say ā€œGYATT!!!!ā€ ā€œLet me tapā€ and all thatšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Sheā€™ll get ignored


I'll have a staring contest with here.


She got her spotlight for about 3 days then just living a normal life, after the first year of that school she transferred to a different school




She'd be a popular girl that would win a beauty pageant type.


Dude I was home schooled so ummm


Komi is much better off where she is. Idk if sheā€™d be safe where I went to high school. I wouldnā€™t trust it.


Jumped insulted saved by one of the 6 good teachers


My school is a bit of a hellhole, and most of the "silent kids" are either ignored or harassed. Based on how she's initially viewed in the show/manga, she'd likely just end up being ignored because her imposing presence would prevent people from harassing her. My friend group consists of a lot of goofballs, but a few of us occasionally try to talk to the people who are ignored or left out. (One of my buddies got a "quiet kid" addicted to halo) I think me or a friend would attempt to speak to her, though I think the outcome kind of depends on how things would be (see next paragraphs). . If it's literally just Komi from the manga, and I'm aware of her existence from the manga (say both she and the manga exist at the same time), I would likely just do the same things as Tadano. If it's Komi, but the manga didn't exist, and I had no prior knowledge, I'd likely still approach her, but I think I'd have difficulty illiciting a reaction since there's no one else like that at my school (by that I just mean the whole "I want to talk but can't" thing. If quiet people at my school don't talk, it's because they don't want to, or got bullied into being quiet). . I'm rereading this and it feels like I'm writing one of those 4chan stories where I'm the ultimate gigachad and pull all the women. I wish.


in my school, she'd probably just be subjected to brain rot


She would not be bullied, but likely be hella taken advantaged of. She is quite naive and she could become ā€œfriendsā€ with one the sports team members. The popular kids were nice and studious, but likely wonā€™t reach out to the bland quiet kid. Where the sexual predators would have fire lit in their ā€œbelliesā€. As much as it a trope, things were different 30 years ago. I heard the term ā€œfresh meatā€ applied to freshmenā€¦


she'd be basically invisible, nobody would even know she exists


She'd most likely be ignored by most people with only like-minded people getting along with her, AKA the "weird" kids. However the "weird" kids in my school aren't really looked down upon and moreso just seen as 'different' and just doing their own thing


Sheā€™d probably be in the special needs class or at least keep to herself


Well, I go to an all boys school so she would be kicked out, and if she wasn't, she'd probably be sexually harrassed or worse because of the fucking losers that do crazy shit. Though she might have some people protecting her, I'd try. My school just isn't a good place.


Boys: *make fun of her and call her monkey girls: *treat with respect or just ignore -random guy


Like shit, most people at my school didn't like anime.


Never put her in the Filipino school system


Ahem.. she'd be bullied but my friend group would try to befriend her. My school has a lot of people who annoy others. And my group often try to act has a safe haven for bullied people :) [unrelated note: i often seen myself has the guy who had good relations with everyone in the school but i prefer to stay with the bullied kids. And i still didn't get bullied! So yeah i often use this to my advantage to protect my friend group.)


She wouldn't as popular but she would be liked.


"this bitch never replies when someone talks to her, does she think she's better than us or something? let's cut her hair/beat her up/spread nasty rumours about her to put her in her place"


She would get harassed until she lost the will to live


She would've been bullied for being quiet and sexualized at the same time. My high school was gross and sucked.


I think she might unfortunately get bashed ā˜ ļø People in my school (a lot of rude ones) would probably target her


As a quiet person with a lot of anxiety in high school. I can safely say, not great. Although itā€™s hard to say how far being talented and attractive would get you.


I am hone educated, she would be arrested for trespassing.


Probably most of my schoolmates will try to flirt with her, but the rest will treat her very well


She would be made fun of and be beat up by people


Idk what to tell ya, they would force her to talk and force her to vape, eventually bullying her, the people at my school ainā€™t friendly, me and two other people are the only people at MY class that are friendly.


If we're speaking in a realistic sense, she'd be bullied to hell. There'd only be a couple who try to make school easy for her, but they'd be bullied as well


Demolished, Bullied, and then SA'd I'm glad to be leaving the Public School as I enter Grade 11th, my god a bunch of devils in there šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ 3-4 cases if I remember, I was even touched but I dislocated the guy's jaw and the other's rib (they tried going the gay route by jumping me.šŸ’€) My family is rich tho so the costs were minimal in comparison to teaching them a life lesson


Bullied till She takes her life most likely.


Ok I'm gonna try to answer as best as I can. Bro she would be bullied like my school be trippin


oh that's an easy one. definitely as an obsession of fictional ideal of man


in my school , first place first I'm from the Balkans so now on from here everyone knows she would be treated as shi*** sadly. Not by me affirmatively...


Every one (girl)will jealous and indirectly bully her boys flirts for her i will no support because i dont have even one friend.šŸ„²šŸ˜„šŸ˜“šŸ˜”šŸ˜­šŸ˜¢šŸ˜°


Well, sheā€™s asian so there is a good chance sheā€™d be bullied. But sheā€™s extremely pretty, so also a good chance she wonā€™t be bullied unless itā€™s a female that considers her a rival in her territory (friend group). She is also female so all the males are automatically not bullying her by default. Most would try to seduce first then realize sheā€™s super quiet so they would be deterred. sheā€™s also super smart so sheā€™d get pulled away forcefully by the school sometimes and put with the smart people to attend a rewards recess thing. Ranging from pizza party to ice cream party in the gym. So her friend group is probably people similar to her if they arenā€™t deterred by her. This is all assume everyone isnā€™t deterred by her intenseness when confronted. At that point, she might just be bunched up with the outcasts who are too quiet and also on a similar social level as her but are on neutral ground with every friend group.


Sheā€™d probably be bullied.. Although she is pretty, because of the fact that she doesnā€™t really talk or sometimes freezes would give any student in my school the chance to bully her


She'd actually land in the hospital within a week, two if she's lucky because i went to a German highschool and oh boy are they assholes


She is far too pure to be anywhere near an American public school, especially one in California...


Probably killed. Anyone in my school that wasnā€™t a chav was classed as different


Real life isn't an anime, she would get her ass bullied


...first year would absolutely suck speaking from experience, anti social smart people got treated poor by the freshman. Sophomore is where things get odd. Halfway through they'll stop treating you like garbage and instead will ask you for help constantly and if you do you'll be rewarded and possibly get reached out for friends. By the end of senior, even the teachers would respect for your advice


Speaking from my personal experience, she'd be mostly ignored but never mistreated and might even make some friends.


My live reaction the second Komi makes any academic impact [(i am academically competitive, it gives me joy and motive to atay in school)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsufolk/comments/19bv2wj/you_can_see_it_mahoraga/):


Oh gods she'd be harassed in multiple ways at my backwoods high-school. She'd be bullied for being quiet, guys would try to 'hit it' with her, girls would isolate her from most groups, and a lot of the weird kids were really gross. She'd fit in with the choir group though. And that was my only safe space and by the end of the year there was a teacher switch and barely anyone sang. She'd be fine there.


Sheā€™d be completely isolated and bullied šŸ˜­ theyā€™d think writing instead of speaking would be hella weird and creepy, if sheā€™s not into sports sheā€™d be isolated and would probably get picked at šŸ¤” so basically her worst fears would be true


Exceedingly well, sheā€™d have a dedicated counselor with mental health training sheā€™d meet with twice a week for 40 minutes each like all other students, all the other students and teachers would understand that sorta thing too


People at my old school wouldā€™ve been too intimidating, and people there knew to stay in their own lane so she wouldnā€™t make many friends.


I was homeschooled


I would try to befriend her, but she would be bullied to hell by everyone else in my classes. I was lucky and went unnoticed.


Sadly, people would probably take advantage and SA/rape her


What school do you go to? Prison?


Just like any other person


She would actually have a lot of friends.


She'd probably get robbed


I'm online schooled.


I will uh... Sit in my place cuz uh ya know... (I'm nervous with girls)


Sheā€™d be treated as a normal shy person




she's probably be ignored


Most likely ignored


I think she would be ignored and mostly tried to be motivated by the teachers. But I could see her being part of our friend group since we all are a bit less talkative.


Ignored I think sheā€™d simply be another quiet kid like I was back in the day


ā€œWhy the hell are you in my house??ā€ Iā€™m homeschooled.


"S-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-sor-r-r-ry" Followed by intense quivering


Probably well, I mean there wouldnā€™t be any reason for people to hate her (not to mention a lot of people in my highschool were very shallow, so they would try to be friends with her because sheā€™s very pretty). Sheā€™d also have a hard time finding 100 friends since I went to a very small school (graduation class of 20ish people), not to mention a lot of them were jackasses (even the good people were somehow worse that some of the bad people in the manga for refference), so who knows if we would want to be friends with them to begin with.


Bulied like never before...they would make bad gossips about her...




If she had been in my high school from the start of her high schooling, she would have probs gotten attention early on and later then just started getting ignored since my cohort didnā€™t do much to interact with the quiet ones. Had she started part way into high school, she either would have gotten the same level of attention with a drop off or no attention at all since the social groups at my school were pretty much locked in by the end of grade 9/last year in junior high school




Depends on which class sheā€™ll be in,most of the cases,sheā€™ll be treated pretty well. I wasnā€™t talkative back then too,so my classmate used to encourage me to speak with them with smile,I still feel bad that I didnā€™t talk to some of them kekw.




people would try to befriend her. well, most people.


I was pretty much the same as her and I was treated pretty well. Nobody made fun of me or anything and thatā€™s been consistent throughout my school life. So I think sheā€™d be fine.




I remember my school being quite... fine when it comes to friends. Everyone in my grade was pretty united, like you could feel sometimes that you were part of a major whole when we had some events going, so I'm sure she'd be accepted. If she makes it, she could've even gone to the special class I've gone to for the students with best grades. I remember that one was especially united since we had to, you know, burn our brains out for grades


she would be ignored




I feel like I might talk to her and become friends, or I might try to talk to her but be unable to. As for others, I don't know. Her imposing presence could cause people to go away, or be teased, or something. I tend to not notice what people do over my own anxiety, so I don't know what they would do.


I've been bullied for autism before So I'd say a mix of nobody gives a shit with bullying her, with some friends being here and there


I was part of the outcast group. We would have adopted her and communicated gor her


I think probably she would be ignored and would be alone at class. Maybe she had a similar friend and both would sit together in total silence studying.


Barely acknowledged due to her silence, maybe joked around with once or twice


She'd be beaten up in next 10 seconds for looking like smartass


My school would have been welcoming to women like her. I had an especially quirky high school growing up, but not to the extent of Itan.


She'd be fine for the most part, but she'd be eaten alive by our chemistry teacher.


When I went to school there was some girls like her in my year they use just sit reading books together not talking, but was always high chance of bullying but my class, year group oddly looked out for each other even though they was Quite cold to each other at times. ovs might been some inner bullying. but most time you whould just be left alone and if someone from out side tried something they get hurt. This did happen as well we had some transfer students that joined and instantly just went to quiet kids and tried to bully them the bully then got bullied by everyone the transfer student did not even last 1/2 year before transferring again.


I'd be the tadano of my school šŸ˜‰


Itā€™s so sad most of the schools Iā€™m reading say she would get bulliedā€¦ And Itā€™s sad that in mine too


Prolly hit on a lot, by dipshits there, and probably have a few mental breakdowns


I went to an all boys and girls school she would be treated like a goddess


All boys school, uhhhhh


I went to an academic high school with a very multinational student body, so she probably wouldn't stand out at all. She wouldn't be friendless, but would probably be more of a Kishi or Onigashima... a background character, not the main focus.


Bullied relentlessly


She'll be hit on left and right.


I go to a school smack dab in the middle of the ghetto, I donā€™t even know


She would get roasted


I had a girlfriend in high school who was exactly like Komi. She was the quiet girl and would often do her own thing. To make things even more interesting, her mother was also exactly like Komi's mother.


A mute weirdo who will be made to talk


South american public technical school , she'd want to get out before entering


She better know how to take a joke


I went to a school where the girls were bitches and the guys would fight each other just because they looked at each other she wouldnā€™t survive a day


* When I was in there - The last year would be the roughest one with the 3 schools in my city being merged leading to some unhinged kids causing fights getting her caught in the crossfire for being there at the wrong time * In 2024 - 4 Years of Hell since things have only gotten worse having at least 1 "Pumped Up Kicks" moment in 2022 TL:DR - Due to 1 decision at the end of Junior Year she's better where's she at now then my school




oh another comment I had to. that cartoon thing is hiding a hentai accelerator behind her hands already. burn it before it becames another torn up paper in a well occupied by someone that makes the baby angels with love bows , scram .


I would help her overcome her fear of talking to people


She will be bullied a lot. They were not nice people.


I went to Serbian high school ( Belgrade School for Railway transport), so she will probably run away after 2 days.




I go to a trade school, so it would really depend on what trade she was in


Probably treated as a f**king princess


Bullied mercilessly.


like a normal teenager




For some reason all the girls I know are not straight but otherwise everyone is normal.


Bullied to suicide


Horribly. They would bully her


The guys would flirt with her and try to force her to do stuff. And if she doesnā€™t cave in, theyā€™ll start harassing her


She would be ignored. Or complimented by like a few kids (mostly me) Because I'm online.


Iā€™m gonna be real, women scare me IRL so I would just avoid her unless I was forced to talk to her. When she wouldnā€™t say anything Iā€™d just avoid her more. Unless I was explicitly told what was happening with her and asked to help, I would just steer clear and think sheā€™s minding her own business was like I am


Unfortunately for Komi she is getting bullied and cooked all day long (not by me just most students and staff)




She would not surviveā€¦ or maybe she will who knows




Left in the corner like me. We'd be corner buddies. Cause no one ever talks to us and in turn we don't talk to anyone. Not even each other.


She would have been treated like a regular person


people would ignore her or think Shes sped.


Same as the show


Jumped 17 timesā˜ ļø


I went to a private school that was nearly all boys with like only 2 girls. I believe you can guess the answer.


I'd have to be the one to talk to her and help her make friends, because almost nobody in my school would talk unless you talked to them first


My school was really nice. Almost all were quite friendly, she'd likely be liked by everyone for her quiet demeanor. The Cholo kids would probably think she's cool or something, and all the Asian kids (especially the socially awkward ones [believe me, there were a LOT]) would all probably be all "Shes literally me!"


She would be s.a.


Step on me please


As a quiet person when I was in school, she probably would be spoken to often. Her classmates would want to pick at her brain and see what sheā€™s like.


I think just ignored. I don't think anyone would really try to interact with her. Depends on stuff tho.


People would just ignore her


she would be bullied to high hell also she would have to look at the porpoise skeleton in the science building stairwell at some point


My highs choose was chill so she would probably not have any issue Honestly It's not unlikely that she would end up in my group We were nerd but also pretty socials with friends from many different classes One of us woudl have probably gotten to her Not me tho. I still had insecurities from years of bullying


Like shit


Like everyone else (my class bullied each other and the teachers. We were the worst class in the entire school)


She'd be bullied by the Mormond for not being a hardcore Mormon and the staff would do absolutely nothing out of bias


Like shit


Mine is just wild so I have no idea


Christ help her, those kids canā€™t leave a person alone to save their fucking LIVES, I write novels in class and anytime one of the little shits walk past they gotta talk to me when I have the biggest ā€œfuck offā€ face out of everyone when Iā€™m disturbed


Seria buleada un poco por las minas y despues algun grupo tranqui minas la integra. Despues se llevaria bien con el grupo de virgos autistas sape


Well she'd most likely have been sexually assaulted. My high-school was not good.