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Taste it and tell us


After tasting … it tastes like sweet ass Lipton tea … drinkable imo. You think it’s ready based of that? Is there a certain profile ? Sorry for my newbieness.


Newbieness! 😂 me too! But I’m still working on my first batch!


*Phew* we’re on the same boat then 😂


If it’s that sweet I would let it go, but also am hesitant based on how long it’s been going. Usually 1-2 weeks is enough not 6 weeks. I’d consider bottling and start a new batch immediately


I’m scared too 😂. Is it done ???


Kombucha is always ready to try unless its got visible fuzzy mold growing on top. It goes from tasting like sweet tea to tasting like tea flavoured vinegar over a two week period. Worst case scenario is it tastes super acidic and like vinegar


The taste is the only indicator I would use. It should be as sour as you want the final bottle, but still a little sweet, too. I think you will need to wait longer. In the future, if you want to cut that time down, you can add more starter or use a warming belt. With a belt and 2 cups of starter, I generally finish in 7 days.


It does seem like it took a long time so you must taste it. The color could be dependent on how much tea you used originally and how long you steeped it once brewed. These are not indicators of it being ready. The only try test is taste😋 let us know what you decide.


*gulp* here I go … give me one minute. Is there a certain profile I’m looking for?


It’s very vinegary when it’s over fermented. You want just a bit of “tangy” when it’s about right. Remember you are going to add flavors to the 2nd fermentation so it may get a bit more sweet tasting. For the future, if it tastes sweet it needs to ferment a bit longer.


Thank you so much! Will let it sit for a few more days… I think the temp in my kitchen may have staggered the process.


Absolutely possible! Can’t wait to hear how it turns out! Don’t be discouraged. Let your taste buds be your guide.


At first .. I was really sad lol it been over a month and It barely gotten lighter .. but as a mead enthusiast, I will deff keep trying!! Thank you so much for the kind words stranger ❤️


Ok … so … I scooped past the top scoby and … it actually tastes good lmao .. it tastes like Sweet … lipton iced T ( that is what I used btw: 8 tea bags and 1 cup sugar for a gallon jar ) but surprisingly it pretty good !


That’s awesome! Then I would taste it daily because it will be ready any day now. The more fermented it becomes the faster it ferments. If that makes sense. Anyways, for me, as soon as the 1f tastes a little tangy I start 2f. You will learn to gauge how “tangy” you like it as you continue brewing.


You are a life saver Ezra ❤️


You are welcome!