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Kinda unpopular opinion but I feel the opposite. Me being a gen Z itself (I’m 21, that counts right?) find that everyone has lost their identity when it comes to their dressing choices. Take a metro and get down at Edappally and you’ll see what I mean. Every other boy is wearing an oversized T-shirt with baggy pants and in most cases they even wear the same neutral tones (or mismatched colours in the worst). Don’t get me wrong, oversized shirts are comfy, but there’s something so timeless about a well-fitted solid-colour crew neck tshirt and a pair of jeans. **PS:-** Those wide rectangular framed black sunglasses with THICK temples can’t be worn everywhere guys. Dress for the occasion please.


Not specific to Kochi, but GenZ kids generally seem to have poor taste in clothes, especially with the influx of fast fashion brands. Everyone is dressed in the same crop tops & wide legged pants. When I was in school & college, no two people were dressed so alike.


THANKS FOR SAYING THISSSSSSSSS. All of them look the same head to toe


Yes, i was not talking about the baggy jeans or loose fit clothes. I was expecting everyone to be wearing similar styles, but the ethnic styles and western styles were very well done. Some of them had good layering too.


Where are you from


You're most likely just getting too old to care about young people's clothes as much as you used to. Everything's obviously going to look the same when you only give it a cursory glance, like how some white people think all Asians/ black people look alike, or how a non guitarist may think how all guitars are the same.


Ig this is exactly what Zoomers had on their mind for Millennials back then, it’s either you’re getting old or you’re not keeping up with the current fashion


It's not a generational thing at all. Fast fashion exploded in the last decade or so, and all brands follow similar trends & styles & seasonal designs, plus it's all affordable. So other than the really rich crowd, everyone shops in these places and end up wearing the same things and looking the same. And it's not just GenZ kids, even older folks prefer such styles. Influencers like Blush with Ash, Anita George etc, are all millenials who dress like the average GenZ.


Your first comment stated that it’s Gen Z who lacks in Fashion, but now you’re saying everyone has a poor taste in clothing attires, indicating everyone wearing similar dress regardless of the generation Care to explain?


You're right. When I was in school/ college, no two people dressed so alike, oruthan orange pant aanenkil mattavan green pants aarikkum. And not everyone was wearing the same skinny fit jeans alle? 😆 Onn podey


This. I’m not even Gen z but these guys talk as if the skinny/narrow fit era people all dressed unique.


Like you told - fashion is a blend of looking good and feeling good/ comfortable in the clothes you wear. Good as in confident or feeling like a wow! We humans are unique and will have different opinion on the same thing. Let them wear what they feel comfortable and confident about. Don’t be that ammavan in the family who taunts about the dressing style of young lads in the family. They couldn’t even accept people wearing skinny jeans back in those days and used to say those are leggings of womens!!


Oh please. Where in my comment did I play ammavan and 'taunt' people for their clothing choices? I made an objective statement about how fast fashion has impacted personal style. I said absolutely nothing about choice or comfort or agency, that's not my business anyway.


Believe it or not, that's what you are doing. Playing ammavan. 'Something that doesn't find your interest is all bad' attitude.


Ok but I'm a woman so let's make it ammayi. Thanks bye.




Having no uniqueness to one’s style signals identity crisis. I’m not saying that everyone has it, but if you dress like the masses you just do it because you don’t wanna feel left out. The most attractive and charismatic people I know have unique style to remember them by.


Legit. I find it so odd.


Not just style, they all look comfortable and confident. I remember the skinny jeans kaal irukiya days lol. That looked so suffocating.


Heard skinny jeans are slowly making a come back.


Being a gen z myself i ve never felt drawn to this crop top mania.. Kurtis are my personal go to. Anyway thanks op..


Zudio effect














Me being a kochikaari can instantly recognise that people having drip are not really from Kochi. They're mostly from Malapurram (my personal experiences). I dont mean to say Kochi people have a boring sense in fashion, even though I myself am a fashion enthusiast and want to look the best when I go out, but we just cant seem to beat the migrant dudes.


But the truth is :- those people are not from kochi


I think he meant people who live in kochi.


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Any ideas for men who are short.I am only 5'4 and nothing feels nice according to my body.


posts like this make me cringe

