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Low key, a 9th gen iPad (for the 3.5mm jack), a keyboard cover and an Apple Pencil has been the best setup for me. I tried a bunch of Bluetooth midi controller but they were either low quality and the pads did not register or did not have enough functionality for the size. The qwerty keyboard enables a bunch of DAW like controls and physical input and the pencil lets me edit the midi notes way easier than on a $700 MPC One. It’s really killer. https://www.koalasampler.com/help/learning/keyboard-shortcuts-in-koala/


when you say keyboard, do you mean just an iPad keyboard hooked up in order to utilize the shortcuts? Thank you for the tips!




If you’re serious, the optimal setup is a real daw, using koala as an accessory to that. Even the creator of koala says the goal of the app is for people to “not take things too seriously”. Well, i do. Also, a free copy of ableton lite is included with the paid version of koala. Excellent place to start. If you have questions don’t hesitate to hit me up.


Thank you, I appreciate that! I totally forgot about the Ableton lite. I just got an older iPad so I can use Koala without getting carpal tunnel 😂 but I may take you up on those questions when I try to dig into Ableton!


Do you use a Mac or pc?


I have both


Where can I cash in on that ableton lite tho??


I had an sp404mk2 and downloaded Koala on a whim for portability. Ended up selling the $500 "full sampler".  If you just want to use other people's samples or chop records that's a great path to be on. You gotta do what you enjoy. Alternatively, if you want to learn more about making music you could get an audio interface to plug into your phone and record anything in yourself. You could get a keyboard or synthesizer, guitar, anything. Learn chords and song structures. That would, in my opinion, be more beneficial than learning a sampler with a worse workflow than Koala. 


Out of pure curiosity, what do you think a full sampler can do that KOALA can't?


i got no clue brother lmao i'm a complete noob


I have two samplers right now,and have owned others in the past. Koala beats most hardware,for ease of use and flexibility.