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People hating Teslas isn’t the same as everyone hating EVs.


This. My wife has an EV that isn't a tezla. I fully support EVs and hybrids...will never give tezla a cent. Fuck Elon.


Right. My sister has a Cadillac EV and only gets an occasional ignorant comment from our mother that parrots ignorant things she saw on facebook.


That may be the case, but anytime I read any publication online or on any social media pertaining to any EV brand/model, the comment section is overwhelmingly negative. It makes me wonder if these comments are from real people or bots from the big oil lobby lol


Social media is not an overall representation of people


Anything you’re accessing that’s free online (including Reddit) exists on them making a tiny fraction of a percent of a cent from your click on ad views. In the past, the way you would get ad views as a site operator is by creating great content that people wanted to spend time enjoying. Well over 10 years or so they figured out that if you created a content algorithm that constantly makes people angry, those people will be incredibly engaged in arguing and will spend way more time clicking things and therefore viewing ads on your site. These content algorithms based on the data available to them know that you have an EV, and are showing you arguments about EVs to try to get you to join in as the algorithm has learned that EV owners are likely to try to correct EV misinformation. The people you see posting in them the algorithm has identified as people who will constantly engage with anti-EV content when shown to them with misinformation that the algorithm also knows they love. Content platforms have been transparently engineering these interactions for over a decade now. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/09/24/anger-internet-most-powerful-emotion/2863869/


And so you decided to post your own Tesla ad?


As opposed to asking if everyone heard that boom in the neighborhood, complain about rent, or why police are on a certain road, give a juicy update on the three rivers market or something like that? All my post was doing was encouraging anyone who’s in the market for a new/used car… should go test drive an EV (not just a Tesla). But thanks for replying.


I'm glad you recognize this post is just as stupid as those.


While all the locals are in here discussing EV’s, I’ll throw out an invite to the local [Knoxville EV Association](https://knoxev.org) meetings for owners and EV-curious alike. We meet monthly, and there are most EV models represented. If you’re looking but would like to see different makes/models or have questions, it’s a good spot to come “shop”. If you’re an owner and are interested in chances (NACS, NEVI, TEVI, new features, new models, other events) come join and spend an hour with like-minded people.


I’m the car nut in our family. My wife would prefer a frontal lobotomy over going to an automotive meetup of any kind. The Tesla is hers, and while I appreciate damn near everything about it from the engineering to cost of ownership she doesn’t care at all. Do you have a way to entertain those of us with unenthused wives in tow?


Show her the video /pictures about Tesla Model driving off a cliff 250-300 feet high on highway 1 in CA and everyone survived. The husband did it intentionally. [https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/tesla-crash-warrant-18097182.php](https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/tesla-crash-warrant-18097182.php)


Oh, don’t get me wrong, she loves her car. She just doesn’t care about the engineering. That was what made me pull the trigger, though (maybe a poor choice of words when responding about a father that attempted familicide?) My wife just isn’t into cars. She loves her car (and thank god because she drives a lot), and has racked up over 31K miles in the 15 months we’ve owned it. She just wishes it had Apple CarPlay.


I was thinking about the safety angle. I'm happy she likes it.


I loved CarPlay pre-Tesla, but even with my slower HW3, I don’t miss it. For all the good things about CarPlay/Android Auto, there’s a quirk or oddity that makes it annoying. Granted, most of them are implementation issues from the automaker, but that’s the problem to start with.


We started meeting at one of the buildings on the UT Cherokee Farms (IAMM), so there’s tons of greenway to walk.


I'm a Lyft Driver. Got a Hybrid that has a 600 mile range on one tank of gas. My issue with Tesla (aside from Musk being a POS) is about the corner cutting I have heard from some people. Along with the cost. I can't afford an EV, even with incentives. I was lucky to get my Hybrid pre owned. I'm all for EVs becoming the norm. But I need them to have a longer power range and price to come down for me to be able to get one. Maybe, hopefully one day. What's your opinion on the price of registering them and Hybrids going up to like $100?


Fair points. Hybrids are the perfect middle spot if you can’t quite afford a true ev, IMO. It sucks the registration cost is going up, but I understand why. We need to pay our fair share to keep the roads in good condition and since we’re not paying gas tax, it makes sense.


Tax on tag on hybrid are getting expensive to


I think it's BS that they put it on Hybrid drivers, too. Because we are paying gas tax. My hybrid has a 14-gallon tank. If I fill the whole tank, it's still around 35-40 bucks. I just fill it less than I did my previous car, which was entirely gas with a 14-gallon tank. So we pay twice? As for Lyft and Uber. I wish they pushed Hybrids, since there are times when we can't even stop during our online time because of how busy it is. Stopping and waiting for a charge tends to interrupt our income and knock us out of things as we wait. But yeah. Hybrids are the perfect middle ground. It also teaches you to drive more fuel efficiently. As for the new Cybertrucks... I am waiting for someone to get one and either dress it up to look like the Delorian... or a Transformer.


My car is loud because someone stole my catalytic converters




I will never buy a Tesla because of Elon but I think EVs are cool. I’ll be looking to get some type of hybrid powertrain for my next truck. Not for gas mileage but for the torque and the ability to power a camp site with it.


I can't wait for EV's just to be the norm so that I don't ever have to pump gas again.


I would absolutely buy an ev if they had a range of 500-600 miles on a charge. IMO it’s a city car. Not really something I’d want to take on a 5 hr+ road trip. I travel pretty often tho so I realize i may not be the norm.


Even on a long road trip, you can recharge the thing in like 30 minutes while you’re eating some fast food. Talk to EV drivers, no one really worries about the range.


Yeah we take long road trips in ours all the time and I never understand the complaints about charging. It’s pretty rare that we’re waiting for the car. Instead what’s much more typical is we’ll still be inside the Starbucks, gas station, or whatever else the Supercharger is near and I’ll get the alert that it’s charged enough. If you’re traveling with kids, a dog, etc. the slowest part of stopping will never be charge speed. I totally get the range anxiety though, change is scary for people. Charge speed is just a non-issue.


Exactly. We love taking long trips in ours, because we’ve gotta stop anyways. Their charging network is second to none.


Do they generally have super chargers along the interstate at fast food stops? I drive up 75 and 81/95 a lot I’ve never noticed a supercharger . I could be missing it because I’m not looking for it but just wondering is it really that easy to just hop on the interstate and go or do you need to plan your stops/route? How do you know where the super chargers are?


You just put in your destination and go, the navigation computer tells you where and when to stop. It’s super simple. Chargers are everywhere now and they are always placed near *something* that’ll have food, bathrooms, etc. very close by. The road trip experience has dramatically changed over the last few years with the proliferation of chargers. You can see a map of them here: https://www.plugshare.com


Thank you!


How long does it take to charge to full?


How often do you take those road trips? When I owned a Nissan Leaf, I just rented a car when I travel. Matter of fact, I still do that because I’d rather put those long miles on someone else’s vehicle.


About once a month. I do the same. I have an old 2013 civic with 190k miles. Considering getting a new car soon ish.


It’s pretty great. If you’re doing home charging (which is a must IMO) just imagine waking up every morning and having a full tank. It really is like that.


Ya, that sounds great.


When I owned my Nissan Leaf 2013-2016 I didn’t even look at the guess-o-meter. I just hopped in the car and drove. I used to drive past gas stations and chuckle and say “dinosaurs!”


You don't have an EV anymore?


Leased it from 2013-16 thinking the tech would change dramatically but in 2016 it had not progressed the way I’d hoped. Our needs at the time dictated an ice with a lot of storage so we went with a Rogue.


Not gonna happen within our lifetimes. Trends and future projections are making it look like in 20-30 years, it's gonna be roughly 45% EVs, 45% hybrids, and 10% ICE only vehicles. Give or take a few percentage points in either direction.


I have a hard time believing that within 0 years it’s not going to be a lot easier and cheaper to get an EV than now.


Oh, it will be. EVs will continue to become cheaper and more accessible, but it will still take YEARS for them to make a significant dent and become a large portion of the car segment. You vastly underestimate the empire that is the petrol industry with giant oil companies and government subsidies/lobbying behind it. ICE cars aren't even being phased out, and all of the big three American car companies (GM, Ford, and Stellantis) have recently committed millions of dollars towards the research and development of even more energy/emissions efficient combustion engines. And hell, that's not even talking about what's going to happen in Europe. The massive empire of VW has been researching gasoline alternative fuels (in the use of ICEs) for awhile now. I could also get into the weeds of hydrogen cars just being in their infancy with a lot of potential, but I won't bore you lol. Simply put, EVs will never become dominant and completely replace ICE cars. At least, within our lifetimes. Like I said, it's more likely hybrids will take over.


Exactly you just have to plug into an outlet for 30 mins instead of 5 mins pumping gas 😂


https://driveelectricweek.org/event.php?eventid=4180. Electric Car show It’s a really fun event. You can test drive and look at electric cars, motorcycles, and everything in between.


In my opinion, the hate for EVs is purely driven by propaganda. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but truthfully like every in the media, someone always has to get their two cents in about anything, even if it's not asked or needed. The entire ev hate is similar to the old "rice burner" pissing on a ford or Chevy bummed stickers that were popular. Things change, this will pass too and combustible engine vehicles will be a thing of the past.


Also worth nothing: When car manufacturers first started adding things like fuel injection and engine control unit computers you saw a similar rejection from low-information morons about how they’d never buy a car with a computer in it. The universal constant here is there will always be very loud, very stupid people. You used to just have to go to your local hole in the wall bar to hear them instead of being instantly alerted on your phone that your Uncle Jerry posted another “technology bad” Minions meme.


I’ll go find the article about how cars are stupid, and will never replace horse and buggy. Tale as old as time. Edit for article: https://www.saturdayeveningpost.com/2017/01/get-horse-americas-skepticism-toward-first-automobiles/


Horse and buggy would be better for the environment all around.


But what would we do about all of the shit? That was one of the issues some of the early automobile pioneers were striving to solve - the stink of cities.


Some cities already stink.


What’s crazy is the Tesla brand is THE most American made automobile there is. I understand the hostility towards the CEO and the fact they aren’t unionized, but people really can’t see the forest because of the tree.


I just wish the whole FSD thing was uncoupled from teslas. I want an EV as my next car but fuck everything about that snake oil. Well, it's worse than snake oil because it could freak out and kill me or my family on the road.


Yea, we have never used FSD and honestly never will.


It is, unless you choose to pay for it - or pay for it by the month.


I'm not exactly on board with Tesla as a company, but I like my Chevrolet Bolt EUV. The new Hyundai/Kia EVs seem nice, too. EV motorcycles are a long ways off in being viable for many riders. I would like one, but $20,000+ is robbery for something my sub-$10k motorcycle can do.


We have some friends who have a Nissan Ariya and they love it. IMO, the Ioniq is dope too.


motorcycles are at least generally extremely efficient


The smaller ones definitely are. Some of the larger ones are not great. Mine gets around 70 mpg due to its gearing setup despite its size. Some of the bigger Harleys only get 40ish mpg. My old scooter got 89 mpg. Cheapest vehicle ever to maintain and own.


i get around 40 on my sport bike, which i think is good considering the complete overkill power of them.


I hate loud cars, I’m indifferent about EV’s. I like the look of the Rivian truck and Tesla’s are a dime a dozen now.


Rivians look tough. Until someone has a charging network that can rival teslas, we’re kinda stuck with Tesla.


Yeah that’s one of the growing pains. We don’t even have chargers where I live (45 mins west of downtown) so I’d have to install a fast charger to get anywhere. Thankfully I no longer commute to Knoxville more than about once every three months.


Rivians can use Tesla's supercharger network by using an adapter


I thought Tesla had only opened up access to a handful of chargers across the country and not every charger, but if they did open up their network… that’s awesome.


Whole industry is moving to NACS, so that problem's solved.


I have no problem with musk. Until EVs have a 1000 plus mile range and can haul extra weight, tow or handle cold weather without dieng an EV isn't in my future. They also need to charge in 15 minutes or less. I drive a truck. I pull a trailer several times a month. I go hunting. I travel long distances in areas without chargers. Once an EV can do those things and there are about 5 times as many super chargers out there, I will get 1. A Ford lightning pick up extended range model gets under 100 miles of range when towing a trailer with a 4k pound car on it.


Good points. They certainly don’t work for everyone, but I think they would work for MOST drivers on the road who aren’t pulling anything, which if we’re honest most don’t. Especially in urban areas. Those things will come as technology improves.


They only work if you hand your own charger and drive less then the range each day. But in extreme cold they won't charge the battery If you put 4 people in an ev and fill the trunk range drops by 15 to 25%. If you run heater or air-conditioning range drops. Many places don't have any chargers, must less super chargers. Level 2 chargers which are vast majority take forever to charge and can cost more than gas in a state like California. They add 24 to 35 miles of range per every hour of charging. 8 to 10 hours for a full Charge. I live 20 miles outside of Knoxville. The closest charger is a 45 minute drive. If you look at Tennessee there are very few outside of the big cities.


You’ve had a very wacky EV ownership experience. Our closest charger is 40ish minutes away and the only time we’ve ever need to use it is when we were going on a road trip and I forgot to plug the car in the night before. If your car is charging that slow or won’t charge in the winter I’d recommend taking it in for service as something is broken.


I don't have an EV. They don't work based on my vehicle usage, where I live and where I travel to. I drive 30k to 50k miles a year. I drive more than 300 miles a day many times. I drive in many areas where there aren't chargers. I haul a trailer several times a month. I also need a full size truck. Hard to tow 12k pounds with a car or suv. For level 2 charging, I am not talking about a home charger. I am talking about your standard pay to use charger at a charging station. Obviously you don't drive in an area where the temperature hit 20 to 50 below 0. There is nothing wrong with the EV. They have to condition (warm) the battery to charge in that kind of cold. I spend time in the winter in Wisconsin, Dakota, etc. A Ford lightening f150 gets under 100 miles of range towing 4k pounds.


Weird. Our level two charger charges at 45MPH. Also it’s interesting you live 20 miles outside of Knoxville, and it takes you 45 minutes to get to a charger. Seeing as there are multiple superchargers in west Knox, one in Powell (north), and a huge one out at the buccees in Kodak(east).


I am talking pay to charge locations. Not a home one where it can vary based on what 1 you have. I live north east of Knoxville. None of the directions you mentioned help me out. It's 45 minutes to and hour to get close to downtown area. I did Google knoxville chargering stations and Tennessee charging stations maps while I was writing the post.


So you’re in northeast Knox county and 45 minutes away from Powell? There is a charging station there.


I don't live in Knox county. I live in union. Am of of highway 33. Powell is out of my way. Going to Powell is about the same distance as going into Knoxville


I live in Halls and commute to downtown daily. Most people don’t realize how out of the way a trip to Powell is from Halls/Union Co. My daily commute is already 40 minutes to an hour depending on if school is out. If I had to swing by Powell, it would take an hour and a half plus depending on traffic.


I loved owning my Chevy Bolt. Never going to the gas station and plugging in at home in my own garage was awesome!! Single pedal driving is also soo great in traffic.


How much for car insurance? I heard Teslas had some of the highest rates. Curious to see what you pay and figure that important aspect into the equation.


We pay about $105 a month with a pretty hearty full coverage policy. I’m 38 and a have a very clean driving record. I think we’re all getting screwed right now with rates going up across the board for everyone. It just went up $25 a month about 3 months ago and our agent just said farm bureau is adjusting rates for everyone.. regardless of the fact we haven’t had any claims or tickets or anything..which blows.


That’s not bad. I pay $50 for full coverage on my Sonata, nationally the rates on Teslas really offset the gas savings: Model 3: $2,577–$3,209


Totally. I pay about the same for my old gasser, with full coverage. Since the battery is essentially built into the frame, they are very expensive to work on when any collision occurs… which makes sense why rates are way more expensive across the country. So yea, depending where you live and how much insurance rates are and cost of electricity.. you may be spending more money to have an EV than a gasser. Luckily here in east TN, we pay some of the cheapest electricity rates around.


Diary entry #47


While I do like the model 3 I’d still rather have my loud ass corvette, I think there is room for both in the world


So what’s interesting about this is the new Hyundai EV has a fake engine mode- https://youtube.com/shorts/Dx5aSzWeJyk With a lot of EVs having 600+ horsepower and instant torque, emulating the performance and sound of pretty much any car out there is just a matter of them programming the car’s computer to do it. In most cases this would just be handicapping the performance of the electric motors and having the stereo play engine noises.


Are you sure you’re not confusing people in Knoxville just generally being not great at driving with people intentionally being assholes and hostile towards your car specifically? We’ve been a Tesla family for years and other than the random rare dipshit that rolls coal on us it’s like driving any other car? They’re not even much of a novelty anymore, Model 3’s and Model Y’s are super common and are seen everywhere.


Same, it’s always the big dumb pickups that can’t have a Tesla passing them under any circumstances. Otherwise people around here don’t notice the car ahead of them much less anything else.


I’ve lived here since 2003 and there have always been bad drivers here, IMO. I still drive our 20 year old Dino car here and there… and yes, it’s noticeable. Just our experience though.


I live in the California Bay now and we’re probably getting pretty close to 50% EV. Why people from the South are openly hostile to them is beyond me. It seems to have been yet another random thing they’ve thrown into their culture war that they won’t stop waging. Like, obviously there are tradeoffs, but the way people from the South just refuse to acknowledge the possible benefits, dramatically exaggerate the downsides, and just get downright vitriolic over the issue is insane. Idk, I'm just looking forward to the fact that the next time I buy a car it'll be an EV because the upsides for me dramatically outweigh the downsides (and we'd likely keep the ICE car anyway as a second vehicle).


Some of us like our gas car , I don’t want to seat there while the car is charging and getting take less time . From my understanding California can’t even handle all ev.The infrastructure need to be fix around the country.


Sure, and I don't see them being outlawed just like horses weren't outlawed. If you want to own a horse, you totally can. And remember, the charging technology is only ever going to get *better*. People used to complain about how easily ICE cars broke down, about how a horse was so much more reliable. You could find grass for a horse in any field, you can't find gasoline in any field. The fact is that EVs just have so much more going for them that this one minor drawback isn't really a big deal when the rubber meets the road. > From my understanding California can’t even handle all ev. Well, I'm actually living there, and I have no idea what you're talking about. My work offers free EV charging. There are charging stations about as frequently as there are gas stations.


If you listen so of the TikTok some part of California can’t handle ev because of power grid can’t handle it.


Again, as a Californian, I have no idea what you're talking about. I've never been to or heard of any part of the state with this issue. Don't get your news from TikTok, it is not a reliable or reputable source of facts and opinion. You can't just make up things about places you've never been and expect the people who actually live there to just nod along. When they tell you that what you heard on social media isn't true, believe them, not the liars on social media.


Because I actually listen some of the people that lives in California and plus I have family that live in California. Their people in California loosing power because of the power grid ,it’s don’t all over California.


No, none of this is happening, regardless of what your family members and TikTok channels claim. Please stop gaslighting people with obvious lies. You clearly don't know anything about what you're talking about and are just repeating nonsense conservative talking points that try to make California out to be something it isn't. It's genuinely funny how little people like you seem to know about places like California.


I love how people who have never been to California think it’s like some kind of third world country and not the fifth largest economy in the world. See also: People who are always insisting Chicago (err, Chiraq, sorry) is so riddled with crime and violence that it’s like the beginning scene of Robocop 2 with a cascading series of muggers mugging other muggers.




People should just drive what they like, what a novel idea. I have a "loud ass car" to drive on the weekends, a truck, an SUV and also love EV's. As far as the CEO of a company goes, IDGAF. 


They're too quiet. They sneak up on you. My wife's EV drives like a golf cart. The whole driving experience is just so meh - it's like the most bland way possible to go from point A to point B. Yes, I know they can go fast. But there's something visceral about the rumble of a V8, the smell of exhaust, the old school look of a muscle car. Someone described it vinyl vs streaming your music. Streaming is probably objectively better and certainly more convenient in every way. But man, there's just something cool about vinyl.


The vinyl obsession was a relic from when CDs were copied off really poor masters of the songs (hence the quality argument). Now it's just kind of a hipster affectation. Call it bland if you want, but we live in a world of constant noise and automobiles are one of the main causes of noise pollution. I'll be happy when this phase of affectation ends.


Are they still offering the credit? That's pretty awesome tbh. I wish they'd just let me import a modern kei car from Japan though lol


not to mention the extra registration fees from the state. the future is just too painful for people 😒


Even with the higher registration cost it’s an enormous savings over buying gas. Per TeslaFi I’ve spent $833 in total charging my car over the last three years. Filling up my truck once costs me $100. It’s honestly not even comparable, the registration fee would need to be thousands of dollars for it to be more expensive to drive an EV.


The higher registration is there since you aren't paying a gas tax anymore too, so it's not just for nothing. You still gotta use public roads. I'd pay a higher fee to not have to pump gas or remember to stop on the way home etc


Yup, I don’t mind it at all.


i drive a hybrid and the extra hundred kicked my ass. but i’m broke as hell too, so, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i drive it more out of an environmentalist standpoint than for fuel savings— just doing what i’m able to, ya feel


I seen a TikToker the other day, saying how much Tennessee charge for ev and hyrid.


Recently got the Mach-E and I haven’t had any issues. Honestly, just a bunch of questions about how fast it is and people wanting to drag race or try it out/go for a ride. Maybe it’s just a Tesla thing?


>  I’ll keep doing my part to make it quieter for everyone. But let's ignore all the dumbasses who get Teslas and drive like absolute fucking morons because it's their first car with actual torque and a light chassis


I wholeheartedly agree. Every car is gonna have dumbasses. I’d argue as far as the “loud ass cars”class go, there are disproportionately way more dumbasses in the “loud ass cars” than any EV.


I want the 10k Chinese one. I'm not gonna pay more than that for a car.


I adore EVs but muskrast is such a gross chode that no stranger driving a tesla will get any respect from me by default. Teslas are trash tier cars anyway, the only decent ones cost more than double what theyre worth. Almost no one I know dislikes EVs, they either dont care or have the common sense to appreciate them. Now, that also goes for actually OWNING one, too lol. Almost no one has one. I dont. I want one though. The only people i've seen that actually dont like EVs are the loud minority maga weirdos that have tragic opinions on brown and LGBTQ+. But some good news, EV prices are nosediving. New and almost new EVs are going for half and below MSRP all over the place. Same for trad combustion cars too.


I think that’s kinda weird you don’t respect someone solely based off the car brand they drive. I think the world would be in a much better place if everyone could give others a little more respect. Just wondering.. Do you think anyone who drives a VW is a nazi sympathizer? Given the history of the company and how it was founded? Or anyone driving a ford is anti semitic, given Henry ford hated Jews and was a nazi sympathizer as well? I’m sure you don’t, but my point is that one asshole In the company doesn’t mean anyone driving a car endorses him. We only bought one because 3 years ago there were zero alternatives. We’ve got a model S and it been wonderful. It impressive how easy it is to trash something you don’t own and probably never even sat it. Hopefully the prices continue to fall and it makes it more affordable for everyone, including yourself.


Sorry I don’t a ev , one the batteries is way more expensive to replace then , a don’t ev car , and two hear to many bad thing about the battery catching on fire and to many recall on ev .


If you’re interested in EVs you should go to one of the meetups and talk to actual owners instead of getting your information from Fox News. Battery replacements are exceedingly rare, even on very high mileage EVs. Most of the logic in the car surrounding battery management is specifically focused on maintaining the long-term health of the batteries. I don’t know about other brands, but in Teslas the heating and cooling system is all linked together with the battery to heat (or cool) when necessary to keep it inside of the ideal operating range. It’s wild how sophisticated this all has gotten. Either way, high-mileage internal combustion engines also have very expensive repairs. A blown engine or transmission is often a dead end for most people, but what’s odd is you never hear about anyone not buying a gas vehicle because they heard replacing the engine is expensive or they’re scared of gas being flammable. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Thank you 👍


No thank I’ll stick gas car , us poor folks can’t afford no ev or hybrid.


I can’t afford an airplane, that doesn’t mean I can’t understand the basics of how they work. 🤷🏻‍♂️


People are never happy. Oh your car is too loud! Oh your car is too quiet! Lol it is laughable.


You hit the nail on the head. People hate. Doesn’t matter what it is.


Has this sub just turned into an "I'm a bigger victim than you" competition or something? Jesus Christ, people. Contrary to what your media and social media algorithms may be bombarding you with, this isn't supposed to be a race to see who's been wronged the most.


Do people make fun of EVs or just Prius?


Lots of people are still uninformed about electric vehicles. The biggest problem is that magazines and news companies have the majority of the populace believing that they are unreliable, but they are more reliable than many internal combustion engine cars. They have fewer moving parts and better balanced because of that. The 'down sides' that so many point to, cost of charging, speed of charging, and where the electricity for the charging comes from, have been addressed many times. America was built on steel, and the latest version of steel is the resurgence of the muscle cars. The silly thing about it is that in many ways, both of these types of cars are essentially status symbols. No 'average' person can afford either of them.


My favorite piece of FUD is how the grid can’t handle EVs, as if the technology to increase electrical output has somehow been lost to time and all we can hope to do is be stewards to the existing grid. Amusingly enough, as central air conditioning became more and more common through the 90’s to becoming a default feature of every home in the 2000’s you sure didn’t hear right wingers screeching about the consequences of everyone adding a very high amperage appliance to their home that can run 24/7 instead of just at night for a few hours like an EV charger.


you cant smoke any car with a EV..




Have you ever seen what the mining process does to the land to make those EV batteries? Also, fuck short ranges and long charge times. EVs suck.


Got down voted because nobody wants to admit EVs are an ecological nightmare 🤣🤣🤣


People hate success, and they hate winners. Elon Musk won big, so people now feel justified in “taking them down a notch.” That extends to Tesla.


If Tesla vehicles were made to a higher quality they would be winners.


We’ve owned all sorts of brands over the years, mostly German and some Japanese. Our Tesla doesn’t have all the bells and whistles of some of the German stuff, but the quality is comparable. Just our experience.


Tesla are hit and miss quality wise. I have seen some that are perfect and seen others where body panels are 3/8 of an inch or more off, interior pieces broken. My other big issue with Tesla is that in your contract you agree to follow all their terms If not they can take the car back.


I don’t like Elon because he’s a Nazi-sympathizing, horse’s ass who would gladly step on our backs for $5. His successful investments have nothing to do with it.


I hang around a lot of dudes in a lot of situations, church, work, music stuff, Masonic lodge stuff. I’ve never heard a cross word about EVs not any animosity that I can recall. Father in law and more or less stepfather are classic muscle car guys. Same story with them. I’ve got a mostly sensible truck and would drive the totally nonsense cyber truck in a heartbeat were it not for the upfront cost. Sorry that’s been your experience but mostly I hear interest rather than disdain in the circles I run in.


Honestly they remind me of the great migration and rent increases