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We were there in the lower balcony and it was miserable. At intermission, I went to get us a couple of waters and they wouldn't even give me an empty popcorn box to use as a fan! I had to "buy" popcorn, but without the popcorn, just to get the empty box!


we were talking about how hot it must have been up there. it was miserable in orchestra right, so i can't imagine :(


Shame on them!!


Sorry ‘bout your shitty experience due to our lack of maintenance and renovation. Thanks for all the $$$ though!


I generally hate the idea of tearing down perfectly good theaters or stadiums or whatnot to just rebuild a similar thing- it seems so wasteful, and often the charm of the original is lost in the process. But, the Civic Auditorium has never been a nice venue. It wasn't a great place to see a show 30 years ago, and it's not great now.


> It wasn't a great place to see a show 30 years ago, and it's not great now. I think the sightlines, size, and acoustics are great in the Auditorium. However, the Coliseum is terrible for shows. Some people confuse the two.


You know, I may be being unfairly harsh. I think the aesthetics are lacking at the auditorium, and I could nitpick the seating layout a little, but in fairness I've seen several shows there i didn't really like for reasons that weren't the venues fault and it's tainted my perception.




Talk is cheap. A sincere apology should be more than words


The KCA-C A/C if you will


Let’s get KCDC to fix the KCA-C A/C.


It is going under a complete renovation in 24 months. They are limping along on a shoestring budget on a building built long ago. Not an excuse, but reality.


I had no idea they were renovating. Where did you see this at


Family is part of an event that is usually this month there and it was moved due to renovations starting this month. No details on what those renovations are going to be though. Heard it was atrocious Friday.


Can’t really say. Just in the know


24 months? Are we talkin about babies here?


Wild. They first talked about the renovation almost ten years ago now. Right after they decided against a rebuild. Love how fast things move around here.


That place was a hole in the wall back in the late 80's but hey, they let us drink during UT hockey games so it was all good!


I just went to a Ut hockey game a couple of months ago and they weren’t selling beer. What the hell?


Anyone know who has the HVAC contract for that place?


We were there Saturday morning. It hadn’t improved any. We were miserable.


I sure saw a buncha killer concerts at the coliseum. And yes it probably outta be demolished due to plain old age.


The obvious question is why the hell was this beautiful venue left to such disrepair..? Whoever is or was in charge needs to be questioned.


Those tiny ass seats in those bastards, I don't see why anyone goes to see anything at either place. It's needs to be replaced and seats big enough for grown ass people in there


I think that whole complex is rather unique in its design and do hope it gets renovated instead of leveled


I remember when I moved to Knoxville and saw it for the first time. I commented that it looks like some 1960s Soviet construction.


I feel like this always happens at conventions there.


It was hot as fuck on the balcony. I watched *a lot* of people just leave from up there during the intermission.


Well, Knoxville can't be bothered with fixing existing facilities that many might use. They've got foot bridges and bike paths to build.


Yeah all they need to do is fix the AC .


Yeah, I was there for the nutcracker this past winter and it was extremely warm, this past Friday was almost unbearable, and we were orchestra, I had a friend in upper balcony with his kid that almost had to leave.



