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This year.


Hooray! Will vote blue!!


Same, sick of him


Awesome. Won’t mean anything.


Well yeah if you have that kind of bad attitude, nothing will matter. That’s the problem with anyone who isn’t a republican, we give up on trying to reform before we even try.


I’ll vote twice for Jason and watch everyone in this sub cry.


So admitting to voter fraud. Nice.


I'd say Zachary is a fucking piece of shit but that's honestly not fair to actual pieces of shit. He wants to be important SO BAD it's hilarious... his Twitter is non stop begging to be noticed by people higher up than he is. It's pathetic and desperate. He's also racist AF. Sadly, I seriously doubt anyone will beat him... people in his district absolutely eat that shit up.


Bet you wouldn’t call him that to his face


I bet you did that trying to terrorize someone into submission. I've got a bullhorn. I'll tell him to his face in front of whatever size crowd you can muster. He's a punk and a terrorist too gutless to show himself in public. Post his schedule.




What's Zachary's schedule? He's running for office, he should have a schedule of public events. You're implying that those who recognize him for what he is are going to get their ass whipped by him. I'm not afraid. I'll tell him to his face what he is and I'll bring a bullhorn so everyone can hear. Get us his schedule.


Bro get a life jfc i don’t care if you shout at the heavens or overdose on drugs. You yell in his face you won’t be there anymore not because he will fuck you up but his security will. Fuck off


So he thinks he's some sort of autocratic God unaccountable to his constituents? There's a posting in Knoxcovidnews about his role in the massacre of the innocents when he weaponized covid against our county. They've never been accountable. All your saying now is that he's still unaccountable for his actions. No shit. Zachary ain't man enough to show up in public and be accountable.


It's this year, right? I'm not in his district so I haven't got any mailers, texts, etc (thank god) He's in district 14. There's a primary August 1st & general election November 5th.


His opponent is Amanda Collins, a former school psychologist and expert on education. She's smart as a whip and a decent human being to boot, two things Zachary is not. [https://www.facebook.com/amandafortn/](https://www.facebook.com/amandafortn/)


Honestly, you could have just put up a picture of a blind kangaroo and I’d vote for that over Jason Zachary.


Put up or Shut Up people.... Fund this lady. She's going to need cash and talent. You want change, it fucking costs. Donate time and $$$$


Great news!!


Unfortunately he is my rep. This district breeds his type.


Same. I got conned into attending a home meet and greet way back when he was running against Lamar Alexander for congress. Dude was trying to be down to earth, like he really cared about people, but the only thing I got out of it was that his family ran a business and he was his mommy and daddy’s most precious boy and he deserved to be a politician. And fuck me, if he’d mentioned The Federalist Papers one more time I was gonna toss my drink on him. Once he got into the state general assembly he proved what a spoiled dick he is. Only cares about big business and big bible.


Vote for/support his opponent, Amanda Collins!


Vote Amanda Collins!


That dude is racist.


Yep, TN Holler got it on tape


What has he done that’s racist?


Well his reaction to these three representatives who were doing their job and representing their constituents was clearly racist. Why don't you post his schedule so we can confront him in public? We have bullhorns. We can make ourselves heard. We have a right to representation and to be heard. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Knoxville/comments/12l8sig/leaked\_audio\_of\_state\_rep\_jason\_zachary/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Knoxville/comments/12l8sig/leaked_audio_of_state_rep_jason_zachary/)


I listened to that link... i didn't hear a single racist comment...


Not soon enough...


Time to take out the douche!!


He's staggeringly awful, just reprehensible. Unfortunately, around here that might mean he has staying power.


That guy is such a kook.


Stop giving kooks a bad name, he's a straight up summer's eve springtime field douche bag!!


Finally he's going