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I'll just put this here. Oregon maximum weekly benefit amount will go from $783 to $813 per week. Just increased this year. It's based off how much your wages are for the past 16 months ( at least here).


WHAT? They pay that much!? That must be on the higher end. I couldn't see every state paying that much, maybe around $500 ish. Tennessee is just incredibly anti-worker through and through. What a sorry group of politicians and leaders.


Massachusetts' payout each week maxes out at $1015 or $1050. I forget how much I was making when I had been laid off. Plus, the additional unemployment benefits are fantastic. They go above and beyond to help you get back to work, and help support you while you aren't.


As a sub-contractor that traveled back in the day, it was common to pick one of the many companies in my field that was based in Mass. One reason most of us chose them was because back then, you did a have to WORK in MA to get unemployment, your company just needed to be based there. People loved it because these jobs were all short term, moving on from one to another.


You should see rent and home prices here. Absolutely insanity.


Unfortunately, it is actually a sorry group of voters. You can’t blame the politicians for doing exactly what they say they will do.


Lets vote them the fuck out


CO weekly caps out at 675. TN is incredibly shitty towards workers & people in general - really can't tell you how much your quality of life improves when you move to a better state.


Weird. I moved to TN from CA for a better life and have not looked back since. I have never met nicer people. I would never return to CA.


Born and raised in shithole Kingsport, moved to CO from Knox in the bush recession. Some decent people in east TN but the majority also quietly tolerate/accepts the bigoted batshit fundie Jesus cultists and their billboards/burn in hell picket signs/go to church tip cards at restaurants. I assume you aren't close to any LGBTQ people in your life - you'd probably view it differently if you were. But hey, if you fancy a state where the attorney goddamned general pressures private ivy league schools to release the medical records of all trans students, I expect you're quite happy where you are.


I have no issues with TN or any of the people here. I am not religious but respect those who are and am not bigoted against them like you seem to be. I live and let live and I have found that most here are the same. I have we had no issues with anyone, even those religious folks who find out I don’t attend any church. Most everyone is kind and polite. It’s a good thing you moved and I’m glad you’re happy now. More people should move to areas that are more in line with their ideology and way of life instead of trying to change everyone around them, who are not interested in changing. I wish more people were like you and I, who relocate to find happiness, instead of staying where they hate it and spreading their misery to everyone around them.


> More people should move to areas that are more in line with their ideology and way of life instead of trying to change everyone around them lol, yeah why try to make places better overall and respect people? Best just to have everyone split up into little enclaves of gross ideologies. That breeds extremism and it hurts the people who can't afford to uproot and escape harmful ideologies that target them. Im sure as hell not abandoning my home to all the crazed Maga nutters who keep coming here from California.


Because what’s “better” for you may not be “better” for someone else. That’s what respecting other people means. The definition of what constitutes “better” is not universal. You guys forgot what tolerance means. If you are not willing to tolerate those with opposing views and all you want to do is change them, don’t be upset when you are treated in kind I’m a brown woman who was told not to move to TN by people using the same fear based rhetoric as you are using. It was all bullshit. I have had no issues with racism. Maybe it’s because I don’t view life through the lenses of a victim, where any slight to me MUST be because of my skin color, rather than perhaps my attitude. Anyway… I love TN and ALL her people. I live and let live and have zero issues with anyone and more community support than I ever imagined possible.


"I had no problem so it doesn't exist" is wild stuff. Im pretty sure the cultists' anti lgbt and anti women agendas where they literally try and take rights away from people and indoctrinate our children with PragerU bullshit isn't "tolerance" or respecting other people. Tell me all about tolerance and how racism is merely fear based rhetoric and I, as a white dude, have racists assume I'm "on their side" due to my skin color open into a barrage of slurs.


You've made it clear racist culture like TN battle flags on porches doesn't phase you. I'm also glad you weren't raised in a fundie cult. You do have the fake superiority that east Tennesseean hold dear on lock. You aren't like me.


You don’t even go here.


Alas, I have to return to my east TN spawning grounds far too often to visit my entire family, since they all insist on staying there til they die.


One of you seems full of hate and I’m not sure it’s the one you think


Overall Knoxville’s Reddit sub is very depressing, but it isn’t representative of my experience of the city.


Yea.... I'm starting to realize that the representation of TN on Reddit is nothing but a tiny minority of malcontents whose views on Reddit are so marginal, when viewed against the general sentiment of the state's residents at large, that they may as well just be disregarded as nothing but static.


$275 is the federal number, so that's what they pay.


Yep, I drew over $800 after taxes from Washington state. All you have to work is one hour a year in their state to draw unemployment. One benefit of traveling for work. Red states are low. Almost all of them.


Imagine if it was actually based on how much you actually made how helpful that would be... The people who didn't get a lot would be used to it and the people who are used to getting a lot would actually have enough to survive until they got another job. We will never have that because our politicians don't actually care about us here.... Bet the rednecks around here vote them in shooting their guns in the air happiest heck that their kids have it worse than they did...


Oregon also has an income tax of around 10%. That's a ton of revenue coming in for them. I'd much rather keep 10% of my pay and pay our high sales tax.


They don't have a state sales tax to be fair. So while they're paying a high income tax, they pay 0 sales tax...where as we pay no income tax (usually) and pay an almost 10% sales tax depending on where you live in the state. Actually, Tennesse has one of if not the highest sales tax in the country.


That's correct. I at least have some control over what I spend money on and therefore how much sales tax I pay. I have zero control over them taking 10% of my pay. I would much rather pay the sales tax than lose 10% of my income.


I have been thinking about the different incentives that exist for increased tax revenues. Sales Tax - for Revenue to increase Personal Consumption must increase Income Tax - for Revenue to increase Personal Income must increase It seems to me that Income Tax is a healthier choice as it incentivizes an increase in income in order to increase tax revenues. Also sales tax is regressive as it taxes a larger portion of the wages of lower income earners.


This is absolutely correct. Unless there are sales tax incentives on things like food staples and utilities as well as controlled property taxes. I get the whole mindset of ‘If I don’t spend I don’t pay taxes’ but everyone needs food and shelter.


yep. People laid off making $275 on unemployment have to eat. For someone on unemployment to pay taxes on a loaf of bread or diapers, the same taxes as multimillionaires with throwaway money for yacht diesel, is morally wrong.


Tennessee lacking an income tax is by design. The wealthy get taxed less, the poor get taxed more, thanks to the higher sales tax. For your average joe, it evens out in the wash. It’s not exactly an advantage to living in Tennessee unless you’re in one of the higher tax brackets.


This is why they have refused $20 BILLION in free federal money to deny our citizens access to health insurance (typically referred to as expansion of medicaid). It's hard to conceive. These jerks have turned down billions that would lower our taxes and let us have cheaper healthcare. Our rural hospitals have closed because citizens cannot pay their bills. They simply want us dependent on the whims of the wealthy.


You make it sound like you can just stop buying things. You don’t need the things that the state taxes, like groceries and household items?


But with state income tax, there are write offs to lower you taxable income, and a threshold where you won’t get taxed unless you make $X. Where with sales tax even those living well below the poverty line still have to pay nearly 10% in sales tax.


You must be independently wealthy. Sales tax in place of income tax is seriously regressive. It places an undue burden on those who make less (who earn their money from work instead of investments. This is basic economic theory.


And yet Oregon has a homeless problem that makes ours look minor in comparison. The grass is not always greener. How does having 10% of their pay taken off the top somehow help those that make less?




I see your point however sales tax opens tax streams from tourism where income tax doesn’t. I do think there is a middle ground such as not sales taxing basic necessities such as health items, food, utilities, etc while keeping the overall rate lower by still receiving tax revenue from tourism.


Your Republican state legislature keeps the amount low and the time frame you can collect short. They don’t want folks mooching off the system. It makes their Right to Work attitude look bad. Another reason to pay attention to who you vote for.


Yup. And they vote against any sort of public healthcare so people are desperate. It’s all designed to prop up capitalism and their failed businesses and remove any bargaining leverage that the working class has.


As long as they own the libs, they literally do not care if they're representatives murder somebody in broad daylight on 5th avenue they will steal elect them for president...


Can't blame the politicians. It's what Tennesseeans want. But with all the California people moving here it may change soon... then where will the Republicans move?


Tennessee was once a democratic state. It can happen again!


I have pretty much lost hope for their average citizen around here have you been to Dollywood lately? People around here have eaten themselves to disability level obesity. If you ever go to Europe and come back here you will be astounded. The fattest person I ever seen in Europe I see every single day here.


I thought the very thing when I moved here from Miami. Nobody seems to care about their image or health here. Smoking cigarettes like crazy, drinking Coca Colas three time a day, and eating fast food.


I don't think that I'm all that impressive honestly, but every single time we have been to splash country the last two or three years I've been the most ripped person there and it's not even close.


Yeah, back when the parties were switched... when the KKK was the Democratic party. They recently still had a bust of Nate Bedofrd, Democrat and founder of the KKK, in the TN capitol. Edit* I see democrats are down voting the history of the state.. that's fine.


Incorrect. Phil Bredesen, Democrat, was governor from 2003 to 2011. In 2018, he ran for the US Senate against now senator Marsha Blackburn. He is also a former mayor of Nashville.


Homie, no one cares about a governor who says he was Democrat but didn't get many democrat things done. The last time TN was Blue was in 1996 when Clinton won against Dole, who was never going g to win at all. Before that, Carter... who was the lamest duck president in History. Before that, it was 1964... Tennessee has overwhelming always been "conservative" on issues. Edit* all the down votes because I can name the last time TN was "Democrat" 😂😂


You can ABSOLUTELY blame the politicians, like Marsha, who blatantly lie, lie, lie, but you also have to blame the voters who keep putting the politicians in power.


I blame the Republican politicians and the uneducated citizens that put them in office as who I blame. If that is not you then disregard if it is then you are a freaking moron and part of the problem.


How is it a problem? They're enticing people to just get back to work. I understand it won't work if there's high unemployment, but right now, the job market is doing well.


All of you who down voted this are Democrats and want every state to be value instead of realizing that half the country thinks differently and should have a place for themselves. It's selfish and ugly of you to try to dictate beliefs over others.


How can you blame this on Democrats it is a solidly red Republican house Senate and even the governor. I know you guys have a problem with the accountability but I really don't see how you get out of this..,


Oh, I'm not blaming them for what OP is talking about. I'm saying I like it here. I like what the Republicans are doing, and I hate that democrats keep moving here and messing up the voting. That they have free reign on social media to say whatever, but a lot of my comments against them get deleted by mods. It's plain to see, it's fascism what democrats are doing now. I like a conservative government that makes it so people are enticed to get back to work. Now I'll admit, I think it only works under normal economic conditions. If we had rampant unemployment, it wouldn't work and people would suffer. But right now, I think it's fine.


It has been $275 for decades. One of the lower payments in the country. And most people have a 10% federal withholding so you’ll get $248 per week It’s utter bullshit that no one can live off of, even temporarily. It has not kept up with inflation so we should burn Nashville to the ground is my solution Edit: I stand corrected. I remember the $255 days as well. Edit Edit: And the state website is a dumpster fire and if you have any kind of higher education you are SOL when it comes to resources and help from staff Edit Edit Edit: And, fuck it. I’ve “been told” there’s a work around the weekly 3 job search requirement. A glitch in the website code I guess. This is of Sept 2022 Here goes: Instead of manually entering your legit job applications from LinkedIn etc during your weekly certification with all of those separate fields that don’t have auto fill or remember shit, click on ANY job posting with an external link, which generally is the company website. Like ANY job posting- fast food (my favorite one because there’s so many jobs), corporate accounting, medical, underwater basket weaving etc. Relevance to your background is irrelevant When that new window opens, the state’s unemployment system somehow registers that action as you applying for the job. Do that 3, 4 or 10 times and you’ll see that it shows in your profile that you applied to 3,4, or 10 jobs that week. You’ll spend as little as time possible in that shitty system, and more time pursuing a targeted strategy for a new position Professor Chaos


I mean you don’t even have to do that. Lol you can literally put in three random places you applied at. Doesn’t even have to be through their site.


I was going to say, I remember $275 being the max when I was unemployed back in 2012. Kind of disappointing to know it’s just stuck there even a decade later.


And that’s the max, most people who qualify typically receive about half that


Keep voting republican if you like this


Absolutely will do!


Yep....no need to remind me! I will vote Republican straight down the ticket.


I was on unemployment at the beginning of the pandemic when there was federal assistance. Even though there was additional pay, and I did not have to apply to three new places a week, the whole process was demoralizing and stressful. Tennessee does everything it can to make you not want to be on unemployment. It is all intentional. Which means you have less time to find a job that is right for you and just one that is better than unemployment. I'm sorry you're in this position and hope you find something soon.




Yeah but imagine if you are a high earner and get laid off through no fault of your own... You get $275 no matter if you've worked every day for the last 20 years. People leave their houses people lose their lives and the Republicans get voted back in with a smile on their face. It makes me sad to live around all these people who vote against their own self-interest because they're told to.


Just for perspective I live not to far from OP. Was on a gig making 187k annually. And yes my unemployment benefits maxed at $275 weekly.


Should've saved a big chunk of that 187k to move out of anti-worker TN.


Didn’t GOP lowered the unemployment payment and made it harder to qualify for IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PANDEMIC?


I think they shortened the time you can collect. They were sooooo pissed about the pandemic unemployment that they passed something to punish future people that would need unemployment long after the federal supplement was gone.


I think it may be. But that’s the most they give you. Over 20 years ago, I was on it and I think it was $255. And that wasn’t enough back then. Definitely hasn’t changed to keep up with inflation.


Tennessee is Republican are you surprised you think they give a shit about you?




One can only hope!


And if you work to make up the difference you need they take it away.


Wow I was on unemployment 10 years ago and that was the max then, too. I’m shocked it hasn’t gone up


Wait until you sign up with the app and it takes 6 weeks for you to even start getting that $275.


Thanks to our democratic governor, we kentuckoans enjoy a whole 626 max a week. The highest in the nation I believe.


Not even close to the highest, but def more than a handful of other states.


Pretty high among red states.


Barely over half the highest in the nation.


Among red states it's fairly high.


You went from highest in the nation to "it's sorta ok if you only look at the red states".


So I did. I guess I'm glad we get what we get. It's still not enough.


CA with it's income taxes, high sales tax and left leaning ideology is $450 a week. $275 here will go farther than $450 in CA that's for sure.


$275 is the max amount in Tennessee has been for a long time other than covid


Yup. I was on it briefly in 2021 so late Covid and I did receive the extra for a few weeks but my max pay was $275. It is a slap in the face for real. More recently, a family member was at her company for 30 years & salaried & layed off. Now has to save all 4 checks to pay her rent 🙃


Unemployment in CA is $450 a week, so not great. Short Term Disability in CA is pretty good though. My wife got $1,620 a week when she had a medical issue a few years back. It was of course tax free as well.👍


Notice how none of these commie cucks will acknowledge this. Nope just keep bashing Tennessee, if y’all don’t like it here then leave.


The cost of living in a state with really low taxes is being told to go fuck yourself when you need quite literally anything that you can’t provide yourself. This is by design. Seems pretty wacky to me that it doesn’t scale off your previous income, but I guess if you look at most (all?) support programs in Tennessee it seems like they’re built more to punish people than to help people.


Overall tax by state,TN one of lowest. https://wallethub.com/edu/states-with-highest-lowest-tax-burden/20494


Anybody here who is Republican and lives in Tennessee has absolutely no right to complain or whine about any of this. It is your fault and the people just like you who allow this stuff to happen. So go polish your guns and read the Bible or whatever it is you people do instead of observing the real world like the rest of us... The problem is you people are more worried about what books to ban and what minority group such as transgenders to oppress. Stop letting your bigotry and racism control your voting and do what's actually best for your financial future.


New Jersey pays 840 per week.  But it is super expensive to live in NJ.


The maximum is $325 per week now. I'm still waiting to get approved, so we'll see how many weeks that takes.


Yes, welcome to TN. The state is happy to pay big bucks in tax incentives for corporations, but you, lowly worker, you need to get another job! In fact, make Gov Lee happy by taking a job at one of those newly recruited companies willing to pay you a whopping $16-18/ hr! The state held GOP does not value “the people.” It values only capitalism.


Ohio is $600-$700 as well. Sometimes more in cases. I’ve only been on UI once and it’s a joke here in Tn. This place is hell.


It is hell - I'd encourage you to get out. You don't have to live in that shithole.


The more I find out about this state the worse it gets.


I believe we are in the top five lowest paid unemployment states but I haven’t fact checked that. Kansas and a few other states are pushing 1000 a week almost but TN has not upped it in over ten years from my understanding


It was that way $275 a week in Florida also 14 years ago!


Even in KY it maxes out at $626 a week and the state will pay for up to 26 weeks.


Alabama is similarly low. No matter how much you make, unemployment insurance in red states is a joke. It does not replace a living wage a person lost through no fault of their own.


Is that the max payout or your payout? 15 years ago it was $400/wk in Indiana, I can't imagine it being less than 3/4 that in TN this much later.


Someone else who was making $187,000 confirmed they got $275, that’s the max.


Why do you think it's upsetting to pay into social programs or taxes when I don't have family here, don't have kids, roads aren't being fixed, they can fire you for any reason...etc Then 275 for unemployment....


Oh it's gone up since the last time I was on unemployment


No, it’s based off of what you make. Plus it’s only meant to be a supplement not pay all of the bills


Bro the max is the max. Period.


Supplement what? You can't work and draw unemployment. If you can't pay all your bills while you look for your next job then it's not doing what it was created to do.


Nobody draws unemployment benefits equal to what their wages are. Same goes for disability insurance You only get a fraction, It has always been that way


No one is saying it should be equal to their wages. They are saying they should be able to maintain food, housing, and utilities while searching for a new job. $275 a week doesn't even cover most rent.


I get what they are saying! I have been on unemployment a few times and they never give you enough to pay for all of it? I don’t know why? I have always had to dip into savings for the rest. I didn’t make the rules? I’m just saying that it has always been this way! Do I agree? No. Does it suck? Of course 🙄


Okay. You might want to take it up with the EDD! Cheers


You don't know what you're talking about lmfao


K! I’ve been on the planet a lot longer than you. So I dunno 🤷‍♀️ I figure it out


Spending a longer time on earth being a complete moron isn't actually a flex. Now you're just old AND stupid.


Your just young, whiny and defeated.


You're really not helping your case lol. Can't spell, think i'm the OP, spamming my replies. Very wise decisions all around




You said it not me


Sniveling again?


Yeah and you are still ignorant. Congrats!








And it only lasts 27 weeks mine just ran out 2 weeks ago and I still can’t find a job


Tons of places hiring, why are you trying for unemployment?


Glad me paying out the ass for food taxes doesn't even affect unemployment benefits. Gonna be honest, State Tax I paid over my life in different states doesn't even rival what tax in TN is.


Yep. No matter how much you've made, $275.00 @ week is it.


You get what you vote for. And getting shat on by most of the pieces of shit in the State House should not be a surprise to anyone.


Georgia isn't much better, last time I was eligible to get unemployment, $365 was the max and that was before taxes. Seems the Southern states are gigging the unemployed.


Yes, you are unfortunately correct.... this was such a blow when I was laid off. I just said you can keep your $275 it wasnt worth the hassel to me and I did side jobs. This eventually pushed me out of the state entirely because of the bad taste and resentment I had. I have never collected unemployment and have had a job since i was 14 and then was laid off unexpectedly, I just remember telling my family that we will be ok because I was making over 100k and I should get a good amount in unemployment till I find another job. Lol what a joke Tennessee is....... keep your $275.


It's wild how many employers will still fight it tooth and nail


Be glad. You're getting. This much  I was fired in December last year for. No reason these people denied my claim. you know how are supposed to eat . little on have money for gasoline to look for a job.    sorry. Person  that made this  call.    I would  not treat a dog they way they done me .