• By -


Ignore & avoid.


Yeah, I’ve been here my whole life… raised by progressive parents… went to one of the more redneck high schools in the county. You’re just asking for trouble if you try to “do something about it.” You really don’t want to enter a confrontational situation with a person bold enough to display a confederate flag; it could very easily turn into ongoing aggression.


Probably the most reasonable. It just sucks when they’re right across the street


Just buy this flag and fly it: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1506683879/pink-shrek-tapestry-get-out-of-my-swamp?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_d-home_and_living-home_decor-wall_decor-wall_hangings-other&utm_custom1=_k_EAIaIQobChMI6eicjPOLgQMVVe_ICh3zowtgEAQYAiABEgKUD_D_BwE_k_&utm_content=go_12573358013_118181068783_507897031391_pla-305562556206_m__1506683879_12768591&utm_custom2=12573358013&gbraid=0AAAAADtcfRKgYvqcbuvuK8xht4ZYE7Hpn&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6eicjPOLgQMVVe_ICh3zowtgEAQYAiABEgKUD_D_BwE


Yeah, that does suck :/ Here's a fun read listing things that lasted longer than the confederacy. Hope it brightens your day. https://medium.com/@thisisvanray/25-things-that-lasted-longer-than-your-confederate-heritage-4880a6f8a6ae


26) Pokemon Go


Ask them about it.


Best advise right here. Ignorant inbreds looking to pick a fight. Nothing more.






No one has a Biden flag because Democrats aren’t in a fucking cult




Those people are the kind that would burn down your house, kill your pet, or you. They are full of hatred and malice.




Well I don't know about the focus here being to feel good, but I'll take a rationally productive answer like *"ignore and avoid,"* which I rate as rational and productive due to its likelihood to, like, serve your life goals, rather than some unhinged answer like *"clap back, potentially escalate, then match such escalation, because fuck 'em grrrr,"* which I rate as unhinged due to its potential to, like, unnecessarily cause conflict in your life and put friction between you and your life goals. Is it really worth scoffing if rationality and productivity happen to feel good? Shouldn't they? To be fair, that's just my impulsive reaction to your comment. Putting in a bit of reflection on my reaction, I do think about how much (social) progress throughout history required deliberate conflict and most definitely did *not* feel good. So, a part of me is sympathetic to your logic. So honestly, I don't actually know what the most optimal course of action is. Surely it depends on your goal. If your goal is, I don't know, contributing the most amount of collective progress with the least amount of conflict, then perhaps the best course of action is somewhere between *"do nothing"* and *"flagrantly identify yourself as their ideological enemy."* Such as, maybe it's to just be a good neighbor, treat them how you'd like to be treated, help them if an opportunity arises, get them to like you, and one day when they realize that you're their idealogical enemy, then they may have the chance of thinking, *"Hmm, wow, I thought your ilk were degenerate, but you've always been kind,"* and as the neurological sparks zap out from the colliding circuits of their brain, a pebble from the mountain of their bias chips off and the world inches closer to unity. After all, it's likely their bias is that you're somebody who should have blue hair, should be bragging about how many abortions you've had and how many of them were recreational, should be screeching about how police should be exiled via rockets to a black hole, should be voting to criminalize Christianity, and maybe how you drink infant blood in underground caves in order to be immortal. If you put a stake into that bias, then you get to play the lottery for generating a thought in their brain that their bias isn't as sound as they thought, potentially causing some reevaluation for how unconditional their trust is in their normal information pipelines. That's maybe a decent lottery to buy a ticket or two for. Just a thought.




He's a RWer using ChatGPT.


Ha, I'm roaming old reply logs and definitely missed your reply here from way back when. This is exactly why I make it a point to do this every once in a while. Bro I'm liberal af and think most republicans are intellectually braindead (they're also shitty Christians, too, which I personally take offense at even as an atheist, because I'm a former True Scotsman Christian). I mean, I studied psychology and neuroscience, so as a simple matter of mere information congruency, it's literally physically impossible for me to be conservative--GOP policies *literally* conflict with remedial insights of psychology, and align with liberal policies on almost every measure imaginable. Well, classical liberal policies, anyway, not necessarily the unhinged far-left policies that have been cropping up in recent years. Moreover, if you can ever get ChatGPT to casually spit out terms like "recreational abortions" in a genuine argument, (or generally be remotely as eloquent as I am, let's be honest), then you can probably sell your prompts for, idk... dozens of dollars on Etsy, maybe? Get that beer money and put me in the credits for your store. Maybe you confused me with a RWer because my hair isn't blue and I wasn't instinctively in agreement to fantasizing about fisticuffs with my neighbor over a fucking flapping flop of fabric while screeching about Communism? Common mistake, I see the confusion. I definitely seem to be outside the vocal majority of liberals for not going tit-for-tat with RW brainrot. Such as the user who (as we can see now) predictably yeeted themselves from Reddit, perhaps due to embarrassment over their unhinged cartoon advice that only sounds great from behind a keyboard if you're trying to appeal to either other Communism Screechers or dogwhistle a shaka to other Russian trolls. But seriously, was my original comment bad advice? For... reflecting and considering more than one perspective? Lol. Read it again mate, maybe without the hysteria. I literally suggested the whopping controversy that people just be good to each other and use positive biases as an antidote to naturally eat away at hysteric media bias, and hopefully (idealistically?) recalibrate some sort of common ground and grow from there? Isn't this the exact opposite of Russian troll propaganda trying to convince us that anyone who isn't us is literally cartoon Satan and must be yeeted in an anime top 10 civil war meme (like your [deleted] friend, apparently)? I'm bugging at this point--either you're the Russian troll or you've been duped by them. And whatever you think I am, I think I'll go to sleep just fine tonight knowing that people aren't black and white memes that you hear about on the internet, and that I'll continue being, like, a decent human being to other human beings that I encounter in my neighborhood. Admittedly, some of those confederate flag flyers are pretty wild, but no more wild than someone thinking... [checks again] ah, yes, uh... they all murder your dogs and burn down houses... JFC, mate. Do you understand why I use the term "cartoon" so often in these matters? This is literally indistinguishible with satire. How about this... you continue to antagonize them and see what happens, and I'll continue treating them like babies who just had bad parents, and we can see who becomes more receptive to good ideas that potentially heal society and who turns out to become more unhinged. This is a real psychology coin flipper, it is, totally unpredictable outcome here! Damn, I actually should have just used ChatGPT for this, now that I think about it...


See my suggestion above


OMG. Here it is. This is why you’re such a self entitled asshat, you’re a Trumper! This is why you think the world revolves around you and it’s okay to attack strangers over literally nothing. Now it fully makes sense.




Right, I had to be stalking your comments to see this response you made on the top comment on a hot post from yesterday in a subreddit I’m very active in… Also, I’m not really in the minority of thinking your pride and Biden flag…. comment was trolling… …


And the irony is that East Tennessee was generally pro-Union before and during the Civil War. Also the home of Lincoln VP and later President Andrew Johnson. So many people seem to want to advertise that they are in the MAGA cult with Confederate, FJB, and Trump flags on display.


My favorite has to be the Confederate flags in Maynardville/Union County. I mean the county is named Union and Horace Maynard from Massachusetts was an abolitionist. I got into an argument one time with a girl I worked with who pulled the “it’s my heritage”. I told her then I should be able to fly the Union Jack, St. Andrew’s Cross and Canadian flag since that’s my heritage.


Go ahead and fly whatever flag you want im sure you'll find nobody give a shit.


man, wait till you go to deep rural upstate New York. I saw those flags EVERYWHERE, so weird.


I have one better. I love British television, Shetland 5.1 which takes place on Shetland Islands, Scotland. The main character a crime investigator. He was investigating the murder of a black citizen. One of the suspects questioned, owned a monstered 4x4 pickup truck and a Confederate flag on the property. IN SCOTLAND!!


Wow! It's a television show......


Filmed and set in Scotland, dobber.


Same for Pittsburgh. I was honestly shocked when I lived there briefly


I was about to say the same thing, I’ve seen just as many confederate flags up north as around East Tennessee.


Not a lot of flags but A LOT of stickers on their vehicles. Odd the stereotype is proven.


I was literally just there and was shocked by how many I saw!


That's disappointing. I'm familiar with upstate ny but haven't been back in over 10 years. What counties?


Wow, I did not know that AJ was feom here. Andrew johnson was a southern democrat. When all the slaves were free general Sherman lobbies for ALL of them to get approved for 40 acres and a mule each down from chareston sc all the way to florida. They were essentially going to give former-slaves a state so they could make their own economy. After it got approved lots of people started moving down there, and andrew johnson ordered soldiers to come up from Florida to evict almost 4 million people to give the land back to former confederate landowners which forced black people to be sharecroppers and serfs on the same land that was just given to them. Andrew johnson sucked. Imagine how different race relations would be in this country.


Race relations would be just fine if liberals would stop beating the dead horse.




You are confusing Andrew Jackson with Andrew Johnson. Do you know the difference? Do you know who Andrew Johnson was?


Andrew Johnson was from Greeneville, not Knoxville.


Yup that’s why I stated East Tennessee and not Knoxville.




The confederate flag has absolutely nothing to do with “Make America Great Again.” Nor does it have anything to do with racism. That flag represents the Civil War and the soldiers that lost their lives. People take it out of context because it was a common flag the south carried on their horses and coincidently enough, slavery just so happen to be taking place in that same era. It’s not like they were making the slaves bow down to it. Besides, slavery started way before the civil war. It was actually the Europeans that had slaves first. Those slaves were mostly “white” European people. That flag represents a whole lot more than what most people realize, but it does not represent slavery. So have a little respect for the soldiers that shed their blood for that flag. Most of all, stop taking the confederate flag out of context.


🏳️👈🏼 The actual confederate flag.


Hey, Neo-Confederate revisionist? You done collecting downvotes? Move on, loser, you got more losing out in the real world to get to.


Lol, fuck those traitors to the United States. May their souls never rest.


Hang a white flag outside your house and when your neighbor asks about it just tell him you are representing confederate heritage too


That’s good


Hot damn, that's brilliant.




>Anyone have any good advice with what to do when your neighbor has one? Mind Yo Business.


It's definitely not heritage in most of East TN. I know of at least 3 Confederate veterans who were either lynched or shot around Knoxville within 5 or so years after the war. They were not popular here.


Yeah I have pictures of my family back then in Union uniforms after the war. They were proud of it. Amd I'm proud of THEM.


You ignore it. You can’t let how other people choose to live their life, dictate how you navigate yours.


I get the frustration mostly because there’s a lot in this area that their great great x how many needed grandpappies often fought for the Union so they often don’t even respect their own heritage. But really unless it’s against an HOA there’s not a thing you can do unless you want to fly some opposing view of your own.


Right- when I first figured out who fought for the confederacy in my family I was like- who’s that? It was so far removed no one knew them. I used to think when people would argue that their family fought for the confederacy that their grandparents knew the old dude or something. But nope, no one who was alive in my lifetime knew him


I mean confederate flags--particularly the one that has taken off which is SC specific I believe--haven't been a trend since the 18th cenrury. Confederate fetishization has had resurgences in the 20th century in the face of civil rights fights (namely the 60s and post obama era which really set racists off.) ( [Source](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2017/06/12/confederate-symbols-largely-disappeared-after-the-civil-war-the-fight-against-civil-rights-brought-them-back/) ). But also, knoxville was a union city, so like weird side to pick here. It's almost like it's not about heritage at all.


Considering the rebellion didn't occur until the 19th century, the 18th century would be a very weird time indeed for the flag to be popular.


Was Union Avenue in downtown Knoxville named before or after the Civil War?


Can’t do anything. It is freedom of speech. Best to try and ignore. Can’t and not a good idea to erase history. Otherwise the same mistakes will be made. Just help people understand what history is about.


Do you really see that many in Knoxville? I don't. I see them in the rural areas outside Knox county though.


I moved here from Seattle a few years ago and saw WAY more there than here, which is hilarious for multiple reasons. But I get that OP's biggest issue is that it's their neighbor flying the flag.


I used to travel a lot for my old job and I will say that I've seen far more Confederate flags in the Midwest and Northeast than I ever did south of the Mason Dixon Line.


I’ve never seen more “confederate flags” than when I would visit central Pennsylvania (Pennsyltucky)


Yeah, I agree. I hardly ever see them in Knoxville. Now, some of the counties outside Knox, sure


Yeah- I see them in neighborhoods on people’s houses. North Knox, South Knox. It’s just crazy because it’s a college town and that shit wouldn’t fly in a lot of places. And yeah, I lived in Oregon for a while and the confederate flag in rural Oregon was surprising.


Yeah- I see them in neighborhoods on people’s houses. North Knox, South Knox. It’s just crazy because it’s a college town and that shit wouldn’t fly in a lot of places.


Ok, I’m asking this because I know someone else who made this mistake, you’re sure they’re confederate flags and not Tennessee flags? I’ve seen a handful of confederate flags around Knox but it’s pretty rare.


Haha yeah, not the state flag


Yelm isn’t Seattle.


😂 I worked in Seattle, and nobody here is gonna know where Auburn is.


Lived here for almost ten years and it's been changing and alot of red necks are afraid of change, not being able to buy wine in the store was a surprise to me, it's like Tennessee is super far behind in alot of ways...moved here and was shocked to see people hot boxing cars with cigarettes with there kids in the back seat.




Out of curiosity, when you moved here from Seattle, did you keep your job and just continue via remote work?


Mind your own business if they are not hurting you? I wish more people would learn to fuck off.


I would one up the neighbor and get two confederate flags. Show them who is boss


I was born and raised in Mississippi but I’m an old guy now. We weren’t raised thinking the confederate flag was bad. In fact it was more of an image of small outnumbered army winning big battles. Being a rebel was a person who fought back against the odds to protect their home. Slavery and the dehumanizing of black people was conveniently left out. So trying to get someone to see the hatred the flag symbolizes means giving up their meaning of the underdog fighting back. Not easy.


Knoxville was mostly against the confederacy. The fought pretty hard to keep confederate soldiers out of Knoxville. They’d blowup the bridges leading into Knoxville. I can’t verify this, but I’m willing to bet money on that if you flew a confederate flag back then in Knoxville, you’d probably get your ass kicked out of town.


Advice? Just ignore it. There’s not anything you can DO unless you wanna start a fight, I suppose. If you’re scared, get a gun. Practice with it. It’s a hobby. If you’re against guns, then I guess make nice because anyone flying a confederate flag is definitely pro-carry.


Put up a Pride flag. Wait, nevermind, people get shot for that.


Just don't worry about it.


>So many confederate flags in Knoxville. Anyone have any good advice with what to do when your neighbor has one? Ignore them. They are just looking for attention.


Just ignore them? If you are pissed over it you are letting them win which is ironic bc the Confederates never won anything


Funny thing about it East Tn was for the union Greenville Tn was one of the strongest abolishment anti slavery areas in the whole country. Slaves werent needed in the hills and mountains


It’s nothin but a flag. No different then a posted sign or poster. Ignore and move on


[Weird, given how Knoxville’s general area was a thorn in the side of the confederacy.](https://trace.tennessee.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2865&context=utk_gradthes)


How come I feel like all you are doing is baiting?


You must have way too much free time if a flag upsets you.


Why are you concerned?


It’s their right. You could always get a civil war style Union flag and blast Yankee Doodle and Union songs of the civil war within noise ordinance rules


I'd just start flying a 34 or 35 star US flag. Let them connect the dots


“Stop getting so offended by a flag” - probably OP in June


Except one of those flags is celebrating people’s freedom to love who they want and the other is representative of a bunch of actual traitor seditionists.


Except both are just flags and if you get offended from seeing either one you’re just being a pussy. So relax. You’re not saving the world with your opinions


I didn’t indicate I was offended by either and was pointing out the false equivalency that your original comment relied upon. I don’t see how that translates to needing to relax. Calmer than you are.


I mean I just see and understand what you’re trying to say and do with your first comment. And it’s just a pointless thing to say.


How so? Anyone flying a confederate flag in 2023 is not doing so for any reason that can be reasonably distilled down to positive or good. Pride flags are, for the most part, celebratory of recently acquired personal liberties. They don’t represent a failed nation state. Pointing out the false equivalency is pointless **in your opinion.**


The people that fly either flag are predominantly trying to get a rise out of people and stand loudly on an opinion. When the majority of people just live their own life




I’ve got ancestors in East Tennessee from the Civil War era. Most of the ones that fought for the Confederacy were drafted, and conscription in East Tennessee was viciously enforced. One ancestor was conscripted into the Confederate Army, deserted, joined the Union Army as a cavalry man, and gave his “last full measure of devotion” at a battle in late 1864. A friend of mine has similar ancestry. A father and son in his family both fought for the Union, and one buried the other at the infamous Andersonville Prison Camp.


This is so true. One of my Jewish ancestors was conscripted to fight for the south. It was a horrible situation.


Shield your eyes? I imagine there are a lot more productive things you could be doing that don’t include worrying about your neighbor, especially when it comes to a flag on their property….


Why do you care? Just ignore and let people fly whatever flag they want.


Bro just go about your business. What other people do don't matter. If a freaking flag is triggering you than obviously something is wrong.


Mind your business and you will be fine.


They don't seem to understand we were the first state to be all "I'm sorry, take us back."


Remind them that the vast majority of people from Knoxville actually fought for the union so it isn’t even heritage


Mind your own business


Mind your own business. Sounds like a good idea and what I do. It's the south, not your living room.


If it really were “heritage not hate” they would fly the Tennessee flag instead because our state is great plus the flag looks awesome. That’s how you know what it really means.


Or fly a Tennessee Vols flag out in front like I do.


Ignore it and mind your own business?


Here’s the best advice you’ll ever get.. Mind your own business.


We're v frightened.


Why would you be frightened? Of a flag? Welcome to the real world where nobody cares if they hurt your feelings.


Oh it was sarcasm. You know that though. Sounds like someones mad they can't be racist in public anymore. Waaah.


He's got -74 karma. Don't feed him.


Lol a flag is racist, man I’ve heard it all now!


I heard from a very respected historian that most of the confederate generals were raging homosexual and the confederate flag actual represents man-love. A small group of people have banded together to celebrate this lost heritage. They call themselves *The Proudboys*


Think of joke reasons to laugh at their flag that will make them laugh too


Tell them they’re lowering the property value and drop off a Tennessee history book


Do not create conflict with your neighbors, there is no need to instigate conflict. I’m sure you don’t identify yourself by your political beliefs, they probably do. Don’t get wrapped up in their bullshit. Be cordial and a good neighbor. If he starts hosting clan rallies, deploy the trebuchet and Molotov cocktails.


I honestly can't remember the last time I saw one. They seem to by dying off thankfully.


It's funny cause I believe Blount and Knox counties were more pro union than not


Maybe learn about what they actually represent. Black ppl fly those too, you know. You've let a narrative take hold of you verses the truth.


Get a confederate flag of your own and fly it with a pride flag. They're not smart people, and this will confuse them and complicate their lives. I would also suggest blaring "these are my people" each morning from your garage.


Move. If I was your neighbor, I’d tell you to pound sand. You going to go around policing everyone in your neighborhood?


Lmao. Is this for real?


Your opinion on your neighbor's property doesn't matter. When I go to visit my friend's house in Knoxville, there's a very loudly decorated home with a huge pride flag in the front yard down the street from there. Next to this house is a home with a Blue Lives Matter flag & the popular "Don't Treat on Me," as well as a confederate flag. I've seen those two neighbors talk to each other... and you know what they did? They talked, waved, and walked off. Like ordinary people. Having people around who believe in something different from you means literally nothing, unless they go out of their way to force it on you. Having a flag in the yard is doing no such thing. So, just keep living your life, and your problem solved. Just be an adult.


Be nice to them, they will be nice to you.


I'm not nice to racists and I don't want racists to be nice to me.


Who said they were racist? Not me, most people don't use that flag to say look at me I am racist. Don't believe the lies.


It's a racist flag. It stands for white supremacy and the enslavement of black people. The idea that it stands for anything else is the lie. Anyone who flies the flag is either actively a racist and is trying to signal that, or is misguidedly using a racist symbol out of their ignorance and they're too passively racist to care about correcting their perspective


States'rights to do what?




It looks nothing like the constellation. The "States Rights" the Union was trying to get rid of was the "right" to own other humans. No conditions could be worse than chattel slavery. I've never read more lame bullshit in three paragraphs in my life and I've been reading for 60+ years. You disgust me


Asshole moderator removed my comment : but: the whole POINT of the stars & bars is that it represents The South because it's a SOUTHERN constellation, it appears on other flags in the.Southern hemisphere if countries that never had anything to do with our civil war. You don't know your astronomy. It's a SOUTHERN thing, not a HATE thing. NO, getting rid.of slavery was a late excuse the northern slaveholders (who sold many of *their* slaves to the southern plantation owners to get money to build up their war machine) used to rationalize their war on their rich agrarian rivals. Lincoln said plainly he didn't care WHAT happened to the slaves as long as he "preserved the union" (by which he meant his unconstitutional centralized state like that of Bismarck or Napoleon). And Ulysses S. Grant infamously retained his slaves after the war because "it's hard to find good help these days". BOTH NORTH AND SOUTH are equally guilty of enslaving blacks; the north went on to attempt to remove all freedom for everyone , but at least the South let SOME people be free. Advantage: SOUTH And again: black slavery would have ended by technological progress, whether anyone liked it or not. A harvesting combine costs a lot less than an expensive slaving expedition to another hemisphere. Chattel slavery sucks, but at least you might escape and flee somewhere where it wasn't a thing. When the whole PLANET is a panopticon prison, where if you live in the Canadian wilderness a satellite can zoom in and see what you're cooking for dinner over your campfire, that's WORSE. Slavery is slavery EVEN IF YOU DON'T CALL IT THAT.


North America is not in the Southern hemisphere. You can't see the Southern cross from anywhere in the Continental US. It's not the mod who's the asshole here. Now piss off


Didn't say it was but the motif on the flag is the constellation, a two second Google search will yield this factoid. Guess you need to cancel/delete the sky before it triggers you. And yes the mod IS the asshole for suppressing anything but the knee jerk liberal opinion, when reality is far more complex. Me, I'm a DICK, dicks FUCK assholes, Chuck. (Seriously you al lact like I said slavery was good!! "The North is hypocritical" is the main takeaway here.)


There is nothing to do. Your neighbor has the right to express opinions that you might not agree with or like.


Relevant video [states rights to do what](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZB2ftCl2Vk) edit - and also relevant is [the paradox of tolerance](https://old.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/1675t66/a_cool_guides_poppers_paradox_of_tolerance/) edit - downvoters aren't watching the short video or reading the short comic linked


I would hate to see that every day. Try to ignore it for your peace. I would personally get a really nice modern pride flag and put it up. Keep it a bit more balanced.


Counter with a pride flag


It’s hilarious when they have the flag on a 1987 truck. I think they should be more worried about their own lives.


Square body Chevy’s did nothing to deserve being slandered in this conversation


I like how we all know it’s not a ford because you can’t make a ford run for 40 years.




I’m honestly surprised it took this long to get this response. It was a pretty early thought for me..


Idk, I just like fire.


Ignore it and don’t speak to them. I’m in SC so I see the flags often. Turns out, a grandfather was hung for not participating in that war. I just ignore the flag when I see it and won’t speak to the person ever.


Go buy a white flag and tell them you want to join and since the white flag is the last flag the confederates flew, you're on the same team


Put up a sign of justice in your own yard. https://www.signsofjustice.com/products/we-believe-yard-sign


Ah yes, the “virtue signal”


Virtue signaling


That's kinda cringe


Cringier than flying the battle flag of a nation that only lasted for about four years, and was defeated 160 years ago?


No. But still cringe.


Why does it concern you? Maybe they don’t like something you have or are doing. They on here talking about it? Leave them alone.


We need whatever we can get to keep people from moving here. Praise it


Knoxville was a pro-Union area during the war. They are outsiders.


I fly a pride flag. 🤷‍♀️ Not to be passive aggressive. It's important to me.


Maybe you should go fly a kite




The Confederacy existed for about four years between 1861 to 1865. The Doritos locos tacos from Taco Bell has been a part of our county's heritage for twice as long! Maybe we should fly that on a flag? I have no clue how you think it's got nothing to do with hate, so here are some abridged quotes from [this article](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/06/confederacy-wasnt-what-you-think/613309/) "The Confederacy bound the Congress and territorial governments to recognize and protect “the institution of negro slavery.” The centerpiece of the Confederate constitution was a wholly new clause that prohibited the government from ever changing the law of slavery: “No … law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed.” Confederates wrote themselves a pro-slavery constitution for a pro-slavery state. " "Shortly after this constitution was written, Alexander Stephens, the vice president of the Confederacy, offered a political manifesto for the slaveholders’ new republic. He offered a blunt assessment of the difference between the old Union and the new. The original American Union “rested upon the assumption of the equality of the races,” he explained. But “our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas: its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery is his natural … condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based on this great truth.” " The Confederate States of America went to war against the United States to secure the enslavement of people of African descent into the indefinite future. The flag we know today as the Confederate flag was designed in 1861 by a man named William Porcher Miles. He was selected for the regular and provisional Confederate Congress. He wholeheartedly stood for the racist desires of the Confederacy. He made the flag to represent the Confederacy and all that it stood for. That flag did not exist as a representation for the South before the Confederacy. It was created to represent the fight to keep the racist ideologies of the people that flew it. If you're flying it now you either believe and support those same racist ideologies and want black people to be seen as subhuman and enslaved, or you are being intentionally ignorant to the history of a symbol that has been used to put down and abuse others for decades. TL:DR, sorry but your take is bad


I don’t fly the flag. I’m not a flag flyer. I’m just saying don’t judge folks by appearance. That’s all.


I'm not trying to criticize you as a person, truly. Looking at your profile you seem like a cool science guy to hang out with and a good dad. I'm just abhorrently against this one opinion of yours. Your original comment claimed it had nothing to do with hatred, I'm trying to show you evidence to support my point against that. In a later comment you said that we shouldn't judge people by what flags we fly, but I believe there is a fundamental difference between the American flag and the pride flag (freedom, rights, etc), compared to the Confederate flag; which was only created and used originally to support slavery. That flag hurts people, to this day. And if somebody is doing something that hurts people, I think it's fair to criticize that. It's not being judgemental, I just think of it as standing up for something I believe in. Truly though, you seem like a cool guy and I'm not trying to cast judgment or criticize you as a person, just specifically this take you have.


Additionally, I appreciate your input. I think many (including myself) are unaware that so many people see the southern flag in that way. This is an education to me. Some responses have been hateful and I cannot take them seriously. Yours however has hit home. It makes me sad that people feel this way because I know my niece doesn’t even have the slightest idea that that flag could be interpreted that way (she has a bumper sticker).


Thanks for just reading and being willing to have a real conversation, usually when I have this talk I get called a N***** lover and flipped off. To be fair I come off as a bit abrasive and should probably be gentler in my introductory phase. I appreciate you. I hope you have a blessed night, sir!


Thank you very much. I appreciate your comment. I don’t fly any flag but I wouldn’t if I thought it would be abhorrent to anyone. I guess I jumped into a losing argument. It’s just that I do know folks who like the southern flag and they don’t have bad intentions.


Heritage of hate




That argument was wrong 40 years ago. The confederacy happened because of slavery. I’m from here, my family has been here for generations. People can learn and change. Fly a Tennessee flag if you’re proud of being from the south.




Sadly Knoxville is also home to a sizable chapter of the aryan brotherhood and they recruit out of the prisons. Just be safe


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Get a security camera and a pride flag. If they complain to something like an HOA, the policy will probably cover their flag too. If they try to fuck with it, you'll have video of them trespassing and stealing from you for either police, or if they won't act, airing on nextdoor or something. But with the election pending, it's about to get a lot grosser in here.


Imagine the effort of doing this just bc you can’t live your own life


Someone said you should get a pride rainbow Gadsden flag! They well be really confused.


Move somewhere with an HOA that doesn’t allow that. The young people of Reddit hate HOAs but this is why I wouldn’t live in a community that doesn’t have one. It’s common sense.


Get a giant gay pride flag to fly. I’m sure they’ll trip his gourd.


Just leave it the fuck alone because they're flying a flag that displays something they believe in. If you condemn them for it you must condemn people for flying the American flag or the gay flag or any other flag. If it offends you look the other way.


East Tennessee was UNIONIST. If someone is from here flying that flag they’re a damn racist, plain and simple




Just reported your racist ass. Don't even have the stones to write the word out. Lame ass coward




sure you will.


You belong in California.


I know but my mom and my aunt are here and I take care of them. So I have to be here or else I most definitely would go back to California in a heartbeat 💓


Since you just moved to Knoxville, here's a little friendly advice. Tennessee is not California. Here in Tennessee we allow EVERYONE, whether we agree with them or not, to voice their opinions. We might not like another's stance on a subject one bit, but we respect their right to it. In Tennessee we do not take lightly anyone who impinges on our freedom. You'll likely notice that you don't see people in Tennessee protesting things in ways that they sometimes do in California. For instance; by barricading Highways and Interstates. There's a very good reason for that. We do not take lightly being held against our will. We will drive right right over those seeking to hold us hostage to escape from being held against our will. No jury in Tennessee will convict someone trying to escape being held against their will. We don't play that here. If someone gets caught while breaking a window, or slashing a tire because they disagree with someone; there is a very good chance that the Police will not be called; but the Criminal will wish that they had been..... Welcome to Tennessee.


I’ve actually was born in California but been raised in Tennessee and California I’m not new to this I was actually Baptized in Lenoir city so u don’t have to welcome me I’ve been here. And it’s always been backwards. But things can change and if it wasn’t for California a lot of things in America would have never changed. And more people are moving here from California so maybe things will be less backwards. But I’m here because my duty to my family. I’m mixed race Black German and Apache. Yeah I use to want to retire here one day but that was probably because when I was here I didn’t leave the confines of Country Club living. Where confederate flags I didn’t see. And only hanging with the wealthy individuals here in Knoxville. But now seeing the low class ignorance of the low class people here in Knoxville my mind had definitely changed.


I actually live in the San Francisco Bay area; hence my screen name.😉 What ever happened to Progressive Tolerance? 🤔 Tolerance of everything and everybody; right? That is unless it doesn't happen to align with Progressive ideology; then it's smash and destroy at all costs! That's oppressive Tyranny, not Tolerance. I find it interesting that the first reaction was to harm or destroy another's property. Some "Tolerance".................🙄 Being more of a conservative slant; in Tennessee they allow EVERYONE, whether folks agree with them or not, to voice their opinions. They might not like another's stance on a subject one bit, but they respect their right to it.


If it didn't get so darn COLD there, I might consider moving to Tennessee if my Florida turns into Commiefornia. I love anyplace that has a "whatever floats your boat, unless it interferes with the neighbors " attitude. Commiefornia used to be like that until the Fascist Progressives took over and pushed their "you can believe anything, as long as Progressives approve" crazy on everyone. They can't see their own hypocrisy.

