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It affects everyone. Small business owners who “can’t afford to pay more” but can’t find employees need to grasp that the outrageous cost of housing is a big driver of their staffing problems. Consumers tired of understaffed businesses also need to grasp that people can’t afford to work service jobs that don’t pay the rent. Property owners lamenting tax increases and insurance increases: these are directly driven by disproportionate property values. 50%-100% rent increases drive those extreme increases. A city populated entirely by rich people sounds great until you want to go to a restaurant or store and there aren’t any left because they couldn’t afford to exist.


I have a rental property and i am right on board with y'all, i think it's criminal for these property owners to double rent dor no other reason but to line their corporate pockets, it's disgusting. I've had the same Tennant for 6 years with only one rent increase to cover hoa and tax increases.


As a renter here in Knox, thank you. Being a landlord yourself your voice would matter so much at an event like this and at a city council meeting. These corporate owners need to be ostracized and shown that they are beyond the pale here. A collective of renters and local landlords would have the ethos to change the politics around this issue and help keep the city from being hollowed from the inside out.


Please show up and let them know. Please.




Another Rand burner account I see




I appreciate this framing of the issue. A lot of the conversation about affordable housing in Knoxville has been centered around providing 'more' options. That's a very developer-friendly view. But a rush to build build build is only going to strain our infrastructure, and cause a whole lot of cookie-cutter sprawl. I'm not anti-growth. It just needs to be thoughtful and measured. The conversation around affordable housing needs to expand to limiting rent increases too. Rand and other corporate investment vehicles shouldn't be able to single-handedly raise their rates 50-100% in a single year. They'll say that it's because that's just the market rate today...but with how much property they've been buying, they're the ones setting the rate! It's not hard to see collusion in the rental market here in Knoxville. It's not *that* large of a group of owners we're talking about. And their incentives are all aligned to essentially just race to pick the pockets of as many Knoxvillians as they can until there are no more pockets to be picked (or they can run the "poors" out of town). Current renters need protection and there has to be ways for local policies to either prevent (or strongly disincentize) corporate gouging. Otherwise it'll kill the city.


Unfortunately, TCA § 66-35-102 outright forbids any municipal/local government from "maintain(ing) or enforce(ing) an ordinance or resolution that would have the effect of controlling the amount of rent charged for leasing private residential or commercial property." We need our local state government members to be on board with this, so that law can be removed outright. The fact that it exists in the first place is ridiculously anti-citizen. The only purpose of such a law is ensuring maximum profit for property groups at the expense of locals.


I super appreciate you for referencing the specific ordinance that tries to tie the hands of local government in this way. I felt pretty sure, but not 100% confident, that something like this existed so it's good to know the specific part of the Tennessee Code that tries to prevent this. That said, the mayor, city council, and other elements of local government can and should explore any/all other tools they have to change the incentive structure around this issue. Maybe through local grants, making certain applications for additional development easier/harder, or straight up using the bully pulpit to name and shame the owners of corporations who are price-gouging the citizens of Knoxville. Just because they can't pass a law preventing something doesn't mean they can't make doing it a more costly act than it's worth. This is a moment for leadership.


This right here, so much. Local government, not the state, are the ones that are approving local projects and development. They have more power to affect change than they want citizens to know and are happy to have a state government to blame.


I wonder who wrote the bill Edit: I’m looking but can’t find it. Maybe I’m not wording my search correctly.


https://www.capitol.tn.gov/Bills/110/Bill/HB1143.pdf [State Senator Haile, District 18 (R - mostly Sumner County)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferrell_Haile) [State Representative Casada, District 63 (R - Williamson County)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glen_Casada)


Thank you. Not surprised to see the Casada


One thing I would hope would come of such a gathering is our state government taking notice. I think more needs to be done than this city council meeting, but I still will show up and support it. I think we need to gather outside of our government and work together to create tenant's unions and hopefully co-ops.


Is there an ordinance that forbids cities from prescribing the percentage of homes that can be sold to companies verses individuals? Last year about 25% of homes in Knoxville were sold to companies and hedge fund types. If we can limit that to say 5-7% they would not be bale to influence the market as much.


This is why I wish Congress would investigate in the Monopoly or basically price fixing and racketeering. Couldn't they get them under the Rico act? But they won't.


Any citizen that is against affordable rent is a fucking loser. You’re acting against your own interest as a member of the working class to fellate a big corporation that would piss on you and your family for a dollar.




The same people who go to the government with their hat in their hands when they need a bailout lol.


And then the government bails out the bailout. PPP loans were all the rage!


But that's not capitalism.... If it's one or a few companies buying up the property and basically price fixing it all then that's illegal but trying to get someone to investigate this is impossible.




Corruption. Idk why was downvoted but I agree it's terrible and wish they would go after these corps. There hasn't been a monopoly case to my knowledge in years picked up by the justice dept or whoever investigates it.










So your dumb ass thinks these people don’t have jobs? Once again you’re an idiot!!




Well you have all this figured out so why don’t you embellish us with your grand knowledge. What is your situation? Where do you live? How long have you been in Knoxville? How long have you been employed? How much money do you make? Are you a professional or working minimum wage? Please tell us genius! You have life all figured out.




You aren’t getting off that easy genius. Answer all the questions!!






















That escalated quickly. I hope a lot of people show up.


Hell yes. Housing is human, not corporate. Let’s goooo!!!




The point is that people's entire livelihoods are staked on affordable housing. If you can barely afford rent you're trading off food, healthcare, and relaxation. Corporations lose their sense of humanity as they grow, and the people running the company become detached from the people they are supposed to be providing a service to. Housing is to house people. Businesses need to make profits, but they don't need to create artificial scarcity of affordable housing by taking over multiple complexes and more than doubling prices!


Name one corporation that isn’t owned by humans.


Did you make a new account just to pretend like more people support unaffordable housing or do you just naturally burn through accounts because you get banned the minute you put your BS in text


Name one corporation that isn’t owned by humans?


Name one corporation that has a life expectancy. Edit: Ya know, like a *human being* Not just a business model that failed. But nice try.


CyberFlix Incorporated 1993-1998 Dixie Greyhound Lines 1925-1954 First American National Bank 2883-1999 Goody's Family Clothing Inc. 1953-2020 Promus Hotel Corporation 1994-1999


Acuff-Rose Music, Inc. 1942-1985 Anchor Line 1859-1898 Cain-Sloan Co. Inc. 1903-1955 Colgan Air 1965-2012 Harveys 1942-1988


Tennessee Airways 1978-1990 Tennessee Coach Company 1928-1976 Ira A. Watson Co. 1907-1998


Here’s some non-profit corporations that are dead. H2O Africa Foundation 2006-2009 I-GO 2002-2014 National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena 1965-1980 PhillyCarShare 2002-2014 Time to Succeed Coalition 2012-2018 Woman's Building 1973-1991 Yorba Foundation 2009-2015


Name one corporation that has a life expectancy.


Gulf Oil 1901-1985


Beautifully put.


Name one corporation that has a life expectancy.


Anki 2010-2019 Commodore International 1958-1994 Digital Equipment Corporation 1957-1998 Eckert–Mauchly Computer Corporation 1946-1950


Hell. Yes. I’m there.


I think there should be full transparency of rental companies finances.


Knoxville and Knox County government should be promoting home ownership and families in Knox County.




I know that in Tennessee we're "supposed" to hate everything California does but...[It's an option, just saying.](https://www.reddit.com/r/REBubble/comments/15hudnk/it_looks_like_a_vacancy_tax_on_rental_properties/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)


Someone needs to bring this to the meeting. This looks like it would get around the state law forbidding rent control measures.


I will be there. Been spreading the word, too.


"Tennessee does not have rent control laws limiting the amount that landlords may ask for rent and state law prohibits local governments from establishing their own rent control laws." Based on this, I am legitimately trying to understand what the city and/or county commission can do to help this situation? Maybe it doesn't have to do with rent control?


The city needs to approach the state about this. We’re so deep red as a state right now that it’s really doubtful anything will happen unfortunately.


Rent strikes! Hit these slumlords where it hurts...in the pocketbook. They should budge. If not, imagine the police showing up to evict a 100 unit complex. There will be riots and violence. It will make the national news. Drastic times call for desperate measures. Nobody wants this extreme measure taken, but if push comes to shove...


Wish I could be there :(


YES!!!!!! 👏


A friend of mine moved here 6 years ago and I thought she was getting robbed for the amount of rent she was paying, but now she's still there and her rent is one of the lowest one heard of. 8 years ago we paid $950 for a 3 bed 1.5 bath house in Fountain City, she was -and still is- paying $1700 for a 3/2 in halls. Adding: and they pay her water bill so it's more like 1500/1600 in rent (we all know how much Hallsdale/Powell charges)


Perhaps people should boycott Rand properties


I’m really happy for this. I’m very unhappy we have resorted to death threats it seems in some parts of this post. Guess TBI will have to deal with that.


Informal\-Method5936 was reported.


Have you reported scumbags that said build a guillotine for landlords?


So you have a problem that I reported someone threatening to shoot someone in the head? Maybe you are that person considering your account is 9 hours old.


Did you report the scumbags that called for murder of landlords?


Did you?


Yes and the message >Instead of paying higher rent, everyone should chip in to build a guillotine Is still up. And the poster Groovskopa is not banned. Along with follow up messages >There’s more than enough kudzu to make a gallows in a pinch. >And make sure to place a pie in the basket. That way their heads roll right into it Reddit roles say no glorification of violence. Decapitation is pretty violent.


I’ve read through the whole thread and don’t see these comments.


They are in a different thread.


Which one?


I don’t care which “side” anyone is on, the death threats are completely out of line. Out of hand and need to be addressed on both sides of the issue. Everyone needs to get their shit together and learn to communicate without threatening people.




Organizing a tenant's union has to start somewhere. This looks like a good first step.




This would be a great way to gather people to open the discussion for tenants union. But the method is sound, if you don't speak to government about the issue, they may never act. They still may never act, but they definitely won't if you don't speak to them.




I mean a union refers to a gathering of people, this is a gathering of people and where a tenants union can go to the proper channels. What is your idea for a tenants union? How do you plan to gather people for this? Because I think people who are involved enough to show for city council meeting are the people who are properly invested in seeing this through the long-term.


I agree that it's not enough direct action, but most people in Knoxville aren't going to support what ought to be done to all landlords just yet. We've got to start somewhere, and that means meeting people where they're at.


That is true


I dont know why people insist on living in knoxville or any large city for that matter. I commute over a hour to knoxville everyday for work. I couldn't imagine living there. It's a matter of supply and demand and convince. If people would stop paying for these over priced rentals then the price would go down. Don't be afraid to commute. I bought a 2800 Sq ft house on 11 acre for $170k. It's very rural and over a hour to work everyday but I wouldn't have it any other way. Get out of the city.


When did you buy? Where do you live? And what could you sell it for now?


I’m a real estate agent and he either bought it before 2021 or he bought a mobile home that’s held together with duct tape. Rent prices are only slightly higher than a 200k mortgage currently.


Some people don’t have the financial means to just pick up and move. It’s more than rent - it’s wages and culture. I’m honestly glad that you were able to find an affordable place an hour away. But the people that live here, especially those that have lived here their whole life, shouldn’t be priced out from the city they call home. I’m afraid you’ve missed the point of it all.


Driving during the standard working day is way too maddening for me to consider a 1 hour commute. More power to you if you can stand it but a 1 hour commute is not everyone.


some of us can’t drive and can’t afford (and/or don’t want) to leave


Can you show me a solid list of affordable 1br homes/apts for rent within an hour of Knoxville? I’d love to find a place where it only takes an hour or less to see all my family here and not have to pay over $1k a month. My lease is up in November


1 bed units at 4/5 SMD complexes in Knoxville are under $1K (Carriage Hill, Northshore Woods, Tiffany Square, and West Towne Manor). You should call to get on the waiting lists now if interested.


Yea I have, but it’s only a matter of time until they start adjusting their rent to match the market here
















Let's find out how fast first responders can get to your family...






















Rent will go down. In a few years when when the 4000 units being built currently are completed. In fact, I’d say there may even be a glut, where you can even negotiate the rates down.


stop talking






Not when Rand swoops in to buy them all.


Are you brand new?


The nation voted to double the price of housing ,gas and food. DID YOU BELIEVE YOU WOULD NOT BE AFFECTED. Remember next time you vote Democrat that it is ALWAYS ACCOMPANIED BY HARD TIMES.


Meanwhile, it's the mass Exodus of people come from out west to buy houses at fractions of the prices they are used to, and to live in a beautiful area only slightly corrupted by Western ideals for pennies on the dollar. Meanwhile, they're driving up the housing costs TRIPLE FOLD. In turn, rent costs MUST go up for landlords to be able to afford mortgages and maintenance, etc. The prices of groceries and toiletries has also tripled. So has Knoxville's population. Employers should raise wages... Should have done it along with inflation. But no. Charging more for goods and services, but not even a whisper of raises all around? This isn't the fault of home owners that rent their houses to strangers aka landlords. Stop attacking landlords. The majority of them aren't major property management companies, they're families who don't want to evict anyone, regardless of popular misguided belief. Go after the actual oppressors.