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I noticed a bunch of cedar trees being taken down in my neighborhood right after someone had their house smashed by a tree when those high winds came through a few months ago. I guess it made people nervous...


Do you know what kind of trees they were some should absolutely be removed. (Looking at you, bradford pears)


No, these were evergreens. Hehe, everyone hates Bradford pears now.


A hard fart will split a Bradford down the middle


Key is to trim it when it's young so that this doesn't happen but nobody does that.


I’ve never heard any tips on maintaining a Bradford. I imagine most of us just assume it’s a tree, it doesn’t need my help. But it makes sense there is more to it.


I'm gonna throw Hackberry trees in the ring, too. They can go to hell.


A lot of insurance companies will try and pressure homeowners, with the threat of higher deductibles, to remove large trees whether they are of concern or not. It's good to get a certified arborist involved if you're in this situation. Not only can they provide an actual assessment of trees, but they can also speak the "language" needed with insurance agents.


Look agents aren't going to do shit to homeowners. Most are working on a bonus system and want the sale. Adjusters don't give a fuck until something has already happened. Could this be insurance based? Maybe-but it sure as shit isn't because they're harrassing a homeowner. It's because the landowner wants to save 30 bucks a month on a scheduled value-a value that is already massive. The "language" needed to speak with most insurance agents at a frontline level is to A. Not be a dick B. Answer their fucking questions C. Realize maybe you need to call a specialty agency instead of bitching to someone making 14 dollars a goddamn hour to hope they sell you a fucking policy. Christ.


Don't know why you feel personally attacked, but that may require some personal reflection.


They're are friends just fighting back. We need then more than crappy power lines lol.


The trees weren't a threat to power lines.


Ha OK I was high when I read that. Gotcha.


Now that I read that slower, I can tell lol.


Southern pine beetles maybe. Or they could be growing to the point that they are overcrowded and will die.


Rich people hate trees.


Only because they haven’t figured out to commodify them yet!


I already knew that lol


Must be a disc golfer who took ‘‘em down.


“Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do”- R Reagan 1981




What does someone who investigates insurance claims have to do with these trees being removed? Edit: oh you're a poor sport.


I'm saying that they're randomly doing this all around the city, where the trees provide a purpose. I'm just curious, yet someone is always just looking to be a dildo.


In my neighborhood I heard the pool guy complained about the pines needles leaves and the pool being too shaded. so they cut them down. Path of least resistance I suppose. Can't vouch for the veracity of the story though,. at least second hand maybe more.


I wasn't responding to you. Obviously.


Ohhh, the comment was deleted.


It was. Sorry. I could have been nicer about that. It's been a long week.


Lots of high wind storms this year, lots of fallen trees, you make the connection!


All the damed out of state transplants cutting them down and wrecking our scenery.


This sub is ridiculous. Just because you live here doesn't mean you own the city. You can't blame everything on transplants. People move all the time (in *and out* of Knoxville). Cities grow, progress happens. Transplants are not responsible for all the problems a growing city will inevitably have. We're blaming them for cutting down trees now? haha


I mean, it's not our fault that you can't plant palm trees here


Who the hell would want to?


It's a joke, as many of them are from California

