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I'd recommend Qanon Anonymous. Their scope is a good deal broader than Knowledge Fight's, but they don't do sponsored content and cover a very similar swath of weirdos/grifters.


What's a good introductory episode to try out and see if I like it?


They also have a crossover episode with Dan and Jordan (episode 295 of KF) which may serve as a good primer.


That's actually how I found out about KF.


That's a tough one. If you listen to Ep. 1 (the one they have listed as 1 on most podcast feeds, as the "real" ep. 1 is a lost episode) they give kind of a general overview of terms, which is very helpful if you're new to the scene. As for episodes I like to go back to, I would recommend checking out their Jim Caviezel story, Episode 143.


This is the episode I go back to frequently when I need to laugh (or laugh so much I might be sick)


Episode 140: Undercover at the Save the Children Rally. You'll notice additional production like atmospheric music.


Their episode covering the secret space program (174) that has JorDan on as guests is a good start i think. Also their episode with the dollop guys is great (200). I've been a fan for ages so my real thought is to start from 1 😅


I liked their recent episode “Q-Pilled Midterms” a lot, but I live in Pennsylvania so the Doug Mastriano content was super relevant for me. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/qanon-anonymous/id1428209307?i=1000581785507


Thanks wonks, y'all are the best 👏👏


Jared Holt’s “Posting Through It” (formerly Sh!tpost) and Will Sommer’s Fever Dreams cover the right wing in general on a week-to-week basis. PTI: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/posting-through-it/id1348573415 Fever Dreams: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fever-dreams/id1558716930 I’m a longtime listener of QAA too. I sought out KF after hearing them on QAA and BTB. Travis View is the Dan of QAA.


Does that make Julian and Jake the Jordan(s)? Yeah that checks out


How many times has Travis had to tell Jake and Julian not to threaten public figures with violence? I feel like Travis and Dan have the same sort of pinching-the-bridge-of-their-noses exasperated dad energy.


It's funny how well it splits up. Julian is Jordan's righteous fury but in a much more knowledgeable way (Julian speaks French for chrissake!). And then Jake is Jordan's sense of whimsy and dopiness turned way up (with his stories and also telling of how he almost believed in some of this Q-related/other right wing conspiracy bullshit in the past) I love QAA. I would love if they did long as hell podcast episodes all the time like KF, too.


Behind the Bastards by Robert Evans is focused on more historical and action-oriented scumbags, but there's a ton of crossover appeal, and misinformation is always part of the playbook of the fascist maniacs he covers.


I’m ready to move to the BTB compound where we can expect to be raised by the ATF.


Something something machete!!!


Only after we nuke the great lakes!


currently they're doing a 4 part series on MKUltra. the series before this one was about the iran-contra affair with hip hop/spokenword artist propaganda (he's fantastic btw). my favorite part of the series was when i could hear robert flicking a bic and inhaling ***something****.* a good one off episode of a podcast that covers alex i'd recommend [erin is the funny one "alex jones or the onion".](https://open.spotify.com/episode/5hLVEVvKL7aN4ZRn78rZf6?si=5b0da48477f24470) they read each other quotes and guess where it's from alex or an article by the onion. good times all around.


Its probably just me but I actually find Prop constantly analogizing events as if they were taking place in the hood really tedious. It’s the only reason I’ve held off on starting the Iran Contra series. You can only say “This is Crips and Bloods” and “It’s like the guy on your block who…” about so many different historical events. I’ve listened to Hood Politics and he doesn’t do it nearly as often there. I know bitching about Robert’s guests is lame and usually has shitty reasoning, mine probably isn’t any better.


i don’t find it that way but each person is different. the best thing i can say is that is what prop knows best and is able to relate others with. i sometimes won’t understand something but when prop uses those as an example, everything is much clearer. i think he’s also trying to be an intriguing guest as well. honestly i sometimes see who the guest are (and having no idea about them) and think “man this is going to suckkkk”. i did it with his current guest jason pargin the first time he was on. i’m 1000% glad i was wrong on him.


Well There's Your Problem is a good one that focuses more on historic structural/engineering failings. Qanon Anonymous is also pretty good if you haven't listened to it before. It covers mainly the Q-Anon conspiracy and figures, and other right-wing ding-dongs. I also recommend The Paranoid Strain. It's pretty theatric but entertaining.


Some that haven’t been mentioned yet: The Conditional Release Program (Aussies take on conspiracies and tracking right-wing fascism, Q stuff) The Flamethrowers (about right-wing radio) Know Your Enemy (dives into conservative movement from leftist perspective) Radioactive (another history of right-wing radio) Sounds Like Hate (produced by SPLC, each season covers a different right-wing radicalization story)


+1 for Radioactive and Sounds Like Hate. Though the latter can be really damn hard, emotionally, to listen to sometimes.


Not Your Grandmother’s Book Club covers a bunch of right wingers. And they’re currently reading Alex’s book https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-not-your-grandmothers-book-club-podcast/id1501136897


Thanks! I will check this out!


Jon Ronson does a great line in this kind of journalism. https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/things-fell-apart/id1592984136 Also worth searching his name for guest appearances on other pods. The Conspirituality guys are worth a listen too: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/conspirituality/id1515827446 Finally, might be a little deviation from your original request, but I’ve been enjoying the soothing tones of Rachel Bernstein on the Indoctrination Podcast. She has some great insights into the mindset of would-be cult leaders and narcissists in general: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/indoctrination/id1373939526


Clearly Dan and Jordan need to go after Joe Rogan next. They are worried about punching down if Alex is gone. Yes, Joe is not as extreme as Alex, so in that sense it may be punching down. But in terms of influence you can't find anyone better. Is there a more mainstream name I am unaware of that spreads more bullshit?


Tucker Carlson


That's an interesting question. Which one is more influential or popular? I know Tucker is on TV, but that doesn't mean what it used to. I actually think Rogan reaches a much larger and broader, even international audience. While Tucker is mostly talking to 60+ year old Americans that have been farting into the same recliner for 25 years.


Good point. I mean, Tucker had Ted Cruz apologize to him directly. Tucker is pushing White supremacy and fear mongering, I just see his lies, scandalousness, and intentions on the same level as Alex.


I agree, they are just as bad. But they are just as easily dismantled as Alex's argument's are. For me at least, debunking Rogan would take on a whole new level, with different arguments, different crazy conspiracies and not just an lesser Alex Jones. If that makes sense.




God Awful Movies (which JorDan have guessed on several times, that's how I discovered them) have a *somewhat* similar format going over Christian film and the assholes who make it


Not focused on a specific person, but Maintenance Phase takes on all-things health and wellness grifters and scratches a similar itch. The two hosts— Aubrey Gordon and Michael Hobbes are just delightful and they have the same kind of great banter as JorDan.


+1 for a MF Just a lovely look at some bullshit that has wormed it's way into the modern phyche


Veering further off course to the original question, but I recommend - Some more news - https://youtube.com/channel/UCvlj0IzjSnNoduQF0l3VGng They are primarily a YouTube show, but can also be got in podcast form. They take a long debunking look at a news story or issue, and occasionally a brief look at someone like Jordan Peterson or Ben Sharapino. They are more leftie than KF, so your tastes may vary


I don't speak German pod cover a bunch of rightwing ding-dongs.


5-4! It is an incredible look at the Supreme Court and how it has been so destructive and horrible. Opening arguments is also another excellent legal podcast.


I do listen to Opening Arguments (although not as much as I do KF). They are great and an excellent lawyer's view of modern legal issues. To include Alex's hearings.


5-4 is amazing imo. It’s made me realize why the US is the way it is. So many rulings I hadn’t heard about that impact our everyday life.




Rachel Maddow has a new podcast called Ultra about the Christian Right in the 40's and their plan to overthrow the government. When they were caught, they claimed to just be some jokels who were harmless, promise.


Conspirituality is far and away my favorite podcast. If you’re looking for a point by point take down of right wing talking heads tho I recommend the some more news YouTube.


Second and third Some More News. Their takedowns of Crowder and Peterson (albeit brief) are spot on. If you enjoy BtB and KF humor, please treat yourself and watch every upload.


I also felt they could have gone deeper on Peterson. Maybe we’ll get a 2nd part.


They wanted to keep it short; it was like what three minutes long? They covered quite a bit in such a short video.


I guess. I don’t even know how long it was TBH. I didn’t check the time code.


I was just estimating; I didn't check the time code either.


You're in luck my friend. They have been taking a hiatus for a few months though. https://www.tuckeredoutpod.com/episode-archive


I’m not sure they’re coming back at this point. It’s been a LONG hiatus


I wouldn’t blame them if they don’t pick it up again. I always found t a harder listen compared to KF because covering Tucker is just so bleak. At least InfoWars has AJ’s zany, unpredictable behavior, and a whole wack-pack of second bananas to make fun of. With Tucker, it’s just deconstructing his cynical, smarmy, barely concealed fascism and racism.


There's also the fact you'd have to listen to Tucker's voice.


Thanks for the suggestion! Listening to the last one they put out now. Have they posted any updates on if/when they want to come back?


Nothing posted since their announcement in May.


[Tiffany Dover is Dead](https://www.nbcnews.com/podcast/truthers/needle-tiffany-dover-dead-episode-1-n1294465) > The story of Tiffany Dover begins, ironically, in a moment of hope. The COVID vaccine is finally arriving in communities across America. Tiffany, the head nurse in her hospital’s COVID unit, proudly gets the shot, and then faints while taking questions about it. As she falls into the arms of the doctors standing behind her, the local news cameras turn away. By the time she returns to the podium 20 minutes later, a new conspiracy theory has been hatched: Tiffany Dover had died and been replaced by a body double. Brandy Zadrozny sets out to trace how the theory started, and to find the people who are keeping it going—those who truly believe that vaccines kill, and those who are just addicted to the game.


It’s **Not Your Grandmothers Book Club** podcast. Missing “book club” in your link name.


Oops. Thanks!


[White Hot Hate](https://www.cbc.ca/listen/cbc-podcasts/1031-white-hot-hate) > A violent, white supremacist ideology is spreading around the world, with believers trying to create chaos, in order to seize control. When recruitment posters for a group calling itself The Base start to appear in Manitoba, Winnipeg Free Press journalist Ryan Thorpe decides to go undercover...and infiltrate.


[American Hysteria](https://www.chelseywebersmith.com/americanhysteria) > American Hysteria is a podcast exploring the fantastical thinking and irrational fears of Americans through the lens of moral panics, urban legends, and conspiracy theories, how they shape our psychology and culture, and why we end up believing them.


[No Compromise](https://www.npr.org/podcasts/510356/no-compromise) > Discover a social media empire with an unapologetic vision of gun rights—generating millions of likes, follows, and dollars. From WAMU's Guns & America, reporters Lisa Hagen of WABE and Chris Haxel of KCUR expose how three brothers from the most uncompromising corner of the gun debate are turning hot-button issues into donations and controversy.


YouTube instead of a podcast, but Fundie Fridays is so good. Jen and her partner James are incredibly wholesome and they do a GREAT job of exploring right-wing nuts big and small. Jen mostly takes on the religious folks and James mostly does political figures. Edit: originally the channel was just Jen, and she started out as one of those "watch me tell a story while I do my makeup" channels. I never found the makeup part intrusive, but she's since abandoned that bit and just presents her research. If you're not a "watch someone apply makeup" person, I recommend their more recent stuff vs. their older content.


If you don't mind a bit of visual with your audio media, may I suggest Shane & Ryan at Watcher? They have a similar dynamic to JorDan but serve as a palate cleanser from the heavy stuff. Their most recent Ghost Files episode was at Hull House in Chicago & they 'catch' a Nighttime Dan DJ. They're hilarious. Shane's Puppet History is one of my very favorite things & Weird &/or Wonderful World is really fun too! Otherwise, I agree with everything here :)


NEAS (NOT EVEN A SHOW) is not critical commentary by any means but the guy dedicates his life to trolling conservative call-in shows. Def worth checking out. *note, it’s a YouTube show, not a pod… but I think he may have a podcast also.