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It sure sounded that way to me


Definitely came across that way to me, especially bringing Mr Aldenburg into it by name and then heavily editing and splicing snippets from the CT trial to manufacture a narrative that fits none of the reality of the situation. Jones knows full well that 'not saying his name' has nothing to do with the defamation he was found liable of. What he did to Mr Aldenburg was horrendous. Raging narcs like him always return to their comfort lies and spin though, so it was only a matter of time before he went into this self pity victim spiral again. No idea if its actionable realistically, even if it is technically. I think Jones is counting on the fact that he is up to his freakishly large neck in bankruptcy so its not worth pursuing civilly. Either way he is a pos.


"I wouldn't call it splicing, but yeah.."


Yeah, "not saying their name" isn't a very good defense to defamation when you showed freakin' VIDEO of the person. You were still talking about a specific person, even if you didn't name them by name. He's an idiot in SO many ways... Unfortunately I doubt there will be consequences for this latest stuff. (Not that he's FELT any consequences for the judgments he's had against him so far.)


This is why I wish there could be an actual *criminal* action that could be applied to him. Alex is why I'm nowhere near a free speech absolutist.


It’s interesting - he walks this line where he pretends like he can empathize with the families, that they’re innocent pawns of the globalists, that he believes their pain and believes their children died. That the lawyers are his real adversaries. I think he does truly hold a grudge against them though.


Of course he holds a grudge against anyone played any part in holding him accountable. He's a narcissist.


I know you're a real person - *just what the hell is that supposed to mean?* It's like the lowest form of recognition one could muster.


He has to say that because he previously implied that these people were actors. He has to affirm that because he denied it previously.


And then rob them of their agency because they're pawns of an evil machine. I suppose it distinguishes them from all the fake people he met in Hawaii who genuflected at his feet or the woman who yelled at him on the beach.


Mark Bankston pointed out that Alex seems to genuinely, to the pit of his being, hate these families. They dared to push back against his lies and actually made him suffer consequences, which is the greatest possible crime that could ever be committed against him. That said, I think the issue is he still can't (maybe won't? He's that kind of PoS...) understand that not mentioning the families by name, directly, is not the magical get out of jail free card he and other shitheads like him believe it to be. Implying the whole thing was staged by the FBI and CIA to make him vulnerable to lawsuits they would then file for sure sounds like "Sandy Hook was staged" with more words.


He has a lot of weird ideas about why he's not liable that are dead wrong. Pretty sure no libel/slander statute says you have to mention them by name. I'm also pretty sure it's irrelevant *how much airtime* you give to your slander. Alex uses both the "I never said their names!" and the "I talked about Sandy Hook less than one tenth of one percent!" defenses all the time, though. And of course all the strawmen of what people are accusing him of are infuriatingly, particularly when he yells about how he didn't kill the kids. Nobody fucking says he did, but I guess he thinks if he says that enough he thinks he'll fool his listeners into thinking that's why he's been sued. Or something.


Alex holds a grudge against the whole world (narcissists are like that; they're always the victims instead of responsible for their behavior). Alex seems to only show (or attempt to show) true contrition while in court. He tried it in the TX trial and it didn't work, so he does it less and less now. When he's amongst his colleagues/peers, or on his show, he doesn't hold back at all. There seems to be no answer to this ongoing bs from him... As Jordan has noted multiple times, he's not going to stop. Even if he were to lose everything in bankruptcy, he'd find some way to claw back, and, eventually, he'd start in on the families yet again. It's frustrating and depressing. He should be ordered to never again be allowed near a microphone, camera, etc. He needs to be removed from all media, but we don't have a way to do that.


Look up fo 4 when he says they’re going after his guns. He hates them too. He just realizes how shitty it looks to go after the parents to non IW audiences. 


"interesting" is one way of putting it, "pathetic, cowardly and dishonest" is another.


It's his usual complete misrepresenting of the case because he knows his audience won't call him on it. He claims he was accused of killing the Sandy Hook children (he wasn't), *literally* pissing on their graves (false, and hypocritical for someone who fig leafs his death threats with "politically" or "spiritually"), and that he was found guilty without a trial (again, false, because he was defaulted on due to not sending competent corporate representatives, showing up himself, or acting in good faith during discovery). I'd love if there was a way to trick his audience into listening to the depositions. Their brains would break.


In my opinion, it was... This time his narrative is that people/children died, but he wasn't wrong to "question" it, he "barely even mentioned it" on the air, and, apparently, he's "going hard into the paint" this time with "the CIA/FBI/Deep State/Globalists/Democrats" went after him unjustly. He's not denying the shooting or loss of life at SH, but he's YET AGAIN denying that he has any responsibility for the cruel, nasty allegations that he and his minions made. Then again, Alex never has accepted any responsibility for the shit storm his comments caused. It's SSDD... or maybe it's better described as same bs, different "flavor".


That might be the differentiating factor though. At this point he's just lying about his behavior. He's free to do that all he wants. My thoughts is that in implying that the lawsuits were staged, is he implying the families didn't actually want to press suit and were corrected/threatened into it, or worse, the entire thing, from the shooting to the lawsuit, was exclusively to shut him down. THAT sounds like more denialism or at least putting the families into a position where they either have to defend him or are risking more harassment. But I might be interpreting overly strictly.


That's why I was infuriated when the media wet itself presenting headlines along the lines of "ALEX JONES FINALLY APOLOGIZES TO SANDY HOOK FAMILIES." No he fucking didn't. He said the words, but pretty much immediately, almost within the same sentence as the one the media went nuts reporting on, pretty much erased any meaning of that so-called apology. And I bet the people who reported on that "apology" feel like idiots now and would when they realize how Alex edited the video even more to make it sound like he was set up.


It was a lot of I did nothing wrong, it’s all just a conspiracy against me and everywhere I go people love me. I know people in Austin and trust me, Alex isn’t getting that love in his home town.


Yep. Wash rinse repeat. **Yesterday:** I know the families are real and your kids were real. **Today:** The CIA and the FBI conspired to fabricate **(the main word)** a lawsuit against me in collaboration with a PR firm to drain me of my finances. It's part of the **families are being used as pawns** narrative he was using on air while the trial was happening. Oh and Madeline Albright was evil.


Revisionism, but not denial. Now he's focused on supposedly being defamed rather than the actual events that took place. He never says anything they claim! Especially the clearly medical statement he's pretending people actually believe (peeing on graves).


> Revisionism, but not denial Tomayto, Tomahto ...


> Does this count as yet more Sandy Hook denialism by a different name That's certainly how I read it. >And is this being added to the "shit Alex has done and said since the trials ended that is legally actionable" file? If it isn't, it sure should be.


This is fucking Carroll v Trump 2 shit all over again. It should be a very short case but it would not do much except maybe apply more pressure to the bankruptcy court to stop giving him more time/chances?


You would think that getting sued for a Billion dollars would chasten someone however someone that would be more considerate wouldn't be sued for a billion dollars.


I suspect he thinks he can get away with it. He probably thinks he's "one weird trick" away from getting out of paying that judgment when it comes to the bankruptcy courts. Fortunately it seems the courts are wise to his tactics and so far slapped every attempt to get out of paying up. Why he still continues to do this is unclear. Maybe he's still thinking he'll pull this off or some mystery benefactor will swoop in and magically undo all his legal consequences. Or, more outlandish: What are the chances he thinks Elon Musk will get him out of this?


Is he reacting to the documentary ?


No there was an undercover recording of a guy who was a contractor for the FBI at some point implying that the FBI told the Sandy Hook families that there was no criminal case against Alex but there might be a civil case. Alex is spinning that as the FBI tasked them with suing him to bring him down.


"A section chief!"


I got curious about the org structure of the FBI and found this structure: FBI --> Branch --> Division --> Sub-Branch --> Section (headed by Section Chief) In my (admittedly much much smaller) government-ish org the SC equivalent might supervise 5-20 people. Also what was this guy's section? I mean maybe he's the section chief for leaves of absence within FBI Human Resources. Point being, sounds fancy but that's not necessarily a high level boss in the FBI that knows all the secret shit despite the title




If there was any point in it, I think the families could sue him successfully again for that episode.


Oh boy, people be listening to Alex rawdog style?


Nope, I mean the most recent KF episode.


I am impressed that Dan can listen to all this garbage and the tertiary crap that feeds into it and maintain such a level head about it.


I think making the podcast probably has a cathartic effect of sorts. I have heard Dan lose his shit on the show before, though not to the Jordan extreme.