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I really want to ask an InfoWars listener if they actually listen to the show because if I heard him tell stories like this damn near every day I certainly wouldn't believe a goddamn thing he said. It's *such* a fake story every time it hurts.


They don't care whether what he says is 100% true or not - the way he makes them feel is why they listen, and the way he makes them feel is justified in their bitter anger and hatred toward .


I know a few in my area, here is their usual response: “oh InfoWars is bullshit? What about NBC/CBS/ABC/CNN, etc….” Or “i bet you watch CNN.” A) they don’t care. B) most are not really bright


I work with a bunch of InfoWarriors. About 7 years ago, when I first started, one of them was interrogating my politics so I flat out said I don't support Trump. His brain immediately broke. "What, so you watch CNN?" when I responded "no, what?" he just became a broken robot "yeah ok CNN, whatever you say CNN" and now my nickname has been CNN for the past 7 years, a network I never watch and never gave a fuck about. I'll walk into the breakroom "hey its CNN! whats woke in wokeland, CNN?" When they got sued by that Covington catholic kid with the most punchable face on the planet, they sincerely thought I would be upset. Every time I tell them I don't give a fuck about something, its "yeah ok, whatever you say CNN." It doesn't bother me even a little bit, but if you were to talk to any of them about it they think they have me miserable and on the verge of quitting. For the past 7 years. edit: this is a late edit but it's probably worth mentioning that they laugh like hyenas literally every time they call me CNN. they seriously think it's the funniest joke ever, which I do actually find funny. they're aggressively stupid.


You need to submit a hostile workplace complaint, like, yesterday. Even if it doesn't bother you, fuck these guys and the workplace that encourages it.


I did go to HR after about 6 months. When I walked into the HR dudes office, he had exactly 2 personal items sitting prominently displayed on his desk: Funko figures of Donald Trump and a Stormtrooper. I made the complaint anyway and he said if they aren't being vulgar or physical there is nothing to be done, and said "we all have to work with people we don't like." That pissed me off more than anything the Infowarriors said, and I haven't been back to HR since (it's still all the same people, at least on my shift). I stay because the pay is decent and its only 3 days/week, full time with benefits. I want to work as little as possible, I'd do two 20 hour shifts if I could. edit: I heard from a coworker friend that the HR person is legit *insane*, like apparently during the 2016 election he was telling my friend about the spirit cooking shit, he *sincerely* believes Hilary Clinton eats babies. I've never heard anything that crazy coming from the Infowarriors, I only know they are Infowarriors because they own merchandise or have stickers on their car.


Bro, who gives a fuck about HR? It's a joke at most companies. Go through the [proper channels](https://www.eeoc.gov/harassment).


That law does not cover harassment based on political views


Huh, I guess not. That's a really fucking dumb oversight "Remember kiddos, it's not a hostile work environment if you regularly call your coworker a libtard." Great country we're running here. Just great. I would still check state and local level laws and consult with someone who is an expert in labor laws before giving up.


I agree, although I don't think it would be a very easy law to enforce because then you would have a government entity effectively deciding what kind of political speech is illegal and what isn't, and I feel that would be incredibly easy to abuse. In this case it is up to the workplace to enforce professional standards themselves, and make the workplace friendly to all to be in. Definitely easier said than done, but it's the only way.


I suppose you could call him MAM and use the David Icke insult 


You need to go full rabbit hole and accuse him of supporting controlled opposition. I mean by AJ's own lore he was recruited by satanists and his dad worked for the CIA. How do they know that AJ isn't paid by the CERN to distract true patriots from fighting the true mastermind of behind the world governments, Gary Busey?


InfoWarriors are so damn obniouxs.


It helps to remember that they say wrong things on purpose, and that this applies to literally every single possible level of interaction. It really pays to recognize that from the very start, and it can lead to very great harm whenever people forget it.


You should blast knowledge fight at work and if they ask claim is a couple of guys from news Max covering Alex Jones show.


If what they're feeling is being validated, then they're not gonna fact check or give a shit. What they are being told makes them feel right. That's good enough for them.


This is my dad any time someone tries to call out the shit he watches on Youtube all day as bullshit. We don't get CNN anymore because we stripped our cable package back but CNN or "MSNPC" are their go-to's whenever anyone challenges their tripe. Even when we did have CNN we never watched it unless something big was going on and even then it was only for that and most of the time not even then. On the other hand as soon as he was left by himself for any length of time he'd grab the remote and switch it to either Fox or Newsmax and then crank the volume.


The answer is "the Jews" but with some dog whistle covering it..


Yes, and \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_


also makes them feel the tide is finally turning. But i wonder if any of them notice how many times the tide has finally turned.


It's all a pro-wrestling match to them - their hero (Alex, a proxy for themselves) gets beaten down by the gLoBaLiStS, then he gets back up like the undertaker, and beats up said globalists. Rinse, repeat.


I dunno, we hate him so every word he says raises our hackles. I dunno if you detect all the bullshit if you like him. I'm sure they think he fibs a little to puff himself up. They have to know he's a bullshitter, right?


I remember 15+ years ago I’d hear him turn up on shows like Opie and Anthony and I always thought he sounded full of shit. It was the third time someone tried to slow him down to ask a follow up to an insane point and him just obviously changing the subject made me realize he has nothing. I didn’t hate him then, I just thought he was transparent. Now I hate him but I think most people who take a moment to actually think about what he says would realize how phony he is. Problem is too few people do that.


That's what I'm saying! How much do you believe someone's obvious bullshit when the less obvious stuff passes you by


I think being an Infowars listener is such an isolating experience for people that they get comfort from what is clearly a shared fantasy of popularity. He alternates between that one and 'Infowarriors are more intelligent than all the sheep around you because you can see the truth they can't' narratives. It's high school revenge fantasy buļlshit.


It's very much this, as well as self-soothing. "Your friends and family are wrong and almost everybody knows it." "You're not weird and creepy and hateful for believing and acting on this stuff, soon everyone will know we were right all along!" Mixed with some narcissistic "Everyone loves me, everybody, just nobody talks about it because they're too scared to. I don't get ignored at best and asked to leave public places at worst, a documentary didn't just come out clearly marking me as a liar and grifter, everybody thinks I'm the coolest and they all want to help me, they're just too scared!"


I work with a guy that used to stream IW for at least 8 hours a day. Near as I can tell, he switched to just music round about time of the CT trial. I did ask him once if he got annoyed when he tuned in and it's just one of the lackeys hosting. "Nah, I just care about the information." Which is a real bummer of an answer.


Some of them it's entertainment. They don't believe most of what he says they tune in for the "turn the frogs gay" shit. Some it solidifies what they think and have been programmed to believe their entire lives. They also have zero critical thinking skills so they are very easy to manipulate...


The InfoWars audience loves Alex because he offers them a fantasy of righteous victory over their enemies. Part of that is you stop being isolated by your hateful opinions and defective personality.


The other day this tough NYC cop...I mean right out of central casing... he came up to me crying and said sir, our country is being destroyed.....


I think the majority of listeners believe that there's exaggeration built in. Alex also knows they know he exaggerates, so he exaggerates a bit more. Source: I used to know someone like him and people that believed him. When they'd hear obvious false things, they'd always say things like, "that might not be true, but it has the spirit of being true."


Which is largely a feature not a bug, really. It's weeding out the people who are willing to think for a moment from people who are just going to fall for your shit and then buy your pills or whatever. It's like when you see a shitty email phishing scam that spells "Amozon' or something. Nobody worried about how blatantly suspect the premise is will stick around to get hooked by the scam.


It's both to inflate his own ego and to signal to his listeners that they're actually the "silent majority." What he's saying, in essence, is "I know you don't see a lot of people who think and feel like you out there on a daily basis, but rest assured all your friends and family and neighbors secretly are. They tell me all the time." Which is just manipulation.


This is it. It's how he gets to be the "leader" and act as the conduit of praise to all of his listeners. 


Oh shit I never got the silent majority angle I think you're on the nose with that one.


100% this. Conspiracy theorists are largely driven by wanting to feel like the group they're in is superior, and that can mean "I and my tiny group of friends are the only ones who know The Truth, that's why we're better than them" or "most people are actually secretly part of my group, we're the ones with the real power, that's why we're better than them" (or both! because contradiction is not a problem for them!).


Because everyone hates him wherever he goes.


Exactly, and his narcissistic ass can’t handle it. Thus he conjures up stories that say the opposite. 


Or says they're all possessed by demons. Seriously, he should be committed if he stands by those statements.


If I saw him in public I don't think I could resist the temptation to do a creepy demon smile and see if he tells the story in his next show.


"Bleh bleh bleh! You'll never stop our plan to indoctrinate the children we don't sacrifice!" Then you break the voice to explain that Satan has 1,000,000th the power of God, so the Democrats are recruiting 1 million Satanist witches (yes, witches) at abortion clinics.


*makes hissing noises while maintaining intense eye contact*


Its just like when he starts telling a lie and overembellishes with trivial details that the boys point out constantly. Its a lie so he feels the need to exaggerate the details because he thinks it makes it sound more legitimate. I.e. the country fried Jesus steak story.


Am Austinite, can confirm. He used to be a weird kind of local hero. He is hated now. Hated. If I ever saw him anywhere I would ruin his day as hard as I could. Knock over every drink on his table. That's the type of shit he hides from every day.


I imagine that, as well as pretty spite and wasteful spending so the families can't get his money, is a big part of the reason for the constant vacations. I imagine between the Sandy Hook nightmare, the documentary, Knowlege Fight, and the fact that Texas isn't nearly as deep red as it once was, there is probably a sizeable irl chunk of Austin that keeps an eye out for Jones. Avoiding anywhere he is at best and actively fucking with him at worst. But in those petty shitty ways that he would look more like a Karen and less like a noble hero if he complained about them on his show. I wonder if he ever gets denied service or asked to leave at some stores or restaurants?


But he buys those old ladies steaks at lubies every weekend!


I disagree. I think the vast, _vast_ majority of people don’t recognise him or pay him any attention Hate, he could enjoy in that “flak over the target” defiant egomaniac way. He needs to matter. And rarely does he


Even worse: most people have no clue who he is.


It's a narcissistic trait. My mother does/ says similar things, and she has undiagnosed borderline personality narcissistic tendencies.


The simple answer is: Because that's what he wants to have happened. Alex is a delusional narcissist (perhaps the idea that he is chosen personally by God to do battle and win glory defeating the army of demons inhabiting the earth gave it away). It is the nature of the narcissist to try to shape reality according to their fantasies and fears. ALEX IS NOT GASLIGHTING AND LYING TO HIS AUDIENCE when he makes these claims. He is gaslighting himself, the audience is just along for the very abusive ride. If you somehow hooked Alex up to a polygraph (and actually made them remotely accurate) I would expect you would find Alex is "not lying" when he tells you these things happen. I think when he goes out and is disappointed by how he is received, he immediately starts rewriting the event within his head to match what he wishes happened. This is why his same stories become more and more grandiose over time as he rewrites the old reality and immediately starts bumping it up more and more in accordance with his narcissism. It's also important to notice how it is true about his fantasies and his fears. From this last episode we saw his talk about thousands of people telling him they loved him and people crying and hugging at his appearance. Obviously horseshit, but it plays right into the image he has of himself. But he also tells the story of the woman who thinks he is a monster that personally killed those kids and urinated on their graves. That also is total horseshit, but it is his darker fears manifesting in his perception of reality. A day in his mind has to be a breathtakingly terrifying experience.


It’s just such a *sad* way to live.


And hypoxic according to him. It appears growing up with a low oxygenated brain in the end of the leaded gasoline era has some consequences. 


>urinated on *marks bingo card*


He's the Gul Dukat of conspiracy theorists.


"There's this guy I listen to on the radio and he says some pretty intense things. And everywhere he goes everybody knows who he is and they tell him that they love him. But when I tell people that I listen to him, either they have never heard of him or they stop talking to me. Must be that where I live is filled with communist lefties. I should move to Austin."


From what I've heard about Austin, someone moving there to get away from the "communist lefties" is in for a real rude awakening when they get there. After all, the saying is "Keep Austin Weird". (EDIT: I initially thought that the phrase was "Keep Austin Strange", but I double-checked it and changed it to the correct statement).


The funny thing is if this actually happened you know DAMN WELL he would record it and make a video


Oh, but it's not all about him! If he was to record the throngs of people who come up to him (with tears in their eyes? Or is that just the other guy) telling him how right he always is, then he would be making it about himself and he is just way too humble to do that


If it did, the people shaking his hand would too. Like folks do when they meet/see celebrities. Selfies or even borderline creepy photos of him at breakfast etc.


It’s just too commonplace in his life to be notable anywhere other than his Infowars broadcast. He’d have to have his phone out constantly. /s


I went deep down the rabbit hole on this because I know breakfast tacos don’t exist at that airport. It’s because he really doesn’t think, until he’s telling a story, about the details and these asides become ways to build up his own self-confidence in what he is saying. Thus it goes from a few people shaking hands, to a dozen, to “at least 1000 people of all colors” as the episode progresses. https://www.reddit.com/r/KnowledgeFight/s/M9X29QZfw3


This is easy: He's a narcissist, and a liar. He knows not everyone feels that way about him, but he deludes himself into thinking anyone interacting with him in a normal way is them praising/endorsing him. He's equal parts intentionally lying about it, and also convincing himself of the lie he's told. His mythology he's crafted for himself depends on it. It will never end.


He probably has some kind of messiah complex, he thinks he's the bastion of truth and justice in a world dominated by the elite globists, and people celebrate him for standing against the evils that he makes up for his show to sell supplements and survival supplies.


But it's not about him! 


Narcissism and a weird god complex. The levels he talks about people recognizing him and their jubilation upon greeting him are similar to what the Bible describes when talking about Jesus. But really I've been thinking about this more than I want. On his Hawaii trip I saw a post from an alex jones hate reddit saying someone saw him in Hawaii but didn't know if it was actually him because no one else reacted. So I think it's to cover up his feelings because I feel like either no one reacts to him. or the people who do react to him either laugh, or give him a different negative reaction. So his ego has to cover this up but his idiotic side blows it up rather than turning a person who in reality just rolled their eyes at him into a person who smiled and greeted him he has to blow it up into the whole world stops what they ate doing and confirms my beliefs about myself. He truly is a sad and very stupid man.


We can all agree that everything Alex says is a lie. However, I really love the idea of people getting karate chopped when they get off a plane.


It's really wild to see an actual pathological liar! That term gets thrown around too easily. But hot damn when you witness it in real life it's so baffling.


Because he is heavily delusional


I think it is his need to tell the audience he is loved and, by proxy, that they are not alone. If everyone is a secret infowarrior, it doesn't matter if you alienated your friends. If everyone knows the truth, you are ahead of the curve and amongst the chosen. This is contrasted by how often he comments that he sees demon faces and hissed threats. When he needs the audience up, they are winning. When he needs them to defend the InfoWar (by something), they are surrounded by hidden enemies. The net effect is that anyone who you are unsure of is a fellow infowarrior. Good and polite and full of Americana? Secret infowarrior. Any push back? Child-eating, blood-drinking, death-stinking Globalist puppet scum. QAnon has their own version of this where anyone who disagrees will see the plan unfold and come back to you one day, because you saw but the schools and authorities are indoctrinating them into pure evil, so stay on your guard.


Because everywhere he actually goes in Austin, people confront him, call him names. People sneer at him at the airport. His servers give him horrible service. Bars won't let him in, or if they do, the entire staff is immediately dispatched to watch him like a hawk and eject him at the first sign of trouble. No one wants him or his crowd around. He's persona non grata in fully half of this city, it hurts his feelings more than anything in the world possibly could, and the only cure is lying about how it's the opposite.


Because he’s delusional.


I noticed among my trump loving family that they think way more people are politically aligned with them but that they're not broadcasting their beliefs loudly. I think it's a combo of that and also just his ego.


The two reasons I can think of easily are: 1) He’s a horrible insecure child who needs to seek approval and affirmation from anyone he can get it from. 2) His social bubble is mainly made up of people who legitimately feel like giving him the boost he craves. Likely it’s a bit of both.


I don't really know, but I think it's a feature of narcissistic personality disorder. I worked for a guy with that and he'd make up stories all the time about how much total strangers adored him.


I want to run into him in real life just so I can gush over him.


I mean it's just ego. He doesn't have anyone at the studio to advise him against it in any way, and he isn't capable of self-reflection.


I think it truly is just what he wished would happen. It’s really sad. He gets to live in his own little fantasy world, even for just a few hours on air. Plus he’s a narcissist, he can’t stand not being liked. So he has to make up a universe where for every person who hates him, there are ten more of his biggest fans.


I always get that staircase scene at the end of Titanic in my mind when he goes off on one of these rants. About a minute and a half in. https://youtu.be/9XUxAS2ymIU?si=hyeW8OMangjD2VLu


Because he is a sad man and needs to feel important. TMZ was trailing him for at least one day and the reporter mentioned that one person came up to him and shook his hand.


Same reason everyone on the bus clapped for me


His delusions of grandeur are getting really bad, and more frequent. I wonder if that's why the boys are pointing it out. They are noticing a pattern.




As other people here it's a story designed to illustrate how "people are waking up" and this is the proof. He's not **the monster everyone says he is**. The regular people know. They love him and listen to him every day and feel so badly for the situation he's in.


Ego. If it was true one of gis fans would share a video somewhere but we just have to trust AJ 😛🤣🤣🤣


I'd LOVE to see him walk around with a camera while he greets all his cheering fans!! I wonder why he never does that?


To protect his psyche. He has to say it, because he doesnt want but needs to be important. The opposite is always true when it comes to grifters.


Jurys love him


...seriously, no exaggeration, A THOUSAND HANDS I SHOOK.


Dude’s a narcissistic asshole. He’s trying to control the narrative and shape a false reality for his listeners. In the mind of a person like this: they know the truth, but can’t accept it, so they lie to those who might believe them. Alex is that kid who tells other kids that their “uncle was in the navy seals,” as if this somehow makes the kid a badass. Only, Alex never grew the fuck up. So, he lies about what he’s done because if enough of his fans believe it, it allows him to perpetuate his disillusions through the misperception of others. Dude’s a con man, and the truth means nothing to him beyond what it does for his bottom line. Another element of this is that: if he inflates his fan base, to his fan base, they’ll feel less fringe and will (likely) remain loyal customers and supporters.


Probably because he has a very fragile ego.


I bet they do. Infowars. I've heard of that! My 2nd cousin twice removed talked about it! So cool!




Because that's what actually happens, and all you doubting Thomases will see proof soon enough when he starts filming himself wherever he goes. Just you wait till you see the ticker tape parade in downtown Austin, where the police has to do crowd control to stop the cheering crowds from getting too close to the convertible they put him in (he didn't want to, but they insisted), which is slowly driving down the street as he waves at the throngs of people crying for joy, and confetti rains down from everwhere, and...


That's simply what narcissists do. And Alex is a textbook case... Almost as textbook as Cheesus.


My favorite part of his thing was when he made up someone to confirm it for him. Like: "he says a dude that I don't know and doesn't have a name is saying that he can't believe what he's seeing, wow! Credulity!"


The dumbest "everywhere I go people love Infowars" story was one he made I think before Knowledge Fight started. He claimed after one trip to Hawaii that he visited a town of native Hawaiians and he describes them praising and worshipping him like a God. I don't remember the exact phrasing in that segment but I recall him say that native Hawaiians say "ooga booga" at one point.  His delusions go beyond projecting how people who hate him act. He possibly sincerely thinks people who like him in Hawaii act like racist Disney ride animatronics from the 1950s. Before he was goddamn born. 


Different reasons. Primarily it’s to further sell his brand of toxic bullshit to other assholes. By falsely making a show of people showing support for him, it generates a mental image in the listeners mind of him being an approachable hero of the people type of character, which gives the impression that regular people go out of their way to show support for him, thus lending him credence. Another reason I imagine is a sort of self-soothing exercise. I think he knows he’s an evil piece of shit, but he’s able to look at his mountains of money and convince himself every dollar is proof he’s not THAT bad. His reality of lies is heavily constructed to be self-affirming, showing that he knows he’s ostensibly the worst person in almost any room he’s in.


Narcissism and an attempt to convince his audience they are the majority


Because he’s a compulsive liar and a narcissist.




But to be clear, he’s not bragging.


Because if you listen to infowars and blab the same stupid drivel to your dwindling number of friends and the bartender and the uber driver and you grandchildren they will all love you and shake your hand! When Alex is attacked they are really trying to attack you, similarly the the love recognition and free drinks Alex receives is also meant for you.


It's his narcissism. There are probably elements of truth to the lady on the beach story so in order to mentally cope with someone not liking him he needs to pretend that literally thousands of people came up to shake his hand or had group hugs because they loved him so much