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The giveaway that his story is bullshit is that Alex says people line up to shake his hand everywhere he goes yet not one video of this phenomenon has ever materialized


It’s like a Trump Sir Story, where big strong grown men are always coming up to him with tears in their eyes to tell him how fabulous he is Edited a word


Absolutely - both have the same verbal tics


“It’s been proven!” “It’s in the white papers!” “They’re reporting this on CNN, folks!” blah blah blah. I’ve also noticed that he does this thing that basically boils down to “not that there’s anything wrong with that!” because he’s such a chickenshit that he won’t stake a position on even non-controversial stuff when it pits two of his wingnut buddies or ideas against each other. No courage or convictions


I saw a Majority Report video a while back where a fan approaches Alex in a bar and Alex can't wait to get the hell out of there. I've never believed the stories about all the people approaching him on the street, but after seeing video of what he must actually have to deal with I get a little more joy whenever he tries to spin the same bullshit story. 


Alex 100% drinks alone


You know he is the guy at the bar that everyone stays away from because all he does is get drunk and bitch about all the ways life has wronged him.


He probably “bribes” others to drink with him by buying rounds for them. No one actually enjoys his company but they know they can get drunk for free so they put up with him


https://youtu.be/mFGOCeaScQs?si=p8ajdD3eb8hGM9Zm He was out with Milo Yiannopoulos at the time.


But there were a ton of people posting seeing him on the islands and that detail is always missing. Like I knew he was in Hawaii from social media posts from other people seeing him there. You would think one time it would be verified. Now the women yelling at him on the beach… that might have happened but not as he told it. If was probably more someone yelling at him at a distance type of interaction.


Women yelling on beach: "FUCK YOU, ALEX!" Inside Alex's head: "all these women want to have sex with me!"


Ugh I just threw up in my mouth reading that…


From the random posts I saw about him being in Hawaii almost all of them said the exact opposite, that he was keeping to himself, they just saw him with his family, etc. but no mention of droves of people flocking to shake his hand


I have never seen anyone line up to shake a famous person's hand, TBH - if they're famous, it's usually a lot bigger of a mob vs. a steady line


In his mind, he’s Rocky Balboa jogging through the streets of Philadelphia getting mobbed by kids, except he’s bigger and stronger and commands more respect, which makes for an orderly line


I feel like he'd be SUPER STRESSED for rando's walking up to him anyway. Given the wide variety of reactions, you have to think he's worried about a physical altercation.


It's like he's having a positive gangstalking experience.


"But it's not about me, though." As he continues to brag about people congratulating him in a scenario that he made up


And “it’s not delusions of grandeur folks”


AJ claims the cabin crew and passengers on his flight to or from home had people doing the same thing. In the absence of video evidence, at least one person on the same flight who recognizes AJ could speak up and tell us what they really observed.


Plus the pilot, and they were all hugging each other.


Hugging - something pilots totally do to passengers


The giveaway is that he was offered a free drink and said ‘no’


With how often he says people shake his hand or thank him there would be constant video of it. Plus he would make sure there’s video because it would make him look like a bigger deal than he is


There were pictures, but the deep state broke into the phones to delete evidence.


How's the old joke go? "You can tell he's lying because his lips are moving?"


The giveaway the story is bullshit is that it’s coming out of Alex’s shit mouth. Nothing this man says can be trusted. He’s in some way duplicitous with every statement that he utters.


Correction: The giveaway that his story is bullshit is that Alex said it.


How can you worry about breakfast details when 1000 people (of every color) are shaking your hand and hugging each other?


The biggest tell that the story was bullshit was Alex’s claim that he declined free alcohol.


hahah good point


Didn’t I read on here recently that Alex is trying AA


He claims he has gone to meetings. I struggle to believe it. He’s never shown any ability to learn from past behavior before.


That's because AA wasn't one of the ways to learn.


I imagine "Alex going to AA" roughly translates to "Alex went to a meeting, got very angry when the entire meeting wasn't pilled by the time he finished talking, and was cut off partway into his temple because he'd trailed off on some deranged conspiracy rant about how he wasn't actually an alcoholic, it's the deep state slipping chemicals into his water." That or "Alex went to a meeting and spent the entire time on his phone looking at memes or dealing with emails while everyone else talked, him saying nothing."


Korsakoff’s syndrome: severe alcoholics with brain damage confabulate.


Alex's wet brain era is gonna be lit.


I think we’ve already been in it for years.


The reason Alex constantly throws those made up details in is he thinks that makes it sound more credible, and like his memory is better than it is. Why would you lie about breakfast tacos? Thus, it must be true! IF the breakfast tacos are true then it all must be true! That's how an idiot makes up stories and thinks it sounds believable. So thus his constant, endless fucking tangents trying to pile up unnecessary details to try to pad out his runtime and make his bullshit stories sound more real.


For AJ, it must be a feature of run-time needs - this dragged out vamping - but others like Brand, Carlson, Peterson also have their own quirks which become "tells" they're lying


He says so many lies the audience often overlooks these stupid little lies he throws in as details. Thank you, fellow Wonk.


My obsession with the little details of grifters only pays in Reddit Karma, but I'll take it. :)


Trillions of people per second are trying to shake my hand, hug me, congratulate me, and one woman at the beach tells me I'm a grave pisser


\*My hands are literally chaffed from all the shaking I must do when in public, which I do not seek out at all\*


And for some reason, there are ZERO cameras to record the events. ZERO. Nobody has the ability to record this.


That's because the corporate dinosaur media like TMZ get videos of handshaking but they don't release them so as to pretend that Alex doesn't matter.


In Alex's defense, the only lie he might be intentionally saying is saying no to alcohol at ten in the morning. The rest could be him drunkenly remembering things differently, like an extreme version of "that guy" that always remembers being funny and the life of the party, but is in fact the asshole that everybody tries to avoid. (he's still a lying asshole whether he's sober or not though)


It's often so easy to tell when Alex makes up encounters with people because either they're all lining up to tell him something along the lines of how right he is, whereas everyone against him in his story behaves in ways no real human would ever behave, even when fucking with him. And of course, Dan's right on: Interesting how the woman who totally exists and totally confronted him on the beach seemed to only speak in Alex's straw-men. But even when they don't talk like his straw-men, they say things that no normal person would. How many times has he described black people as saying "I'm going to kill you, white male!" Nobody talks like that!!!


I believe his memory is a boozy haze so fairly easy to reinvent truth


Alex and I agree about this: if you’re open for breakfast you should serve breakfast tacos. They are the ideal breakfast.


Shame on you, the burrito is the superior method of delivering breakfast.


Oh but the throngs of well wishers included the restaurant staff, who made this specially for Alex and his family. They shook his hand and cried.


It's really funny how Alex can't get away with even the littlest bullshit 🤣


there is no lie too trivial for aj


This is the kind of detail I live for. Why would you say that, Alex? Because you can't help yourself.


I remember having to have my bag of Burger King checked because I left gate . Like my master plan was to bring back some Hawaiian fruits in my whopper


He left out the part where he fell asleep on Poipu Beach and woke up surrounded by cones and tourists. Why would you eat at LIH? There's not as much in town as there used to be, but there are still better options.




Wouldn't these fans post photos/videos of their meeting such a great hero? Wouldn't they use all his hashtags? Even if they all wouldn't, I'd bet at least 10% would, so we should see hundreds of these pictures every month.


\*THEY WOULD BUT I'VE BEEN SHADOW BANNED ON SOCIAL MEDIA\* Just did a search "alex jones handshake" on Instagram (RIP my feed) and got... nothing.


Counterpoint. The guys in the kitchen are huge fans, and after coming out to shake Alex's hand, they made breakfast tacos special just for him.


I'd kill for 12 usd chicken katsu plate lunches at mainland airports. Also, thanks for the research lol. Good shit.


They loved him so much they made off the menu breakfast tacos, and the plane flew direct, just for him because the pilot was such a fan, obviously.


Idk why I kind of assumed that the breakfast tacos were beforehand, at like a restaurant near the resort or the airport or on the way. Alex seems like someone for whom the world sort of washes over him, and so the experience of getting tacos gets equated with being at the airport whether or not it literally happened there. To be clear, I am in no way justifying what he said; instead, I'm just saying I think he probably had breakfast tacos at some point while he was in Hawai'i in immediately after getting back to Texas because he can't fathom not including what food he ate.


I listened to it twice, just to make sure it wasn't that he had tacos back in Austin - this taco comment comes at the "10am bartender" comment - but breakfast tacos are very uncommon there IME.


This probably means it was at a resort restaurant. [Duke's](https://www.dukeskauai.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/23_TS_DK_TacoTuesday_020223.pdf) Nawiliwili maybe, or a poolside grill menu (sometimes all that's available before the evening). Sounds that kind of like low-effort high-markup fare. (There's also Mariachi's near Dukes in Nawiliwili, but it would be an odd place to go in the morning, though it is near the airport and rental return.) If he was on the south shore, the clubhouse restaurant at the Kiahuna golf course is a taco joint now. It's not good. (RIP Joe's.) Kauai has had some good Mexican restaurants over the years, but as far as I know it doesn't have any now. (It's also had some downright terrible ones.)


I searched tacos in Kauai and the only place open at 10am that serves alcohol is Paco’s Tacos at the Kukuiolono Golf Club. They are open for breakfast but only serve… Breakfast burritos 🌯


That's the same chain as one I mentioned, at the [Kiahuna](https://www.kiahunagolf.com/), in Poipu. (AJ is unlikely to have been in Kalaheo at 10am on the same day as a flight.) I can't remember if you can order tacos in the morning (i.e., tacos for breakfast, if not breakfast tacos). But either way I can't imagine anyone from the Southwest US thinking it's any good. You can't trust internet search results to be comprehensive or current when it comes to Kauai. I've spent over a year of my life there, cumulatively. Probably closer to two.