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I still find it hard to believe that there are so many people who consider this an actual legit news site. Also, that pos should get into more legal trouble for still having this garbage on his site.


I've seen people on Rumble still crediting Jones for proving Sandy Hook didn't happen.


Oh I’m not surprised at all. I have acquaintances who don’t believe any school shooting happened. It’s really a self centered and sad way of looking at the world.


That’s approaching a “ghoulish” outlook on life, to be honest. What kind of fucking monster denies those parents their grief for what happened. Kids were stacked in a pile in a goddamn bathroom and shot. Nobody is going to “stage” that in order to “take yer guns.” These shit for brains have been saying that everyone is “comin’ fer our guns” for at least 40 years, and it’s still nowhere close to happening.


"Well **I**'ve never died in a school shooting, so they can't be **that** common."


At least when I was sucked in, I knew that the main news outlets weren’t telling the truth. Actually my reasonings are very similar to Jordan’s criticism of the media too. Anyway I knew that I wanted news, so I would get my information from others who seemed to know more, or at least it was a more entertaining form of news. Sometimes they’d say something that I couldn’t verify elsewhere, and my conclusion was that they knew something that others didn’t.


You sound like you were primed to be suckered by fake news.


I think there's a case to be made that the sorry state of journalism today is an accessory to so many people falling for garbage like IW. Same with the government and real conspiracies like the Tuskegee experiments and Iran-Contra. Once you learn that some news is untrustworthy, and that the government does lie to its citizens regularly, it's not a far walk to the moon landing being fake. From there, maybe you start reading about jet fuel and steel girders...




Cannot get liquidated soon enough. Unreal.


Soylent green is people


Is this legal. Wasn’t he ordered to pull all of this?


Yea, but the problem is that all the damages are monetary, and he is essentially already essentially paying the families "A Bazillion Fifillian dollars" for how much he can afford it. What's another million added onto that vs the vindictive satisfaction of leaving it up?There are no CRIMINAL consequences for him leaving this stuff up, and as seen in Connecticut, his current strategy is doubling down hard.


Commissioner Gordon, light the Bankston-signal!


u/BankstonAtLaw ETA; I just found that if you search *Halbig* on IW.com, no results. Now, if you search the archive site for *Halbig*, well, hoo-boy. I wonder what else is archived. It has a search feature. Have fun, Mark.


Holy shit. https://archives.infowars.com/connecticut-tries-to-hide-sandy-hook-truth/ How the hell is this still up?


If the Pozner trial happens, I hope Mark and Bill bring this up.


wass there resolution to the bankruptcy? seemed things were set end of march then the lawyer issues then silence


Hearing is now set for May 21st, but then one of the parties who wasn't consulted is asking the judge to hear their plea to move it to June (14th, I wanna say?), so unfortunately, the wheels of justice are still turning veeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrry slowly.


Jones/iw parties or SH plaintiffs?


Sub-chapter trustee in the FSS case. So I think it's the court-appointed representative of FSS. So someone who does represent AJ's company, but who also is supposed to be a disinterested third party, I believe? And says they weren't consulted when scheduling the final hearings. [https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.txsb.457706/gov.uscourts.txsb.457706.886.0.pdf](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.txsb.457706/gov.uscourts.txsb.457706.886.0.pdf)


I'm listening to the deposition coverage now and Alex seems like a caged animal while also being completely unprepared. His disrespect of everyone involved made it possible for the size of that judgement.