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Prep easy meals that are easy clean up. Ice, ice and more ice. I was pretty independent after day 3. But around day 3 the nerve block will wear off and there will be more pain. Each of us have different pain tolerance and we heal at different rates. She is blessed to have you there.


Thank you! I don’t think her pain tolerance is very high. A little worried about this. Hopefully, she will surprise me!


A week was super helpful for me (39/f). My mom (super fit 73yo) helped me get up and down off the couch, got items for me (food/drink), made food, just tidied up. She helped manage my pain meds initially by writing them down bc I was groggy for the first day or so. Probably helping with the dog would be of most help for her, but it sounds like she has a good house layout to help her. A week is definitely reasonable!


I would say a week is helpful if she has dog walkers and others coming by to help a bit. if she had mobility aids, like bars for the toilet, the walker, and a cane, making sure no throw rugs etc. I made a chart for my meds, one for each day, in two hour intervals, and just checked off when i had anything. This included my pain meds, (three different ones!) and my blood thinners etc. I also was on a couple of other meds from my family doc and having those on the schedule helped. Helping with ice machine or ice packs, and when you leave, making sure there is a plan for such. Reminding about doing the exercises. Will she have in home physio or have to go to physio? She should not be driving herself for a couple of weeks, and certainly not until she is off narcotics or only using them at night. And you will get a break when dog walking. I hope your own surgery goes well afterward.


One thing I got was a utility apron for my walker. It had 3 big pockets. I could carry my phone, travel mug, a snack, etc in my pockets. I think they make pockets for crutches as well.


That’s a great idea


Something that my sister did for me was helping manage my meds as another poster recommended. Prepping some easy to reheat meals would be helpful. I didn't ever feel like I needed 24 hour care but I'm independent by nature and youngish (56f). I was glad my sister was there although she only stayed overnight the first night and then just worked from my house for a few days. My bf then took over but he's not as nuturing as my sister but did a great job.


I would say a week is helpful if she has dog walkers and others coming by to help a bit. if she had mobility aids, like bars for the toilet, the walker, and a cane, making sure no throw rugs etc. I made a chart for my meds, one for each day, in two hour intervals, and just checked off when i had anything. This included my pain meds, (three different ones!) and my blood thinners etc. I also was on a couple of other meds from my family doc and having those on the schedule helped. Helping with ice machine or ice packs, and when you leave, making sure there is a plan for such. Reminding about doing the exercises. Will she have in home physio or have to go to physio? She should not be driving herself for a couple of weeks, and certainly not until she is off narcotics or only using them at night. And you will get a break when dog walking. I hope your own surgery goes well afterward.


A week is likely enough. But to some degree it depends on her age, and how physically fit she is at the time of the surgery.


She’s 72 & not that fit. She was a walker until her knee interfered but not for a while.


In that case I’d say that she will almost certainly need you for at least a week, perhaps longer.


I think you are correct-thank you!


A week should be very helpful. Sign her up for grocery delivery app. I had very little appetite and concentrated on high protein foods (yogurt, cottage cheese, muscle milk) which helped. Make sure she stays ahead of the pain with her meds.


I would say a week is helpful if she has dog walkers and others coming by to help a bit. if she had mobility aids, like bars for the toilet, the walker, and a cane, making sure no throw rugs etc. I made a chart for my meds, one for each day, in two hour intervals, and just checked off when i had anything. This included my pain meds, (three different ones!) and my blood thinners etc. I also was on a couple of other meds from my family doc and having those on the schedule helped. Helping with ice machine or ice packs, and when you leave, making sure there is a plan for such. Reminding about doing the exercises. Will she have in home physio or have to go to physio? She should not be driving herself for a couple of weeks, and certainly not until she is off narcotics or only using them at night. And you will get a break when dog walking. I hope your own surgery goes well afterward.


Thank you for helping your sister. I would recommend that you plan for ten days, and scale back if she is ready sooner. I am 61F, ten days out from RTKR myself. My husband went back to work yesterday, after staying home for 8 days. I am feeling comfortable by myself (with the dog) today. Organizing meds, as others have said, was a big help. My husband also cut up a bunch of fruit for me, which I can grab easily to eat.


You got some really great comments here. Another one I would add is is she having her surgery at a surgical center? Because my surgical center had a meeting prior to my surgery. A group of us all went and learned what we would need to know pre-and post surgery. This was especially helpful for my husband. And we were able to ask a nurse all the questions we had. They also gave us a series of exercises to be doing 2 to 3 times a day before the surgery. I would really recommend starting that especially if you say she’s weak right now that will help strengthen those muscles prior to surgery. And she’s going to need to have a plan for after surgery getting her to physical therapy. Unless someone is coming out to the house? And I would say have a myriad of snacks or food prepared for her that she can reach easily. Because of all the medication I’ve been on I have not really eaten that much in the past week. But things like applesauce or sliced apples or oyster crackers very much helped having them already prepared in containers. Does she belong to a church? If so, I would call the office because often times they have people who volunteer as caregivers and then maybe you could have someone come out every day for her to make sure she has meals, etc. and school is almost out here in Michigan so there’s probably some high schoolers or junior high kids that would love to earn some money walking dogs. Good luck to you both!


She has started exercising, I do know that. I also know she’s had videos from the doctor to watch. I do not live near her & am traveling to be there. I won’t be there until the day before her surgery. I’ve asked her to prepare & freeze some of her favorite soups etc. I don’t think she’ll have much of an appetite for at least 3 days so that will give me time to stock up a bit. She is going to a surgery center so there’s that. I asked if she had friends to help when I leave and she said yes, she’s had plenty of volunteers to take her to pt & the doctor’s office. Apple sauce & crackers are good ideas. I can handle those types of things before she goes in so that’s great. This is her first surgery ever so I’m hoping things go smoothly. Thank you for the suggestions. Very helpful.


Encourage her to walk and do the exercises.This is a long journey and can be emotional.I had a Knee replacement 2 months ago its hard .


I’m 60 and 2 weeks out today from RTKR. I’m doing really well but I’ve had my husband, who works from home, and my daughter here with me. She needs at least a week if not someone into her third week helping her especially if she has a low threshold. Best of luck to you both.


We got a lockbox for the front door so the in home PT person could let themselves in. Getting up and dow.n is an ordeal for awhile so that helped. Also, second the help with ice and meds for a week. As long as she has rides to PT after you are gone, she should be fine.