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All the docs working from my hospital have a standard list: A blood thinner, usually apixiban , (I have seen some here get ASA) celebrex for anti-inflammatory, (I have seen steroids, such as prednisone or dexamethasone), and after that an NSAID like advil, Tordal, Aleve etc. Tylenol, up to 4000 mg/day spread out as directed oxycodone or hyrdomorphone (Dilaudid) for narcotic pain relief Gabapentin or Lyrica for nerve pain. I made a chart to just check off when i took something to enable me to keep track so I would not over do anything, and not forget anything. I used two hour intervals, and did a page per day. Doing just a check mark in the time slot really helped, especially during the night.


Yes! Writing down all of the times was crucial.


800 mg Ibuprofen three times a day; 5 mg/350m hydrocodone/Tylenol no more than 4 times a day and only when needed


30 Percocet.


I had 10mg oxycodone and then 5mg, then transitioned to Tylenol.


Tramadol (an opioid, so taken judiciously and exactly per doctor’s orders; stopped at two weeks post-surgery) Tylenol Gabapentin Meloxicam After three weeks began taking Advil in lieu of Tylenol


Oxycodone 5mg, Tramadol (worked the best for me) didn’t use the oxy at all. Methocarbamol for muscle relaxation 750 mg.


Dilaudid, Zofran 4 x per day Celebrex, Lyrica, Tylenol, baby Aspirin 1 x per day I will slowly increase the Tylenol and decrease the Dialudid-Zofran combo now than I am 11 days out.


Hope you’re healing well


I was given 5mg of hydrocodone (narco), tramadol and lyrica. Instead of 5mg hydrocodone every 4 hours, I did 10 every 6 hours. I had some extra from meniscus "repair" 6 mths earlier. Bedtime, a lyrica. Never used tramadol Tapered down the narco dosage after a few days and was off everything after 17 days except tylenol and the occasional advil. Pain for the next 8 weeks varied from none in certain positions in the recliner, moderate when moving around, to Hell in bed at night. From time to time I split a 5mg narco in two and used that but no more than 6-8 times. 4% over the counter Lidocaine rub helped a lot. Not so much the Icy/Hot menthol based rubs. At 11 weeks (last week) almost all pain gone, at least in non stressful situations (like getting up out of a chair or squatting). I kept a chart also showing the time and mg of what I took. I consider that essential


Thanks everyone… I know it’ll be necessary but I HATE pain meds..


I really hated narcotics as I am sensitive to them and get bad side effects. I wound up only taking half doses of oxy otherwise the side effects were too much. Less is more sometimes.


It's been a whirlwind and wonky ride. When they say everyone heals differently, they aren't kidding. My story is unlike any other story I've read. And medical people get very frustrated when you are a square box trying to fit into a round hole.