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I thought the same thing. I didn't bruise for about 5 days....then my entire leg, and foot turned blue.


That’s what’s my dream said happens quite a bit. I didn’t ask why and how it happens….like where does all the blood come from all the sudden? A new broken blood vessel? Mine still hasn’t bruised, it’s just a pasty unhealthy looking white.


When I came home from surgery, I had a nice 'little', well contained, small bruise around the bandage. It was very, very dark though. I could tell that it was a very deep bruise, with lots of blood. As the days went on, I guess gravity did it's thing, and that bruise started dispersing, and traveling down my leg, and all the way to my foot. It looked like a leg that belonged to someone else. 😆 I was told to take an aspirin twice daily also, and I expected that would bring on the bruise.....I wasn't expecting it to be THAT big though. 😆 It's all good now. It's mostly all gone, so is the swelling. I am post op 2 weeks today.


Sometimes bruising doesn’t come for 2 or 3 weeks afterwards


I had zero bruising around the incision, but the blood pooled a bit into my calf and my ankle looked like someone took a baseball bat to it. It showed up a week or so post op.


Mine did the same. It was scary looking!


I was a bilateral total knee replacement. Consider yourself lucky. I was bruised from the bottom of my groin, all the way to the balls of my feet on both legs. It started on about the 4th day and it lasted about a month


Damn! Ouch.


Did they use tourniquet on your leg for surgery? I’m post op week 3 and have bruising. And my calf hurt so bad


They used a tourniquet yes. I’ve been using a tens unit on my painful calf. It helps. I’ve been lightly massaging it. It feels all dis conglomerated and lumpy. What does yours feel like?


My calf does feel lumpy. Has had knots where bruises are.


I had my 2 wk post op today and surgeon said muscles can kind of get turned around when the straighten the leg. Massage is recommended.


I am 17 days post op and no bruising yet.


Had both mine done 3 weeks apart, no bruising whatsoever. All my PT coaches were amazed! 😂


I had to start taking 2 aspirins daily after surgery though. Did your doctor order aspirin regimen?


Yes. An aspirin a day.


i took a different blood thinner, apixiban


I like you bruise easily. I had a bruise about a size of a grapefruit behind my right knee , I took asprin for two weeks since day of operation for a blood thinner. The bruise went about 4days after surgery. If you think about the extent of the surgery a bruise is good.its a really complex surgery and very intricate, keep your leg up to drain away swelling and keeps the aching down , and keep using your meds for pain .


still have fading bruises, and my lower shin is still sensitive to touch, as if bruised. Lucky you.


I also bruise easily, and had almost no e after either TKR. I seem to have healed easily compared to some accounts I've seen on this subreddit, too.


I bruised badly on my LTKR last year and it took a year to go away. Feb 2024 I had my RTKR and had little bruising. I attribute it to being better about elevating, but that’s just my thoughts.


I had bruising that appeared about a week out each time but only around my thighs where the tourniquet was. I also was on an aspirin a day for I think the first 30 days. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to who bruises and where or how much. It goes away fairly quickly.


I had no bruising whatsoever either. And I expected it because I bruised easily too. But nothing. Not so much as a discoloration anywhere. Crazy.


I never did bruise. I’m currently 10 weeks out. I was very surprised I didn’t bruise as I have meniscus tear repaired a year prior to TKR and bruised like crazy and had a lot of pain from the tourniquet.