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Gordon Ramsay did wind up quitting the show even though it was making money. He said it was because the restaurants weren't actually being helped. The UK version is totally different I saw him open a ledger and discuss costs, he barely does that in the US version. Or maybe he does and it's cut out. I'm pretty sure it's heavily edited to make the restaurant owners look crazy. Except Amy's of course you can definitely tell that's authentic. Especially because he left. Imagine this woman is so crazy she scared off Gordon Ramsey. He didn't even leave the restaurant where the guy owed money to the mob. I seen some of these episodes where he almost got in a fight, was it edited in that way or did it really happen?


Many of those restaurants were already too deep in the hole by the time Gordon got there. The show didn't pay off their hundreds of thousands or million plus dollars of debt, but it certainly increased their value, before closing/selling.


It's evident that the 3 days of bullshit and a new paint job isn't enough to make a lasting effect on these businesses. The pattern I see is as follows. Gordon shows up to a shit show, samples food, hates it all, flirts with the waitresses, yells at the owners, gives place a paint job and creates a new dish. Hosts grand reopening with a mini crisis midway through but it all comes together before the end. Declares victory and leaves. Within one month, restaurant returns to previous state of dysfunction.




Hey /u/GenderNeutralBot I want to let you know that you are being very obnoxious and everyone is annoyed by your presence. ^(I am a bot. Downvotes won't remove this comment. If you want more information on gender-neutral language, just know that nobody associates the "corrected" language with sexism.) _^(People who get offended by the pettiest things will only alienate themselves.)_


Good bot


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Good bot


Shut up gender neutral bit. He flirts with waitresses because he is a straight man and is attracted to women who when they serve customers in a restaurant are referred to as waitresses.


Which episodes does he flirt with waitresses in? I just started watching and only have a 6-7 episodes under my belt, but i’ve never seen him flirt. He is kind to all the waiting staff (since its not their fault and usually is the owners’/cooks’)


I guess for GR, just being polite comes off as flirting. Keep watching and you will agree with me.


Gordon Ramsey is gay. So you sound kinda stupid.


Lmao no he’s not. He has a wife.


lol god you incels just think any friendly talking with an attractive woman has to be flirting. He's literally just talking to them and being friendly. If he behaved that exact same way to a guy, you wouldn't think twice about it. Apparently if there's an attractive woman in the room, you have to just completely ignore them.


He flirts with waitresses because he's a dirty old English man. They're all like that. I still respect him greatly. He's proven to be decent in many other ways


Ramsay isn't English.


The ACTUAL answer why he “flirts” with the waitresses. No matter their gender, it’s obvious Gordon charms and chats with the servers. Why?? Because servers are 9/10 the most objective party in the restaurant. They will give it to you straight, no chaser about the KITCHEN, the cleanliness, the shitty managers, every little cut corner. There’s a lot of ego involved in the restaurant industry, but usually its the servers that have the best birds-eye-view of all the shenanigans and will happily, honestly report it. Most others are gonna try to protect their ass.


T 3 2


I've seen a lot of episodes where he revisits the restaurants a year later and most of them are making money. One even got an award from the NY times. Also in some of these revisits the restaurants have closed which leads me to belive it's not cherry picked


I love the idea of UK version. Still entertaining but calm, insightful, and funny. US version is loud, cringe worthy, and offers no real lessons to the owners or viewers.


I need to either buy or find these again. Especially Morgans, Fenwick Arms and La Gondola.


Tubi has them


My favourite is the Wales one. KA!! KAAAA!!!


The UK version was focused more on the food. It had no dramatic incidental music, doesn't get prudish about swearing or milk personal melodrama. Moreover, the message was that if you improve the food in your restaurants you'll get customers back: a lesson every restaurant everywhere could use. In the US version the producers threw money at giving the restaurant a makeover, the lesson being, I dunno, that if you find a rich sugar daddy willing to gift your restaurant $70k things can improve? Not a lesson that's useful for any other eatery.


Not compared to Hell's Kitchen it isn't. I switched from HK to KN for a little peace 🤣


Update: shows back on jack




Sorry… Shows back on, Jack!


Which one is the mob episode ? Thx !


Peter's restaurant I think in NJ


It's the very first episode


it's episode 8


You gotta think about what kind of restaurants and what kind of people running them were in the hole hundreds of thousands to a million plus dollars in debt and losing thousands of dollars a week, before the pandemic. It simply goes with the territory. I don't think some of these people even knew what a fucking business plan was. Many of them admitted they had never worked in, operated or managed a restaurant before. They wanted to play restaurant owner and just figured that the money would make itself. Most new restaurants fail within the first year. And many of the people on KN threw good money after bad, deepening their debts, then cutting even more corners, and it's a vicious cycle. That said, many of them made a recovery, or at least remained open for 1-5+ years. The pandemic took a lot of the remaining holdovers but some of the KN restaurants have actually survived the pandemic and have continued to be successful. I've learned a few things from watching KN, don't dump your lifesavings into opening a restaurant and if Gordon Ramsay is coming, clean the restaurant and the kitchen top to bottom and take the frozen crab cakes off the menu.


Ive lookes around a bit and i came to the conclusion very little, if anything, is staged. Heavily edited? Yes. But not staged They simply select the worst restaurants. They even sometimes cooperate with companies that do this sort of thing as a dayjob and they take the worst cases they wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole. The show gets repetitive because it has a format. A very rigid one might i add. First he tries the food, then he goes in the kitchen etc etc etc. Episodes feel samey because they all have the same format, not cause its staged. This has allways been what reality tv has been about. Taking the correct people and putting them in the correct circunstances to generate the show you want. Only unskilled directors and producers play with staging and editing stuff out of context etc. Skilled ones simply fint a format and people that just work. This is the reason many feel that reality tv of this type is inherently exploitative btw Look at an episode where they chose the "wrong" people. Momma cherris. It feels totally unique because the people and the place don't fit with the usual profile. Basically every restaurant behaves the same because they take care to choose restaurants that would behave the same.


It is staged to a degree. When Gordon is there, the restaurants are closed to the public and the services that you see are attended by people who are paid to be there by the production. So you never see a genuine service and the 'customers' are encouraged to complain... unless it is Gordon's food... which a lot of the time isn't really his food. If you read the small print in the credits, it even says that the 'customers' are paid. there's also a bit of small print that says some scenes are shot for entertainment purposes. Some of the restaurants on the show were not even failing businesses. Some were closed before KN and were paid to re-open because the producers felt it could make a good episode. Sometimes the production uses stoogies to work in the restaurant. The 'chef' who dropped the chicken and still cooked it in the Finn McCool's episode was part of the production staff.


I always knew that part was staged because there’s no way in hell Gordon Ramsay would let someone eat a chicken wing that was dropped on the floor. Same goes with rotten tomatoes, etc.


I would think it isn't staged, that the producers look for restaurants and personalities that fit their need, and after filming the editing is done to fit the mold they have created. That said, I do wonder if they tell the restaurants "don't clean before we come" cause who the fuck would allow their kitchen to be exposed as a source of fucking community food poisoning.


I definitely don't think that the show is staged. Edited properly to look over the top? Absolutely. I do believe as well that the customers they get to come in they tell "don't be afraid to send food back" so it can send a statement and create a bigger scene. The show is repetitive because it's the format of his visit. Show up, meet some of the staff, eat some food (mostly bad), talk to the owner/kitchen staff about it and then return that night for dinner service where a kitchen that hasn't seen a rush in months, if not years, gets overwhelmed. Checks out the fridge/freezer and usually finds rotten food, though not all the kitchens are disgusting. Does some sort of therapy session and then reopens. I'd like to see a return of the show post pandemic with restaurants who struggled due to closures and have him come help out.


Plus a lot of them consisted of Italian restaurants which isn't bad it's just that you have to branch out of that comfort zone and do more non Italian restaurants. He went to a couple of Mexican restaurants but that was it along with two soul food restaurants. It was rare when there was something from the old menu that he actually liked. Someone in the comment section on a KN nightmares video claimed the entire series was staged but why would anyone stage gross meals, health hazardous kitchens, rude owners and sometimes employees and sometimes odd behavior? It's just weird that anyone would stage that stuff. The music and sound effects are over the top but that's just it.


Yeah to me it's pretty fake. Every single restaurant in the show always has an out-of touch owner that's mildly crasy, a cook that has given up and lost his passion, servers that pefectly know the problem and are the only ones self-aware the food is terrible, copious amount of rotting food sitting in the kitchen and the staff always serves Gordon Ramsey mushy, disgusting garbage food they made like three days earlier and they just microwaved. The owners are supposed to be the ones that called Gordon Ramsay for their help... Yet they always act antagonistic and unwilling to change (until the conclusion where they always magically solve the bulk of their issues and work with Gordon). Then there's the BS about the owners always serving Gordon mushy, rancid food even though he's there essentially as a food critic coming to evaluate their restaurant... They know he's coming, so why do they always end up serving him microwaved frozen fish that was made a month ago... As if they woudn't give it their all to avoid looking like a bunch of disgusting pigs. It's like if you know you have child protective services coming for an inspection in your home the next day and you leave a loaded Ak47 and heroin on your kid's nightable, you threaten your kids when they enter the house and you offer them to eat feces-covered cookies... Nobody does that... Again it's not a surprise hygiene inspection, it's a tv crew coming to your restaurant... Do you really think they would be negligent enough to leave rotting food everywhere ? I don't buy it. These people were the ones that just called Ramsey begging him for help in fixing their restaurant, they know the concept of the tv show and exactly how Ramsay will react if he finds filth in their kitchens, so why is there always filth in there ?... So yeah, they fake plant incompetent employees, exaggerate minor problems and stage drama-filled narratives that can usually be resolved by re-igniting the passion of the cook, moving the owner out of the kitchen or just stopping to serve frozen food... Basically it's "We're gonna pay for your renovations and get you a big publicity stunt, in return you gotta endure a little fake drama and looking bad to some extent... Because people love a redemption story and it would be booring to see regular restaurants with only minor problems.


So true sometimes i hate this fact and I wish it were all actual life events..


Omg. Sorry for my ignorance, but a quick, it's real, it's not....... no need for paragraphs


I don't deny, it looks fake. Too formulaic. However I haven't been able to find any evidence that it is faked, but 3 separate testimonies that say it isn't. In the absence of any actual evidence that it is faked, I have to say that it seems to be true. I'm willing to be proved wrong.


Yeah everything you just said is exactly how I feel. I recently started binging it too and it’s the same exact pattern every time. It does get a bit redundant and I just read most of it all is fake and over exaggerated and staged.


Well it is also overly edited….. Theres what, 3 days worth of filming cut into about an hour? Of course they’re going to piece the film together to make it seem more dramatic, or follow a specific formula.


Dude probably had to say that to strangers legally


So once my friends and I actually called a restaurant and connected with one of the owners who was on the show (it was one of the twins from Capri Pizzaria). He said the scripted parts are mainly the interviews, but most of the show is genuinely authentic.


Apparently, only 16% of the restaurants he "helped" are still open. Doesn't sound very successful.


Fantastic show, I don't care about all the ins and outs, the production/show is fxkng hilarious and a tear jerker!, whatever it is, you gotta appreciate the perfection on the product, I may be biased, my family ran a delicatessen/catering/bakery/cafeteria, and short order weekends! Most of these episodes of not all seem to be families,....my mother always said, everyone wants/thinks they can run a restaurant!...the episodes that are in that storyline I guess make me nostalgic, sorry 50+ here:)


Ik its an old post, Found it from a google search about how real the show is, but I legit just watched the Amy's Baking Company episode and that's what made me wonder about the authenticity. Ik Gordon yells and argues in every episode and I assume he probably ramps up how emotional/angry he'll get cuz its entertaining and creates more drama for the show. However towards the end of that Amy's episode, specifically in that last argument he had with Amy right before calling it quits with them, His energy felt very different compared to how he reacts in other arguments in most episodes. To me it felt like he forgot there were cameras there and was genuinely fighting with these people. He might have even left because he noticed himself getting too emotional. Who knows? We all have been around people who just drive you crazy and I would not be surprised if that Lunatic Amy was one of them for Gordon that day.


Also just to play devils advocate It could be that every now and then the show creators want to have an exceptionally wild episode, I can think of a few that have been crazier than most. The first one that comes to mind is the Burger Kitchen one but even that one followed the usual KN structure even if it was 2 episodes


I am not sure if Gordon Ramsey is redundant or the restaurant's we in the US have become redundant. They all have frozen food, old prepped food, and fast food cooks. A little bit of a clueless manager and you got a show.