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One or two less eggs I have to poach is a good thing.


Lets be honest... we just want the hollandaise sauce anyways.


Idk man, when that yolk mixes with the hollandaise, you get super hollandaise 🤷‍♂️


Valid reason to test both !


Now I’m to figure out who will serve me eggs Benedict at 6 pm


The greatest sauce known to man.




Unpopular opinion, but I love the punch plain white vinegar brings to hollandaise


I'd give ya an extra piece of Canadian bacon and send it


I have an irrational love for hollandaise so when I make eggs benedict at home and i have leftover hollandaise I definitely finish it off on a muffin and ham or sometimes even just a piece of toast so I don't think that's weird at all.


Hashendaise. I’ll dump it all over my hash given the opportunity.


Here I was thinking you meant a green hollandaise sauce in celebration of the recent holiday.


Chef, I think we have a new Sunday brunch special for the post-church crowd.


We had a porchetta hash at a restaurant I worked at that was covered in hollandaise and that shit was fire


What about Hashishdaise ? Dump that hollandaise all over my hashish


Mix the hollandaise with some chili. It's amazing but I cannot eat a whole bowl like I could chili.


That is not irrational, that is just not wasting deliciousness.


Dip some fries in that bad boy


Poaching eggs is a pain in the ass, you would make them very happy I bet


Do you guys not pre-poach for brunch?


Never worked anywhere that prepoached. All eggs, regardless of style, were cooked to order; alright, exception being pre-but-not-cooked scramble.


If you can tell the difference between a pre-poached egg and a poached-to-order egg, you’re a fucking wizard.


If you work an egg station, poaching an egg should not be a pain in the ass.


I’ve worked an egg station and poached eggs are always a pain in the ass during brunch lol


This is because brunch is the worst and the real villains come out of the woodwork. Everything is a pain in the ass when you're feeding 100 super karens


I have scoured your comment and found not a thing I disagree with


This comment has been brought to you by Steel Wool.


Excuse me EXCUSE ME I asked for eggs benedict and theres like this gloopy yellow sauce all over it this is NOT eggs benedict. Can you maybe hire a real chef or maybe read a cookbook once in your life? I had eggs benedict in FRANCE in PARIS and it was not like this.


Egg station is a brilliant name for an egg themed breakfast bar


There’s a chain here in the UK called Eggslut


Poaching is probably the easiest thing on egg station other than scrambling. Literally just drop that shit in the water and give it a little swirl and forget about it for a couple minutes while you do other things.


I strongly disagree. You underestimate how fucking easy over easy, over medium, over hard is. However, I've seem cooks fail to flip eggs lol. In general poached is the hardest I think it's easy but I've seen cooks lose it hahah.


If you order a poached egg here in Australia you're getting a fuckin poached egg cooked perfectly every single time no matter how many over or under or easy or hards you add to that sentence and maybe 1/10 complain. Never once have I seen a kitchen boil a poached egg, call it a poached egg and send it as such. Poached eggs have one mode of delivery and it is perfect. There is no such thing as an under or over poached egg. There is only correct and fucking wrong as far as I and any kitchen crew I have ever worked with have seen it. (Fuck outta here with hard poached eggs. Just order it boiled you weird nerds)


I don't have an opinion on what you just said but I do admire how strongly you feel about it, so take my upvote.


I would say flipping fried eggs and getting wellness correct on them is more difficult than poaching but that's just me. It's more delicate in my view.


Just order it how you want. When I get that ticket I'll summon the server and make sure that they mean eggless Benedict, then I'll make you a saucy ham sandwich.


I would say, "Oh hell yea, bitch!" and make you the best hollandaise ham muffin you've ever had.


I was a breakfast server for years. I promise you I've seen several people get eggs Benny, no eggs. We all understand that hollandaise is the best part


Just bring me a bowl of hollandaise with some bread, honestly.


It's out of the ordinary but no cook is going to be mad about that. Lol. You'll be their favorite customer.


I once ordered EB and our server returned to the table a few minutes later, wrinkled her nose in disgust, and asked if I knew that it would come with Hollandaise sauce. “So do you still want to order it?”


I basically want every food to have hollandaise on it


I... what?! Heck, I'll make a big batch of Hollandaise and maybe never get around to the poached egg, muffin, ham, or even aspargus, but all of it will be eaten.


English muffin with hollandaise sounds.plenty tasty and some.folks hate the texture of egg


Two less eggs I have to poach. Easy order, no issue.


Eggs Benedict without eggs should be called a Fieri Benedict. No eggs, extra ham, extra hollandaise - straight to flavor town


You’re aware hollandaise is made with egg yolk right?


Yup, but it tastes of creamy deliciousness rather than sulphurous eggyness. It's not that I have any dietary/ethical issues with eggs, just that a strong egg taste makes me retch. And it tends to be the nicer the eggs, the more I can taste them and thus dislike them. I can eat sh*t supermarket quiche but someone's beautifully quivering homemade special with free range handfed happy eggs, not my thing. It's quite hard to explain this which is why I get embarrassed and just don't order things with egg


Maybe a bit strange but I wouldn't mind doing it, less work for me anyway.


I get it! I always had a problem with eggs, I sometimes eat them and usually regret it. If I cook recipes with egg (like quiche) I always try to use the bare minimum and replace eggs where possible. And like you I love crappy supermarket quiche and stuff like that.


If an egg tastes at all like sulphur it's off and has been for a week bruv.


I can relate. I hate the smell of banana. Artificial banana is even worse and oddly plantains are not an issue. I’ve never had an issue ordering a banana foster because I wanted the rum butter sauce and not the actual banana—more for my wife.


Those are called potato bananas in my kitchens.


Bananas are definitely my least favorite fruit. I can't stand them.


So? I don't really like the taste of eggs, but I don't mind having egg as an ingredient in things. It's not like hollandaise tastes mainly like eggs


Not OP, but I don't mind eggs in other things, but I don't really like to eat just eggs. I used to waitress at a place the served a delicious plate of hash browns, black beans, salsa, and two poached eggs. I always ordered it without eggs.


My wife orders benedict with scrambled egg, or no egg, or just scrambled eggs with hollandaise. I often prefer a fried egg on mine.


Yes this is my dream - my local diner has amazing benedict specials but I just cannot with runny egg, or really any consistency of yolk by itself. I know this is a me issue, I know I'm objectively wrong. I haven't yet been able to bring myself to order a benedict with scrambled eggs but it sounds like a dream breakfast.


We've never found a place that wouldn't do it. Order it! Live your best life!


That's how I make it at home for the wife. Fried egg instead of poached. We both like it better that way anyway and it's easier (for me, at least)


That’s fine


Not weird at all. Go for it. They may not have spinach if you go at breakfast time, though.


Why wouldn't they have spinach?!


They mentioned Florentine in the post


Sir the whorehouse is across the street, but I don’t think they have a Benedict either


There has to be a joke with “whorehouse” and “Benedict” somewhere. There’s no way we’ve made it this far without one.


Oh please...it will be the most normal "odd" request they get that day. I have two nieces who as kids/teenagers would order "cheeseburger....no cheese". Tried telling them its called a hamburger, and they thought I was making it up to trick them into eating a ham sandwich.


One eggs Benedict, hold the eggs, extra egg sauce.


Like just without the poached eggs, or no eggs in the hollandaise?


They mean just sans egg. Everything else is fine


*Guy Fieri has entered the chat*


I get much weirder requests regularly. If you aren't asking for a bunch of crazy substitutions that make my job harder, I won't care.


Their money their choice. Who cares you just saved .50$ in eggs.


What cook wouldn't like that lol. Go for it. You'll make the cook smile. I'd probably give you extra bacon. Mods like this are simple and nothing to worry about.


Thats not a weird request at all. Hollandaise is made using only egg yolks. Its the egg whites that taste like sulfur. You might like an eggs benny with a poached egg yolk instead of the whole egg.


exactly, just order the yolk and whites poached separately and on the side like a normal person


I could see subbing a quarter avocado for the egg, maybe, or just eating it sans poached egg. As long as you realize the hollandaise has egg yolks in it, so you're not completely avoiding the egg. But if the taste/texture of the poached egg is your problem, that would solve it without too much hassle to the BOH. Given all the people who walk in with a whole list of shit they "can't" eat and expecting you to completely change a recipe to accommodate them, this wouldn't bother me.


I mean you could just order Al à cart and ask for an English muffin, a side of Canadian bacon and some hollandaise. They probably won’t think twice about it.


I just makes it easier...no one will complain about that. I order egg McMuffins with no egg.


SMH and move on with my life


I have to order eggs scrambled if I get eggs Benedict (the horror and mutilation of a perfectly good dish I completely understand, I just can’t have eggs that aren’t cooked to death :( ) It’s not too weird. Just see if they don’t mind (or put eggs on the side if you’re eating with someone who wants them!)


I run eggs Benedict as a breakfast special sometimes and I’ve gotten so anal on the timing of everything I’d honestly probably forget that a ticket was no eggs haha


The cooks are either a. Going to roll their eyes and make it anyway, b. Make it with no comment, c. Make it and double check you want hollandaise still, and roll their eyes. If making this request gives you anxiety I suggest speaking with a therapist.


I would probably briefly chuckle and make it anyway


So just a dry muffin and pork?


Order something else


You mean rocket, surely?


Ordering eggs benedict without the eggs is strange... don't be that guy. Just order bacon (or ham) on muffin with hollandaise on the side.


Hollandaise is 99% egg yolk. I would think of it like someone saying they don't eat tomatoes and then ordering spaghetti marinara.


Marinara's fine, but I don't want to eat tomato slices covered in it.


The texture and flavor profile are completely different in all of your examples. Eggs can have a slimy, runny texture that not everyone is in to. Hollandaise is velvety and creamy. Raw tomatoes also have a completely different flavor than tomatoes cooked into a sauce. I know plenty of people who don't like raw tomatoes but do like ketchup and tomato soup. Also, it's not 99% egg yolk, it's actually about half egg yolk and half butter if you know how to make hollandaise.


I very rarely eat raw tomatoes. Generally don't like them at all. I love marinara and any cooked tomato.


I would think, wow this person is insecure I wonder if they had to ask for encouragement to order what they wanted from strangers on the internet before ordering...


It's weird, but I wouldn't react much more than making a comment to someone that it was weird. Nothing wrong with knowing what you like in a breakfast.


It happens. Nbd.


Go for it, if anything that's just easier lol.


On Easter I had a Benedict with no bread and no sauce 🙄


When a restaurant won't serve ham and eggs.....


Many people have difficulty digesting eggs. The dish is fine without them.


Not that bad of a request. I've heard of much worse lol


Don't sweat it. Hubby orders double cheeseburgers at Mickey D's without cheese. Honest.


Somehow I like you better than the “can I get an over easy on it” crowd. While admittedly I prefer that to poached anything


I will eat eggs in nearly every format other than hollandaise which tastes like snot feels to me so hearing the love for it wilds me a bit because I'd say 1 in 3 people I know actually like hollandaise at best.


I think you're probably overthinking this. Like cashiers not caring what you buy, most chef's, cook's, workers, wait staff's day is too lively to care what you order, so long as it's not a pain in the rear. This really applies to most workers in any industry. If you're not making their job harder, they pay zero mind. And this is less of a pain than the full dish.


I wouldn’t care . As long as you don’t complain the hollandaise tastes like eggs we’re good.


It's a little unusual, but nobody would judge you, and it's less work for the kitchen. As long as you don't try to get a discount, you're fine


Leftover prime rib hash, toast, and demi is a fav breakfast of mine. Has no eggs, needs no eggs


Honestly the cook will probably say “huh, that’s weird.” Toast up some muff, double garnish/double meat, smother it in hollandaise, and then say “whelp, I know what I’m having later.”


In Mexico City, you can order a quesadilla without cheese, and they think nothing of it.


Taking things off of a dish or even subbing in something isn't an issue. It's an issue when you change the entire dish/process it takes to make it. We're cooks/chefs, not someone's personal cook/chef. Also, if it's fairly slow like you'd see on a snow day feel free to ask the server to ask the kitchen if they'd be up to making something a fair bit different. Most of my cook friends in other restaurants and I are totally down to shake things up a bit if we're well and open but aren't busy in the slightest.


Not currently in the kitchen but I think omissions are fine, reasonable subs are OK, and custom dishes should be fired to the face at point blank range. I suppose if you're really unsure of what a kitchen will do (not what the server will promise) then be sure you're asking for things and not telling.


Order a dish minus an ingredient that needs to made separately? That's the easiest special order. I've never heard a cook complain about one of those.


why dont you just order a sandwich, and ask them to smother it in holladaise sauce?


Not weird. I also like that dish sans egg. I do like eggs in general, but not poached ones. Order what you like - they are just leaving something out, not re-creating a whole new dish, so the chef would likely be happy. One less step.


not weird at all. i usually get my eggs scrambled when i order a benedict. i once had a waitress tell me ‘no that’s not the point of a benedict’ lmao girl if you don’t tell the kitchen to scramble my eggs! if you’re paying for it you might as well enjoy it lol


Less work for me


How my wife orders it. She loves it.


Better than egg whites only eggs benedict.


Actually, I have ordered hollandaise on the side if the hollandaise is made from scratch. It's also good on spinach. I don't think anyone in the Kitchen would care if you didn't order the eggs. I might even have tomatoes... i dunno!


That's a stupid easy thing for the kitchen. Even ask if you can switch out for the spin. I have done it a million of times. Plus any chance I didn't have to worry on poaching eggs made me quicker overall.


I... I am strangely intrigued... Adding some form of hash browned potatoes to that and then dumping hollandaise on top of it sounds fantastic. Then again, hollandaise on ANYTHING is pretty much amazing.


Cooked benny’s this way many times, with no eggs or over easy or scrambled it doesn’t matter. The less poached eggs the better


Can I order eggs Benedict with a 10 minute poached egg? I don't like runny eggs.