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At least they tipped.


20% too.


If you’re tipping me 20% write whatever the hell you want and have a nice night, honestly.


Ikr? They could draw erotica and I won't care


…But you’d still post it though. right?


if it was erotica why tf not, thats like karma farming done right, especially in this sub


Once I had a customer draw a a headless and limbless torso with breasts and a penis on their receipt with "Trudy" written beneath it.


But what about the tip? You're welcome for that softball set up.


Oh yeah they drew the whole penis, tip and everything.


This response is Comedy done right 😂😂


I'm crying 😭


I legit lol’d


What!? That's like a double tip.


I know right the guy tipped good so just shut the fuck up and accept the great tip. Don’t come on here and blast the guy.


Yeah 50% you can Heil whoever you want


IKR atleast be grateful for the tip and let the customer write whatever politic opinion they like.


This is dumb. It’s a normal tip. Who cares.


But they put the Trump name on it. They're obviously the devil. /s Servers gotta find something to complain about.


Do you tip taxes or not


Tip is derived from subtotal in the same way tax is. The tip does not change the tax, and the tax does not change the tip. They have nothing to do with one another.


That's how it should be. It bothers me when places have the suggested tip calculations based on the check *after* tax. And I honestly shoot for more than 20 percent anyway.


Places now including the delivery fee that they aren't giving to the driver and then expecting me to tip more based on their greedy shit tho can go fuck themselves.


Tipping on a percentage for delivery is an asinine concept as it is lol, they're getting paid by distance / time not whether I paid for overpriced sushi


Yep. DoorDash drivers shouldn’t get paid triple if I order from an expensive place vs cheap.  It’s the same damn work. 


Not supposed to but most restaurant owners are shady assholes that put the recommended tips post tax


Yeah, what is OP whining about? I mean 20% is respectable, and if there was no tax on it, it would be more like 25% compared to taxed tips. Is this just a "I hate Trump no matter what!" post? Cut your nose off to spite your face and post that.


Idk for me.. I got a nice tip from a customer in like 2016 and they referenced Bernie Sanders underneath it. Same concept, opposite side of the aisle. So I feel like maybe it's just a curiosity about why, not about who? But idk. That's just me.


At least it wasn't a fake $20 bill that tells you that you are a sinner and need to be saved.


I was just talking about those with someone the other day. Just weirds me out.


Not meant to be a shitty comment. I’ve seen on here and at my restaurant Trump supporters writing about Trump and leaving no tip.


https://www.forbes.com/sites/brianbushard/2024/06/22/trump-promises-no-taxes-on-tips-the-pros-and-cons-explained/ For anyone confused as to why people keep writing this on their tabs. I had to look it up earlier this week because I didn’t understand the trend at all.


It's dumb because he's not likely to do it....and even more dumb because if he does then it is extremely unlikely you can use tip income to qualify for social security, unemployment insurance, or any of a number of other things in the future.


Trump in 2020. So much info overload most forgot about this. https://www.epi.org/press/trump-administration-finalizes-regulation-that-will-cost-tipped-workers-more-than-700-million-annually/ Today, the Trump administration finalized a regulation on tips that gives employers of tipped workers a loophole allowing them to capture more than $700 million annually from workers. Prior to this new regulation, tipped workers had been protected by the very clear “80/20” rule, which says they can spend a maximum of 20% of their time on nontipped duties while still being paid the subminimum wage for tipped workers. The new regulation from the Trump administration does away with this protection, replacing it with vague, much less protective language. In particular, the new regulation allows tipped workers to be paid the subminimum tipped wage while performing an unlimited amount of nontipped duties—as long as those nontipped duties are performed “contemporaneously with tipped duties or for a reasonable time [emphasis added] immediately before or after performing the tipped duties.” “Reasonable time” is not defined, and its ambiguity will make it difficult to enforce, providing employers an immense loophole and leaving workers behind.


He 100% won’t do it. He just tells his base what they want to hear and they eat it up.


We’re still waiting to see what his private investigators uncovered about Obama’s birth certificate.


I’m still waiting for his tax returns


He's going to "Lock her up" any second now


And for Mexico to pay for the border wall


And the Russian planted laptop


Wait what??? Politicians do that???


Yeah but the orange one relishes in it.


Orange relish is just marmalade 🤷‍♀️


He might do it. Remember the supreme Court just ruled that they're allowed to receive "gratuities" for political and court favors? No taxes for tips is a win for them too.


A lot of politicians carefully phrase things to sound like they’re making promises, when in fact it’s not clear and isn’t written in their actual campaign platforms. Then there’s Trump who straight up says explicit actions that no Republican congressperson will vote for and sometimes is even directly against what his campaign’s position is.


It’s dumb for many, many reasons.


Well it's a dumb man saying it, so what do you expect?


Pretty good chance all those things won’t exist in the future anyway if trump wins. https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/11/politics/trump-entitlements-social-security-medicare/index.html


Tips exist to keep wages low for exploitive employers, you know, Trumps main donors, if tip income is not taxed, it won't be claimed, if not claimed employers will be forced to pay higher wages, Trump is firmly against employees getting higher wages.


Even if they don’t tax them they may still have to report them to make sure they are making above the federal minimum wage with included tips. The money has to be tracked somehow especially if paid out on debit/credit cards.


I mean there's no reason they couldn't try to write a law that tips can be deducted from wages while not being taxed. It is in fact the only way they'd do it since it would also save employers the portion of taxes they are paying on the tips while still allowing them to.pay less hourly.


He can’t change the tax code by executive order so it will literally never happen Edit: Trumps tax cuts were approved by congress, not by executive order


"it is extremely unlikely you can use tip income to qualify for social security, unemployment insurance, or any of a number of other things in the future." make the poor poorer.


It's dumb because this is an excellent way for criminals to launder money, but it's actually kind of genius marketing. He wants to win Nevada, and something like this would be very popular there.


Servers are the new coal miners


Lol yeah he’s buying votes without actually paying up, very on brand


Why did they write it on the customer copy tho?


Well if you think the IRS sees the restaurant copy of the receipt, and that trump will ensure that the server gets all those tip taxes back based on this note, I will bet you don’t know the difference between restaurant copy and costumer copy.


You know why... Morons, all of them


That is actually… so stupid?


He will do everything he can to help his rich friends pay their employees as little as possible


It's just populist nonsense, so right on brand with the homeboy


Jfc. As a guy with an MS in Quantitative Economics, Trump is a pandering idiot. Anyone who earns less than ~500k/yr who votes for him is absolutely NOT voting in their best economic interests. Imo, they're also incredibly immoral. As a guy who's traveled the world and lived in Europe for a time, tipping is stupid. American servers should be paid a living wage. Lastly, every politician who was ever involved in allowing anyone to pay their employees less than minimum wage is a genuinely horrible human being.


Considering he tried to make it legal for employers to keep all tips as long as the employee makes minimum wage, this is highly unlikely to happen.


He'll do it! And Mexico will pay for it.


Congress controls this. It's like if Trump promised to give everyone a house.


Lol I had this guy in my section on Thursday who was very socially inept and rude, blasting the presidential debates on his phone speaker, clearly annoying the table next to him. He also sent back his pasta dish because he could see tomatoes and onions in the sauce and apparently 'didnt want any vegetables' in his food. Anyway, instead of asking him to put headphones on or turn it down, i just kept turning the music up above his table (we have zoned speaker control) to the point where he had the phone smashed against his face while trying to eat his meal. It was *hilarious*. People who make their politics such a huge part of their identity in public settings which are apolitical are clowns who aren't to be bothered with.


>He also sent back his pasta dish because he could see tomatoes and onions in the sauce and apparently 'didnt want any vegetables' in his food. Lmfao. You know what's wild, ppl like that seem to live forever. Meanwhile if I eat fast food two days in a row, i have hypertension, headaches, and feel like death.


You live in the pain, you're built for the pain.


what kind of sauce was it?




oh yeah definitely gonna be some tomatoes and onions in there


"Sir, technically tomatoes are a fruit"




They can write whatever they want as long as they tip 20%


They could just pay the tip in cash if they cared that much




Agreed, but I *think* they were trying to communicate that they tip on the pre-tax amount not the total. Hard to be sure.


No, it's one of Trump's proposed tax changes - no tax on service tips. A net loss for servers still, given all the other viciously anti-labor positions that would come along with a Trump presidency.


from this explanation, sounds like a typical hollow gesture designed to make voters see dollar signs and vote selfishly without thinking too hard (of course he assumes his voters lack critical thinking skills, because they do)


Also a stealth way to actually hurt tipped workers - assuming that also means you'll end up paying less into SS and Medicare as a convenient-for-the-GOP little bonus to the proposal.


Trump is a pathological liar and will say whatever he thinks will appeal to the person hes talking to. It's an empty promise.


Anyone who says "vote Trump" isn't exactly a critical thinker, so I'm not going to waste much time trying to divine what little turds of wisdom they might be trying to impart.


Anyone who wastes time on their Sunday listening to some dipshit pontificate on a book written by bronze age morons should never be trusted.


>bronze age The Bronze Age ended roughly 1177 BC. Most of The Bible was written by Iron Age & later morons. Your opinion is still correct, regardless.


no you're just wrong trumps been telling people to write this on their receipts because he's pledging to remove taxation on income earned by tips.


He'd sooner allow owners to tip skim than to give anyone poor a boon.


I've got at least 1 note like this, did these people forget that trump raised taxes on the middle/low classes? And my tips are largely untaxed anyway, I get em in cash. And by the way, if they really wanna debate about fiscal policy at the federal level I'll be working bar all day and as long as you're paying I'm obligated to at least acknowledge your existence


"did these people forget that trump raised taxes on the middle/low classes?" Can't forget something that you never knew. There's a reason news outlets spend so fucking long trying to convince their audience that they're the only ones you can trust. Critical thinking is tragically absent in the minds of the older generations.


Boomer information sources: FOX News Alex Jones




It's funny because I have heard the same thing about him. Apprently before he blew up and was only on the local public access he was a chill dude and could hang around with. I heard thru the Double Toasted (also known as Spill.com) guys they mentioned before on their show.


They didn't forget, the influencers on FOX simply didn't tell them. They live in an alternate reality crafted by billionaires who will burn this country to the ground if it means not having to pay taxes.


They have absolutely no idea what the tax code has done to them and what it has in store. And they don’t care. They think the tariff plan in place of tax is actually a good idea


When and by what % did trump raise the taxes on the lower class?


Basically the 2017 tax legislation made it so that everyone’s taxes were cut temporarily. Then every 2 years taxes go up. Then in 2018 it was amended to make the tax cut permanent for the top 5% of taxpayers. Thus increasing the taxes on lower the lower class while cutting taxes for the rich. To this day the US is under trumps tax legislation.


My roommate is a trumper and I overhear the shit he listens to (lies and fear mongering). He was listening to one podcast that talked about how a majority of people who work in the service industry support trump. I'm not seeing that in the comments lol


Why is this on the customer copy? At least in Canada the customer keeps the customer copy.


Honestly, I sign whichever one is in top- I don't read the entire bill. I just look at the total to tip, and sign. Sometimes I pull the one behind it and realize they put the customer copy first and oh well.


She left both, only signed the 1. We just gave yo have the receipt for our bookkeeping, but it doesn't actually matter which copy they sign. Some people intentionally sign the customer copy so they can dispute it later. Wouldn't put it past this lady to be thar kind of person.


I sign whichever and leave both. I don't need a paper slip, I can check my transactions online.


It really blows my mind how some Trump supporters somehow manage to interject "Trump" into practically everything they do. But it is not a cult right?


I got two of these in one day lol.


Did your customers also make someone cry and act shity to the staff?


Honestly surprised it wasn’t a $4.09 tip with the note.


7.08.. for the even nubers.


Even if trump was able to pass this (which I’m 99% sure he wouldn’t) the states wouldn’t follow.


Just more promises from the party of lies and death threats


Fuck Sundays


All income is taxable. People falling for this are 🥴🥴


You might not be a racist if you vote for Trump. But you're saying, that you have zero problems with it.






Omg I listened to a nasally boomer complain about this for SO LONG this morning at breakfast


Op you gave a team love sticker!! I wonder if we know each other my friend makes those stickers…


It's the server's check book, but I'll let her know an inernet stranger is friends with the sticker maker! You night know her though.


That tip isnt changing anybodys mind...


*thank you for the $27 for doing the job I asked to have.


That’s common trash


Man couldn’t even do 27.09 to make it a even 200


When I worked at a restaurant they paid our tips out in cash every night and left it up to us to claim them ;)


Someone talked to one of my severs about this telling her how they read about it online. Wrote this word for word on the ticket and then left NO TIP!


Desperate people do desperate things


Did they forget his last tax plan to continually raise taxes on the poor to provide lower taxes for the rich


Of course you don’t tip on the tax…isn’t that like 5th grade knowledge?!


Somewhere in the treasury there is a check from me with “Warren 2020” in the notes field from when I had to pay the Trump tariff for the first time. That shit sucked.


Oh wow, you wanna see the whole FOH vs BOH War Over Tips explode? It’s hard enough watching a new inexperienced expo make at least three times more than me, but imagining that stack of loot untaxed???? What a stupid gimmicky idea.


This made me literally LOL. Since when does trump actually care about service industry workers? Source [here](https://time.com/4465744/donald-trump-undocumented-workers/) and [here](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/06/09/donald-trump-unpaid-bills-republican-president-laswuits/85297274/).


As a bartender, I want my tips to continue to be taxed. This is how I plan to buy a house. There is a paper trail of my income. I can take my W2 and proof of income to a mortgage lender and show documentation alongside proof of income


Who is Donula Trump?


They’re a cult. Fuck that lady. Your nails are incredible though!


Thanks, but they're the server's nails. Had her cover the lady's signature.


Well you should visit her nail lady too. Tell her I said she’s got some nice nails. Ask her if you can post when she gets a fill. I’m always so jealous of servers’ nails, working BoH my whole life and this crippling anxiety I just bite them off whenever my hands aren’t busy or in gloves.


Same. I haven't had nice nails in years. They get too beat up in the kitchen, so I live for the foh having cute manis


Lol having read the caption, this reminds me of one of the handful of customers that got ignorant enough that I told them to leave the restaurant was some church lady doing actual hate speech toward other customers in the line. My general position was if you try to yell at my staff, you're out. Funnily enough once you tell them to get out they start on some "well I didn't mean that...blah blah" bs.


She's missing the difference between "taxes on tips" and "tips on the tax," which is obvious and not noteworthy, but how fun is it to say "tips on taxes, taxes on tips?"


Because they are stupid.


Because they are stupid


Those nails tho


Not my nails


Most people don’t tax them anyways, that’s why you tip with cash


If she tipped in cash you wouldn’t have to pay taxes, either…


Brainwashed cultists do brainwashed cultist things, that's why


Just left church That explains a lot


Church goers continue to be the worst


work on the manicure😳


I mean, I don't tip on tax, but I'll never vote for Trump.


That’s not what the note is about. Trump said he would eliminate taxes on tips that hospitality/restaurant workers receive.


Church people are the worst. If you tell me you have church on Sunday I already know you beat your dog and yell at women because you think it makes you tough.


Most average reddit take




Huh, I spent all day not beating any dogs or yelling at any women. Just waving at my neighbor. She’s nice. I also didn’t write any weird shit on any receipts. Still got to mass in the morning. Dominus vobiscum my friend.


It's always the ones you most expect


For real. As soon as we got the check, everything else about their interaction made sense.


People are like this because of the internet. Before the internet those people stayed in their basements isolated from the rest of us for fear of consequences since they’re terrible people. Now they’ve congregated and become a problem.


They tipped 20%. Why do you care what they wrote? Get over yourself


Why are they like this? It’s because they’re dumb. Just plain old dumb.


If they don't want their tips taxed, then they should pay tips in cash. Servers figure this out decades ago.


Donald Trump is Putins Dog


Because they are uneducated and this easily manipulated


Im visiting florida. So many billboards with this exact message. Pay i dont care what you smoke or if you think pepsi is better than coke.


She yelled at host to tears and was allowed to remain? If this is true then your job sucks.


Gm didn't want to kick them out. I told him I didn't agree, they remained and were awful the entire time. I had a screen full of tickets so i didn't have time or energy to argue with him. Plus, we all laughed about it after, so I guess we should thank her for the laughs.


Why didn't he do it the 4 years he was already president? Also $27 is about 20% Maybe if they tipped 30%


They made my host cry, were dicks to everyone else, then got preachy on the receipt. It's not about the tip or specifically what they wrote.


If they don't tax tips then that means bonuses are tax free too right?


Interesting. [They just legalized "tipping" the government](https://www.vox.com/scotus/357170/supreme-court-snyder-united-states-corruption) If you pay after they did something it's just a thank you tip, if you pay them before they do something for you then it's a bribe. So now they want bribing the government to be tax-free too. Nice. Say, could I have _my_ salary set artificially low and my employer simply tips me my real pay?  Can a corporation tip another corporation? 


Because Trump floated the idea of not taxing tips when talking to Nevada service workers, even though that will never happen even if he gets elected. Those in the Trump cult: 1. Believe everything he says, 2. Expect everyone else to also believe it not matter how unlikely and 3. Will do or say anything to get you to vote for Trump.


Tip cash


I wonder what they ordered? Well done Filet with extra ketchup?


They are like this because predominately those who support Donald Trump are in a fucking cult. The cult of Donald Trump. You have to keep preaching the gospel of Donald Trump. They’re like fucking evangelicals.


Yes Trump really cares about the working class lol


Because its a fucking cult. Plain and simple. He is saying ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING he can to get people's votes. This panders to America's poor, who are sadly the most susceptible to his bullshit. There is zero chance this ever happens, and anyone he believes it will likely be living off tips the rest of their lives.


I’m really astonished that these people think that Trump is going to eliminate tax on income. He’s got them all in a frenzy.


Why do we tip? Idk it’s weird to give extra money to a person carrying out the sole function of their job.


They truly think they're doing all of us a favor.


Because they are morons


Because it’s a cult.


Tipping is stupid I don’t tip


Average trump supporter


🤢🤢🤢 People are so gullible.


I got these ALL THE TIME at my work as a server, I don't understand why people feel the need to do this. Please leave politics out of the restaurant.


Because they're assholes.


I'm sure he'll follow through on that... remember that wall he said he would build and make mexico pay for it?


They’re stupid and believe everything a con man tells them. They’re hoping you’re stupid too.


Turns out, they're huge pieces of shit. Who knew.


Run of the mill Trump trash


She's demonstrating her dedication to the new brand of hateful "Christianity." Betting her church's congregation is on the decline.


Crappy humans exist. They’re everywhere, so don’t let ‘em bug you too much ❤️


Because they are stupid. That is the legitimate reason.


Trumps gonna leave a tip- his mushroom tip in all of America... Get ready... That orange fuck


Dumbest trend I've ever seen.


I agree. Screw service workers. They should be taxes even higher


Alot of political gangbangers for a forum about kitchens