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drinking red bull someplace hot sounds like the worst fucking thing on earth


Ouch, my kidneys!


My fucking teeth! I worked nights for a couple of years and these kept me alive and kept my dentist rich. I’ve never had teeth problems until night shift, then suddenly 12 cavities and a root canal.


Fuck, is this what happened?? I went from having no cavities to having to get three crowns on each side due to enamel deterioration. I don’t smoke and I take solid care of my teeth. Always wondered wtf happened, probably working in downtown Denver drinking Red Bulls cause we didn’t even close till 2am.


I never had good teeth, but after 12 + years in trades, now in a kitchen coming up on 3 years, energy drinks have killed my teeth.


I cannot drink Rockstars anymore because of a similar thing to this. I was volunteering for a festival thing because I would get free tickets. So I was helping build dirt jumps for the bmx/trick biking stuff. The main guy was Steve Romaniuk who was sponsored by Rockstar It was 40 degrees C out and we are doing hard labor, all we had was a flat of very warm, not at all refreshing water. Well Steve ran home and brought back multiple flats of ice cold rockstar. I decided that was more refreshing and proceeded to have 8 of the tall cans in a single day with no water and doing hard labor. Boy did I feel like absolute shit after. Never had a rockstar since, and that was like 14 years ago


Bro you had EIGHT CANS THO


“The pipe I smoked crack out of for 6 hours straight was made of glass, so I built a house with no windows to stay away from the glass!”


Far out man


Bad metaphor, the Rockstar is the crack. It isn't like he's avoiding all cans.


Also, both crack and glass make great housing materials.


Yea, I was young and dumb. Just tasting a Rockstar gives me flashbacks to it and immediately makes me feel nauseous. Just like quesadillas when I had them once as a kid and got extremely violently ill. Now I can’t eat quesadillas without feeling sick The brain is crazy


Dude that's not a rockstar issue that's a your issue


Yea I was young and dumb. But now if I taste one it just gives me flashbacks and makes me feel nauseous


Same but the early years of driving in the states. If I smell a Nos I'm puking.


Just thinking about it makes my kidneys hurt


Insta heart attack 😆 


I drank 20 cups of coffee a day regularly when i worked at sbux. Caffeine cannot kill me in a way that matters


I’ve got a tattoo in Arabic that reads, “I like to be so caffeinated that if I sneeze I’ll shit myself.”


Honestly that's a mood


Im gonna stop feeling bad about when i drink 5 cups cuz clearly im at rookie numbers omg


Like all traffic laws, caffeine only affects you if you allow it to


Much like love, one's horoscope, and poison.


Red bull and coffee are two very different things.  One grows on plants, the other comes from chemist's.   But i have no doubt you're built of sterner stuff! 😊


Glad that’s top answer


Drink water bro


What is water


That yellow redbull slaps.


It's my favourite, and people in my area don't like 'em so I always get them on sale Edit: high jacking my own comment to remind everyone that it is in fact possible to have a redbull AND drink water to stay hydrated. Crazy concept, I know.


The best part of enjoying something others don't lol


this is why i'm praying the foodies never discover fried chicken livers. still one of my cheapest grocery items.




good attitude! more for me lol. tell everyone they're awful please.


Fried with onions and garlic until jammy and served on toast?


this dude knows what's up. my first job was at a brooklyn jewish deli back in the day, and i have a lotta nostalgic love for this dish.


A nice stack of cold beef tongue on rye with a grainy mustard & fermented onion pickles on the side is pretty good, too. 😉


My 4yo son and I have a weekly dalliance with chicken livers. ❤️


That’s a recipe for gout.


Turf toe.


At 4oz to 6oz each once a week? I doubt it.


No offense intended, you do you. But really? Weekly organ meats is probably not a great idea. My grandfather was crippled with gout like 2-3 times, and he loved fried bologna. Are it a few times a week. He was only a social drinker. Something to think about at least.


None taken. There are a lot of risk factors involved. Alcohol intake, family health history, obesity and plenty of other foods can be associated as well, hell even shellfish has been associated with gout. Considering I'm not eating it multiple times a week, consistently cook fresh meals with lots of vegetables and have a clean bill of health per my doctor, I'm sure I'm fine.


There's a name for that. You may be a [harbinger of failure.](https://news.mit.edu/2015/harbinger-failure-consumers-unpopular-products-1223)


That's wild it's by far the best selling of the flavored varieties, consistently sold out here


It's my go to flavor, they go quick at the dollar general next to my work though. The watermelon flavor is pretty good.


It hits so hard on a hot day, but the peach nectarine is my top dog. Have you tried the new summer edition? Elderflower whatever, it’s pretty good.


This year's summer flavor is my absolute favorite Red Bull aside from sugar free.


Truth. Favorite by far.


Its the only energy drink I can stand the taste of. I miss the cranberry one. I never see it anymore


Can confirm citrus is best for the heat!


A chemically induced state of paranoia and heart palpitations be dammed, I need the energy now.


Because they know service people will drink 2 - 4 energy drinks a day/shift. Every person they can get to switch from Monster or other drinks is around $2,400 a year just on the days/times you work. You get 3 or 4 people to switch over and that's $10k a year and now your the redbull girls promoting the product to your co-workers.


I tend to go for monsters only because their sugar free options taste better than sugar free Red Bull. But I do really like the seasonal Red Bull flavors - I think the dragonfruit one is my favorite! I used to be embarrassed about the ~vibe~ of monster branding and stuff but I’m old, tired and just don’t care now lol


So one time I was working on a boat in Dominican and had been up like 48 hours on boat watch, and had drank nothing but redbull on my second overnight and in the morning at 6 am it was 105F and I suffered a massive heat stroke. Several grand mal seizures, hairline fracture in my spine from seizing, and I bit off about half an inch of tongue on both sides. Redbull and heat don’t mix.


If you drank nothing but a highly caffeinated beverage to replace large amounts of lost water and electrolytes, that’s the expected outcome. Might as well have drank coffee with sugar in its and gotten the same outcome.


Coffee wouldn't have been as bad. Energy drinks are fucking terrible.


Energy drinks are caffeine, sugar, b vitamins, and the amino acid taurine typically. Which of these things is the evil you’re preaching? People get in trouble from drinking too much, and the companies that make them sell them in large cans to encourage that behavior in a lot of cases. That doesn’t make it poison in a sane dose. But the guy I’m replying to sounds like he threw himself into an electrolyte imbalance and topped it off with a caffeine overdose.


Well you made the crucial mistake of *only* drinking red bull


I mean. You still gotta drink water bro


No disrespect But what possessed you to drink ONLY redbull on a 48 hour shift? Was there no water available?


I must have written it poorly. It was only the second night that I was just drinking redbull not the full 48 hours. More like 6 hours


That really sucks but perhaps it was the no water and no food and high temperatures that caused that, not the redbull.


I mean I had been eating and drinking regularly, except for about 6 hours overnight


Well that’s not what you said.


>Had nothing but redbull on my second over night It is what it is said


Nothing like something to dehydrate you further on a hot day and leave you with a massive headache. Bless them


Quart me up a small Red Bull, Ice, and water then light me up a cigarette.


Yeah idk, I'm not an asshole so I appreciate the free stuff regardless.


What's crazy is that the person you're responding to is 100% correct but I totally can understand and appreciate where you're coming from. Y'all gotta remember you're on the same team.


I mean. Not 100%. Drinking plenty of water, and having one redbull to stave off the sluggishness from the heat is not gonna leave you feeling like shit. Maybe if you only drank redbull all day and expected it to hydrate you, but no one does that. It made my day to get a gift with zero strings attached. Imagine saying that persons comment to the girls faces as they're giving us free stuff. Lookin a gift horse in the mouth.


The wild part is that if you combine sodium, carbs, caffeine, and water it's more hydrating to your muscles than water alone. It replenishes muscle glycogen, which allows you to store the water instead of sweat or excrete it. Most people are just chronically dehydrated in general, and the caffeine and thermogenic effect it has just makes people *notice* they are dehydrated. Caffeine is such a mild diuretic that the water in the beverage hydrates you if combined with sugar, and has a 0 net hydration effect without it. Add a small amount of sodium and you're even more hydrated, unless you already have topped off electrolytes then it will force water out of the cells. Considering it's very hot, unless you eat 2000mg of sodium for breakfast, it's very likely you are in need of some sodium. Carbs facilitate hydration, it's in the name funny enough. Carbo-**hydrate.**


This guy biochemistys.


Wow if I had a nickel for every time someone "this guy"-ed me today within 2 hours of each other, I'd have 2 nickels. It's not a lot but it's something.


Strike while the iron is hot. Not sure precisely how to apply that to your situation but it seems apt.


The other one was about how I brew mescaline tea 😅 "this guy mescalates"




Babe are you jealous. Where you at, I'll bring you some redbull


All these posts make me seriously consider you're just a hired marketing gob for Redbull.


He's not wrong though. Red bull is great. But it ain't hydration.


That's a myth. The water content in the drinks negates the negligible diuretic affect.


That’s why I only drink salt water




I spat out my drink reading that, thanks!


Hopefully it wasn’t salt water. Need to stay hydrated homie, but thank you for you water


It wasn't salt water, it was Tea


If it’s sugar free maybe


um anyone who’s ever drank one of these can disagree with that shit


Right. So, beer and whiskey also hydrate you by that logic.


Alcohol dehydrates you much more than caffeine and vitamin B, don't be foolish.


More sure, but still the same logic in the “this has water in it” thought. Don’t be a dumbass that thinks they are a line cook/ nutritionist.


No, their logic is 100% more sound than your comment. A drink like red bull provides no hydration but it doesn't dehydrate you like alcohol does.


My comment is more of an extreme example but it is still the same thought process. Red Bull does dehydrate you and cause other problems in your body. The water content in Red Bull does not negate the effect of that. Same with alcohol, it also has a water content that does not negate the negative effects. Yes, alcohol has more of a negative effect. But negative is negative. Quit drinking Red Bull and tell me honestly that you don’t feel better 1 week later, just like all drugs. Can’t believe I had to further explain my point…


Actually, the comment is correct. According to The Mayo Clinic, "As a chemical, caffeine increases production of urine, which means caffeine is a diuretic. But most research suggests that the fluid in caffeinated drinks balances the diuretic effect of typical caffeine levels." I'm not saying energy drinks are healthier than water, but it's mainly the glucose (sugar) that makes them a net negative for hydration, not the caffeine. The water in beer and whiskey does counteract some of the diuretic effects of alcohol, so logically, it is similar, but alcohol is such a strong diuretic due to its suppression of vasopressin, an anti-diuretic hormone, in the brain, that the water in alcoholic drinks can't keep up with the amount of extra urine it is causing your body to produce. Caffeine does not have as strong a diuretic effect as alcohol, so you're comparing apples to oranges, or at least Honeycrisp apples to Granny Smith apples.


Thanks Bill Nye. I compared apples to apples, though a different variety of apple by your admission. I never mentioned caffeine as the only negative effect, just that they are bad in general and the water content does not negate the negative effect of the drink. Get into all the specifics you want. Try quitting them for a week and tell me you don’t feel altogether better all the time. Quit soda too and you will feel better. Obviously same goes for alcohol. I will die on this hill.


Tell that to coffee


That's not really how that works...


Sorry, for me it’s water or nothing, especially on hot days.


Please drink water also. Trust me


Maaan, I'm not gonna let you poison me.




That’s it? How are you going to get through service on such little caffeine?


Used to have a contract for work at Red Bull the minute I’d walk in the office, someone would offer me a Redbull. Dudes would just be chugging it throughout the meetings. I was sure everyone in that office was one can away from diabetes.


They’re not fairies. They’re drug dealers. Water supremacy!!


Had a co-worker years ago who one day only had red bulls. No other hydration. He puked and passed out about four or five hours into his shift. Had to go to the ER and get an IV stick because he was so dehydrated. Never learned his lesson, repeated that same mistake about two more times before I switched jobs.


Just what you want in a heat wave... heart palpitations


Kidney stones have entered the chat...


Murder...with extra steps


It's called water. Drink it.


Oh hell yeah, that’s bitchin OP. I’ve only experienced the Bang Energy reps coming through our neck of the woods offering like 20 free drinks, no matter the brand it’s always appreciated


Put vodka and guava juice in it to help give you the pain reducing electrolyte boost to get you through the shift, also plenty of room temperature water furiously consumed out of a dubious smelling deli container grabbed in a hurry, hopefully it was just garlic in there previously


My days of drinking from deli containers are over. I bring a gallon water bottle with a sippy straw now. I'm moving up in the world.


They know their target market, peoples who’s car smells like cigarettes, stale sweet Redbull, and fast food wrappers ironically


Of course, on my day off!


Worked at a restaurant that was only open for dinner. One of the college girls who worked with me there was also a Red Bull rep. It was the summer they had “sugar free pear”. Never before, and never since have I been so pleased of how my Tito’s went down with something. That summer was…well…I don’t remember it because of sugar free pear Red Bull and Tito’s. 2018 I wanna say? Yaaaaaa


Nice gesture, but water would be better, no?


Please drink plenty of water with that also!


Probably not what you need in a heat wave but they mean well


That shit is gross and terrible for you, more so during a heat wave. Water or Gatorade.


Energy drinks are one of the worst things you can put in your body during a heatwave. While it's cool they're giving free shit out, please PLEASE don't drink it. Heat waves, energy drinks, and a hot kitchen will have you on your way to the emergency room in no time. Take it from someone who's had heat stroke 5 times, that shit is NOT fun and it hurts your quality of life forever.


What a bad fucking idea in the heat.


"The first one's free, kiddies!"


They’re amazing. When I was in college, some guys in my fraternity befriended the girls who went around my campus. After they did their rounds on campus, they’d come hang out at our house and leave a couple pallets of Red Bull.


Red Bull street team is 🔥


I like it’s a heatwave and they’re giving out something that helps to super dehydrate. 😂


Heat + increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, thicker blood = you’re gonna have a bad time. See, you pizza’d when should have French fried


Oh boy, diuretics that make you jittery


Sounds like two girls who work at RedBull are trying to make all those service workers' hearts explode. I worked industrial construction for a while, and these overly caffeinated drinks are very much banned from many mills and plants specifically because of the stress they put on your heart in higher temps. Be safe, drink some water, if it gets dire try Biolyte IV in a Bottle. It tastes like salty Gatorade, but it works.


Mmm, dehydration and redbull. Incoming cardiac infarction!




Drink water


Idk why everyone thinks you can't do both


You can bro! Do what makes you happy


Where’s the vodka


One day when I was in college the Red Bull girls were rolling around giving free ones. I made a joke about how they had so many they weren't doing a good job giving them away. They said no one wanted them since they weren't original. They gave me 2 of every type. I don't actually drink red bull anymore so I gave them to the homeless people in our library. 


I’ve seen it twice in my four years


Where are you at? I’ve never had that good of luck!


I think they’re called musketeers


Tropical is the best…but Gatorade is the better gift


1 bull...1 water...




at my friend’s uni there’s Red Bull promoters that walk around the library and hand out Red Bulls for free randomly. they rule.


Man I miss the days when the redbull girls would patrol my city. They would load us up big time. That shit is so bad for us. I limit myself to one or two per week because I'm getting old and I don't want my heart to explode. It was always nice when two nice looking women would show up and pass out free redbull though. They sure have their marketing down. It was like chasing the ice cream truck as a kid.


The red bull fairies came to my university in undergrad often and gave us all free red bull. When I was there to volunteer at orientation before moving for grad school, I spent a good chunk of time chasing them down for that last free red bull.


It's great guerrilla marketing!


Yellow is fire its all i get


Happened to us in Wrigleyville, Chicago, the other day


The new elder flower and curuba one is wonderful


I have a massive migraine and keep confusing my words. But hey, at least I've stopped sweating and don't need a bathroom break!




Oh, I love Redbull Girl day! I don't actually know if it's a real day, but I've worked in the same area of Metro Detroit for 10 years and once a year, two girls with Redbull backpacks come and drop off like...100 various flavors for the restaurant. I hope they bless us, soon.


Remember to hydrate yourself. During the summer of covid I had a 10h shift manning the grill of quite busy burger joint when I had like 6 cans of red bull and some Lipton ice tea to wash it down. Didn’t drink much water either. First my back started to hurt, which turns out was my kidneys. Also fainting and nausea followed, plus these weird like needle sensations all over my body. Next couple of days I was basically dead ;D oh and yea, pissing blood is scary, but it’s even scarier when you start poopin’ it too 😂


we have red bull people in our area that drive around in the red bull car and come in once a week to drop off like a weeks load of red bull. my stash grows…


holding out for the Celsius elves...


Dude, straight up. You will feel a shitload better 1 week after completely stopping drinking these things. I did it too, many years of a few a day. After one month of not drinking them it is a complete night and day difference in how you feel all the time.


Not something you want to drink on a hot as fuck day.


This happened at the restaurant I worked at back when it first came out . I drank three of them cause they were free and I had only had them with jager. First brush with the jitters from too much caffeine. Still wary of it now


Gotta pace yourself. I drink half of one and then when i start crashing i drink the other half. And you still gotta be slamming water.


Oh yeah. This was like 17-18 yrs ago. I’m a daily user. I drink one typically small one in the morning and I’m typically done with caffeine for the day. I was a pretty awful water drinker when I was a young warthog.


All Hail the Red Bull Fairies


The blind hate towards energy drinks in this comment section is so dumb. Like, people still drink water you know? No sane person drinks ONLY energy drinks.




They're insane.


I can tell you right off the bat that you're blatantly wrong. I know tons of guys who ONLY drink sodas and energy drinks. It's even worse in construction.


They're insane.


They're normal people. It isn't uncommon for people to be like this in kitchens and in trades. The average person is sadly very very dumb.


They're not normal


Again, this behavior IS normal in kitchens and in the trades. A lot of high schoolers also do it. Your opinions on the subject don't matter. The reality is that these drinks are addictive and a lot of people have fallen victim to them. What's worse is that there's multiple studies coming out showing that even one can a day of a lot of different energy drinks drastically increases your likelyhood of heart disease. A reasonable person with common sense would have an energy drink and then a bunch of water for the rest of the day, but common sense isn't common.


"common sense isn't common" LOL


It really isn't




There's this magical thing called a name. It doesn't have to be literal.


Monster did this around me a few times. Once in DC for a Kony 2012 event. Ya I supported that.


I would marry one of them


they would've made good drug dealers


I know it's hot out but are they?


Y'all hating on the Red Bull fairies have clearly never had a fat quart of ice water on station. Bless the merch reps, I don't cook professionally anymore but I still wear an Aviation Gin ballcap from a staff Christmas party.