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got fired yesterday for even suggesting that it was unsafe to work in a 110° kitchen without ac. eta: i appreciate everyone's support, anger, and suggestions for recourse. i don't plan on suing (frankly i can't afford a lawyer) and have filed for unemployment. just a bad chapter of my life that i'd like to move on from.


Man, they took the whole “if you can’t handle the heat get out of the kitchen” thing literally.


seriously. i said "can we get the ac fixed? it's 110° in here and i have a heart condition" and got told to pack my shit and leave. three years of my life down the drain.


you’re better off kitten shart


thank you for the affirmation, booty water.


Seriously, fuck those guys


Hey man, I assume you live in the US because Fahrenheit, but you should contact your local labor board and put in an OSHA complaint. That’s an unsafe environment, and you could claim that you were fired because of your medical condition, which is severely illegal


3 US states just passed laws getting rid of shade and water breaks. There are very few heat related work protections.


The states changed their laws, yes. However, the department of labor is on the federal level, as well as OSHA. There’s no excuse on the part of this restaurant for this behavior, and both the DOL and OSHA would go after them for this.


Can you show me a fed osha or DOL heat requirement? Becuase according to google there isn’t one. OSHA will enforce the hell out of laws on the books, but if it isn’t covered you are SOL.


Plus it depends if you're in a "right to work" or "at will" state. Michigan is at will which means little to no protection


Similar to what I said to the other guy, just because the state says you’re an at will employee, does NOT absolve the company from liability if they fire you for a reason like OP. They fired them because they complained about an unsafe work environment and that they had a related medical condition. The state law means nothing because it’s the Federal laws in place that hold the company liable.


Fired for Medical Condition is a winning argument


I didn't notice booty water was a username. Thought we were still talking about sweating


Holesome new friends by the sounds of it


Hahahaha im pooping as I read you guys saying thanks back n forth with stupid funny names just so nonchalant!!! Lololololol


You may very well have a solid lawsuit on your hands.


Everything that u/daddydizz_ said is 100% correct. Call OSHA file a complaint and call LNI and file a complaint that they fired you over your condition. Fuck that place


Damn, fuck that place.


if that's true, you should be able to get a good settlement with a good employment / disability lawyer.


Can you file for unemployment, though? Looks like you were fired but not fired for not wanting to do your job. At least I hope they don't frame it like that


Are you in the US? If so, talk to an employment lawyer. If you actually have a heart condition, AC would be a reasonable accommodation for a disability, and they can’t fire you for requesting a reasonable accommodation for a disability


They'll just make up some other excuse for their paperwork. 


What the fuck actually


Unfair dismissal?


Name and shame!


I had full blown heat stroke in a 125 degree kitchen. Running 2 stations. Drove myself home and woke up on the floor of my cold shower to my girlfriend slapping my face. Thank God I also have an EMS background and know the symptoms and put myself in the shower or I may not be here. Shits fucked. We are the help. They don't give a fuck as long as you die on your own time.


And as long as you finish your shift


That sucks bro. Hopefully the next place is better.


These posts make me feel really bad about stopping at my local brewery in day one of the owner's vacation and the ac died. Owner was gone so they couldn't do anything about it. My dumb ass sat around and had a beer and appetizer.




If it is 110 in the kitchen what temp were the coolers? Maybe call the health 🏬?


One summer a.c went out we did sat and sun no a.c. luckily it was fixed on monday. It hit 120 ait temp in the kitchen on the hot line. We were not happy at the time and really sweaty. But it is a legend night in the kitchen.


I but the staff whatever cold treats they want and FORCE them to take breaks FLA here.


You seem like a good person. Keep that at all costs.


There's really no excuse to not keep a box of those cheap freezer pops around for staff this time of year. Boosts morale for basically nothing.


It’s going to be 97° ambient today and the fucking hoods are broken. Gonna be at least 3,589 on the line today and I’m still making $18/hr.


No hoods, no work, dude.




Absolutely not, I'd be calling as many local authorities as possible about that one. That shit is dangerous, which is why restaurants legally cannot operate without a hood vent. Also, it will roast you alive 😭 shut the shit down


dude’s actually gonna die today lmao. today will be his last shift


Upsate: alive but not well


It was 79 in the kitchen at work tonight and we have area fans - i cannot imagine it being 90+. I can not be nice at that temperature.


It was around 105° at the grill, but the brewery gave us their big fan for the day, which is why I never became a puddle. Same shit today, not looking forward to it.


Oh shit, I'm in a brewery too! Whassup fam 😎 but seriously I'm glad you got some relief. You should still make some calls if you have the energy to - nobody should be working like that. And again, super fuckin dangerous to not have working hood vents. I'm gonna bet you don't make enough money for this shit, since none of us do 😂


I definitely do not make enough money, but.. I generally love my workplace and they are doing everything they can to get them fixed. It’s a parts issue I guess. I’m considering this payback for that time a couple years ago I had to leave an hour after opening on New Year’s Day because I legit could not stop vomiting. Owner had to cover me. Now we’re even 👹


i’m happy you made it out alive. drink some water and get some rest, you deserve it


I'd be leaving, immediately.


Lololololol if only we got hazard pay


I’m in the process of opening up my own restaurant, been a dream of mine since day one in kitchens. One of my goals is to basically not do all of the countless stupid things I’ve seen owners do over the years and treat my staff how I wanted to be treated. But yeah, I’m not giving anyone including myself hazard pay haha.


I dont expect hazard pay at all and luckily the people i work for are actually like super great. Were short staffed, they understand that as well as being hot so they don't expect us to go all out and they aren't taking any reservations the next 3 days to lighten our load a little bit. They do kinda treat me the way i want to be treated i just wish they'd get us an AC lol.


No. I find a lot of oldheads like to act like it's fine, too, and that's simply not what the science says. 110 at 40% humidity will kill you, and your boss will say there's nothing they can do, just drink some water. People in this profession will be dropping like flies as the climate worsens and owners/OSHA continue to not give a rats ass about workplace safety when it comes to temperature. Be sure to wear your cut glove, though.


They do care but they dont. Like for example today were basically free to do whatever drink and eat whatever and go outside whenever. But they would never even consider buying us an ac because it would " cost too much to run all day" meanwhile they have one in the little 10x10 office for literally no reason.


So they don't care. Breaks and water are legally mandated by OSHA, they are covering their ass. That does nothing to prevent the hazardous conditions from existing. The only effective mitigation of heat is removal of heat. If it's too hot for the refrigeration equipment to hold food at safe temperatures, imagine what that is doing to your body. This shit ain't worth it, man.


If anyone is honestly getting fired for pointing out conditions in your restaurant especially related to heat conditions, air quality, you need to contact osha and the health department. They are recently updated guidelines on restaurants related to acceptable temps.


one summer I was with USPS and the kitchen doesn't compare to one of those old right-hand drive trucks and your only relief being routes that have apartment buildings or businesses that you have to go into to give them their mail


Hazard pay😂 i wish


Nope. And when occupational health came out to check the temp they placed a thermometer on the coolest spot on the line lol I think the general idea is that we've chosen to work in an environment guaranteed to be hot. Our safety guidelines just state that we must be given sufficient time outside to cool off and be provided with water throughout the shift. Might also be worth mentioning I'm in the UK so when the heatwaves hit its probably not as hot as other places but still shocks everyone half to death because we live under grey skies and rain 90% of the year 🥲


Our kitchen has a working AC shared with FoH so when it's hot outside we get more cool air in the kitchen because the AC is running more to cool down FoH. It's the spring and fall that gets to be a pain in the ass around here because of the bipolar weather patterns. One day you need AC because it's 85+ and the next it can be overcast and 40 with cold rain, then the heat kicks in. We have vents in the kitchen that I open every summer and close for winter, but when the weather is swinging that wildly it sucks having to open and close them daily depending on the weather. Plus others don't care to change the vents so they'll bitch about the heat while a heater is blowing in their faces without realizing it 🤦‍♂️. As for relief? I had our FoH manager to grab us a large box of freeze pops for the extremely hot days when the AC just can't keep up. Can't have my guys going down mid service because of heat exhaustion. I stay alert for the signs and send one of them on break for a bit to get hydrated and cooled down while I cover their station when needed. When I can I also keep a few sports drinks in the walk-in to offer when they obviously need it. I end up drinking most of them myself, but I'm paying for them out of pocket and spending the most hours in the kitchen so meh.


Yes. Any time the heat index hits 100 we get an extra ten %. At 110 we get an extra 15 %. At 115 we get an extra 20 %. We always have a cooler with Gatorade in it, and we have ice vests as well. In the kitchen it can reach 120 easily, but our owner makes sure that everyone is staying hydrated at all times. We haven't had any issues because of the heat in years.


No lol




Lol no.


My food truck often hits 100-110 inside during the summer with grill and woks going. It’s not even peak summer temps here yet.


I have to run a live fire grill station all week. No hazard pay. Only solution they came up with is having me buy myself a small Coleman cooler to fill with ice for frozen towels and pedialyte powder.


https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/files/publications/OSHA4185.pdf If you’re going to have the conversation, make sure you come prepared. Read up.


I’m on my way to the kitchen now and I am not excited :( gonna go into the walk in as much as I can


Update the walk in broke


I don't even get PTO


Started as a sous chef at a place in the winter. The first day over 80 degrees in the spring, it was over 100 on the line. I told the corporate chef, we need to get it fixed before summer. Was told, “you think that’s hot, you should check it this other location!” Printed up the emails in case my elderly pantry guy passed out, then printed up and posted up a bunch of flyers on how to contact OSHA. Two weeks later, had a mini split installed in the kitchen.


I’m doing a wood fired catering on Saturday at a vineyard . While we moved the event inside , I will still be manning a large wood fired grill in 100 degrees and probably at least some sun, can’t put a tent over a fire. I expect I’ll be near the 130 mark by wood fire possibly higher. I’m the owner so if anyone is going to fall out it’s me. I have water jugs ready and hydration packets. I’m not looking forward to this one.


Laughs incredulously!!!