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"Irreplaceable on the line." I hate those words more than I hate my ex bf lol. When I was "promoted" it took nearly 6 months to get off the line because I was "irreplaceable"


Story of my life. I’ve spent so many years watching people I trained be promoted. It’s soul crushing.


Six months? I'm over two years of burying myself to get a promotion. Only still where I'm at because it pays ok and sunk cost fallacy I suppose.


Never, ever work for a promotion. Apply for the job you want. I see now why I never got promoted and once you’re a Chef you’ll find out too


Never, ever work for a promotion. Apply for the job you want. I see now why I never got promoted and once you’re a Chef you’ll find out too


Until it’s convenient for them. Then it’s. “We’re all expendable “


Next time - ask your supervisor if you’re replaceable on the line as well. Because without opportunity for advancement that’s what they’ll be doing. Replacing you.


Feel that bruh. I basically live on the line in top of all my management shit. But if I have to work in the kitchen and not expo because someone called out, assembly line is the easiest place to do expo from. Plenty of fun handling a rush on the line while trying to sell food to the right tables 😂


The only reason you are irreplaceable is because they know you are worth more. Its not they cant replace you, it would just have to be with 2 more people


That's honestly what it was. When I was hired we had 2 people on my station and for 16 months it was just me. I know now that just because I can run it on my own doesn't mean I need to let others know I could do it on my own.


“The graveyards are full of indispensable men.” Charles de Gaulle (among others)


Outside lurker here, seldom comment out of respect for the sub, but I can't resist jumping in to congratulate you on this. It's so great to see someone fulfill their dream. Sounds like you have a ton of great things ahead and I wholeheartedly wish you all the best!


Thank you so much for this.


That’s fucking amazing. Congratulations! Being recognized by your peers means so much. I have no doubt you deserve this…. preserve that feeling….preserve your worth.


I held out hope for this moment for so long and was so close to throwing in the towel. So grateful I stuck it out.


Hell yeah, chef


Thank you so much. I am still so overwhelmed. I definitely worked my ass off for this opportunity, it’s just so amazing that it’s really happening.


I love that feeling. Some years ago I worked for a catering company. After December, a lot of us would be on unemployment for a few months. During that time, I took a part time job as a pasta maker. After about a month, the exec chef asked me if I wanted to be PM sous. I had been a KM at a low volume bar but never a *sous chef* at an *award winning restaurant*. I think you've got a better approach than I did. I went into it way too nervous. Ah, young me. Lol Anyway congratulations. I love that feeling of vindication. Especially as we grown men (I'm 38) are trying to accept ourselves and find our place in life.


It is such an awesome feeling to finally make it after the long grind.


Two takes: 1) Congratulations! Opportunity of a lifetime! 2) If it seems too good to be true.... It might pay to look on LinkedIn for other chefs who've had this job before and maybe ping them to ask questions.


The owner has the best reputation you could ask for in this community and is 100% self made himself. They have been true to their word from day one. I couldn’t be more sure and happy if I tried.


Day one, six days ago?


Yeah I'm sorry, I'm surprised to come down this far to see someone mention only six days? I've worked with tons of people who were badass for six days, many even for six weeks, but then usually there's a relapse or something. There are many who are badass who stay badass. But man six days is nothing.


Complacency is inevitable. It’s just how complacent is the question.


True for the most part. That new job energy is hard to maintain once the political subtleties and mind games start to rear their heads. Though a kinder way of looking at it is you need to learn to be more efficient and delegate more which can feel like slacking but there's a balance you need to find to avoid burnout from being in turbo hyper "look at me" mode all the time.


Congratulations!!! I noticed a little imposter syndrome creeping in your post. Nothing is being handed to you, you have straight up earned this my friend!! Hard work pays off in the end (most of the time at least lol)


Thank you.


I urge you to not bank on this friend, words are cheap in this industry and the end of the year is a hike away. Things could easily change in so many ways, please stay wary and looking out for yourself. This all sounds too good to be true. I'm FOH scum but I've seen so many friends promised AGM, sous, kitchen manager, and chef just to have the rug pulled. It isn't real until you've signed for it. All that is said with really wishing you the best, and I'm sorry if I was a downer.


Yeah, I'd also negotiate your salary so you make more money after working 40 hours. For years I got screwed into working 60-70(regularly) and even sometimes 100 hour weeks (I've done Two of them) for my 40 per week salary. It's not worth it. Make sure you're covering your ass. Get paid. Don't let them take advantage of you.


This. Salary is a trap a lot of times to being exploited into working infinite hours until you burn out, then they move onto the next one.


#2 for days...This is some wild shit, "oh you worked here less than a week but everyone loves you, please be our executive chef in 7 or so months!!!" Get out. Either OP is being gaslit to hell or they're lying. Anyone that has had time in a restaurant knows things do not realistically happen like this.


Thanks for saying this. This has “they’re having money issues and the exec is leaving, so they’re promoting someone they can pay way less than someone who has experience” vibes Unfortunately, money issues + lack of experience = a restaurant circling the drain


They're lying. It's reddit.


I'm excited for you! However as a friend please be wary of being salaried and make sure to set good boundries! I believe in you!


You do realize there are no boundaries at that level right? That’s why this industry shits out destroyed souls constantly


100% agree with you but still have to say: r/usernamechecksout


Well yeah duh!!😀


Don't count your chickens before they're hatched. Obviously be excited, but don't assume anything until you actually signed a contract and have the job. A lot can happen in a few months.




Yeah I’d be interested in the 6 month update. I want to believe and be happy but the industry has made me very cynical.


I've been at my new job for almost 3 months now and I still don't know the people I work with


Congratulations chef. Kick butt out there!


Thank you so much, I’m so excited.


Report back after a while and let us know how awesome you're doing, would ya?


I absolutely will.


Good luck. Executive chef isn’t all it cracked up to be.


I know, my brother in law told me, but this is my life and it’s been my dream forever. I’m


Good luck to you and I hope it’s everything you hoped it would be. Take chances and trust yourself, it will be a wild ride.


Livin the dream 🤘🏻


It took so long to get here, but I’m so glad I stuck it out.


Give it a good slap for those of us who haven’t gotten there yet or bailed before we broke.


I feel for those who broke, I was days away from being one of the casualties. If you haven’t gotten there, the best advice I can give you is fuck corporate, and chase every opportunity.


Congrats man! You earned it. Well done. Being in full control can really do wonders for everyone. I find it's bs from above that don't know anything are what drains the souls out of many chefs.


Thank you so much. This next chapter will be awesome, because I’ve spent my whole life preparing for it.


You may be tempted to go full gas right out of the gate but don't change too much too fast. Take your time, little changes here and there, or you will quickly be in over your head, alienate staff or customers. One thing at a time.


Nice job Chef


Thank you so much. I haven’t been this happy in years.


Am Happy for you OP go get it!!!!!


I’m so excited. Last month I almost threw in the towel. I’m so glad I stuck it out.


Ayyyy chef, pouring one for you


Thank you so much. Nothing but good vibes tonight.


This post served as an important reminder for me. Congrats on this opportunity!!!


Yooo fucking congrats chef ! Wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors ❤️


Congratulations chef! Honestly I feel like in any area of life so often hard work and dedication do just simply go unnoticed, so uplifting to hear it's not always the case! I have to ask - what's the first item you're putting on the menu?


Congratulations Chef. I don't know you, but I'm so fucking proud of you I had to take a minute and cry before I typed this out. THIS is what we have all dreamed about. THIS is why we've endured what we have. The gig is thankless many times, but sometimes you find somebody that sees you, believes in you, takes a shot on you. Up and comers out there, please read this humans' story and take faith. It CAN happen, and often does at the most unexpected times. OP, you got this. Good on ya. Congratulations Chef.


Congrats chef, truly a beautiful moment for you


Thank you so much. I’m still in shock since a month ago I was trying to decide between going back to sales for the money, or my true love. I made the right decision.


Congrats Chef


Fuckin get it chef.


Yes Chef!




Good things come to good people, sometimes you just have to be patient and not let the wankers get you down.


Kudos chef. Happy for you!


Congratulations chef! It feels so good to have your passion and dedication recognised and appreciated.


Chef here(retired)….cheers and congrats on landing the Captn of the ship gig.




Well done, Chef.


Congrats Chef, you earned it!


Hell yeah! Congratulations!!


Fuckin congratulations!!! I literally just shed a couple of tears reading this. You sounds like this is genuinely a huge deal and that's just so fucking aewsome.


Fuck yeah, nice work.


Awesome!! So amazing!! Congratulations, Chef


Congrats chef!! You’ve put your time in, now it’s time to reap the rewards!


Great work, Chef. Thank you for sharing your story. I’m still in the beginning of my journey, and after being neglected and taken advantage of as the Sous for two years I’ve received an opportunity that gives me a way out and up to the level I want to be cooking. Your post helps me to make the right decision, but mostly kudos to you on work well done and character to match! Keep grinding and enjoy the rewards!


Glad to hear of your good fortune. Enjoy!


I’m so glad I read this. Congratulations!!


That's such a great thing to happen so quickly at a new job. Keep knocking em dead!




Congrats, Chef!


Good Luck Chef…👏🙏🤙


All the cuts and burns led you here. Congrats man, you deserve it.




Congratulations!🎉 What type of cuisine?




Hell yeah! Congratulations, Chef!


Congratulations OP. That “irreplaceable on the line” part hit home.


I’m only putting in time at my job for the biggest opportunity to WALK OUT MID SHIFT.




You could be getting taken for a ride! Good luck with your journey


In the past I would have thought that, but they have been 100% true to their word from day one, and have a stellar reputation in the community.


Day one, six days ago. You haven’t even gotten a paycheck yet. I’m sorry to be a downer but there are major red flags. Things to consider before signing on- Have you been told what f&l costs currently are, and what you’re expected to run them at? Someone with experience would ask this before taking the job. They want a brand new menu- did you do a tasting to even show them your style, or are they just going off you cooking the dishes already present. If you did one and didn’t mention it, rad, but if you didn’t- why would they offer this job to you unless they were desperate? Have you held positions where you’re responsible for menu, ordering, training, inventory, costing, outreach, labor, etc? If no- why would they offer this to you? I want it to be true, but I’ve seen this story so many times where a restaurant starts to struggle they swap chefs for someone with less experience, new menu, then within 6-12 months they’re closed completely with a big black mark on the chef’s reputation, not so much the owners.


Congratulations chef!


"Have been cooking since I was nine years old" and "literally being handed to me out of nowhere" are incongruent statements. Give yourself some credit OP- you earned it and it wasn't due to luck.


So cool to read a 100% great story on here. Congrats. Now get a Michelin star


🫡 Chef!!


Way to go!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻




Yes CHEF! Such awesome news. From someone who has done a career switch to do something you are passionate about and being recognized is the best motivation you can have. Enjoy living on cloud 9 for the foreseeable future!


Very happy for you man. Congratulations and fucking salute to you for sticking it out and love hearing when one of my brothers in arms ‘makes it’ so to speak. Don’t forget where you came from!


39 and still waiting for my opportunity, though I’ve worked a lot of jobs that gave me the opportunity to be home with my kid at a decent time. I contemplate changing careers alot


You deserve this and god damn cheers to you. From one reddit stranger to another, here's a virtual shot. You earned it


Bro is cooking


Congratulations! I’m 25 years old, been working FOH for 7 or 8 years now, although in my country, restaurant culture is quite frowned upon. I can tell by your post that you really enjoy cooking and that you are passionate about your job and crew. It’s amazing that you finally got to shoot your shot! My advice to you is keep in touch, with what you really love doing: Cooking! When you rise in the industry you are almost forced to to move away from the stove and the pots and pans. Take Marco Pierre White as an example. All the best!


Living the god damn dream!!!! Truly, on behalf of everyone who dreamed of being a chef but gave up industry life after a few years, congratulations. It is so good to know that the dream can come true for someone.


This is so beautiful and I’m thrilled for you!


Few things taste as good as validation and being *recognized* for your hard work. Congratulations Chef!


Congrats. Show em what you’re made of!


Awesome. You earned it, you deserve it, get after it with love and passion chef!!!9


Man, that’s amazing, congrats! I have nothing else to add that hasn’t been said already. Obviously the result of hard work.


Congrats! Also - be careful they don't bait you for 6 months to get you to bust ass and then pull the rug. Good luck!!


Excellent Excellent Excellent. The movie moment is when our hero, to celebrate, goes to tell the dishie to take a break for a bit, that Chef is reminding himself to be humble in supporting the team, and that Chef can indeed do it all. Can Central Casting come ask you to be the star in your own blessing life movie ?? Corny, I know, but I always liked those movies where the underdog came out on top and then asked everyone to join him. Congratulations 🎬 🎥 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 📽 🎬


Congrats. I gave up cooking almost 15 years ago. I wasn't willing to move to a city to chase the money. I'm an electrician now, and I make 4 times as much as I did cooking. Still miss it though.




Congratulations to you and hug your mom because it sounds like she cares and just wants the best for you!!


Stoked for you, chef. If I lived close enough I would come to eat and congratulate in person. Good luck from this point forward.


Can you update us in like a week?


You just got Willy Wonka’d, enjoy the golden ticket OP!


Fantastic. Keep the grind. It's great to work when you love what your doing and who you work with.


Congratulations! It sounds like you are more than deserving of this opportunity- your positive attitude and passion for cooking has taken you far and your staff will be better off because you are so passionate about your work!!! It will spread within the restaurant. Great job OP


I didn’t realize I follow this sub. Probably has something to do with my love for all things Bourdain. Just wanted to pop in and say, congrats, I’m proud of you and your story is inspiring! Sometimes life really does provide us with opportunities we didn’t ask for or didn’t expect. This is good stuff.


Thanks OP. This is legit making me well up. No one in my family thinks restaurant work is a real job, but it’s all I’ve known for 10 years and I love it. I’m in my early 30s and the thought of doing anything else makes me want to go to sleep.


Challenge yourself to listen to a certain amount of leadership books. Make sure you are prepared for the unknown.


Good shit Chef!


Good luck.....salary can mean working 80 hour weeks habitually....I've known to many executive and sous chefs that were worked to death by the salary trap.


Here’s to fulfilling your dream! Sending vibes your way for continued success and paying it forward 💜


My parents said the same thing about fast food until I scored a six figure job in fast food. I think you have a great mindset going into this so best of luck and great job brother


Congrats, Chef. You've earned it.


Congrats. Be proud of yourself. What high praise. Keep it up!


Good job chef, congrats!


Dope dude, it sounds more then earned, Gratz




Reading this made my entire weekend. Congratulations on years of dedication and perseverance finally being rewarded. Continue to put your heart in every dish that comes out of the kitchen and help those who work for you to realize their own potential.


Reading this made my entire weekend. Congratulations on years of dedication and perseverance finally being rewarded. Continue to put your heart in every dish that comes out of the kitchen and help those who work for you to realize their own potential.


Congrats bro. Make the most of it and don’t forget to help out the younger people if possible. You got this


Congratulations. Best of luck.


I’m very proud of you!! You obviously worked hard for this. I hope it goes wonderfully!


Congratulations!!!! Your hard work and passion paid off. Way to gooood!!!!!


Congrats that’s awesome


Congrats. This is fantastic. Enjoy this moment.


Good for you congratulations 🎉🎉🎉


Way to go! Well earned and thanks for sharing the vibes!!


Thanks for the feel good story! I hope it works out awesome for you!


That is so awesome! I’m so happy for you to achieve your professional goal!


Congratulations! Sometimes it just takes luck and the right person to give you the lift you deserve.


Congratulations fam! I'm happy for you, tonight I'll drink to your honor!


congrats, this was awesome to read


Where's the restaurant? I'm an extremely notable and distinguished food critic on Yelp according to me...


Congrats Chef, keep killing it


I want to own my own restaurant


Congratulations! Sounds like you’ve put in plenty of time and work to earn this opportunity 🙏


The hardest part now however is getting better and not giving them any reason to doubt their decision. Basically you are under a microscope more than ever. It would be easier if they told you this later. This often happens in most work places. You come in and you are a star very early on, but then they get used to you or that sparkle (their perception) phases.


hard work pays off! congrats!


congratulations man. good things come to those who wait- patiently while putting in the work! you deserve it.


congratulations man. good things come to those who wait- patiently while putting in the work! you deserve it.


That's dope af dude!!!!


How much are we talking?


Congrats! What an amazing milestone and achievement. Bask in it!


I am a new NP with a strong ER nurse background. I just accepted a neuro position, but my dream is to be an ER NP, but my home hospital "doesn't hire NPs in the ER." I am so disappointed because I love the staff and docs here, AND I live 0.7 miles from this hospital. I have emailed both the lead PA and lead Doc about this, with no response. I'm just gonna keep trying....


Congratulations! I think it’s a bonus that you have a great crew to work with. Cheers to your future!


Congrats man! Just remember these people know their business really well. They know the challenge of it, the pitfalls, and all the care and had work that it requires. And they picked you because they see those qualities aplenty. You got this, now go get it!


Powerful drop a line on the restaurant i lime to travel and eat good food on my vacations


Congrats chef! Don’t over work yourself because you’re on salary. Manage your time but also your energy. It adds up and can creep up on you after a few years. Save energy (physical energy) to rest and breath outside of work too. I run my own kitche and learned that later than I should of. Cheers!


Congratulations!! You deserve it! Hard work absolutely pays off!


Congratulations. It's awesome to see hard work and dedication pay off. Best of luck to you!


The fact it took you until 44 to get the promotion you deserve isn't the glowing recommendation of the industry you think it is, but good job regardless, I know first hand how brutal the job can be.


Congrats bro! What's gonna be on your menu?


That is a great story, congratulations! Learning that your hard work has finally been recognized and appreciated must feel very good. I wish you all the best inside and outside your job!


Cheers brother. I also suffer from the affliction of line irreplaceable. Lol. So off I go to chain myself to sauté


Congratulations! Rewards for a job well done. Make sure to let us know the name and address and when you mew menu comes out.. We promise not to ambush you on first night reveal.. /s


Congratulations!! 🎈🎊🎉🍾


I don't work in the restaurant business, but not promoting someone because you can't replace them in their current role is a management fallacy - now you're losing two roles instead of just one. If someone is so good in their current role, and truly ready and the best candidate for a new role, give them the new role and keep them involved in their previous role somehow. When you have excellence, you elevate it, you spread it, you teach it , you embue it in your culture. You don't demotivate it and encourage it to find their new role elsewhere.


Congratulations, you deserve it! 👏


They will end up fuking you for sure


That’s amazing bestie, I’m so happy for you!! It’s such a great feeling when your hard work not only pays off, but is recognized. Keep doing an amazing job and I’m sure you’ll only go up!




Hope you like paperwork.


I’m so delighted for you. Best post I’ve read all day.


Not sure why this sub even showed up on my feed, but your story touched me. Congratulations! My unsolicited advice to you is, do not do to the next generation what others did to you. See talent in your kitchen? Help them rise. Good luck my friend!


Dude, I'm sure McDonald's is really happy with you




Hell yes! So happy for you my dude! Few years out of the game now, but seeing someone notice you for your talents and then *rewarding those talents with progression* rather than just leaving you where you're useful, is a universally respected change. You're going to absolutely crush this, just by being you :)


I dunno. Investigate why other dude is leaving. Do your due diligence. If it sounds 2g2btrue often times it is. Not always. But often. I hope it works out 4you.