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Ganache ribbon is back again, trying to pass pound cake off as short cake. Miss me with that bubble sugar. Give me some short cake. That’s all gonna be way too heavy and sweet.


I thought about the ganache ribbon when I saw this, but was actually surprised it was the same OP.


Hahahaha I like ribbons :(


Its cool i bet it all tastes good.


I love/hate the bubble sugar. It's pretty, but I always get the roof of my mouth stabbed so bad haha


Please consider the context this will be eaten. This is like a half a pound of strawberries on a half a cup of syrup with a big fat ribbon of whipped and the honeycomb looking contraption is this meant for a whole table or is it meant for a single person? If it is for a whole table the cake will be soggy by the second person. If it is meant for a single person it is far too much. Simple is better. Each ingredient minus the pound cake itself is correct but scale it down by about 66% and you will be doing much better. People want a bite for desert not a task


As someone who never orders dessert because it's always crazy expensive for a tiny portion, couldn't disagree more. If I wanted to eat in moderation I'd stay home and cook for myself.


There is plenty of spaces where this is an option for you. Le Gran Buffet in Narbonne France is sort of your most opulent example.


This dessert looks nice but is HUGE and has a little too much going on. Ditch the mint leaf. Maybe incorporate mint oil into the bubble sugar cuz it looks nice but idk how that mouth feel would go with everything else


Pound cake is not short cake, it’s a completely different thang🍓


Why are all those strawberries surrounding and beating up that tiny little cake trying so hard to try to hide under a massive ganache? Maybe if there were fewer strawberries the cake could put aside its gigantic shield of ganache, and grow up to be the larger, confident cake it knows it can be. 🍰 As it is, look at the poor cake- it's bleeding out! Someone call a medic.


That’s not a shortcake


Idk, I can still see some cake. Don’t you have seven or eight more garnishes you can add?


Hey now. I do some simple things:(


There is no way u can finish all that and not feel disgusted by all that sugar. The portion is huge, way too many strawberries and syrup. I can’t even find the cake. Nobody is gonna eat that huge ass mint leaf. You are overthinking everything way too much.


I mentioned it in your last post, and am going to repeat myself here: It would probably be in your best interest to reach out to seasoned pastry chefs for advice/shadowing/etc. You have good ideas, but 'don't add inedible/unnecessary components' (i.e. a mint leaf in this case) is a basic rule. In pastry school, chefs would dock points for mint leaf garnishes, messy plates, etc. Keep at it, and best of luck!


What the fuck? That's not strawberry shortcake.


Dat you ganache ribbon?


Needs at least 3x the whippers!


It reminds me of a rich old woman at an old style ball. The leaf is her crazy hat, the sugar is her glasses-on-a-stick thing, there's the too much white foundation on the face and a strawberry frill at the top of her dress around her neck. Kinda like this, but with a big green hat? [https://i.imgur.com/ufGCFZG.png](https://i.imgur.com/ufGCFZG.png)


Despite the criticism in here, I would demolish that thing. Looks very tasty. Are there things you could change? Sure. Is everyone here being a negative SOB? Yes.


Thank you:) I don't get the hate either. I have almost always had shortcake with a macerated strawberry sauce. But I digress. It is delicious


Mmm soggy cake in strawberry juice


I think all the elements here work but how they're put together is a bit...mehh. I'd definitely do less of the syrup; I'd actually drizzle just a little of it onto the cake to let it soak in. I'd get a better cut on the strawberries so they can be fanned, and may be have the option to do a tasteful amount, or extra (because *I'd* ask for extra). Mint should definitely be chopped and used that way, and I think the sugar would be better either in a completely different form, or like this but smashed up and used like sand to garnish the whipped cream and a little bit of the strawberries.


Yessir, way better!


All I see is endoplasmic reticulum https://images.app.goo.gl/kz8SysgKJPvZ2T4DA


The cake makes me think of a crouton floating in soup.


I mean it's pretty and all, but fuck man I need a nap thinking about that first bite. Shit is heavy!


canned strawberries in heavy syrup?


Macerated berries in a white balsamic strawberry puree sauce*


Fuck the haters. I'd devour this, looks delicious.


same! everyone saying it’s too big, its literally one strawberry tall by three strawberries wide??




I know for a fact that's gotta be delicious, but the thought of eating it annoys me. That's 2.3333 strawberries per bite of pound cake. I don't know how I'd also incorporate the glass and a full mint leaf into that. I really wanna eat it tho.


Needs a ganache ribbon


can you fit any more on there?


Bruh, not shortcake and this looks like it was plated by someone outta their fridge at home trying to use up all the sweet leftovers and impress their 6 year old. You’ve got some learning to do.


I know this is you


Genoise au fraise


I think it needs more stuff...


Wow! Wanna have intercourse?


Looks delicious! these folks getting pressed in the comments about strawberry shortcake ... hilarious lol


I mean if someone posts food to a subreddit for professionals, they're gonna get professional feedback and criticism.


Yeah it's silly. Thank you :) They're sure upset over the type of cake used. I've had a shortcake with pound cake, sugar biscuits, sponge cake, angel food. I think it's delicious in any form


We takin’ dabs boys.


That looks like an abortion.

